Community MetaSteam | January 2025 - Remember cloud, a great remake comes with great responsibility, kuppo.


Apr 19, 2019
rip bioware
Theseus ship logic. They've been dead for long.

Yeah, Bioware has been striking out for a while now. If EA wants to make a good RPG they should call Swen Vincke and give him the keys to Ultima.
Why would you wish an evil like this upon the world? Larian's one the few bright spots in this silly hobby, keep them as far away as possible from ea and others like them.
Plus the last good Ultima was 30 years ago, the IP is dead and buried.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
New Sniper Elite looks and runs surprisingly nice on my old PC, I can play it maxed comfortably, if the first mission is indicative at least, but it's not some small scale indoor corridor or whatever. Definitely not super great next gen visuals or anything but it's well realised. TAA isn't great & seems over-sharpened with no option to reduce that but since it runs so nice most folks can probably just supersample it comfortably and get rid of any remaining jaggies. Gameplay feels so polished, no jank whatsoever so far, the cover system as you're just crouching about and approach corners is so seamless and smooth. Oh, it also uses Denuvo anti-cheat but if you don't play multiplayer you can actually refuse installation, it specifically asks you a couple times as you start a game, so that's something.


Jun 9, 2019
So after 50 hours of the First Descendant, my recommendation is to play Warframe.

My issue is that if you get certain characters in your party then you don't actually get to play the game. These characters have OP Nuke options that just wipe everything at all times. When you get the lesser used characters joining a party it's a lot of fun and the gameplay is great. You can run solo as well and it works well, but if the game can't be played as "intended" I think it is a bit of a failure.

Also there isn't a lot there at the moment. A bit unfair to compare to Warframe seeing as the First Descendant is only a year old and Warframe is 11 years old. However that is the competitor and the baseline you will always be compared to.

Also logging in to bare arses every time wears thin very quickly.
Game balance is very important for multiplayer games that feature different classes or weapons, but there's often a disconnect between gamers and developers on how that balance should be achieved. When a game has a skill or class or weapon that is too powerful, gamers will ask the developers to buff all the other alternatives instead of nerfing the super powerful thing they're having fun with. The idea being that everything should be just as good as the strongest thing so that everyone can enjoy the power fantasy. Developers almost never listen to this and will nerf the powerful thing to bring it in line with the rest of the game. The developers of the First Descendant are possibly the first dev team I've ever seen that actually seems to subscribe to the former idea. They refuse to nerf things that are too powerful in their game.

The fact that Bunny is broken has been known since day one. She can run faster than everyone and she can clear rooms before others even arrive. They shouldn't have let the game go live with how incredibly powerful she was but I do kind of understand why they'd be hesitant to nerf her after the fact. She is or was the poster girl of the game and I imagine they made a lot of money from selling her bundles and stuff. Then they buffed Freyna a couple of months later and gave her the ability to blow up entire rooms of enemies. I thought that was their idea of slowly wanting to buff all the other characters instead, but if it takes 2 months to buff one character, and you have list of 20+ characters you need to buff and you need to keep introducing new ones, I don't think they'll ever be able to catch up.

Incidentally, there have been instances of things being too powerful in Warframe where the developers have wielded the nerf bat hard. At one point there was a technique in the game called 'zorencoptering' that allowed players to fly across maps if they had specific melee weapons equipped and used a physics exploit. It was fun as hell and harmless but the developers not only nerfed it, they completely overhauled the melee system to stop it. Likewise, Ember was a super popular warframe at one point because she had the ability to clear rooms with her ultimate and they nerfed her into the ground and people just stopped using her altogether.

I don't know which approach is correct to be honest. And especially in a loot hunting game like First Descendant or Warframe or any Diablo like and such. In these kinds of games, you only experience the content once or a few times before you just want to optimize it to get the best rewards. Meaning you will do the thing that lets you get the drops or the items or resources as fast as possible. For example, if you can level up to max in a game like Diablo by playing normally and it takes 25 hours, but you can also repeat the same dungeon 100 times and you can level up in 20 hours, you'll find a lot of people will choose the dungeon. So in the First Descendant, having a Bunny or two in your team might not be fun if you're trying to play another class, but for the most part people are probably happy to either play Bunny themselves or to just run behind and collect all the loot without needing to do much.

As a general observation, I do think the developers of First Descendant are extremely responsive to what their community wants. People ask for a feature or QOL update in a livestream or something and it gets patched into the game within 2 patches. They've done everything they can to keep the community happy except for this one thing where they allow a couple of classes to be too good at trash clearing content and a couple of classes are just too good for boss hunting. I think the bigger issue with the game is that they need to ship more content a lot quicker than they have been doing. They have these beautiful open world maps but there's nothing to do there once you finish the campaign aside from going there for specific drops. They could do what Warframe does and time gate a lot of content and that would work but I'm glad they avoid using that trick to keep people engaged. The one time they did that, they went overboard (Hailey farm) and they had to tone it down drastically after the community hated it.

The game is losing players dramatically (on PC at least, I hear console numbers are better) so they're in a difficult position on what they can do to keep it popular. They keep giving out all the resources that you're supposed to farm in the game to craft stuff, which helps people get those items faster, but it also means there's less for them to do while playing the game.

Despite the challenges, I would not recommend Warframe over this game. Honestly, the only good thing that Warframe has going for it is the story which they retroactively patched in 3 years after the game came out and the music is amazing. The rest of the game is a mish-mash of disparate ideas with (often) poorly executed and abandoned content. 10 years worth of shit to do in that game and so much of it isn't actually worth doing at all. The star map is the tutorial and the cinematic story missions have a 50-50 hit rate. The game is littered with abandoned content ideas like archwing, open worlds, ship building and so on. They release so much content that nothing ever gets tested beforehand. Their playerbase is literally their Q&A department. Everything they release is always overtuned to be grindy before they rationalize it right around the time next big thing is due. But the biggest strike against Warframe is this... every live service is meant and designed to be a treadmill. Everyone playing these games understands that. The good ones are always trying to make the time spent in a game worth it. Warframe went in the other direction. They no longer even try to hide the skinner box. Pre-requisites, time gates, reputation systems, RNG upon RNG... everything is just designed to keep you playing the game. The odds of a person getting a good Riven by themselves (without trading) are nearly zero. The odds of getting 2 good Rivens are actually zero. They have shifted away from the idea of keeping it fun and more towards the idea of keeping you hooked, as a habit. Once you see through the veil it is impossible to ever go back to Warframe. The game is so archaic with so many different things that keep getting added that even people who played for thousands of hours over years (e.g. me) would be lost if you take a break for even a year or two. The First Descendant rips a lot of Warframe's systems but it comes with a fresh start and I hope they can continue to build on it without incorporating all the rust and grime that Warframe has accumulated over the last decade.

That said, I don't actually see a future for the First Descendant either. They need to do something dramatic to increase their popularity and I have absolutely zero idea what that looks like.

That's what they should have done from the outset.
This is only meaningful if they actually start selling the games in all the countries they were arbitrarily blocking because they're too fucking stupid to set up a global account system.

There's also a school of thought, mostly from people who were unaffected by the PSN requirement, that the 150 countries excluded from buying those games didn't matter because the amount of sales/revenue from those places would be negligible. If they do start selling the games in those countries then we can put that theory into the dustbin.

And just generally speaking, example #5325343 that complaining actually does work and the PC community will at least stand up to some of the bullshit that the industry tries to pull off.

The PapEA comic has to be the longest running joke in the game industry now. Bioware is a low quality company staffed by low quality people who have been shitting out turds for well over 10 years. Several lousy games in a row and three consecutive, confirmed bombas and yet somehow they have still managed to cheat death all this time. It is the single biggest con job in modern gaming. The job security almost matches government jobs at this point. The crazy thing is the level of hubris these people have... believing that they are capable of producing the 'Janis Joplin' or 'Bob Dylan' of games when the reality is that their actual output doesn't even compare favorably to smaller, less funded studios like (no disparagement meant here) Spiders or Piranha Bytes.

One last thing I wanted to talk about but this is already a wall of text. I finished Dynasty Warriors Origins the other day. And by finished I mean I completed one story path out of a possible three that the game has. There's a lot I could talk about with the game but the gist is that I thought it was absolutely fantastic. It looks amazing maxed out on PC (and runs really well on Steam deck as well for the kind of game it is). Annihilating hundreds of enemies at a time never ever gets old in the 30+ hours I spent playing the game. The game slowly unlocks more and more powerful abilities as you play so you just keep getting stronger all the time and it's just so much fun.

I know the game is very expensive, especially with crap regional pricing, but I would strongly recommend checking it out if you are able to. If you're a fan of 1v1000 games it's a must try and if you're new, then this one is a fantastic starting point. They have a demo up on Steam that everyone should try even if you're not familiar with this genre.
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Nov 4, 2018
Why would you wish an evil like this upon the world? Larian's one the few bright spots in this silly hobby, keep them as far away as possible from ea and others like them.
Plus the last good Ultima was 30 years ago, the IP is dead and buried.
I think it would be a good time to revive it. Swen is a huge Ultima fan and after BG3 he has the clout to dictate terms to EA and not the other way around.


Dec 10, 2018
Game balance is very important for multiplayer games that feature different classes or weapons, but there's often a disconnect between gamers and developers on how that balance should be achieved. When a game has a skill or class or weapon that is too powerful, gamers will ask the developers to buff all the other alternatives instead of nerfing the super powerful thing they're having fun with. The idea being that everything should be just as good as the strongest thing so that everyone can enjoy the power fantasy. Developers almost never listen to this and will nerf the powerful thing to bring it in line with the rest of the game. The developers of the First Descendant are possibly the first dev team I've ever seen that actually seems to subscribe to the former idea. They refuse to nerf things that are too powerful in their game.

The fact that Bunny is broken has been known since day one. She can run faster than everyone and she can clear rooms before others even arrive. They shouldn't have let the game go live with how incredibly powerful she was but I do kind of understand why they'd be hesitant to nerf her after the fact. She is or was the poster girl of the game and I imagine they made a lot of money from selling her bundles and stuff. Then they buffed Freyna a couple of months later and gave her the ability to blow up entire rooms of enemies. I thought that was their idea of slowly wanting to buff all the other characters instead, but if it takes 2 months to buff one character, and you have list of 20+ characters you need to buff and you need to keep introducing new ones, I don't think they'll ever be able to catch up.

Incidentally, there have been instances of things being too powerful in Warframe where the developers have wielded the nerf bat hard. At one point there was a technique in the game called 'zorencoptering' that allowed players to fly across maps if they had specific melee weapons equipped and used a physics exploit. It was fun as hell and harmless but the developers not only nerfed it, they completely overhauled the melee system to stop it. Likewise, Ember was a super popular warframe at one point because she had the ability to clear rooms with her ultimate and they nerfed her into the ground and people just stopped using her altogether.

I don't know which approach is correct to be honest. And especially in a loot hunting game like First Descendant or Warframe or any Diablo like and such. In these kinds of games, you only experience the content once or a few times before you just want to optimize it to get the best rewards. Meaning you will do the thing that lets you get the drops or the items or resources as fast as possible. For example, if you can level up to max in a game like Diablo by playing normally and it takes 25 hours, but you can also repeat the same dungeon 100 times and you can level up in 20 hours, you'll find a lot of people will choose the dungeon. So in the First Descendant, having a Bunny or two in your team might not be fun if you're trying to play another class, but for the most part people are probably happy to either play Bunny themselves or to just run behind and collect all the loot without needing to do much.

As a general observation, I do think the developers of First Descendant are extremely responsive to what their community wants. People ask for a feature or QOL update in a livestream or something and it gets patched into the game within 2 patches. They've done everything they can to keep the community happy except for this one thing where they allow a couple of classes to be too good at trash clearing content and a couple of classes are just too good for boss hunting. I think the bigger issue with the game is that they need to ship more content a lot quicker than they have been doing. They have these beautiful open world maps but there's nothing to do there once you finish the campaign aside from going there for specific drops. They could do what Warframe does and time gate a lot of content and that would work but I'm glad they avoid using that trick to keep people engaged. The one time they did that, they went overboard (Hailey farm) and they had to tone it down drastically after the community hated it.

The game is losing players dramatically (on PC at least, I hear console numbers are better) so they're in a difficult position on what they can do to keep it popular. They keep giving out all the resources that you're supposed to farm in the game to craft stuff, which helps people get those items faster, but it also means there's less for them to do while playing the game.

Despite the challenges, I would not recommend Warframe over this game. Honestly, the only good thing that Warframe has going for it is the story which they retroactively patched in 3 years after the game came out and the music is amazing. The rest of the game is a mish-mash of disparate ideas with (often) poorly executed and abandoned content. 10 years worth of shit to do in that game and so much of it isn't actually worth doing at all. The star map is the tutorial and the cinematic story missions have a 50-50 hit rate. The game is littered with abandoned content ideas like archwing, open worlds, ship building and so on. They release so much content that nothing ever gets tested beforehand. Their playerbase is literally their Q&A department. Everything they release is always overtuned to be grindy before they rationalize it right around the time next big thing is due. But the biggest strike against Warframe is this... every live service is meant and designed to be a treadmill. Everyone playing these games understands that. The good ones are always trying to make the time spent in a game worth it. Warframe went in the other direction. They no longer even try to hide the skinner box. Pre-requisites, time gates, reputation systems, RNG upon RNG... everything is just designed to keep you playing the game. The odds of a person getting a good Riven by themselves (without trading) are nearly zero. The odds of getting 2 good Rivens are actually zero. They have shifted away from the idea of keeping it fun and more towards the idea of keeping you hooked, as a habit. Once you see through the veil it is impossible to ever go back to Warframe. The game is so archaic with so many different things that keep getting added that even people who played for thousands of hours over years (e.g. me) would be lost if you take a break for even a year or two. The First Descendant rips a lot of Warframe's systems but it comes with a fresh start and I hope they can continue to build on it without incorporating all the rust and grime that Warframe has accumulated over the last decade.

That said, I don't actually see a future for the First Descendant either. They need to do something dramatic to increase their popularity and I have absolutely zero idea what that looks like.
This is the thing, I actually stopped playing Helldivers 2 because they originally approached everything with the nerf hammer. They wanted their game to be a challenge and push people into trying all weapons. I think this was almost disastrous for the game and took them something like 3 months to realise they needed to stop and a while longer to bring the game around. However it seemed to work for them.

However, even if they buffed every single character in The First Descendant I can’t see that helping too much. Bunny would still be running ahead, Freyna would still be 1 button instakill. They would then need to overhaul the mobs and bosses.

Now, if you are playing solo, I agree with you fully. The First Descendant is the better game. But if you are jumping into group content just don’t expect to actually play the game. Hell I am thinking of reinstalling and generally playing solo anyway.

Anyway, still enjoying Warframe at the moment, but some frays are starting to show around the edge. Hell, at this rate I may even end up giving Destiny a shot…

minor edit: also intrigued to see what happens when they release Warframe 1999. If this will be another half baked system or the way forward for the game.
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Sep 20, 2018
If the Spidey 2 port isn't buttcheeks I'll probably be dumb and buy it later today
It's Nixxes, so pretty much guaranteed to be a decent, if even outright amazing port. That said, there seems to be some fuckery going on with this Steam release. Why so late on everything? I wonder if Sony gave them an impossibly short amount of time to complete the port.
  • This!
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Sep 19, 2020


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
It's Nixxes, so pretty much guaranteed to be a decent, if even outright amazing port. That said, there seems to be some fuckery going on with this Steam release. Why so late on everything? I wonder if Sony gave them an impossibly short amount of time to complete the port.
it's the gaming industry, so Nixxes probably found out they're doing the port at the same time we did


It's Nixxes, so pretty much guaranteed to be a decent, if even outright amazing port. That said, there seems to be some fuckery going on with this Steam release. Why so late on everything? I wonder if Sony gave them an impossibly short amount of time to complete the port.
Release is weird as fuck so I'm holding off

I'm going to stupidly pre-order FM25 despite that looking a mess too


Coffee, Controllers, etc
Sep 30, 2024
Release is weird as fuck so I'm holding off

I'm going to stupidly pre-order FM25 despite that looking a mess too
That's the first one on Unity / new engine for them as well right? I'm just gonna play the touch version on iPad I think unless I'm reviewing PC.

Also re: Spider-Man 2, since there's no pre-order or early bonus or whatever, can just wait on impressions and Alex's DF coverage. I don't really wanna replay it even though I loved it. Too long and too many new games out now.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
Meanwhile, I'm still playing through Kingdom Hearts.

Birth By Sleep is ass. Don't play it on Critical difficulty, all of the "harder" endgame fights are just terrible. I'm about 2/3rds of the way through, then I could maybe skip 3D to get to the newer games since I already played it when it came out on the 3DS.
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May 5, 2019

out now :)

The Accolade "Winter Challenge" included here is one of my favourite games and Im glad to now have it on Steam.
Its also, in a different collection, available on GOG; however, it released with a buggy version. The Steam release, as far as I can tell, seems in a better shape. But it is, for some odd reason, the Sega Genesis version, which looks a bit worse, compared to the DOS version Im familiar with. Odd choice...

anyway, it also has the Summer Challenge counterpart (which is also nice), and some other games I dont know.


That's the first one on Unity / new engine for them as well right? I'm just gonna play the touch version on iPad I think unless I'm reviewing PC.

Also re: Spider-Man 2, since there's no pre-order or early bonus or whatever, can just wait on impressions and Alex's DF coverage. I don't really wanna replay it even though I loved it. Too long and too many new games out now.
I believe so, Unity sucks too
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Oct 24, 2018
AC Rogue got Steam achievements.

For Honor also got them last week but that one wasn't really on my radar so I hadn't noticed. There's been some updates on a lot of their games so I think more are likely coming like the Far Cry spin-offs and Watch_Dogs.


Nov 2, 2018
With the newest Nvidia drivers and newest version of the Nvidia app, it's now possible to force the newest DLSS model with the app on supported games.

Nvidia has a list of the supported games here, in the case of the super resolution and the DLAA lists, the ones that support forcing the new model are listed with "NV, T".





No launch discount

With the newest Nvidia drivers and newest version of the Nvidia app, it's now possible to force the newest DLSS model with the app on supported games.

Nvidia has a list of the supported games here, in the case of the super resolution and the DLAA lists, the ones that support forcing the new model are listed with "NV, T".

Just use DLSS Swapper and then you can do it on any game with DLSS


Dec 17, 2018
So what is the negative with a pre-built computer (where I however choose some of the components myself)?


Sep 19, 2020
I believe so, Unity sucks too
Could be worse. Could be Unreal.

So what is the negative with a pre-built computer (where I however choose some of the components myself)?
Prebuilt PCs are sometimes more expensive, but with how FUBAR component prices are now the difference isn't that big. The biggest downside is that some parts may not be as high quality as they can skimp on things like the PSU to lower costs. As long as you aren't planning to do any extreme overclocking you should be fine.


Time Traveler
Jan 11, 2019
Apparently the performance of Spiderman 2 sucks

edit: apparently they pushed a hotfix like minutes after and now it's better
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Jun 9, 2019
So what is the negative with a pre-built computer (where I however choose some of the components myself)?
The headline components will be fine but they might stiff you on the lesser known/talked about stuff. So maybe the RAM they use has poor CAS latency, the SSD uses a low quality controller, the PSU rating is low, the fans aren't great and things like that. I don't think a premade is the way to go unless there's a dramatic shortage of components or you absolutely do not want to build it yourself.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
Forza Horizon 5 coming to PS5. I really hope at some point Sony starts putting games on Xbox as well. Just to see the usual suspects have an even bigger meltdown lol.
The only reason I'd see that happening is if Sony decides to do the kinda thing Google does with Firefox, essentially keeping competition around so trade commissions don't get antsy. But PlayStation isn't really a monopoly so they don't need to do that.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
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May 5, 2019
So will these components not only be compatible with each other and a 5080, but also actually be good components?
Im by no means an expert, but generell any PCIe motherboard will be fine for modern GPUs (including this), crucial is the wattage of the PSU (and 1000 is plenty) – Im more worried about the size of the case, since GPUs are so gigantic nowadays; I'd check that. The rest of the components seem fine to me, but again, not an expert. The 9800X3D is the best choice for CPU at any rate.

We do have a dedicated hardware thread, too, btw :)


May 4, 2019
Forza Horizon 5 coming to PS5. I really hope at some point Sony starts putting games on Xbox as well. Just to see the usual suspects have an even bigger meltdown lol.

The age of Xbox is over.

They aren't making money selling hardware anymore. And soon it will actually be a detriment so I don't know what they could even do for the next gen.

I thought maybe their saving grace would be undercutting Sony and quickly releasing a new powerful Xbox with Elder Scrolls 6 as launch title. That could have maybe swung some momentum their way. But now it looks joever.

I think putting out some small streaming device for 50-100$ could be their only solution for the next go around. And focus all in on being third party pub which is how they make big $$$ going forward.


Mar 9, 2021
The age of Xbox is over.

They aren't making money selling hardware anymore. And soon it will actually be a detriment so I don't know what they could even do for the next gen.

I thought maybe their saving grace would be undercutting Sony and quickly releasing a new powerful Xbox with Elder Scrolls 6 as launch title. That could have maybe swung some momentum their way. But now it looks joever.

I think putting out some small streaming device for 50-100$ could be their only solution for the next go around. And focus all in on being third party pub which is how they make big $$$ going forward.
And people are steering about this, they want a Sony console monopoly, bunch of weirdos


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
The age of Xbox is over.

They aren't making money selling hardware anymore. And soon it will actually be a detriment so I don't know what they could even do for the next gen.

I thought maybe their saving grace would be undercutting Sony and quickly releasing a new powerful Xbox with Elder Scrolls 6 as launch title. That could have maybe swung some momentum their way. But now it looks joever.

I think putting out some small streaming device for 50-100$ could be their only solution for the next go around. And focus all in on being third party pub which is how they make big $$$ going forward.
this forum is an xbox
And people are steering about this, they want a Sony console monopoly, bunch of weirdos
nintendo will outlive us all anyway


Mar 29, 2021
In my opinion since most Game Pass subscribers are on console I don't think Microsoft is going to pull the plug on hardware. If the rumors of the next Xbox are true and that it will be running a hybrid Windows/Xbox OS and it's setup in a similar way to Steam OS then I think there will people interested in that. If you can use Steam to buy PlayStation games then Xbox fans won't really be complaining about not being able to play PS games on their Xbox.
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May 4, 2019
In my opinion since most Game Pass subscribers are on console I don't think Microsoft is going to pull the plug on hardware. If the rumors of the next Xbox are true and that it will be running a hybrid Windows/Xbox OS and it's setup in a similar way to Steam OS then I think there will people interested in that. If you can use Steam to buy PlayStation games then Xbox fans won't really be complaining about not being able to play PS games on their Xbox.
Console gamepass won't be an issue for them anymore once they flood Playstation, Nintendo and PC with all their games/ports. They will resist at first, but it will only be a matter of time until Nintendo and Sony both allow Gamepass on their hardware. At that point Xbox will become full on 3rd party and the support for their own hardware plans will start to diminish. There is very little reason to buy an Xbox right now. This time next year will be zero reason and the existence of their own hardware will only start getting in the way of making money.
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Oct 6, 2018
They're probably only doing another console at this point to buy themselves some time until they figure out how to transfer their 25-30m base to other places. They definitely don't want to lose that gamepass revenue but at a certain point spending tons of money on console R&D only to keep losing users is going to outweigh whatever GP money they're getting.

They'd obviously like to move everyone to their own platform on PC (not just for GP but also getting a cut on sales and mtx) but they're going to find that's an almost impossible task. To me the only move they have is to just become a full on 3rd party publisher and get rid of their hardware. They have no future in hardware and no future on PC outside of steam.

Console gamepass won't be an issue for them anymore once they flood Playstation, Nintendo and PC with all their games/ports. They will resist at first, but it will only be a matter of time until Nintendo and Sony both allow Gamepass on their hardware. At that point Xbox will become full on 3rd party and the support for their own hardware plans will start to diminish. There is very little reason to buy an Xbox right now. This time next year will be zero reason and the existence of their own hardware will only start getting in the way of making money.
There is literally 0 reason for sony and nintendo to ever let gamepass on their system. Why would they? It's proven to be a devastating revenue blow to MS for 1st and 3rd party sales. MS has no leverage to force it either, the time to try that was a few years ago by threatening to make everything exclusive to their hardware. But they can't do that anymore now that their hardware is basically dead in the water.

Makes no sense at all to say that they'll give in. Why? For what? Sony and nintendo have ALL of the leverage over them.


May 4, 2019
There is literally 0 reason for sony and nintendo to ever let gamepass on their system. Why would they? It's proven to be a devastating revenue blow to MS for 1st and 3rd party sales. MS has no leverage to force it either, the time to try that was a few years ago by threatening to make everything exclusive to their hardware. But they can't do that anymore now that their hardware is basically dead in the water.

Makes no sense at all to say that they'll give in. Why? For what? Sony and nintendo have ALL of the leverage over them.
Once Nintendo and Sony stop looking at Xbox as a hardware competitor...they won't care anymore. It will just be a subscription for people to play Xbox games. And once Xbox floods these platforms with more of their games, it will become a profitable feature. It will be a win win for everyone. Why would Nintendo and Sony not want a 30% cut of the recurring fees every month? With millions and million subscribing...they will make a ton of money.

But again this won't work until Xbox ports a lot more of their games on to the PS5/Switch 2. But once they start diverting resources to be this big third party dev...that train will be hard to stop and all these pieces will fall in place. imo.


Oct 6, 2018
Once Nintendo and Sony stop looking at Xbox as a hardware competitor...they won't care anymore. It will just be a subscription for people to play Xbox games. And once Xbox floods these platforms with more of their games, it will become a profitable feature. It will be a win win for everyone. Why would Nintendo and Sony not want a 30% cut of the recurring fees every month? With millions and million subscribing...they will make a ton of money.

But again this won't work until Xbox ports a lot more of their games on to the PS5/Switch 2. But once they start diverting resources to be this big third party dev...that train will be hard to stop and all these pieces will fall in place. imo.
It's not even about competition it's about how much gamepass ruins software sales. Everyone in the industry has seen what it does to sales of games on the xbox platform, it took a platform that was already a distant 3rd in sales splits and more or less eradicated it. The majority of the motive for MS going multiplat to begin with was because gamepass hurt their revenue so much and failed to keep growing.

So why in the world would anyone else want that mess on their hands instead of sitting back and collecting 30% of all the sales of xbox games? Gamepass is a failed experiment and no one wants anything to do with it. Even bobby kotick said it'd be foolish to put activision games on the service.


May 4, 2019
It's not even about competition it's about how much gamepass ruins software sales. Everyone in the industry has seen what it does to sales of games on the xbox platform, it took a platform that was already a distant 3rd in sales splits and more or less eradicated it. The majority of the motive for MS going multiplat to begin with was because gamepass hurt their revenue so much and failed to keep growing.

So why in the world would anyone else want that mess on their hands instead of sitting back and collecting 30% of all the sales of xbox games? Gamepass is a failed experiment and no one wants anything to do with it. Even bobby kotick said it'd be foolish to put activision games on the service.
Software and services aren't really a problem for MS right now. Its their hardware division which is declining year over year. They aren't selling enough hardware. As a result the growth is nonexistant. Its only a matter of time until the hardware diviion start losing billions which will start really impacting their software profits.

They won't have that problem if they can tap into the playerbase of Playstation and Switch. These platforms don't have a growth problem. If anything they lack new software features/strategies to take advantage of such large install bases.

Without that roadblock, everyone involved will make a lot of money. Nintendo/Sony will be collecting 30% of games sales and recurring fees. There is no reason to turn down hundreds and hundreds of millions every year for having gamepass on your platform. These suits including Spencer will make a bunch of back door deals behind the scenes that will give them a big enough cut for everyone to be happy. That is just how I see it happening. Maybe I'm wrong but once all these 1st party Xbox/Activision/Bethesda devs are fully on board releasing games everywhere...the next logical step will be to negotiate for some form of gamepass on those devices.

Once enough software is ported....It would reach a point where it would be no different than having Ubiosft+ on PS5. If they don't have a problem with that I don't see why Sony would mind gamepass. Both Nintendo and Playstation have the backend infrastructure to support it.