What's the point of a retail release, when all you get is a Steam code or a Steam installer and you have to download the whole thing anyway. It makes sense for nostalgia editions like the big box release of Ion Fury and such but that's about it imo.
I will miss retail console games though
That's true only for a handful of games, it's basically a problem that's been exaggerated during the years imo, I've almost 300 pc games on the shelves and I'm pretty sure that roughly 95% of them are usable even if Steam goes down one day. I always check what's inside the dvd and aside the D1 patches they are pretty much complete, out of the box.
Btw I understand your pov, as an owner of almost 2k games digitally I know that it's a niche thing. But still, more options to buy games won't harm anyone.
On another note, I've finished Blades of Time, pretty cool game for such a low budget title. A shame that we'll never see a sequel, the ending isn't that conclusive...
Now I've started Timeshift, I've already played it a couple of years ago (When i found it boxed, speaking of which

) but I feel like it's the right time to do another playtrough on Steam, it's worth even if only to have some screenshots on the database.