Community MetaSteam | September 2019 - Valve, I Know What You Did Last Summer!

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Just bought the cheapest bottle of red wine in my life, 1.69€! It's going to be acid isn't it?

Speaking of VNs, I have now my windows 10 tablet again and that will be perfect for VNs! But strangely some VNs seem demanding that an intel GPU can't handle?o_O

I used to drink really cheap red wine with a girl in her caravan that her parents got from france in plastic 5l containers.

Tasted like vinegar.
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seems like Versus Evil is going full on 🥚 (thankfully Banner Saga trilogy is already done)
Which one, if I may ask. Looking for a cheap one for jubeat (can't be as expensive as the arcade cabinet is, can it).
You mean which tablet I have? I have a Lenovo Ideapad MiiX 700, I got it back in hmh 2017, but it isn't really cheap, think it was something like 1400€, but it has nice specs and a nice screen.
Ugh now I'm sad, sipping on that wine and playing games was going to be my happiness this weekend.T_T

When do we kill the rich? Because being poor sucks so fucking much.

Not a fan of beer? Now is the best time of the year for beer over here. Delicious herfstbok. I always look forward to it.

Gluhwein is also nice for when it gets chillier and even the cheap stuff tastes pretty okay imo, especially if you add some orange or lemon peel.
Not a fan of beer? Now is the best time of the year for beer over here. Delicious herfstbok. I always look forward to it.

Gluhwein is also nice for when it gets chillier and even the cheap stuff tastes pretty okay imo, especially if you add some orange or lemon peel.
Oh I love beer! But a bottle of wine lasts longer, I had 2.8€ in my bank account and I got greedy and wanted wine AND cookies, should have stuck to only wine.
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I just came across the fact that even trainers have launchers now and that is unironically pretty cool




I rarely use trainers since i'm a #xXxtruegamerxXx but i think i'll keep it installed for the occasion.
Good thing we rich folks have fast cars and Autobahns. You'll never catch me and my crate of expensive Weißbier.

Except maybe during the next two months when I have to give up my drivers license for speeding. Not even kidding. Fucking temporary limits. And no, wasn't endagering anyone, road was empty and I didn't notice the signs. Also that fine.... :notlikethisblob:
Good thing we rich folks have fast cars and Autobahns. You'll never catch me and my crate of expensive Weißbier.

Except maybe during the next two months when I have to give up my drivers license for speeding. Not even kidding. Fucking temporary limits. And no, wasn't endagering anyone, road was empty and I didn't notice the signs. Also that fine.... :notlikethisblob:

Lacht in Deutsch
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and I'll like it.

Btw someone posted the specs:
対応OS Windows Windows:7/8.1/10(64bit)
動作環境 【最低システム要件】
Processor:Core i5 2.7GHz以上(4コア以上)
Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 以上
DirectX Version:Version 11以上
Sound Card:16bitステレオ48kHzWAVE形式が再生可能なもの
Additional Notes:最低、1280x720ピクセル以上表示可能なディスプレイを使用

Processor:Core i7 6700以上(4コア以上)
Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce GTX1660以上
DirectX Version:Version 11以上
Sound Card:16bitステレオ48kHzWAVE形式が再生可能なも
Additional Notes:1920x1080ピクセル以上表示可能なディスプレイを推奨
I hope they're exaggerating with the recommended ones...
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Yet only last week i was praising Focus for their handling of Greedfall. Let's see how that plays out. Hope Frogwares come out of this in a better place and fired up to tackle the future.
I'm still getting Ryza but i'd like some non fan-servicey options in my slice of life crafting game too. I might get it on PC so i can learn to mod it and add a "Sensible Clothes" range. Just to be contrarian and controversial. :)
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Is there a way to know if you have access to preorder bonuses in a game with steam ? I just caved in for Code Vein but not sure I see any sign of bonus.
Is there a way to know if you have access to preorder bonuses in a game with steam ? I just caved in for Code Vein but not sure I see any sign of bonus.
Kinda, use SteamDB extension on Chrome, go to the game page on SteamDB, then go to packages. The highlighted package in green is the one you currently own, and once you click on it you can see what said package includes through the 'apps' tab.

For example, I pre-ordered the game through Steam, which added the package 286180 to my account. When I open this package there, I see that there's 2 apps included with it; Code Vein (app id: 678960) and an unknown package which probably is the pre-order stuff (app id: 875990). These packages can be updated though, so even if it doesn't show an extra package along the main game it might be added once it releases.
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Damnit! Rage 2 another game that adds achievements with DLC so my 100% is no longer. Furthermore it is very strange. I have to buy Rage coins and use those rage coins in the game to buy the DLC? Bizarre.
Indeed, the only way to avoid that method was buying the deluxe edition. The worst part is that the second dlc is not included in the deluxe so if we want to buy we need to buy those coins down the road 🤦‍♀️
seems like v1.0 of Military M&B is already in beta

newgame by HOME and Alone With You dev

Worse Than Death on Steam
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seems like v1.0 of Military M&B is already in beta
It's, and it's so good to see both Freeman and Pine coming along to their 1.0 release this October after so many months following them.
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Am I crazy or did the latest beta update mess with the sorting order on collections?


I put that dot there a while back specifically so that the category with games I've already started would be the first one under favorites but now the backlog one shows up first. Guess I'll just have to rename them (which I'm noticing is thankfully a feature now!) but that's kind of random change lol.
I know that it isn't that interesting but I want to talk about the state of the retail on PC, because this year sure is worrying. (For me at least, I still buy a lot of boxed thing)
If we are going to analize a bunch of the fall release available on PC we can see that:
  • The Surge 2 (Only Digital, The Surge had a retail version)
  • Code Vein (Only Digital, Namco was one of the most prominent in that sense)
  • Gears 5 (Only Digital, all of the Microsoft games were available boxed thanks to the relationship with THQ)
  • Control (Only Digital, AW and QB were boxed with godlike standard edition)
  • Destiny 2 (Only Digital, the first one had one of the boxed-only-code-inside edition thanks to Activision, better than nothing I would say)
  • Remnant: From the Ashes (Only Digital)
  • Borderlands 3 (Only Digital)
Where does this leave us?
We still have THQ Nordic, Capcom and SEGA doing really good standard and collector's edition of their games but it seems that a lot of Publishers (Especially on the AA space) are abandoning completely the retail on PC, and it's a fucking shame.
All the Epic deal also played a role on this because aside Metro (Which we know that there were a lot of retail preorders prior to the deal) there isn't a game that it's available digitally and retail aswell.
It sure tells something if BigBen is waiting the Steam release of The Sinking City to release also the retail version of the game.
Code Vein is at 18k concurrent players and it isnt even the official release date in NA yet. If it crosses 25k (Which it likely will). It'll be one of Namco's biggest PC releases of all time. Only behind DragonBall FighterZ (42k), Dark Souls 2 (The original) (79k) and Dark Souls 3 (130k). The player count is going up by several hundred people every time I refresh, Its only been out for an hour.

Looks like Namco's attempt to fill in the Dark Souls shaped hole in their wallet is working out really well and their games usually dont peak in player count until a few days after release.

Code Vein is at 18k concurrent players and it isnt even the official release date in NA yet. If it crosses 25k (Which it likely will). It'll be one of Namco's biggest PC releases of all time. Only behind DragonBall FighterZ (42k), Dark Souls 2 (The original) (79k) and Dark Souls 3 (130k). The player count is going up by several hundred people every time I refresh, Its only been out for an hour.

Looks like Namco's attempt to fill in the Dark Souls shaped hole in their wallet is working out really well and their games usually dont peak in player count until a few days after release.


Optimizing For Remote Play
Creating Compelling Touch Controls

Since bringing Steam Remote Play out of Beta it's been exciting to see the huge variety of games that it’s being used with. For a start, games with great controller support are being widely played on TVs. On mobile we've seen that some genres are more likely to be played on phones and tablets such as RPG, strategy, adventure, visual novel, and card games. Some games work great with a simple direct or trackpad cursor. But for other games, when default touch controls aren't provided, many players launch the game and then end up playing something else.

So to improve the experience we put together default touch configurations for over 100 of the most common and desired Remote Play games. We learned a lot about how to build fun touch controllers throughout this processes and would like to share a few interesting case studies.

Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch

Launched last week, this is a classic-style RPG that plays great with a fairly typical gamepad layout. But on closer inspection there’s a few things worth pointing out.


The developers have done an excellent job implementing full Steam Input API support. This allows the game to automatically adjust the button layout depending on the current gameplay mode. For example, in menus a D-Pad appears for easy navigation, while navigating the world uses the more comfortable Analog Stick. In the screenshot above there are buttons with special icons for calling your fast travel pals. Then in battle mode the fast travel buttons automatically disappear. All of the possible actions in each mode were easy to discover and lay out because of their Steam Input implementation.

Stardew Valley

Here's another RPG with a significant percentage of players using Steam and Xbox controllers. But since it’s a native PC game its control scheme is anything but typical.


In this game the X button uses your farming tools. They're used rapidly and extremely often, so we enlarged the button to make it easy to press without looking. The arrow buttons cycle through your quick-bar items, and each of the sub menus have been given a helpful icon for quick access. The top center of the screen is sometimes used for dialog, so we moved the Steam button to the upper left. We also moved the keyboard button which is used for giving everything on your farm personalized names. The rest of the screen acts as a cursor trackpad for easily organizing the inventory.


Let’s examine one final action game with an extremely specialized control scheme. Session is a skateboarding simulator that entered early access last week. The way that each foot is controlled by an Analog Stick gives it an intuitive feel on mobile, almost like playing with a Fingerboard.


Tricks are activated using various move combinations with both thumbs, just like controlling both feet. The placement of the X and A buttons let you naturally push off with the left or right foot, and leaning is done with the Left and Right Trigger buttons. In the future we’d like to experiment with leaning using the gyroscope so that we can steer while doing our goofy foot pop shuvits.

Remote Play Optimized

After adding default configurations to this long list of games we’ve seen a steady increase in players using Remote Play. We've also added store hubs for phone, tablet, and TV, in addition to a Library filter so that it's easy to find the best games while on those devices.


We can't wait to feature even more games on these pages, so have a look at our partner documentation to create a default touch configuration for your game. This also includes a new API for detecting the type of device used so that the game is able to adjust resolution and UI as needed.
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