I’ve got two titles of great interest out there, atm.
Neither is on holiday sale. Neither is on Steam.
LOL, that’s gotta be a first.
Slitherine/Matrix published wargames typically lag a few months from initial release to landing on Steam. So I can safely wait on Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive.
But coming from solo dev “Vic” of VR Design, maker of one of my 2020/2021 faves Shadow Empire, that’s gonna be a long wait. Love the zoomed-in focus of this new Decisive Campaigns, covering only a couple weeks of WW2 at a battalion level. It will be mine.
Starsector is also back in the news as it got a pretty big 0.95 update. Coverage cast a wide enough net that it landed on my radar. This one is another solo-dev affair but this time the project has been in active development for 10 years!
Heard the game described as Mount & Blade in space or a more complex & sophisticated SPaZ. And at $15 that doesn’t sound like a heavy lift.
It’s funny how I’m one of those steadfast ‘Never EPIC’ troglodytes. And while I hold nothing personal against EA Origin or Ubisoft client launchers, their threadbare feature sets deem them pretty useless in my world, making me feel like not even bothering.
But throw some scrappy indie or niche pubs my way? Sure. Why not. They somehow just don’t feel as cynically corporate, paywalling IP behind inferior services “just ‘cause”. I think Slitherine/Matrix even pass along Steam keys to early adopters when a product makes the leap.
Perhaps I’ll start with Starsector and go from there.
I haven’t seen this but I 100% Wishlisted it!
Looks like budget My Summer Car. Ace indeed.