That's a real shame because Art of Rally is a cool little game. Its one of those games that is difficult but when it clicks and you string some good corners together it feels great. Hope they fix the game pass issues with it soon.The graphic option in Art of Rally on game pass PC is somewhat fucked. Can't change country (stuck in Afgnaistan) and can't change graphics (stuck on low). Feels like a lot of devs just dumps their games on windows store/game pass PC and move on.
Edit: christ, can't change most of the settings, neither my controller (xbone) nor kb/m works.
Edit 2: the minute I press "shuffle" (which I assume is the button to start playing), the game crashes
Is this a good time for me to flex my December 2021 Deck reservation?
December bros!Is this a good time for me to flex my December 2021 Deck reservation?
She says as she leaves the room while still watching you.hyped for BG3
Uh oh. I was just about to pull the trigger on it. Please give more impressions as you go.I am 4h into Horizon Zero Dawn and while i am enjoying story and some gameplay mechanics i must say that i am bit disappointed by quests. People complained about Witcher Sense in Witcher 3 and here you are using same gameplay mechanic even more. Most quest are either fetch quests or go find some poor lost soul and help it. I am still early into the game so i won't judge it yet but in this 4h i was showered in those quests. Also i must say that so far i am not impressed by visuals in this opening area, we will see how other areas will look. All in all i kinda expected more based on that PS4 hype.
Horizon Zero Dawn it's indistinguishable from a tower clearing Ubisoft game send messageUh oh. I was just about to pull the trigger on it. Please give more impressions as you go.
I will try XDUh oh. I was just about to pull the trigger on it. Please give more impressions as you go.
So far i am sticking to high ground and precision bow XDCombat against machines is where HZD truly shines. There are some epic battles to be had believe me.
Yeah, it reminds me of my salary.For some reason 2.4k seems like a lot and then when your on Twitter and see it as 2,400 it doesn't seem as much.
I bounced off of H:ZD after about 6 hours as i found it boring. Its lovely to look at and and I like the world building but just found the actual playing of it dull. Probably done too many 3rd person open world games and am i bit tired of them, plus RDR2 was the last open world game i played and thats a high bar.I am 4h into Horizon Zero Dawn and while i am enjoying story and some gameplay mechanics i must say that i am bit disappointed by quests. People complained about Witcher Sense in Witcher 3 and here you are using same gameplay mechanic even more. Most quest are either fetch quests or go find some poor lost soul and help it. I am still early into the game so i won't judge it yet but in this 4h i was showered in those quests. Also i must say that so far i am not impressed by visuals in this opening area, we will see how other areas will look. All in all i kinda expected more based on that PS4 hype.
This is hilarious.hyped for BG3
This is hilarious.
I wonder what's going on there. Some script saying that her eyes have to look in a certain direction / at the other character and the IK doing its best to try and make that happen against all odds?
yeah, it definitely seems like she IS supposed to keep looking at the player while walking awayMagie ist Physik durch Wollen.
But I thought the same, some script that defined that her eyes had to be on the guy and the programmer probably tried to do a look over the shoulder thing, while the engine bruteforced the easiest solution
All my rarest achievements are from Knockout City, I guess noone plays that shit anymore![]()
The most obscure Steam achievements
If you have one of these, you belong to an incredibly elite group: the
A fun article
Let me just warn you.I am 4h into Horizon Zero Dawn and while i am enjoying story and some gameplay mechanics i must say that i am bit disappointed by quests. People complained about Witcher Sense in Witcher 3 and here you are using same gameplay mechanic even more. Most quest are either fetch quests or go find some poor lost soul and help it. I am still early into the game so i won't judge it yet but in this 4h i was showered in those quests. Also i must say that so far i am not impressed by visuals in this opening area, we will see how other areas will look. All in all i kinda expected more based on that PS4 hype.
I kinda hope they just leave this particular bug in the game. It fits so perfectly with the "won't always be watching" line.This is hilarious.
I wonder what's going on there. Some script saying that her eyes have to look in a certain direction / at the other character and the IK doing its best to try and make that happen against all odds?
Don’t usually care too much about achievements but it would be cool if there were a tool that lists the rarest achievements on your Steam account![]()
The most obscure Steam achievements
If you have one of these, you belong to an incredibly elite group: the
A fun article
This article reminded me that I need to re-install the Stanley Parable to get that achievement. Also to give it a replay, such a good game.![]()
The most obscure Steam achievements
If you have one of these, you belong to an incredibly elite group: the
A fun article
Time on Earth is limited. If you aren't feeling it, drop it and onto the next thing.Im not sure if I wanna continue Skyward Sword HD, Im at the Deep Woods temple and feel Im losing interest in continuing. Good thing Im playing on Yuzu then and therefore didn't waste 60$.
Maybe I misunderstand what you want, but isn't the "rare achievement showcase" in the profile exactly that?Don’t usually care too much about achievements but it would be cool if there were a tool that lists the rarest achievements on your Steam account
This. I see way too many attempts of folk grinding through mediocre stuff they don't really like.Time on Earth is limited. If you aren't feeling it, drop it and onto the next thing.
I should be able to get the Stanley Parable achievement. According to Steam the last time I palyed it was around February 2016.![]()
The most obscure Steam achievements
If you have one of these, you belong to an incredibly elite group: the
A fun article
The strong points of the game for me were the combat (with a mouse) and world building/setting. The side quest design doesn't get better so if you are not enjoying it's probably best to not do everything that pops up.I am 4h into Horizon Zero Dawn and while i am enjoying story and some gameplay mechanics i must say that i am bit disappointed by quests. People complained about Witcher Sense in Witcher 3 and here you are using same gameplay mechanic even more. Most quest are either fetch quests or go find some poor lost soul and help it. I am still early into the game so i won't judge it yet but in this 4h i was showered in those quests. Also i must say that so far i am not impressed by visuals in this opening area, we will see how other areas will look. All in all i kinda expected more based on that PS4 hype.
Do not comprehend, why has a simulator timed missions?Oh man, Cheathappens released a trainer for Lawn Mowing Simulator and it has freeze mission timer. Now I can leisurely cut grass and not stress about the timer
Mowing the lawn is a timed mission because the faster you go, the more time you have to stay inside playing video games afterwards.Do not comprehend, why has a simulator timed missions?
According to Steam, my rarest achievement at 0.5% is for defeating a Dragon in TES V: Skyrim.![]()
The most obscure Steam achievements
If you have one of these, you belong to an incredibly elite group: the
A fun article
There's an easy solution. Create tons of new Steam accounts, and buy thousands and thousands of Steam keys for the game and activate them on those accounts. That would bring the overall percentages down again.Dammit, looks like there's been an uplift of people playing "We Happy Few" and it's DLC. For years my rarest acheievements sat between 0.10% & 0.50% and now they've gone up to 0.50% and 1%. Gutted.
Dunno chief, probably because there are only so many hours in a day and there’s shit loads of folks who want there lawn cutDo not comprehend, why has a simulator timed missions?
I can't think of anyone I've ever talked to or interacted with that plays smaller games that's even remotely embarrassed about it.Basically:
In a nutshell, people are more likely to write a review for a game which is already extremely popular than for a small indie game that they enjoy. Maybe there is some shame to liking an indie game and self-censorship to recommending it to others, I don't know.
- for small games, the chance that a player writes a review varies wildly, but 1% would be a good guess overall. Review multiplier: x100.
- for big hits, the chance is closer to 3%. Review multiplier: x30.
it's probably a DLC achievement? or not?My rarest achievement is 0.70% for Cities Skylines - Fisher King. Weird that its so rare as i didnt do anything special to get it, just have a fishing port in my cities.
You can sort all your achievements by unlock% on SteamHunters (probably Astats and other trackers too).Maybe I misunderstand what you want, but isn't the "rare achievement showcase" in the profile exactly that?
See the 4th showcase here: Steam Community :: Durante
It's certainly my favorite profile feature, it's very interesting to see what kind of rare achievements you have. Though I guess you are right that it's strange that it's only available (as far as I know) as part of the profile system.
Please read about the dungeon Ancient Cistern. It has a Buddish theme and a reference to Japanese literature "The Spider's Thread" written by Ryunosuke Akutagawa.I quit SSHD. Managed to play a bit more than on the Wii, but lost interest in the first dungeon. I just don't find it as fun and engaging as other Zelda games, story is quite interesting, so I will probably just read and watch some story stuff on YT.
That's a shame; small games need those reviews more than any. Don't positive reviews help Steam's algorithm recommend them?In a nutshell, people are more likely to write a review for a game which is already extremely popular than for a small indie game that they enjoy. Maybe there is some shame to liking an indie game and self-censorship to recommending it to others, I don't know.