Community MetaSteam | June 2022 - It's Hot Outside! Sit and Play Some Videogames.

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Jun 8, 2020

I know I'm late to the party as usual but well for those who didn't know about the game.


Reason: added the leak


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Apr 5, 2021
This is a controversial opinion, so I raise my flame shield, but I think TLoU isn't a good game. It has a great setting, fantastic characters, and interactions but the gameplay is not great. Despite wanting to see where the story goes, I was bored out of my mind by the middle of the game. I always thought this title would work better as a movie or a TV show and thankfully we are getting one.

I did not play part 2 and probably never will. I saw the story summary and was immensely disappointed, especially by the ending.


Oct 24, 2018
Because a story that disconnects from the gameplay is completely pointless to be part of the same whole.
The game and the story should enhance each other, not detract.

If a story requires me to pretend the gameplay doesn't exist, or vice versa, why are the two even part of the same work?
Uncharted doesn't do that, though? The body count is ridiculous and it makes Drake come off as a complete sociopath if you think about it too hard but that's... pretty much it. You're not required to ignore anything; there isn't some great disconnect here. You could say the same about most action games, really, but I only ever see it blown out of proportion for Uncharted for some reason.

And plenty of games (and other media) has stories that justify the protagonist murdering a lot of people
("justify" is obviously not meant in an ethical sense, but in the sense of making it part of the narrative)

TLOUII as example from the developer, is a story about people that are obsessed by revenge, who don't care how many people they will have to murder along the way to get it. (And ironically, that game probably has a lower bodycount than uncharted). As such, the gameplay about murdering people, and the characters fit to each other and create a holistic package.
TLoU is a "serious drama", though. Uncharted is Indiana Jones-style pulpy action-adventure schlock. Apples to oranges. The action in Indiana Jones doesn't exactly have big thematic significance either. And like I said, Indy only ever fights one or two dudes at a time but I'm not sure going that route would improve an action game like Unchated so I ask you again: what are you suggesting as an alternative? Should the narrative be strictly about how much of a psycho Nate is? Should shooters not be allowed to have a light-hearted story?

I mean, if you don't like Uncharted that's fine. I'm sort of over the series myself at this point (although I'm hoping I'll enjoy U4 more on PC). But I just don't think the ridiculous body count is anywhere near this huge game-breaking disconnect people make it out to be lol.


Dec 17, 2018
This is a controversial opinion, so I raise my flame shield, but I think TLoU isn't a good game. It has a great setting, fantastic characters, and interactions but the gameplay is not great. Despite wanting to see where the story goes, I was bored out of my mind by the middle of the game. I always thought this title would work better as a movie or a TV show and thankfully we are getting one.

I did not play part 2 and probably never will. I saw the story summary and was immensely disappointed, especially by the ending.
I disagree, but respect your opinion.


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
This is a controversial opinion, so I raise my flame shield, but I think TLoU isn't a good game. It has a great setting, fantastic characters, and interactions but the gameplay is not great. Despite wanting to see where the story goes, I was bored out of my mind by the middle of the game. I always thought this title would work better as a movie or a TV show and thankfully we are getting one.

I did not play part 2 and probably never will. I saw the story summary and was immensely disappointed, especially by the ending.
TLOU2 gameplay is way tighter than in 1, with extensive combat areas and good scripted sequences.

I agree the story is shit, though.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Microsoft gifted me 10 bucks a couple of weeks ago. That's good.
But what the fuck do you want me to use that on, MS ? Honestly ?


Nov 1, 2018
Uncharted doesn't do that, though? The body count is ridiculous and it makes Drake come off as a complete sociopath if you think about it too hard but that's... pretty much it. You're not required to ignore anything; there isn't some great disconnect here.
You are literally proving my point here.

You could say the same about most action games, really, but I only ever see it blown out of proportion for Uncharted for some reason.
No, actually you can't.
In Halo, the protagonist is a soldier meant to kill.
As is in COD, Battlefield and all other military themed games from Wolfenstein to Destiny.

In Max Payne, TLOU, The Darkness etc. you kill people because they are revenge stories where the protagonist WANTS to kill people as the core of their motivations.

The reason you see this criticism so often for uncharted is... because uncharted has this issue more than most games. Literally what we're talking about.

TLoU is a "serious drama", though. Uncharted is Indiana Jones-style pulpy action-adventure schlock. Apples to oranges. The action in Indiana Jones doesn't exactly have big thematic significance either. And like I said, Indy only ever fights one or two dudes at a time but I'm not sure going that route would improve an action game like Unchated so I ask you again: what are you suggesting as an alternative? Should the narrative be strictly about how much of a psycho Nate is? Should shooters not be allowed to have a light-hearted story?
I already told you, write a story that fits the gameplay.
Borderlands also has a lighthearted story.
Even the Wolfenstein or Doom Eternal have lighthearted bits.
And all these games still narratively acknowledge that the gameplayloop is about killing people.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
This is a controversial opinion, so I raise my flame shield, but I think TLoU isn't a good game. It has a great setting, fantastic characters, and interactions but the gameplay is not great. Despite wanting to see where the story goes, I was bored out of my mind by the middle of the game. I always thought this title would work better as a movie or a TV show and thankfully we are getting one.

I did not play part 2 and probably never will. I saw the story summary and was immensely disappointed, especially by the ending.
Pretty much what I think about it.


Dec 20, 2018
TLoU Remake confirmed for September 2nd. But not platforms XD



May 4, 2019
Yea buying PS5 at this point is just for Wolverine.

If they can announce that for PC I would pretty much skip PS5 and wait for PS6.

Nice to see Sony so comfortable with PC now.

As always with them I'm not even expecting TLOU 2 to be on PC....
I believe they still haven't ported TLOU2 for PS5. Whenever they do it will probably come to PC 6months later.
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Oct 24, 2018
You are literally proving my point here.
I'm really not. I never said the issue isn't there, what I'm saying is that I don't think it's that big of a deal. It's just the nature of action games.

No, actually you can't.
In Halo, the protagonist is a soldier meant to kill.
As is in COD, Battlefield and all other military themed games from Wolfenstein to Destiny.

In Max Payne, TLOU, The Darkness etc. you kill people because they are revenge stories where the protagonist WANTS to kill people as the core of their motivations.

The reason you see this criticism so often for uncharted is... because uncharted has this issue more than most games. Literally what we're talking about.
So all shooters should only ever be about war, revenge or have you fight only non-human enemies? I could probably cherry-pick some counter examples if I cared to dig through my Steam library but my point is really more about how disproportionate the body count is rather than that there is one at all. I could be wrong here but sincerely doubt anyone would mention it if Uncharted didn't have you go through waves of bullet sponge enemies.

But when the "problem" could be handwaved away with a dumb throwaway line like "Uh... Drake uses rubber bullets only... I guess?" I'm not really convinced that any kind of deeper narrative problem exists.

I already told you, write a story that fits the gameplay.
Borderlands also has a lighthearted story.
Even the Wolfenstein or Doom Eternal have lighthearted bits.
And all these games still narratively acknowledge that the gameplayloop is about killing people.
"Write a story that fits the gameplay" is pretty damn vague, dude. I'm asking you how you would fix this "problem" in Uncharted specifically. Because I honestly don't see an alternative that wouldn't either change the game completely or fail to improve it/potentially make it worse.


edit: Bummer TLoU Part I isn't day and date on PC but it's good to see them confirming it immediately at least.
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truman doctrine (actual norwegian guy)
Apr 15, 2021
last of us pc was somewhat nice, but i dont really care, i dont play naughty dog games at all, it's nice to see more playstation exclusives move to pc so i won't play those at all too though


May 4, 2019
TLOU remastered on PS4 looked like an uprezzed PS3 game with some better vegetation.

This remake looks a lot better and definitely a lot of effort went into it. It looks almost as good as Part 2 but not quite there more in the middle somewhere.
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Damn, I must say that I'm glad Sony straight up said it was coming to PC. They could have played coy and hidden it for a while.
I don't think the novelty has worn off just yet, but get used to this happening.
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Dec 20, 2018
I guess that TLoU Remake will be Q1 next year, and GoT will be next year too. Sackboy and Returnal are interesting, they could both go either way, this year or next one.
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Oct 24, 2018
I really hope TLoU is a strictly visual upgrade kinda deal. Haven't played Part II so whatever QoL upgrades the gameplay got would be fine too but really I would've been happy with a port of the original so if a remake is all I'm getting then I don't want a Capcom-style re-imagining.

The game I played a decade ago was pretty good, I'd like to just be able to replay that, please.
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Mar 9, 2021
I really hope TLoU is a strictly visual upgrade kinda deal. Haven't played Part II so whatever QoL upgrades the gameplay got would be fine too but really I would've been happy with a port of the original so if a remake is all I'm getting then I don't want a Capcom-style re-imagining.

The game I played a decade ago was pretty good, I'd like to just be able to replay that, please.
Same, hopefully Druckmann doesn't change the story to make Joel a less likable character so that it can fit Part II's story better
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