Community MetaSteam | March 2021 - The Home of Obscure Indie Gaming

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Nov 1, 2018
Yet I keep reading about young people feeling awful, anxiety and depression during this pandemic. Yeah, the youth and in general young people are not doing great in most countries it seems.
I'd trade places with them any moment - they are forced to go to work every day even though no one cancelled quarantine just cause low tier bosses are like 'even if they die there's plenty of cannon fodder'; and I pretend to be feeling awful and anxious.
And they want 3x times more shit done than before pandemic lol.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I take back what I said about Apex on N/S. I just carried my team so hard (I can't think of a good joke/comparison)

The visuals are bad and stuff but you can get past some of that.

I guess it's because there are a lot of new players that are not very familiar with the game and how somethings work that me and my team was able to win.

It's still Apex so it's a lot of fun and it can get intense. I have not really played it in handheld mode since that's the main point (but I think I may have joycon drift.

Fun times.

There are how ever some issues with the UI and if you were not familiar with the game and stuff that you will miss out on since it's just a blank image type of thing.

What does suck with the new update is that if you are on a controller you can't inspect your weapon any more...... Or maybe you can but that just really sucks.


Junior Member
Mar 8, 2021
I have finished 12 games so far this year. The best one for January was TW3 Blood & Wine ; for February TSIOQUE (a point-n-click game which is doable without a guide) ; for March, it is yet to be decided among the current candidates (Keen, Artifact Foundry's solo campaign, and soon Control). Speaking of Control, I am not too interested in the story. I am mostly having fun with the mechanics, including the last one (levitation).

Keen looks really nice and I'll pick it up, I miss those types of puzzle games. But always makes me sad when I see such a polished game on Steam with such a low number of reviews (and likely sales) :(


Alpine Flower Boy
Dec 31, 2018
A few months ago I've played Hades only for about two hours and wasn't really feeling the rogue like elements so I dropped it. Gave it another shot earlier this week and suddenly it really clicked with me. The combat is so good and it's really easy to fall into the "one more" vortex which keeps you playing for hours.

On another note. What's up with having to relog into Steam so often lately? I'm using Firefox if it makes any difference.

Nice to meet you guys! I'm new around here :minos_mario:
Welcome! :steam_pigblanket:


Junior Member
Mar 8, 2021
I see myself in this and I don't like it.

Ha!! I think Undertale was the first game I played after I built my 2080ti gaming PC a couple of years ago and even now with a 3080 I've been playing Cyber Shadow (albeit at 120hz!) :)

But I also played Control fully maxed out. And that's what I love about PC gaming, it can do it all I guess. Just because I am lucky enough to have a 3080 doesn't mean feel pressure to only play games that take full advantage of it. In fact the main thing that pulled me towards PC gaming is the sheer variety of games on the platform, big and small and everything in between.


Resident Cynic
Jun 23, 2020
Regarding Android browser, I use Vivaldi myself (on PC as well). It has built-in ad blocker, sync across devices, password manager and the PC version is very customizable when it comes to UI.

As for Ubi requiring credit card or paypal, pretty sure debit card works too as that's what I always use.
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Junior Member
Mar 8, 2021
Metro 2033 is free on Steam until the 15th.

Anyone who hasn't played it make sure to check it out. The game is really good. The last couple hours of that game are 5 stars (y)
Is it less talky than Exodus? That game really bored me as I felt that most of the time I was sat still while people kept talking to me about stuff. Also is the redux much of an upgrade over this non-redux free version?


May 4, 2019
Is it less talky than Exodus? That game really bored me as I felt that most of the time I was sat still while people kept talking to me about stuff. Also is the redux much of an upgrade over this non-redux free version?
Haven't played Exodus yet so I don't know how talky it is. There is a lot of narrative in the game but plenty of action and lots of great sequences.

I enjoyed 2033 a lot more than Last Light.
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Dec 17, 2018
Gonna have to decide what to play next after finishing up Wasteland 3 today. I kinda wanted the first Original Sin, but I feel I need to play some shorther again.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Well Stadia exclusivity makes sense now XD

Most of the time when a team accepts an exclusivity is because they are unsure about the product they are selling and this way they are securing a good chunk of money front-face, probably even enough to justify letting it root there forever and move on. There are exceptions but most of the time this is what I think it happens (under different circumstances)


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
When Steam introduced the new library, I created an "asap" category to highlight the games in my backlog that I really want to play next. While this category used to contain 2 or 3 games, it's already over 50 now!

So many good games, and so little time to play them all! Please help me! :eek:


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
When Steam introduced the new library, I created an "asap" category to highlight the games in my backlog that I really want to play next. While this category used to contain 2 or 3 games, it's already over 50 now!

So many good games, and so little time to play them all! Please help me! :eek:
so make new "sooner than asap" category :face-with-stuck-out-tongue-and-winking-eye:


Dec 17, 2018
When Steam introduced the new library, I created an "asap" category to highlight the games in my backlog that I really want to play next. While this category used to contain 2 or 3 games, it's already over 50 now!

So many good games, and so little time to play them all! Please help me! :eek:
Mine is so long I had to gif it. Sorry about the pink colors, gifcam couldn't handle it.



Sleeper must awaken
Dec 9, 2018
Is it less talky than Exodus? That game really bored me as I felt that most of the time I was sat still while people kept talking to me about stuff. Also is the redux much of an upgrade over this non-redux free version?
Yeah, this one is much less talky. Exodus had those train sections which could talk 30mins - 1 hour if you spoke to people (I actually enjoyed this though). 2033 has sections where you are at stations but its usually a walk and talk moments that never goes near as long.

As for the other part it is really hard to say redux made the game easier to run and helped with stealth sections and ai etc... but the original had a look that some people prefer and pushed the hardware. Worth actually playing both especially considering this one is free.
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Dec 17, 2018
So many awesome games in that list. The problem then is choice paralysis when deciding what to play next, when you know you'll enjoy it all.
It's why hunting down a PS5 was much easier than expected. After all, whenever I get a PS5, Demons will be the only game I will be getting on it for a while anyways (due to first party pricing).


Jun 11, 2019
Yeah, this one is much less talky. Exodus had those train sections which could talk 30mins - 1 hour if you spoke to people (I actually enjoyed this though). 2033 has sections where you are at stations but its usually a walk and talk moments that never goes near as long.

As for the other part it is really hard to say redux made the game easier to run and helped with stealth sections and ai etc... but the original had a look that some people prefer and pushed the hardware. Worth actually playing both especially considering this one is free.
I agree with all of this, I'm also part of the ''Redux is actually a downgrade'' way of thinking


Junior Member
Mar 8, 2021
It's why hunting down a PS5 was much easier than expected. After all, whenever I get a PS5, Demons will be the only game I will be getting on it for a while anyways (due to first party pricing).
I managed to get a PS5 at launch but to date I've only really used it to play through Astro and Miles, and tried a few of the free Plus games like Bugsnax and Maquette (a stuttering mess on PS5!). Not taken the plunge with Demon's Souls, most likely Ratchet will be next. Returnal looks interesting but not enough at that price sadly.

Regardless I expect Demons Souls and Returnal will be candidates for the first PS5 to PC ports anyway, and I'd rather play them on PC tbh. And with my "backlog" I'm less and less inclined to care if I have to wait a year or so longer to play something anyway. Except Ratchet that is :)


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I managed to get a PS5 at launch but to date I've only really used it to play through Astro and Miles, and tried a few of the free Plus games like Bugsnax and Maquette (a stuttering mess on PS5!). Not taken the plunge with Demon's Souls, most likely Ratchet will be next. Returnal looks interesting but not enough at that price sadly.

Regardless I expect Demons Souls and Returnal will be candidates for the first PS5 to PC ports anyway, and I'd rather play them on PC tbh. And with my "backlog" I'm less and less inclined to care if I have to wait a year or so longer to play something anyway. Except Ratchet that is :)
What did you think of Bugsnax? I also played it on PS5 and oh boy those Dualsense features can be cool at times but also a nightmare as well. Having audio ques is nice (the DS4 can also do it but hardly any game ever used it's built in speaker). But the resistance on the triggers did bother me at times making a simple task way harder then it needed to be when using traps to catch snax


Dec 17, 2018
Im gonna start Divinity OS today. I finished OS 2 a month ago, so I will at least check out how playable the first game is. OS 2 was amazing at least.


Junior Member
Mar 8, 2021
What did you think of Bugsnax? I also played it on PS5 and oh boy those Dualsense features can be cool at times but also a nightmare as well. Having audio ques is nice (the DS4 can also do it but hardly any game ever used it's built in speaker). But the resistance on the triggers did bother me at times making a simple task way harder then it needed to be when using traps to catch snax
I thought Bugsnax was good not great tbh, gets more interesting towards the end of course. I agree about the DS. I like the haptics but hate the triggers. I gave the PS5 version of Control a try as it was free on Plus and the triggers are a nightmare in that game, just makes it so much more unnecessarily difficult to fire. But even without the resistance I don't like the feel of the DS triggers. The DS was a real novelty at first with Astro but definitely not the game changer that many were suggesting, at least not in a good way. But I realise I'm probably in a minority on this.
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