VR support for this in Xbox Game Pass PC? :: DiRT Rally 2.0 General Discussions
This has been on my wishlist for a while and I'm keen to play it in VR. It has just popped up on Xbox Game Pass so I'm wondering if it's somehow possible to play that version in VR? If anyone happens to play that version and is looking through these forums I'd love to know :)steamcommunity.com
"According to a dev on the official forum it wont have VR support"
save that 90gb.
That's what I thought.
Shit, thx for saving me from downloading 90 gb.
I also checked r/dirtgame, some people are saying there are Win Store limitations with VR, Thumper also doesn't support VR apparently.
However, the good news is that Codemasters will patch in Oculus SDK into the Steam version of Dirt Rally 2 next week (the current supports OpenVR which gives choppy performance for Rift users), so Im gonna get the game on Steam as soon as the game is on sale after Oculus SDK support is patched in.