Actually, it's for combat that it's a problem. Kao just can't hit far from his position, because just moving your target sideways is incredibly slow.OK I fired up the game to test this real quick and ummm the turning is fine? Mind you i played Croc 1 and Spyro 1 via emulator recently out of boredom and the movement in those requires time to get used to, but Kao moves just fine with a controller. Sorry mang I just ain't seeing it, there's hardly many hazards or platforming that'd require strict turning in this game, it's light for the most part and its controls work well.
And compared to other games, it's complete crap. I took Ty as an example, but you can go recent stuff like Yooka Laylee or A Hat in Time. Much, mcuh faster.
And that's only talking about Kao which is not the worst! Take other forms like the bird carrying you around and it's nothing short of a misery to just walk around.
Yeah, it is faster than Croc, but moving to the side in Croc was an outright abomination. That was Resident Evil level of tank controls, and those are the biggest sin that a platformer can commit. It's the closest 3D paltformer that I've played though, and "close to the biggest shitstain of a game in the genre" is not a good point.
Simple: if Mario 64 could make it work, and a million others after that, there's no justification.
FFXIV is an awful, awful MMO.
Cause it's not one.
It's a shitty solo "RPG" with terrible story and characters, worse pacing, gaping holes of quests for levelling your first job, and suffers from the non-existant design of modern corridor dungeon MMOs, and flat, empty "open world" (not in the base game as it was just microscopic instances stuck together) It may as well be a hub grinder.
Which it is if you don't do erotic roleplay, like WoW it only exists to grind dungeons and raids by upgrading stat sticks that do absolutely nothing, but with even less tier sets and abilities. They could not have worse itemization and weaker social interactions.
Cool music though.
I've played MMO since Everquest, and I say don't play them, they're dead.
There's no social elements anymore, they're just mobile games levels of grind with a 3D chat tacked on.
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