Community MetaSteam | May 2021 - Wallets Gone

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anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Also ouch at those Biomutant scores.
I understand Biomutant isn't living up to expectations? :(.
wait , poeple really expected more than 7/10s out of Biomutant? For reals?

Its A-AA project, thats been in dev hell for years , made by tiny amount of exAvalanche devs with eurojank production values .
Like even the bigger budget Avalanche games never really went above 7.5 metascore, did you all really expect them 9s and 10s from indie team born out of them?

Personally i am rather positively surprised that average is around 7s as i expected it to be in 5/6 range for the reasons above.

Reminds me what i said in discord while ago in discussion about Darksiders 3

as i realy love how its the usual eurojank reviews where its spread allover the whole review score range
and often the reviews conflict each other on pros and cons :drinking-blob:


Apr 18, 2019
wait , poeple really expected more than 7/10s out of Biomutant? For reals?

Its A-AA project, thats been in dev hell for years , made by tiny amount of exAvalanche devs with eurojank production values .
Like even the bigger budget Avalanche games never really went above 7.5 metascore, did you all really expect them 9s and 10s from indie team born out of them?

Personally i am rather positively surprised that average is around 7s as i expected it to be in 5/6 range for the reasons above.

Reminds me what i said in discord while ago in discussion about Darksiders 3

as i realy love how its the usual eurojank reviews where its spread allover the whole review score range
and often the reviews conflict each other on pros and cons :drinking-blob:
I honestly expected better, yeah. At least a bit more environmental interaction. I knew it wasn't going to be a 9/10 sort of game but the Kung Fu Panda references had me hoping it could be something more than just an open-world collect-a-thon.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
i still dont understand on what basis those expectations were
... imo it was pretty obvious whats its gonna be from the start and tbh they managed to add to that core more than i ever thought it will have (as in all them movement mechanics, factions mechanic, crafting,... ) ... no clue about the "environmental interaction"s ne ver seen any basis for those ... it was always mentioned as Kung-fu fable so imo the combobased compat they went with in the end is quite the fit ... no idea what you expectd from "Kung Fu Panda reference"


Apr 17, 2019
Phew, just finished the first ending of Nier Replicant. What a misery. What a slog. I can see that there's an interesting underlying story and world somewhere in there, but the gameplay narrative just didn't deliver on it at all for me. The relationships between the characters all felt so unearned. The endless backtracking and fetch quests across the same boring and barren areas. Climbing that fucking shrine YET AGAIN. OMG, kill me pls. I can't see myself playing to get any of the other endings or even watching videos of them. I'm even questioning whether I actually liked Nier Automata, or if it's all just a false memory.
On a positive note, the music was stellar, as expected. The look of the very few cutscenes was original and captivating -- I wish the actual game itself had more of that stylish look. The backstory was very cool, except for the layers and layers of endless bullshit required to uncover any of it. It probably would have been way better to experience this game back in the days when it was released. In the current time, I was unable to appreciate most of it.


Dec 20, 2018
Our source stated that Riders Republic, the upcoming biking and skiing battle royale game, is nearly completed and will likely be announced with a very close release date at Ubisoft's E3 conference. They described it as being buried under "loads of microtransactions" with several currencies and a battle pass. It's unclear if the battle pass uses only real money or can be paid for with in-game money like Fortnite. Expect to see a yearly pass, a daily shop, and a wide variety of cosmetics in seasonal shops. Surprisingly, even with Ubisoft's recent declaration of moving nearly all games to a free-to-play system, Riders Republic will launch at full retail price, although our source stated that everything about it "screams F2P." Riders Republic will require PS Plus and Xbox Live Gold to play on consoles.



Apr 18, 2019
i still dont understand on what basis those expectations were
... imo it was pretty obvious whats its gonna be from the start and tbh they managed to add to that core more than i ever thought it will have (as in all them movement mechanics, factions mechanic, crafting,... ) ... no clue about the "environmental interaction"s ne ver seen any basis for those ... it was always mentioned as Kung-fu fable so imo the combobased compat they went with in the end is quite the fit ... no idea what you expectd from "Kung Fu Panda reference"
Their communication. Bear in mind that it dates back to 2019 in some cases, before they seem to have made cuts. Environmental interactions is what they've mentioned of BOTW for instance.

I mean, I'm disappointed but also acknwoledged I more or less saw it coming from the later gameplay videos. You can't tell me there was no basis for those things though. They even mentioned KFP themselves, it just seems you haven't followed their communication on it as much.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Their communication. Bear in mind that it dates back to 2019 in some cases, before they seem to have made cuts. Environmental interactions is what they've mentioned of BOTW for instance.

I mean, I'm disappointed but also acknwoledged I more or less saw it coming from the later gameplay videos. You can't tell me there was no basis for those things though. They even mentioned KFP themselves, it just seems you haven't followed their communication on it as much.
well its been ages , and i cant keep up with everything they ever said .... Thats why i was asking what you base it on :p
Ultimately i guess i never really paid attention to it cause i didnt found what i played of BOTW anything that special for it to need to be here.
Quick googling says the most comparision the game had to zelda was mostly from jurnous , devs only said structure and that the world is similarly colourfull. My google-fu fifnt found much about environmental interactions.

As for th KFP i still dont understand what you expected from it , .... with quick googling the devs said its audiovisually similar.
If you meatn combat i am not sure either the movie was more of a "character action game" style of combat which i am not even sure how to apply to a game seems to went for DMC-ish combo based combat , but reviews are super conflicted about it (some say its utter trash and some love it), so hard to say withut me trying it

You say "You can't tell me there was no basis for those things though" but ultimately i guess i dont really understand what you mean by those bases cause you talk aboout "they mentioned," "they said" ... but nothing concrete for me to help understand you :upside-down-face:

Help me understand what you mean :-D (i guess my google fu isnt enough coz it didnt found the things you meantioned in a way you mentioned :dizzy-face:)
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Apr 18, 2019
well its been ages , and i cant keep up with everything they ever said .... Thats why i was asking what you base it on :p
Ultimately i guess i never really paid attention to it cause i didnt found what i played of BOTW anything that special for it to need to be here.
Quick googling says the most comparision the game had to zelda was mostly from jurnous , devs only said structure and that the world is similarly colourfull. My google-fu fifnt found much about environmental interactions.

As for th KFP i still dont understand what you expected from it , .... with quick googling the devs said its audiovisually similar.
If you meatn combat i am not sure either the movie was more of a "character action game" style of combat which i am not even sure how to apply to a game seems to went for DMC-ish combo based combat , but reviews are super conflicted about it (some say its utter trash and some love it), so hard to say withut me trying it

You say "You can't tell me there was no basis for those things though" but ultimately i guess i dont really understand what you mean by those bases cause you talk aboout "they mentioned," "they said" ... but nothing concrete for me to help understand you :upside-down-face:

Help me understand what you mean :-D (i guess my google fu isnt enough coz it didnt found the things you meantioned in a way you mentioned :dizzy-face:)
I recall a video in which they mentioned their inspirations for the world and tone and what they aimed to create, at which point they more or less called it post-apoc Kung Fu Panda. Also, can we drop it? I'm not sure it's important in any way and my disappointment is depressing enough :p. No hard feelings or anything but I'm just tired.

Also, if anyone wants to have their mind melted from how the universe simulation works/is going to work in SC.
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More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
The developers of Spellbreak are giving out in-game items through Twitch Prime, but you have to install redeem it through EGS only. It's available for Steam also.
The game has less than 1k players daily on Steam, the bulk of the players, if a bulk of players exist for this game, its probably on EGS, its easy for they to just use EOS to give the items for all the players, even the few ones on Steam, and they probably, really really, want people to stay on EGS for that 100% MTX money.


Non-Stop MMO Searcher
Dec 22, 2018
Sad it seems the expansion was half assed (I mean, it doesn't even have VR like before, sucks), I've seen complaints about everything, from the basic intent of the core gameplay loop to the nerfed terrain generation. Long before even getting to the technical side of it and if it works or not and if it performs well or not.

It feels like anytime a big release comes out, and it reviews negatively - it's called "review bombing". It could never be that the product is flawed in someway...never.

I can play too

Unhappy journalists review bomb Balan Wonderland. (thanks Ranger)
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Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019

It feels like anytime a big release comes out, and it reviews negatively - it's called "review bombing". It could never be that the product is flawed in someway...never.

I can play too

Unhappy journalists review bomb Balan Wonderland. (thanks Ranger)
You look at wonderland and at least on Steam it has a mixed reviews so there are people that like it compared to that OC score where it seems like only 10 of critics liked the game. So there are people out there that do like that product but it just doesn't have a large appeal.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
By the way is SMT 3 the first "anime" game/Japanese dev game that has "extra" steam point rewards stuff? Actually now that I think about it, I guess that would actually be Nekopara that was first and they even have multiple animated profile backgrounds. So has there been any other Big name Japanese dev that has done that? I was hoping that SE would do it for Nier but they didn't. They will use stuff like wallpaper stuff as pre-order bonus stuff and yet on PSN they will do avatars as a pre-order bonus, so why not do the same on PC? I know that Star Wars Squadrons had it where you could get a Steam profile border as a bonus, so It looks like it's possible.

So in case you don't know what I mean, if you look at the rewards points for that game there is a Demi-fiend animated avatar and also an animated border as well.

For SMT3 it makes sense seeing how the game is currently $50 and it will cost you that much in points to get both of those items.
Correction there is also a animated profile background as well, so if you bought the deluxe edition you would have enough points for all 3 I think.


Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
Which one is taken from PCSX2 (and the other is from the Remaster (without looking at the URL)?

First one is the re release innit?
2nd one is emulator
Unless they are both from re release and 2nd one is with blur option off.
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Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
First one is the re release innit?
2nd one is emulator
Correct. The PCSX2 screenshot is my own, and I turn on its specific hack (skipdraw) to remove the blur fx.

Overall, I think the perceivable difference between Maniax Chronicle Edition in PCSX2 and HD remaster is very slight and doesn't warrant spending $70 for it, even though the ability to select demon traits when fusing in Cathedral of Shadows is a nice addition. I'll probably buy it for $20 and when all the mods comes out, but I reckon this remaster is below an acceptable standard.
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Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
I agree that there should be an option to remove such effects in the re release, or to be more exact, additional graphics options.

I will wait for a sale and more mods also.
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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
I saw a bunch of folks in my feeds buying Fate Seeker, it looks like the game is 90% off. There's a working English translation too, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.

  • NPC Name : 99%
  • Interface : 98.8%
  • Map or Location : 99.5%
  • Skill Name : 99.9%
  • Item: 99.9%
  • Quest: 99.9%
  • Dialogue : 99.8%


Oct 30, 2018
Weird that Tetris Effect appears as OMEGA on its community page:

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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Hmm, omega was the (nick)name of a dev they partnered with/hired since Every Extend Extra, he made Every Extend among other cool stuff on his own :unsure:
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Question everything, learn nothing
Sep 17, 2019
So if it requires extra work from devs to ''port'' the games to the new device then it's pretty much dead right?
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
So if it requires extra work from devs to ''port'' the games to the new device then it's pretty much dead right?
Nope, the machine could very well be in the same way as a Win 3, games run in native mode and those that can't will be streamed via link.

Steam main system is still PC, nothing would change and of course Valve wouldn't make it mandatory for the machine.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Don't see how there can ever be a Steam "console", people said the same struff for the Steam machines, it always has to be PC if it's to have the Steam library. If they partner with whoever to make a nice form factor and implement their controller ideas and everything and their own Linux distro etc., sure, cool, still a PC.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Don't see how there can ever be a Steam "console", people said the same struff for the Steam machines, it always has to be PC if it's to have the Steam library. If they partner with whoever to make a nice form factor and implement their controller ideas and everything and their own Linux distro etc., sure, cool, still a PC.
it IS a PC, but clearly in a console form factor. Key here is that no multiple systems release at the same time, 2 max. and all must be Valve, no third parties.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Don't see how there can ever be a Steam "console", people said the same struff for the Steam machines, it always has to be PC if it's to have the Steam library. If they partner with whoever to make a nice form factor and implement their controller ideas and everything and their own Linux distro etc., sure, cool, still a PC.
I mean consoles are basically also just PCs running a custom OS and peripherals ¯\(ツ)


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
it IS a PC, but clearly in a console form factor. Key here is that no multiple systems release at the same time, 2 max. and all must be Valve, no third parties.
I'm just saying, people shouldn't expect a console, there will be the same old tinkering and spec and compatibility checking (rather than expecting AAA games that technically support the system to work fine for the next x years as if it's a console with its own special version library) and all that is PC territory, no matter how fancy the form and the UI of it is. It's going to be just like any other brand's small/portable/tablet/whatever form factor PC. Like Surface, Yoga, Thinkbook or whatever, designed by Valve. And if one likes it and also understands everything that comes with it, good and bad compared to any other model, they don't even need to care whether it sells like a console or not either, it will still work for them regardless. I guess you'd care if it's not a success so there's no updated 20xx model when you inevitably need to upgrade assuming the smaller form factors won't be easily or extensively upgradable like any laptop or smaller form factor PC, but not for any other reason, as if it will no longer get games support etc. like a failed console. Like some rushed to lol @ Steam machines as if the people who got one suddenly didn't have a functioning PC because they didn't sell so hot or something (I mean, they weren't even released worldwide iirc). Calling anything like this a console is disingenuously misrepresenting its purpose to users and undersells what it is in other ways. I hope Valve don't do that.
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Sep 20, 2018
Don't see how there can ever be a Steam "console", people said the same struff for the Steam machines, it always has to be PC if it's to have the Steam library. If they partner with whoever to make a nice form factor and implement their controller ideas and everything and their own Linux distro etc., sure, cool, still a PC.
Maybe Valve has gone full Apple, and will lock down their handheld, so you cannot install anything but Steam games on it, nor run any other software. Then you could actually call it a console. :evilblob:

But yeah, there's little distinction between the two words anymore, even "consoles" are just locked down PCs these days.


Nov 4, 2018
Oh yeah, it's happening isn't it?

I'm just saying, people shouldn't expect a console, there will be the same old tinkering and spec and compatibility checking (rather than expecting AAA games that technically support the system to work fine for the next x years as if it's a console with its own special version library) and all that is PC territory, no matter how fancy the form and the UI of it is.
I strongly doubt it. A single configuration would not need any tinkering.
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No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
Don't see how there can ever be a Steam "console", people said the same struff for the Steam machines, it always has to be PC if it's to have the Steam library. If they partner with whoever to make a nice form factor and implement their controller ideas and everything and their own Linux distro etc., sure, cool, still a PC.
Valve needs to "finish" the Steam-OS ASAP.
We can't continue to hope that Microsoft doesn't close off Windows more and more. We need an open OS that can still play our old games and that supports mods and changing files.


Dec 17, 2018
Started the Doom Eternal DLC yesterday and it's relaly difficulty, even on the second lowest difficulty.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
So if it requires extra work from devs to ''port'' the games to the new device then it's pretty much dead right?
Yes. I simply don't think Valve has what it takes to introduce a platform with any form of certification requirements. (And that's not necessarily a bad thing)

I strongly doubt it. A single configuration would not need any tinkering.
I'm not sure how that could be the case. Unless you don't want to run the existing Steam library of tens of thousands of games. Which is the whole point, is it not?

If there's a list of games, it needs to be a selection done and maintained by Valve which works out of the box (but hopefully the device wouldn't be limited to just that selection).
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