Community MetaSteam | March 2019 - The Core Values of One-Handed Fighting

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Oct 21, 2018
Division 2 is more of the same goodness. No real performance issues other than a few freezes , which seem to be server driven. Never caused me to die just a few hiccups. Server down time is something that sucks that I forgot about from the first one. Then again it kind of forces me to go to close the game and go to sleep lol.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Division 2 is more of the same goodness. No real performance issues other than a few freezes , which seem to be server driven. Never caused me to die just a few hiccups. Server down time is something that sucks that I forgot about from the first one. Then again it kind of forces me to go to close the game and go to sleep lol.
you're actually playing games again? what kind of sorcery is this? :p


Oct 30, 2018
It seems the Community Manager of Disco Elysium has not recently updated the Steam news of their store page, but they have been updating the blog on their website. Either they got bored of posting updates on several media, or... :face-with-open-mouth-and-cold-sweat:

Edit: The press kit mentions Steam.



Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
It seems the Community Manager of Disco Elysium has not recently updated the Steam news of their store page, but they have been updating the blog on their website. Either they got bored of posting updates on several media, or... :face-with-open-mouth-and-cold-sweat:

This one seems unlikely seeing as it published by Humble Bundle. Would be cutting off your nose to spite your face even if IGN is in charge now.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
It seems the Community Manager of Disco Elysium has not recently updated the Steam news of their store page, but they have been updating the blog on their website. Either they got bored of posting updates on several media, or... :face-with-open-mouth-and-cold-sweat:

Edit: The press kit mentions Steam.

To be honest, lot's of devs just won't update their steam news and communities until release, I have seen a lot of this before, such a shame to have those features and don't use them at all.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn

Regista will release The Demon Crystal for PC via Steam with English, French, Spanish, and Korean language support on March 28, the developer announced.

Demon crystal produced by YMCAT in 1984, Succeeded as an action role playing game of a new genre It became a big hit nationwide. A game of the series trilogy which is said to be "legendary game".


Oct 30, 2018
As befits a representative of the Wild Pines, Joyce has the air of very old money — generations upon generations of politesse and finger sandwiches. [...] You just might find yourself whiling away some hours with her by the water, listening to the waves lapping against the hull of her sloop, entranced by her erudition and lulling eloquence.
I will need to keep a dictionary by my side to fully appreciate this game. Otherwise, I get the general idea but not the precise picture.

I hope a nice translation is planned. Kentucky Route Zero got one after some time, so everything is possible.
Last edited:


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I will need to keep a dictionary by my side to fully appreciate this game. Otherwise, I get the general idea but not the precise picture.

I hope a nice translation is planned. Kentucky Route Zero got one after some time, so everything is possible.
lol, nice


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018

"While we always try to treat our various audiences the same way, the Monster Hunter World console versions were the lead platforms, and PC had to be released at a later date. This actually helped as the PC version has had its own window for promotion, PR, marketing. Some countries like Germany or Russia also performed extremely well on the PC front. All of this really increased our success in Europe."
i smell bullshit ...


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Well then make a general news thread for that stuff,that can't bother having their own thread like we have this one but without the steam implications :p

I just hope Iceborn fixes my problems with the main game (progression, difficulty, monster randomness, frequency of multiple monsters, etc) and if it doesn't that we'll see world 2 sooner rather than later. To me monster hunter 3 almost perfected the series formula. Having a direct successor to that with everything it did but expanded (so, seamles areas as in World, and the ability to co-op the story campaign and other such stuff() would be ideal.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Well then make a general news thread for that stuff,that can't bother having their own thread like we have this one but without the steam implications :p

I just hope Iceborn fixes my problems with the main game (progression, difficulty, monster randomness, frequency of multiple monsters, solo difficulty, story, progression, etc) and if it doesn't that we'll see world 2 sooner rather than later. To me monster hunter 3 almost perfected the series formula.
YO! you can absolutely post it in here, you could even post N.Switch and PS4 1P games in here if you want, :D
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Well then make a general news thread for that stuff,that can't bother having their own thread like we have this one but without the steam implications :p
well, i mean - you can make a new thread for it if you want :p not like we're getting 500 threads per hour here anyway ;) plus the twitter bot will tweet it out if it's a new thread :)

YO! you can absolutely post it in here, you could even post N.Switch and PS4 1P games in here if you want, :D
also this, yes :)


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
I did and you railed it for not coming to PC :p

Anyways doesn't look like a mega hit type game but I love how it looks like a Pixar JRPG.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
It'll release on PC eventually. You kids need to stop wanting everything now and not having enough pennies to buy all that ish.
Oh, but I don't really care when but with this one I have the impression it won't be ported at all as expectations for the title are lower than some others, if you ask me, sure, I don't mind it to take 5 years to come, we are all patient but again, this project in particular, I don't see it making the jump.
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Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
This whole 'game/company xyz won't be missed / didn't look great anyway' thinking is imo the wrong approach and will only lead to many of you folding and eventually ending up filling Tim's pockets. Admit there are games on EGS you want to play. But you don't and won't because you got a spine. It's better for your mental health.
No offense to peeps here, but I agree with you.
The way these Epic store exclusives are handled, are best taken as a case by case basis. What I'm suggesting is pretty asshole-ish, but this is one of those times when you want to show these devs and pubs that they 'dun fucked up' on how they approach their consumers and those interested in their products.

As a first example, let us consider Hades
This game launched and is among the first titles to be announced for the EGS, as an early access title.
Assuming its EA status will be cleared in less than a year, then we can assume that 1 year after its EGS exclusivity it'll release on GOG and Steam.
Now how would you feel about supporting them after their recent tweet from a few weeks back? Do you feel like giving them a pass and getting the game upon release on Steam, or did you find their position and communication one that's soured your opinion of them?

Secondly, you've got the recent Phoenix Point situation, the way the team handled their game and its development isn't professional, and has displeased many of consumers who had faith in them to deliver a product, which wouldn't even exist if it were not for their support.

Consider these 2, then consider other titles that got into the EGS exclusively.

Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
My problem is that I usually separate the artist from the artwork, but everything around EGS and developers and games that become exclusive just is so shitty that I don't think I can support them even after they come to steam. I say it before that I will get them in a bundle and if possible put all money towards a good cause and then just enjoy the "artwork".
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
My problem is that I usually separate the artist from the artwork, but everything around EGS and developers and games that become exclusive just is so shitty that I don't think I can support them even after they come to steam. I say it before that I will get them in a bundle and if possible put all money towards a good cause and then just enjoy the "artwork".
yeah ... developers are people too ... and people can sometimes be assholes (Team Meat)

but if you're gonna be selfish and don't care about your players, at least be honest about it ... don't spit in my face and tell me it's raining!


Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
In some more positive news: DMC5 continues to be among the top sellers on Steam, alongside Indie game Factory Town.
Meanwhile, Calligula Effect is a top seller on GOG. That may not say much but it's good to see some jRPGs selling well on GOG.

EDIT: lashman could you post the Twitter post from the Factory Town creator about how approached websites to preview his game, or such?


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
EDIT: lashman could you post the Twitter post from the Factory Town creator about how approached websites to preview his game, or such?
i would ... but he deleted it :(

here's what the tweet said, though:

he did do a followup thread, though:

I realized after the fact this might be misinterpreted as "Didn't market, LOL" which is definitely not the case! Spent a ton of time trying to build awareness & pent-up demand before launch, just not in the most overt, traditional ways. Here's what I did:

I put up a Steam Coming soon page at the same time I announced the game, so any initial interest could immediately be 'locked in' via the wishlist system. I believe those wishlists are very important to accrue - seems to feed Steam traffic & boost day 1 sales.

My marketing materials weren't finalized at that time - launch was still 6-8 months away - but I had a short trailer that I invested a lot of time in and seemed to get the point across well. Did get some initial Steam traffic when Coming Soon created, so treat as mini-launch.

At the same time, I started an open beta to gather feedback on the game. I organized this on a Discord server (highly recommended). Players who were interested notified their favorite youtubers, who then started asking for keys.

At that point I've got a small community growing on Discord, fed by some YouTube traffic. beta key requests starting coming in too fast, so I set up an @itchio page (highly recommended) with limited copies available for sale, so people could buy into the beta.

This way, I've got a set of testers that are highly motivated. Others can simply add to their wishlist. The growing wishlist numbers seemed to feed the game into Steam's traffic algorithm, showing up on other game 'more like this' pages = positive feedback loop

Also, selling on Itchio seemed to generate its own traffic, as it's easier to break into the top charts there. So I think got additional visibility from that

Meanwhile, more YouTubers are asking for keys, so I keep sending them out. I'm also tracking a set of targeted YouTube channels that are into the genre - had good luck with those 10K to 100K subs channels, seemed to have fanbase dedicated to genre

(whereas channels with Million+ sub channels get lots of views, but viewers tend to want to watch the performer, not caring as much about the game itself, and probably less likely to do a full series)

About 1-2 weeks before launch I contacted YouTube channels that hadn't covered it, and gave heads up to previous channels that big update coming out & may want to cover again.

By this point I have a better trailer & concise pitch, and there's a bit of buzz, so the channels I hadn't had bites from yet had probably at least seen the game around. These factors meant that almost all channels I contacted made a video.

So by launch day I've already had videos from dozens of channels, some of them are a series, all of which keep feeding the wishlist cycle - So by launch day have tens of thousands of wishlists, and tons of YT video views.

Launch day comes, the email goes out to wishlisters, and even though only a fraction buy on day 1, it's enough people that it gets a foodhold on the chart. About 50% of day 1 purchases were from those that had wishlisted it. The other half probably came from resulting chart vis.

Other factors I think come into play - I picked a title that very clearly expresses what the game is. You can understand the game in a gif. It's a 'popular niche' genre that is very popular on PC, and particularly on Steam, and yet relatively underserved.

The things I didn't do: cold-email sites asking for reviews, use a publisher, pay for ads, show at expos. I honestly do not know if they would have helped MORE, but at least they were not a necessary step here

Usual caveat - every game is different, presumably there's some secret sauce about the game itself here, and in 1-2 years everything may change again? But I'd say keys are: pre-launch community building, and making sure Coming Soon page was up to collect wishlists.

Ooh and forgot one key thing- add tags to your game page on Steam! They seem to be very important for letting Steam algorithm know if your game is similar to others. Check out other games in your genre if you need suggestions for relevant tags


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
No offense to peeps here, but I agree with you.
The way these Epic store exclusives are handled, are best taken as a case by case basis. What I'm suggesting is pretty asshole-ish, but this is one of those times when you want to show these devs and pubs that they 'dun fucked up' on how they approach their consumers and those interested in their products.

As a first example, let us consider Hades
This game launched and is among the first titles to be announced for the EGS, as an early access title.
Assuming its EA status will be cleared in less than a year, then we can assume that 1 year after its EGS exclusivity it'll release on GOG and Steam.
Now how would you feel about supporting them after their recent tweet from a few weeks back? Do you feel like giving them a pass and getting the game upon release on Steam, or did you find their position and communication one that's soured your opinion of them?

Secondly, you've got the recent Phoenix Point situation, the way the team handled their game and its development isn't professional, and has displeased many of consumers who had faith in them to deliver a product, which wouldn't even exist if it were not for their support.

Consider these 2, then consider other titles that got into the EGS exclusively.
Hades is the only EGS exclusive game so far that I ever consider buying for cheap on Steam. I am disappointed about their choice of Epic's Store for early access, but the final game will release on all platforms so I can live with that.

But any finished games (timed) exclusive to Epic's Store will remain on my ignore list forever. I strongly dislike exclusivity deals, and I will not support any games, devs or publishers who agree with this shitty practice. I've added Deep Silver and Annapurna on my ignore list on Steam, and they will stay there as long as as they are making these deals with Epic.

Phoenix Point is another level of crap of course. These devs won't ever see a single cent from me anymore.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Why isn't my animated Mega Man avatar working properly? :(
Is there some compression when uploading the avatar that screws the gif?
no ... not really ... the gif might have been encoded with some weird settings ... or maybe it doesn't like transparent gifs (it's probably this tbh) ... not sure :(
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