Community MetaSteam | September 2019 - Valve, I Know What You Did Last Summer!

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Pretty much.
PS had TLOU2 release date
Xbox had the Xcloud beta sign ups

That was it really.
TLOU2 in February like the rumors said ?
And I see the new Game Pass PC announcements were... so so. I could have sworn City Skyline was already there and SRIV is quite ancient now. That leaves Bad North and Dirt Rally 2.0. Getting complacent :frowning-face-with-open-mouth:
About to start Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines for Spooktober. Will probably the only chance I have to play it before the second one comes out.

Using the GOG version: What mods should I install to make it smooter? As I understand it there is already a performance/compatability mod installed in the GOG version but do I need anything else?
October is even crazier than September.

Not for me, won't even come close to the second half of September. Which is still going strong, just saw....

What a nice surprise, a lovely shooter developed a few years ago for Dreamcast. Had no idea it's coming to PC.

TLOU part 2 didn't look like anything special this time. Just a regular janky PS4 game. And yea its gonna be rough on base ps4.

The gameplay reveal from last year looked impressive on the other hand. Probably the PS5 footage heh.

Can't be worse than TLOU, playing that, playing anything on the PS3 in 2013 was rough. Still Top 3 of that year but I never felt it needed a sequel and my trust in Druckman to come up with anything interesting anymore is pretty low.
I wonder if TLOU 1 plays nice with RPCS3.

Edit - Oof, not yet. Promising though.

About to start Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines for Spooktober. Will probably the only chance I have to play it before the second one comes out.

Using the GOG version: What mods should I install to make it smooter? As I understand it there is already a performance/compatability mod installed in the GOG version but do I need anything else?
Oh God, I need to do that, too. There is 0 chance my OCD will let me touch the second one without having played it anyways.
I want to buy more hours in the day.
I'm usually not necessarily "big" on the Gameboy aesthetics, but this game, that was just released, looks rather cool:


This developer seems to love Link's Awakening, which happens to be my GOAT. So yeah, bought. 😊
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About to start Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines for Spooktober. Will probably the only chance I have to play it before the second one comes out.

Using the GOG version: What mods should I install to make it smooter? As I understand it there is already a performance/compatability mod installed in the GOG version but do I need anything else?
Yeah I think the GOG version already comes with the base mod but I'm not sure if it comes with the extra content as well so you could reapply the mods to restore those.

Also do not be afraid to godmode through some combat-oriented levels if they start getting too fucky. This game can be fucking ruthless at times.
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Especially towards the end of Bloodlines where it's obvious that they ran out of time and just threw together what they had and made it work even if it meant it was unfair against Nosferatu who had little to no firearms skills. Oh god... the tunnels at the end, fek me.
Not for me, won't even come close to the second half of September. Which is still going strong, just saw....

What a nice surprise, a lovely shooter developed a few years ago for Dreamcast. Had no idea it's coming to PC.

This is great. I've never been able to get Sturmwind to run well in an emulator and this should solve that. It's a pretty good shooter.
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Yeah I think the GOG version already comes with the base mod but I'm not sure if it comes with the extra content as well so you could reapply the mods to restore those.

Also do not be afraid to godmode through some combat-oriented levels if they start getting too fucky. This game can be fucking ruthless at times.


Any mods you would recommend?
I think I just worked out for 2h5 min. Longest workout Ive had I think. Usually it's between 1h20min-1h45min.

Started by running for 15min at 15 km/h and 2,5 incline or whatever it's called in English when the treadmills becomes more steeper.

Felt abit like Vader when walking off from the threadmill.
It looks like the new update for Battlefront II has rolled out. You can never tell with Origin. Sometimes, it re-downloads the whole 60gb game seemingly just for the fuck of it. You'll click as fast as your knuckles allow on that little "update automatically" for just about every little thing you can, Origin itself included, and watch helplessly as the full download bar begins just as you decide, like an idiot, to play an EA game.

I don't even know if I'm interested. It's hard to tell. There's a new class, no clue where and when you can use it. A new planet. Co-op for losers who have friends or people that care about them. And a soon-to-be dropping Rise of the Skywalker tie-in.

Still, gotta applaud all of this free work. As far as 180s go, this has to be one of the better examples.
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About to start Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines for Spooktober. Will probably the only chance I have to play it before the second one comes out.

Using the GOG version: What mods should I install to make it smooter? As I understand it there is already a performance/compatability mod installed in the GOG version but do I need anything else?

I'm also playing this next month :)
I was doing a little reading on the gog forums, and this seems to be the most updated mod for the game. It offers both bug fixes and content addittions, but I will probably just opt for the fixes and play the base game.

Wesp's Unofficial Patch:

The Patches Scrolls | Home | Demos, Game updates, Patches, Addons and more/

Here you should find the newest patches. Althought the "normal" GOG version is already patched for bugs, but here you can get also the "Plus Content", with various additional changes (and music from the composer of original soudtrack, who kindly help the community by giving unused track to them).
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Man I really want Borderlands 3 but I dont want to make an EGS account. I wish there was some way I could it DRM free or something and just pay Gearbox (but not randy). The moral dilemmas of PC gaming are real.
There's a hat in the middle of the arena, first one to take a dump in the hat wins.

Or so I'm guessing, because then I wouldn't feel bad about missing out on it.
I stopped believing you at the last part. This is telling about how much I expect.
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My annual paid leave allowance refreshes at the end of this October, and I still have 4 days left to be used.

I've been planning to put all 4 remaining days for The Outer Worlds launch, but I think I'll split the 2 of them into Disco Elysium launch day too. :detectiveblob:
There's nothing like taking vacation to play games -- that feeling when you wake up that day with all those hours ahead of you ... so nice!
It looks like the new update for Battlefront II has rolled out. You can never tell with Origin. Sometimes, it re-downloads the whole 60gb game seemingly just for the fuck of it. You'll click as fast as your knuckles allow on that little "update automatically" for just about every little thing you can, Origin itself included, and watch helplessly as the full download bar begins just as you decide, like an idiot, to play an EA game.
Stop complaining, it's just another launcher! SO ENTITLED.
The producer is asking people to be nice to the devs as it's Activision who threw everyone under the bus for a bit of Sony money.

How convenient that we never can get a hold of those responsible. All I hear when dealing with these megacorps is 'don't be mean to xyz, they didn't do it'. How and where exactly are we supposed to air our complaints then? Rhetorical question, we aren't ofc.
FMV supernatural, me want !
We already hit rock bottom with Gabriel Knight 2 eons ago, we can only go up from there.
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Mmh, I keep thinking about my sentence for some reason. And I'm still behind it. It was slow, you maybe see the creature one time, we transitioned from wonderful pixel art to softporn budget fmv.
That being said, the Wagner part was also really interesting.

Maybe I should replay it.
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