Also ouch at those Biomutant scores.
wait , poeple really expected more than 7/10s out of Biomutant? For reals?I understand Biomutant isn't living up to expectations?.
Its A-AA project, thats been in dev hell for years , made by tiny amount of exAvalanche devs with eurojank production values .
Like even the bigger budget Avalanche games never really went above 7.5 metascore, did you all really expect them 9s and 10s from indie team born out of them?
Personally i am rather positively surprised that average is around 7s as i expected it to be in 5/6 range for the reasons above.
Reminds me what i said in discord while ago in discussion about Darksiders 3

as i realy love how its the usual eurojank reviews where its spread allover the whole review score range
and often the reviews conflict each other on pros and cons