|OT| Monthly Videogame Quiz



your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

July Quiz - Clues #2

So, your appointment at the Job Centre is almost over - forty people already went, and next Wednesday it's all over!

That means it's now time to join the so far three people from this forum - here are the last clues:

1) Game 7 is a digital-only title for a Nintendo console.

2) Title 12 was released for the PlayStation 2.

3) Number 10 and 22 are not related!

4) A big Sequel for title 17 is being developed.

5) The 23 is a Sci-Fi game.

Deadline is Wednesday the 31st of July, participate via July 2019 - Job Centre / Arbeitsamt

Here is the quiz a last time: https://i.lensdump.com/i/WUEuIH.png


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Well, totally spaced it and got it in a little after midnight local time but it's before midnight still in some parts of the world! If you decide not to officially keep my score for being late could you still give me my score for my own curiosity? I did this much faster to squeeze it in than I usually would do so I know my score is probably closer to 18-20.


Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
Last month at work has been hell and I couldn't even use my launch break to search appropriately :confounded-face:

I'm unsure about some job descriptions I put, but I think I got 23 games right. I needed a lot more time to find number 21 and number 24 :lampblob:


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

July Quiz - Answers & High Score

You are relieved to leave the job centre, after you decided for one of the 25 jobs on offer. Great how simple this is! Which one would you pick? ;)

A total of 72 people joined, and six from this community. Eight users managed to get full score, scroll down to see if you are one of them! Due to the creativity involved with the job names, parts of the "other suggestions" are multilingual this time.

1) Harvest Moon (farmer)
subtitle "save the homeland", a game for the ps2.
solved by: 86%
other suggestions: My Time at Portia, Dark Cloud, Animal Crossing, Ingenieur

2) Crazy Taxi (taxi driver)
solved by: 96%
other suggestions: Kurierfahrer

3) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (lawyer)
solved by: 95%
other suggestions: -

4) Lunar Lander (astronaut)
I accepted Lunar Landing, but not Moon Lander.
solved by: 66%
other suggestions: Missile Command, Moon Lander, Thrust, Minenarbeiter, Tänzerin

5) Papers Please (border control)
solved by: 83%
other suggestions: Dwarf Fortress

6) Sega Rally Championship (driver)
solved by: 90%
other suggestions: Colin McRae Rally, Destruction Derby, Daytona USA, V-Rally, Dirt Ralley

7) Bonsai Barber (barber, gardener)
solved by: 57%
other suggestions: Imagine Fashion Designer, Crazy Carrot Cutter, Skipperclips, Wario Ware, Hutmacher

8.) Silent Scope (sniper)
this is the GBA version. I tried hard to find out if you're a cop in this game or not... all it says was "assist the police".
solved by: 69%
other suggestions: Virtua Cop, Syphon Filter, special ops, Sniper: The video game, Sniper Elite, Hostages

9) Moonlighter (sales clerk)
solved by: 61%
other suggestions: Stardew Valley, Retro Quest, Retiree: The video game, Fantasy shop keeper, Bauer, Waiter, retiree

10) Cooking Mama: Sweet Shop (cook)
solved by: 94%
other suggestions: -

11) Flight Control HD (air controller)
solved by: 60%
other suggestions: Air Control, Control Tower, Kennedy Approach, Micro Machines, Planes Control, Sim Airport, Pocket Planes, Flughafenmanager, Flughafenkoordinator, Pilot

12) Mad Maestro (conductor)
solved by: 69%
other suggestions: Rythm Detective, DSDS, singer, Magier

13) Real Heroes Firefighter (firefighter)
solved by: 34%
other suggestions: Serious Sam, Golden Fire Axe III, Firefighters: The Simulation, Confidential Mission, CarnEvil, Soldier, Sniper, hitman, pirate, cowboy, Terrorist, Polizist, Massenmörder, Bodyguard, paramedic

14) Trauma Team (doctor, surgeon)
solved by: 61%
other suggestions: Surgeon Simulator, Drilly Willy, Safe Cracker, Mechaniker, Carpenter

15) House Flipper (craftsman, painter, estate agent)
solved by: 58%
other suggestions: Paintkiller Reloaded

16) Black Gold / Oil Imperium (oil tycoon)
solved by: 44%
other suggestions: Drilling Rigs, Oil Tycoon, Sim City, Geologist, Miner

17) Beyond Good & Evil (photographer, reporter)
solved by: 42%
other suggestions: Yo Kai Watch, Bug Buster, Digimon, Metroid Prime, Käfersammler, Insektologe, Käferzüchter, Kammerjäger, Bounty Hunter, Tierarzt, biologist, Monster trainer, Tierpfleger, Vet, Hundesitter

18.) DJ Hero (DJ, musician)
solved by: 51%
other suggestions: Band Brothers, Jet Set Radio, Stickers DJ, Parappa the Rapper, Guitar hero, The world ends with You, graffiti artist

19) Densha de Go 2 (train driver)
this is the version for Neo Geo Pocket Color.
solved by: 67%
other suggestions: A-Train, Rail Simulator, Train Manager, Train Simulator

20) Pizza Connection / Pizza Tycoon (pizza chef)
solved by: 78%
other suggestions: Cooking Mama, Pizza Poker Parlor

21) This is the police 2 (policeman, sheriff)
solved by: 29%
other suggestions: Cop: the video game, Hitman go, Geheimagent, Söldner, Killer, Hausmeister, Spy, Detektiv, Commander

22) Science Papa (scientist)
solved by: 36%
other suggestions: Scoville Scavenger, Gärtner, Jalapeño Züchter, Chili Tester

23) Red Strings Club (Barkeeper)
no, it's not "VA-11 HALL-A"... that's the OTHER SciFi barkeeper game. ;)
solved by: 58%
other suggestions: VA011 HALL0A

24) on the ball (Football Manager)
solved by: 60%
other suggestions: Hotel Dusk, Das Amt, Bundesliga Manager, FIFA Manager, Football Manager, receptionist, Bürgermeister, Detective, Lma manager, shopkeeper

25) Paperboy (...paperboy)
solved by: 63%
other suggestions: Sonnenstudiobetreiber

Here the quiz again...

And here are the correct answers:

direct link: https://i.lensdump.com/i/i8UF0z.png


01 - 25 points - mnc - Pasu
01 - 25 points - dgo - fl0rian
01 - 25 points - mnc - Deadly Engineer
01 - 25 points - rta - AuraPaladinne
01 - 25 points - pcx - Splunge
01 - 25 points - rtc - Antiriad2097
01 - 25 points - rta - master_Willem
01 - 25 points - mtc - blindrhythm
09 - 24 points - mmx - fedprod
10 - 24 points - mnc - Gerhard S.

11 - 24 points - eab - Havie
12 - 23 points - rta - Illusionary
13 - 23 points - mtc - Milena
14 - 22.5 pnts - guf - Wizdom
15 - 22.5 pnts - rpg - J.R.
16 - 22 points - eab - Nobby_UK
17 - 21.5 pnts - mtc - Wibblewozzer
18 - 21 points - mmx - Knuckles
19 - 20.5 pnts - rta - Frump
20 - 20 points - rta - Hamlet Machine
21 - 19 points - mnc - Mitschel
22 - 19 points - rta - aLaxLuthor
23 - 19 points - dgo - gmpearl
24 - 18 points - pop - Don Cosmo
25 - 18 points - mnc - HomiSite
26 - 18 points - mnc - Mod-Team
27 - 17.5 pnts - m!g - Kong
28 - 17.5 pnts - eab - lialurl
29 - 17 points - hcg - cacao
30 - 17 points - gms - hellermarie
31 - 17 points - ntl - JoakimZ
32 - 16.5 pnts - gpo - j1m
33 - 16.5 pnts - mnc - elementalMaster
34 - 16.5 pnts - hcg - windfisch
35 - 16 points - 4py - DancingDan
36 - 16 points - m!g - geohound
37 - 16 points - ntl - RedderRugfish
38 - 16 points - mnc - Mangamaniac2171
39 - 15.5 pnts - m!g - Red XIII
40 - 15 points - 4py - Crimson Idol
41 - 14.5 pnts - hcg - mainpatr
42 - 14 points - m!g - Rudi Ratlos
43 - 14 points - pop - Sascha
44 - 13 points - gpo - rave
45 - 13 points - mmx - LittleChoco
46 - 13 points - gpo - Maryokutai
47 - 13 points - 4py - Akabei
48 - 12.5 pnts - ntl - Dogorilla
49 - 12.5 pnts - hcg - Moran
50 - 12.5 pnts - mtc - BlackRainbowFT
51 - 12 points - gpo - Klingsor-
52 - 12 points - rtc - Elgin_mcqueen
53 - 12 points - gms - kataka
54 - 12 points - vgz - Walti
55 - 12 points - mnc - Yeboah17
56 - 11.5 pnts - mnc - StefanK
57 - 11 points - mnc - Sir Play-A-Lot
58 - 11 points - guf - Sun
59 - 11 points - eab - Belgarath
60 - 11 points - mtc - TubaZef
61 - 10.5 pnts - mtc - QFNS
62 - 10.5 pnts - pop - Daiyama

63 - 10 points - 4py - Scorplian190
64 - 09.5 pnts - guf - Yoshi
65 - 09.5 pnts - rta - Optional Objectives
66 - 09 points - pcx - Pascal Parvex
67 - 09 points - mnc - Kaneda4Life
68 - 09 points - hcg - Snake
69 - 07.5 pnts - rta - choog
70 - 07.5 pnts - pop - NoGoProGamer
71 - 05.5 pnts - pop - PUH
72 - 03 points - mmx - Shades

4py = 4Players forum
dgo = Dialogoption forum
eab = English Amiga Board
gpo = Gamepro forum
gms = Gamestar forum
guf = Gaming Universe forum
hcg = hardcore gaming 101
m!g = M!Games forum
mmx = Multimediaxis forum
mnc = altes maniac forum
mtc = Metacouncil forum
ntl = NintendoLife forum
pcx = PCX forum
pop = PowerPlay forum
rpg = RPG Maker MV forum
rta = ResetEra forum
rtc = Retro Canteen forum
vgz = Videogameszone forum

So then, winners ceremony: Congratulations to Pasu, fl0rian, Deadly Engineer, AuraPaladinne, Splunge, Antiriad2097, master_Willem and blindrhythm... you all have FULL SCORE and won this round!

Also kudos to Gerhard_S and fedprod, together you form the TOP 10. :)

local high score list:

1 - 25 points - blindrhythm
2 - 23 points - Milena
3 - 21.5 pnts - Wibblewozzer
4 - 12.5 pnts - BlackRainbowFT
5 - 11 points - TubaZef
6 - 10.5 pnts - QFNS

Congrats to blindrythm for the local lead. :) Also good job to all for avoiding the bottom 10 completely.

survey results
You are coming from many different countries (half are from the US, other half from Switzerland, Brazil and Italy), and your average birth year is 1985. That puts this community on 4th place (of 14 forums with at least two submitted birth years). On 1st place as the youngest forum is NintendoLife (1994), the oldest community is the English Amiga Board (1968).

Thanks to all for joining and see you next time!


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I'm totally satisfied with my points considering how quickly I answered and the minimal research. Essentially got everything wrong I expected to, heh.

I'm also a bit surprised at the relatively low percentage for Paperboy correct answers. I thought that was a pure gimme to have as #25, but I guess it wasn't as easy as I assumed.

This was a fun month. Wished I had remembered to do it earlier in the month so I could have spent more time digging for correct answers but that's on me.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Awesome job, blindrhythm :highfiveblob:

And thanks again for all the work Mr_Horizon :penguinblob:

Now, I feel that I should have guessed This is The Police 2, but big nope to On the Ball :blobnerd:
Thanks! You did great as always too! :highfiveblob:

Everyone on MC put in a solid effort from the looks of it. Nice work everybody! :thumbsupblob:

I'm actually a little surprised that I got 25. Things have been pretty rough for me and for the longest time I just didn't have the time or the drive to put together my answers. It was a scramble at the end to get them in and I was worried I missed the cutoff.

And of course, thank you so much Mr_Horizon! These are always a great time and I appreciate all of the work you do to get these ready for folks. :)


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

August Quiz - Sound FX #4

Listen to the music! This sound quiz isn't about effects or digitized speech samples, instead we are going after title and background music of mostly well known videogames. Some users had wished for this, and also I am slowly running out of suitable sound effects. ;)

Watch out, there is something special: the music clips are just a few seconds each. If you guess them right, you get the full point. But in two weeks (22nd of August) the clips will be extended to up to 10 seconds. This will make it easier, but will only get you 0,66 points. And for the last three days (29th of August) the music plays twice as long again, but the correct answer at that time only gets you a meager 0,33 point.

So, it pays to be fast - but also the less audiophile users among you will be able to guess many games in the last days of the month. :)

Have fun!

Deadline is Saturday the 31st of August, participate via http://www.retrogamequiz.com/



Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I am going to do amazingly bad at this. I do not have a memory for music. From going through all 25 I could name like four off the top of my head, three more I'm pretty sure I could hunt out because I've got a good idea, and the rest are just unknown. I had to laugh at #25 for being such nothing. It's likely more to do with my lack of music memory but I expected more notably obvious games for #1-10 but I know two of them and maybe know one or two others with some searching to verify.

Are there going to be hints on top of song lengths increasing or is that expected to be hint enough?
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your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
I am going to do amazingly bad at this.
Don't worry, everyone is amazingly bad at this - the soundFX quiz is always a lot harder than the image riddles. The current average score for this round is five, so don't be shy. ;)

Are there going to be hints on top of song lengths increasing or is that expected to be hint enough?
There will be one round of conventional hints at the end of this week, but instead of a second set of hints you get longer music clips.


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

August Quiz - Sound FX #4 - Clues

Can you hear the music? :p Just like its predecessors, this soundFX quiz is tough with lots of clips that ring frustratingly familiar - just with music instead of the effects & speech samples of the previous rounds. Almost 40 people are in so far, no one from this community, and the average score is six.
This is the only set of hints. Instead of more clues, you get longer music clips next Wednesday, but those will also reduce the points you get for a correct answer to 0,66.

Here are the clues:

1) The games 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 were only released on Nintendo platforms.
2) With the numbers 3, 7, 13 and 18 you hear music from Commodore home computers.
3) Lots of variety in the last row, the platforms are (not in that order) Dreamcast, DOS, ps1, VR and Genesis.
4) In the titles 1, 10, 18, 19, 22 and 24 you are moving in vehicles (land water or air).
5) Number 9 is a Sega Saturn game.

I hope these are useful. :)

Deadline is Saturday the 31st of August, participate via http://www.retrogamequiz.com/


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
In two hours I will update the music clips - they'll be longer but you'll get slightly less points for the right answer.

I had a very busy, long day yesterday so I just saw this now and had it in my head and rushed to do the quiz to get the full points on the handful I knew. I clicked the first one and was thinking, "Why did I not know for sure what this was?" and then realized it had been extended. Ha!
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sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
This is probably going to be the worst I've done. I recognize around half of them, but I only know what game three of them come from for sure.

I'll give them a few more listens over the next day or two though I worry that will only make it worse. When that realization of, "Gah! I should know this!" sets in :LOL:
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Reactions: lashman


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I just submitted what will likely be my only answers, since making the songs longer won't likely be any help for me, so with the points being worth less I think I may get around 4 points this month?

There's maybe one or two more I'll get with extended lengths. And there's one I really liked the sound of so I'm curious to see what game it goes to. My memory isn't tied to music at all so this was pretty much impossible. If I hadn't looked things up I think I knew three for sure and only got a few more because the hints/sounds gave me a strong idea which soundtracks to skim on YouTube to find the answers.

And while I voted at the end for standard image quizzes I do enjoy when you mix things up. I just do very poorly when you do. The sound effects ones I did better with, at least. And I'm guessing it's missing a lot more obvious game music because you've done one before or you didn't want to reuse games that were used in image quizzes?
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your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
I just submitted what will likely be my only answers, since making the songs longer won't likely be any help for me, (...)
Most people say that, it really seems that ten instead of five seconds length makes almost no difference.... well maybe for number one it does. ;) I planned to extend the clips a second time, but I might skip it as no one benefits.

there's one I really liked the sound of so I'm curious to see what game it goes to.
Which one is it? I will post youtube links to all songs in the highscore post. :)

I I'm guessing it's missing a lot more obvious game music because you've done one before or you didn't want to reuse games that were used in image quizzes?
This is actually the very first music quiz, and only the fourth sound quiz overall (you have seen all other soundFX rounds by clicking backwards). I don't care that much about what was included in the image riddles, but try to avoid reusing games I had in the previous soundFX rounds. Jet Set Radio or Doom have very distinct soundtracks, but were just featured in sound quiz #3... so maybe another round!
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Reactions: lashman


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Which one is it? I will post youtube links to all songs in the highscore post. :)

This is actually the very first music quiz, and only the fourth sound quiz overall (you have seen all other soundFX rounds by clicking backwards). I don't care that much about what was included in the image riddles, but try to avoid reusing games I had in the previous soundFX rounds. Jet Set Radio or Doom have very distinct soundtracks, but were just featured in sound quiz #3... so maybe another round!
It was something with higher quality recording and some choral singing. Don't have time right now to click through to find it again.

And that explains obvious missing choices. I would have expected stuff like Sonic, Metal Gear Solid, Skyrim, and songs with other notable themes but I know they were all featured in sound effects quizzes.


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

August Quiz - Answers & Score

The music quiz is over, with these answers you can finally end your quest for that chiptune melody you just couldn't place. :)
The scoring went a bit different than planned - I extended the music only once, and all correct answers gave 0.7 points from then on. It was one of the hardest riddles ever, nobody achieved even twenty points.

If you were slightly off with your answer (e.g. Super Mario Bros instead of Super Mario Land) you'd also get the reduced point. But as I don't like half or quarter points, all scores were rounded up/down for the final score board.

In total there were 87 participants, 3 of which came from this community.

What were the answers and who made it into the top 10? Scroll down and see for yourself. :)

1) Daytona USA (Arcade)
source audio
Less than half, even though they're singing the name of the game? :)
solved by: 47%
other suggestions: Gundam Wing

2) Super Mario Land (Game Boy)
source audio
The easiest title of this round.
solved by: 85%
other suggestions: Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, Duck Hunt

3) Zac McKracken (C64)
source audio
solved by: 17%
other suggestions: Battletoads, Double Dragon, Maniac Mansion, Tetris Blast, Spiderman, Turrican

4) Castlevania (NES)
source audio
solved by: 61%
other suggestions: Mega Man, Nintendo Podcast, Nintendo World Cup, Street Fighter 1&2, Super Probotector

5) Shadow of the Colossus (ps2)
source audio
solved by: 32%
other suggestions: Assassin’s Creed, Castlevania, Civilization VI, Eternal Darkness, Myst, Morrowind, Zelda

6) Fortress of Fear (Game Boy)
source audio
solved by: 21%
other suggestions: FF Adventure, FF Legends 2, Pokemon, Seiken Densetsu, Shovel Knight, Tetris, Wonderboy, Yoshis cookie, Zelda

7) Commando (C64)
source audio
solved by: 34%
other suggestions: Jurassic Park, Midnight Resistance, R-Type, Scott Pilgrim, Soldier!, Syndicate, Uridium

8.) Contra 3 (SNES)
source audio
solved by: 40%
other suggestions: Contra Spirits, Final Fantasy 7, Golden Eye, Phantasy Star IV, Pokemon Colosseum, Star Fox, Star Fox 64, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Metroid

9) Virtua Fighter (Saturn)
source audio
solved by: 11%
other suggestions: Battle Area ToShinDen, Burning Rangers, Mega Man X, Nights

10) WaveRace 64 (N64)
source audio
solved by: 33%
other suggestions: Duck Tales, F-Zero, Street Fighter

11) Afterburner 2 (Genesis)
source audio
solved by: 20%
other suggestions: Another World, Gleylancer, Mega Man, Space Harrier, Starfox, Street Fighter, Super Sprint,Zero Wing

12) Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
source audio
This is the SNES game - the arcade original intro sounds marginally different.
solved by: 64%
other suggestions: Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong 2, Gargoyles Quest, Pokemon, Pokemon Blue

13) Defender of the Crown (Amiga)
source audio
solved by: 25%
other suggestions: Dragon Quest, Oregon Trail

14) Metroid Prime (Gamecube)
source audio
solved by: 52%
other suggestions: Super Metroid, Rez

15) Flashback (Genesis)
source audio
solved by: 17%
other suggestions: Ecco the Dolphin, Shadowrun, Space Quest, Spelunky

16) the Chaos Engine (multi)
source audio
solved by: 14%
other suggestions: Command & Conquer, F-Zero, Gods, Jet Set Radio, Streets of Rage, Tekken 3, The World Ends With You, Total Distortion, Wipeout

17) Hollow Knight (multi)
source audio
here is the hardest game of this round.
solved by: 7%
other suggestions: I am Setsuna, Ori and The Blind Forest, Resident Evil

18.) Hybris (Amiga)
source audio
solved by: 9%
other suggestions: Elite, Unreal

19) R-Type (Arcade)
source audio
solved by: 31%
other suggestions: Barbarian, Chrono Trigger, F-Zero, Final Fantasy IV, Streets of Rage

20) Hotline Miami (multi)
source audio
solved by: 30%
other suggestions: Cruising USA, Max Payne, Red Steel 2, Sunless Seas

21) Prince of Persia (DOS)
source audio
solved by: 37%
other suggestions: Aladdin, Alundra, Golden Axe, King's Quest V, Loom, Monkey Island, Paper Mario, Story of Thor, Wolfenstein

22) Ikaruga (Dreamcast)
source audio
solved by: 18%
other suggestions: Metal Slug, Metroid, Metroid Samus Returns, No Man's Sky, Wing Commander

23) Beat Saber (VR)
source audio
solved by: 11%
other suggestions: Rez VR, Splatoon, Tetris Effect

24) Crazybus (Genesis)
source audio
AVGN episode ;)
solved by: 20%
other suggestions: Boulder Dash,Cosmic Spacehead, Earthbound, Gameboy Camera

25) Resident Evil directors cut (ps1)
source audio
solved by: 21%
other suggestions: FEZ, Majora's Mask, Ports of Call, Simcity


direct link: https://i.lensdump.com/i/iRajeP.png


01 - 19 points - rta - AuraPaladinne
02 - 19 points - mnc - Andy1977
03 - 18 points - mmx - fedprod
04 - 16 points - mnc - Pasu
05 - 16 points - rta - jett
06 - 15 points - mnc - wynk
07 - 14 points - rta - ToD_
08 - 13 points - rta - Vyse24
09 - 13 points - rta - Tain
10 - 12 points - mnc - Orrpus

11 - 12 points - mnc - Gerhard S.
12 - 12 points - mnc - Quix
13 - 12 points - mnc - adamma666
14 - 11 points - eab - lilalurl
15 - 11 points - rta - Felsparks
16 - 10 points - rta - Blufunk
17 - 10 points - gpo - Maryokutai
18 - 09 points - mnc - Lukulus
19 - 09 points - eab - Havie
20 - 09 points - dgo - Constantin
21 - 09 points - hcg - windfisch
22 - 09 points - rta - Freezard
23 - 09 points - mnc - Klees
24 - 09 points - dgo - fL0riaN
25 - 08 points - rta - boy wander
26 - 08 points - rta - preta
27 - 08 points - rta - BlazeHedgehog
28 - 08 points - rta - Lafazar
29 - 08 points - m!g - MontyRunner
30 - 08 points - mnc - KikjaR
31 - 08 points - mnc - Yeboah17
32 - 08 points - pop - NoGoProGamer
33 - 08 points - mnc - GF.Bahamut
34 - 08 points - rta - DaveLong
35 - 08 points - pcx - Splunge
36 - 08 points - rta - SinOfHeart
37 - 07 points - mnc - Schlomo
38 - 07 points - mnc - Senbei
39 - 07 points - rta - Zolbrod
40 - 07 points - mnc - Sachiel
41 - 07 points - rta - Joey Ravn
42 - 07 points - mnc - Mangamaniac2171
43 - 07 points - hcg - Snake
44 - 07 points - 4py - Crimson Idol
45 - 06 points - mmx - Knuckles
46 - 06 points - rta - random gamer
47 - 06 points - m!g - Red XIII
48 - 06 points - eab - Nobby_UK
49 - 06 points - hcg - teroknor
50 - 06 points - mtc - TubaZef
51 - 06 points - rta - Frump
52 - 05 points - gms - kopyright
53 - 05 points - mtc - ISee
54 - 05 points - guf - Ripchip
55 - 05 points - rta - Canas Renvall
57 - 05 points - m!g - Thrawn
56 - 05 points - mnc - Sir Play-A-Lot
58 - 05 points - ntl - JoakimZ
59 - 05 points - guf - Wizdom
60 - 04 points - mtc - Wibblewozzer
61 - 04 points - mnc - elementalMaster
62 - 04 points - rta - Hannarchy
63 - 04 points - 4py - Akabei
64 - 04 points - m!g - Kong
65 - 04 points - rta - Illusionary
66 - 03 points - pop - Don Como
67 - 03 points - rta - Optional Objectives
68 - 03 points - guf - Sun
69 - 03 points - mnc - Bergzwuckel
70 - 03 points - 4py - schockbock
71 - 03 points - gms - hellermarie
72 - 03 points - guf - Yoshi
73 - 03 points - vgz - LOX-TT
74 - 03 points - mnc - Mitschel
75 - 02 points - rtc - Elgin_mcqueen
76 - 02 points - eab - mailman
77 - 02 points - pcx - Pascal Parvex
78 - 02 points - ntl - Dogorilla
79 - 02 points - pop - PUH
80 - 02 points - 4py - Scorplian190
81 - 01 points - dgo - gmpearl
82 - 01 points - vgz - Walti
83 - 01 points - mmx - Shades
84 - 01 points - pcx - Qual der Wal
85 - 01 points - pop - Sascha
86 - 01 points - gms - kataka
87 - 01 points - gpo - rave

4py = 4Players forum
dgo = Dialogoption forum
eab = English Amiga Board
gpo = Gamepro forum
gms = Gamestar forum
guf = Gaming Universe forum
hcg = hardcore gaming 101
m!g = M!Games forum
mmx = Multimediaxis forum
mnc = altes maniac forum
mtc = Metacouncil forum
ntl = NintendoLife forum
pcx = PCX forum
pop = PowerPlay forum
rta = ResetEra forum
rtc = Retro Canteen forum
vgz = Videogameszone forum

So then, here are the top performers: Congratulations to AuraPaladinne, Andy1977, fedprod, Pasu and jett... you are the TOP 5 and the winners of this round!

Also kudos to wynk, ToD_, Vyse24, Tain and Orrpus, as together you form the TOP 10. :)

Here is the local high score:

1 - 6 points - TubaZef
2 - 5 points - ISee
3 - 4 points - Wibblewozzer

Congrats to TubaZef for the local lead. :)

Thanks to all for participating and see you next time!
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your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
Haha, Meta was strong with the three of us crawling over the finish line after all the other racers have finished and gone home.
Yea it wasn't the strongest month for Metacouncil. ;) Especially with Milena & blindrythm missing! ResetEra however featured the quiz in their community spotlight, leading to a record number of participants. Let's see how many of them stick around.

Oh no.. I completely lost track of time and forgot to get my answers submitted. :disappointed-face:
Some say there is a monthly pattern in how I post the quizzes. That might just be a rumour though. :D
You said you knew half of them? That would have gotten you in the Top 10!

ZAK, Defender of the Crown and Fortress of Fear opened long forgotten nostalgia doors for me though.
Yes, same for me. :) Often music has an even stronger nostalgia effect than an old screenshot.


Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
Yeah, I'm sorry for missing the last one, but I usually do this during lunch time, but since I have lunch in the office I can't start listening to things :notlikethisblob:

Also, it's been hell at work. I wanted to kill half the people here (ok, mostly my colleague who decided to vacation for an entire month without asking if I were ok with it). :persevering-face:


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

September Quiz - Retro Pixel #4

No backgrounds or unnecessary detail? Instead some old 320x200 screenshot magnified a dozen times until just a handful of pixels vaguely resembling the player character are visible? With its information reduced down to the bare mininum, the Retro Pixel Quiz is a returning classic - and probably a bit easier than last months music round. :)

There's a bonus question at the end - while there's no additional points to win, you can influence my choices for the next music quiz.

Deadline is Monday the 30th September, please participate via September 2019 - Retro Pixel #4

Here is the quiz, have fun! :D

direct link: https://i.lensdump.com/i/iEWcav.png
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Mr_Horizon Looks like I have a fighting chance this time. Any chance you've considered keeping the scoring format from the last quiz and with each time you post hints the value drops? I know I always wait until the last week to use the hints to plow through stuff I don't know but it would maybe help reward and differentiate the points for folks that know stuff without the hints?

This suggestion would hurt my scores overall but I liked the mechanic.
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your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

September Quiz - Clues #1

Those pixels are good for you - much fewer people with less than five points this round. ;) I hope you still enjoy the quiz, for now we are 36 people and two from here.

Here are some clues:

1) The games 5 and 11 are graphic adventures.
2) 15 and 22 are exclusive releases on Commodore computers.
3) Title 13 is from a German developer.
4) Number 23 and 24 show you games on an Atari platform.

Deadline is Monday 30th September, participate via September 2019 - Retro Pixel #4

Here is the quiz again, good luck!
direct link: https://i.lensdump.com/i/iEWcav.png
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your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

September Quiz - Clues #2

So, today in a week? Then the quiz is OVER, you have only seven days left to send in your answers or update your existing entry. Even though the average score is much better this round, several games have proven to be extra tough: The 15 and 23? No one got them right! The 20, 21 and 24? Just one correct answer each!
And no participant has gotten to 20 points or more, so the doors are wide open to score a top position. :)

So far there are 52 users in total, and three from this community.

Here are some more clues:

1) The developers of #15 come from the UK, and this 90s platformer is their only game.
2) The game you see in field 21 has only two levels and loops forever.
3) The titles 9, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 were also released as arcade versions.
4) About number 23: There are several games with this name, all on different systems and released over a span of 14 years... they have nothing in common besides the theme reflected in the name.

Deadline is Monday the 30th September, participate via September 2019 - Retro Pixel #4

Here the quiz again, good luck!

direct tlink: https://i.lensdump.com/i/iEWcav.png
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Reactions: lashman


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

September Quiz - Answers & Score

Once again a quiz is over... hope you didn't get square eyes from all those pixels! A total of 80 people joined this time, this is great. :)
Also for the first time in many rounds, there was a game NO ONE was able to figure out... I wonder which?

What were the answers and who made it into the top 10? Scroll down and see for yourself. :)

1) Megaman X
Easiest game of this month.
solved by: 97%
other suggestions: Sonic

2) Animaniacs
solved by: 87%
other suggestions: Disney, Mickey Mouse, Looney tunes

3) Binding of Isaac
solved by: 86%
other suggestions: Pokemon

4) Super Castlevania IV
I got lazy here, this is just a snippet from the spritesheet and not a real screenshot.
solved by: 61%
other suggestions: Samson, Contra

5) Sam & Max
solved by: 91%
other suggestions: Rabbit

6) Undertale
solved by: 62%
other suggestions: Earthbound

7) Zelda 2
solved by: 76%
other suggestions: Luigi, Wrecking Crew, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario Kart

8.) Sonic & Knuckles
solved by: 95%
other suggestions: -

9) Street Fighter 2
solved by: 87%
other suggestions: He-Man, Mugen

10) Wargroove
solved by: 38%
other suggestions: Fire Emblem, Golden Sun

11) Day of the Tentacle
solved by: 85%
other suggestions: Earthbound

12) Syndicate
solved by: 35%
other suggestions: Jackal, Populous II, Metal Gear, Contra, Rebelstar Tactical Command, Shadowrun, Duke Nukem

13) Bloo Kid 2
solved by: 19%
other suggestions: Wonder Boy, Blue Boy, Monster Boy, Evoland, Super Mario Bros 3, Alex Kidd, Rainbow Islands

14) Altered Beast
solved by: 67%
other suggestions: Shadow of the Beast, Castlevania, Wolfchild, Secret of Evermore

15) Odyssey
solved by: 10%
other suggestions: Legend of Zelda, Faxanadu, Moonstone, Cedric

16) Impossible Mission
solved by: 33%
other suggestions: Kung Fu, This is the Police, Canabalt, Summer Games, Wii Fit, Out of this world, Wario Ware, Wii Fit

17) Clu Clu Land
solved by: 19%
other suggestions: Super Morph, Chu Chu Rocket, Puyo Pop, Q-Bert, Kid Niki

18.) UN Squadron
Also known as "Area 88"
solved by: 29%
other suggestions: Phantasy Star, Final Fantasy, Violinist of Hameln, Gundam Wing, Captain Harlock, Zelda, Ghost Trick, Captain Future, Cosmic Star Heroine, Aero Fighters, Yugioh, Zero Wing

19) New Zealand Story
Also known as "Kiwi Craze"
solved by: 51%
other suggestions: Chocobo, Flappy Bird, Gimmick, Kirby, Toki Tori, Rainbow Island, Earthbound

20) Solar Warrior
Also known as "Soldier of Light" or "Xain'D sleenA"
solved by: 6%
other suggestions: Samus/Metroid, Turrican, Doom, Alien Breed, Turrican, The Mummy demastered, Alien Fish Finger, Space Cowboy

21) Transbot
Only ONE got it right - congrats to Deadly Engineer!
solved by: 1%
other suggestions: Transformers, Samus/Metroid, Turrican, Bionic Commando, R-Type, Rohga Armor Force, Xevious

22) Digiloi
solved by: 15%
other suggestions: Pixel Sniper, Counterstrike, Techno Kitten, Dinky Bomb

23) Entombed
A small game for the Atari ST that no one figured out.
solved by: 0%
other suggestions: Gods, Rick Dangerous, Populous, Islands, Pharao, Civilization

24) Crystal Mines 2
Here the handheld version for Lynx.
solved by: 10%
other suggestions: Rob, Survivors, Impossible Mission 2025, Atomic Robo Kid, Space Robot, Give Up Robot, Gyromite

25) Portal (demake)
Quote PsionBolt, Resetera: "Yo that's a portal gun, what the heck?"
That's right, someone converted Portal to the C64. Funny!
solved by: 15%
other suggestions: Tennis, Ikari Warriors , Match Point, Robotron, Custers Revenge, Ghostbusters, Match Point

Quiz image:

Answer image:

Direktlink: https://i.lensdump.com/i/i4Q7jF.png


01 - 22 points - rta - AuraPaladinne
02 - 21 points - rpg - Calastellio
03 - 21 points - mnc - Gerhard S.
04 - 20 points - rtc - Antiriad2097
05 - 18 points - dgo - fl0rian
06 - 18 points - mmx - fedprod
07 - 18 points - hcg - windfisch
08 - 17 points - eab - Havie
09 - 17 points - m!g - Kong
10 - 17 points - mnc - Deadly Engineer

11 - 17 points - rta - Lafazar
12 - 17 points - guf - Wizdom
13 - 16 points - eab - darkwave
14 - 16 points - mtc - TubaZef
15 - 16 points - mtc - Wibblewozzer

16 - 16 points - mnc - Klees
17 - 15 points - rta - BlazeHedgehog
18 - 15 points - rta - Blufunk
19 - 15 points - rta - Frump
20 - 15 points - mmx - Knuckles
21 - 14 points - pop - Don Como
22 - 14 points - mnc - Lukulus
23 - 14 points - rta - master_Willem
24 - 14 points - hcg - teroknor
25 - 14 points - rta - Hamlet Machine
26 - 14 points - mnc - Mangamaniac2171
27 - 13 points - gpo - j1m
28 - 13 points - ntl - Dogorilla
29 - 13 points - 4py - DancingDan
30 - 13 points - dgo - Cons
31 - 13 points - mnc - Yeboah17
32 - 13 points - 4py - Crimson Idol
33 - 13 points - eab - Nobby_UK
34 - 12 points - pcx - Splunge
35 - 12 points - hcg - Snake
36 - 12 points - mnc - Rac
37 - 12 points - mnc - Senbei
38 - 12 points - rta - Vyse24
39 - 12 points - rta - Illusionary
40 - 12 points - rta - Qwark
41 - 12 points - rta - PsionBolt
42 - 11 points - mnc - elementalMaster
43 - 11 points - m!g - Thrawn
44 - 11 points - hcg - Moran
45 - 11 points - eab - lilalurl
46 - 11 points - m!g - Red XIII
47 - 11 points - m!g - Rudi Ratlos
48 - 11 points - mnc - HomiSite
49 - 11 points - 4py - schockbock
50 - 11 points - mtc - Ruvon
51 - 10 points - gms - kopyright
52 - 10 points - m!g - geohound
53 - 10 points - pop - NoGoProGamer
54 - 09 points - rtc - Elgin_McQueen
55 - 09 points - pcx - Pascal Parvex
56 - 09 points - dgo - Abalone
57 - 09 points - mtc - RionaaM
58 - 09 points - mmx - LittleChoco
59 - 09 points - gpo - Maryokutai
60 - 09 points - rpg - D4rkD
61 - 09 points - mnc - Sir Play-A-Lot
62 - 09 points - gms - hellermarie
63 - 09 points - gpo - rave
64 - 09 points - 4py - Scorplian
65 - 09 points - mnc - Mitschel
66 - 08 points - ntl - Krull
67 - 08 points - rta - Optional Objectives
68 - 08 points - gpo - Klingsor-
69 - 08 points - gms - kataka
70 - 07 points - mmx - Shades
71 - 07 points - vgz - Walti
72 - 06 points - rtc - Aztecca
73 - 06 points - eab - mailman
74 - 06 points - pop - Sascha
75 - 06 points - guf - Yoshi
76 - 05 points - ntl - ScottNintendo
77 - 05 points - rpg - Cosmo
78 - 04 points - rta - real gamer
79 - 04 points - 4py - Akabei
80 - 03 points - pop - PUH

Here is the local high score:

1 - 16 points - TubaZef
2 - 16 points - Wibblewozzer
3 - 11 points - Ruvon
4 - 09 points - RionaaM

Congrats to TubaZef for the local lead. :)

Thanks to all for participating and see you next time!


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Thanks again for another month. I maybe could have found a couple more with searching around but since I was late, yet again, on submitting my entry I didn't really spend any time researching and just went with answers off the top of my head. I would have at least gotten UN Squadron as I was pretty certain it was an SNES shoot em up but I just tossed in Aero Fighters and moved on.
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your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

October Quiz - Halloween Zombies

It's time for a spoooooky riddle - it's almost Halloween! So here we are, facing 25 games full of dangerous rotten corpses... Some go all out on the undead theme, while other developers just opened all monster drawers they could find.

Have you got the BRAAAAIIINNSSS to solve this quiz? :p

Deadline is Thursday the 31st of October, participate via October 2019 - Halloween Zombies

Here is the quiz, have fun! :)
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I haven't submitted answers but just at a glance I'm feeling real solid on 16 of them and I'm sure I'll get more with the hints and some investigation so I know I'll do better than last month at least. There's also two or three I'm quite sure I should know because they're familiar but I can't place them at all.

I do like the theme this time around. I always fear it'll be a month I won't know anything about like Commodore and Spectrum games as a theme.
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your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
Mr_Horizon Looks like I have a fighting chance this time. Any chance you've considered keeping the scoring format from the last quiz and with each time you post hints the value drops? I know I always wait until the last week to use the hints to plow through stuff I don't know but it would maybe help reward and differentiate the points for folks that know stuff without the hints?
I am trying a different scoring format this time that rewards difficult answers more. so far every game has been worth 1 point, with small additions depending on the answer rate. What I want to try now is to still have 25 points in total, but "slicing the cake" way differently depending on answer rates, so that a difficult game gotten right can be worth several points.

I know that's not what you asked about, but know that the next audio quiz will definitely have that "value drop" mechanic again. :)

I do like the theme this time around. I always fear it'll be a month I won't know anything about like Commodore and Spectrum games as a theme.
I think I will avoid these "platform" quizzes - too big a chance many people never played a Spectrum or Saturn...or would you like a round for VR only? :p There might be another DOS quiz though, that one was fun and people loved it. ;)


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
I'm ultimately fine with whatever you choose, it just means I may have a really poor month. Audio quizzes I'm also garbage at, but they're fun.

I'd probably do pretty decent with a VR month, but really poorly with Saturn or Spectrum, so I say go for it! If I recall I did enjoy the DOS quiz. But I think my usual favorites are like this zombie one, or the dog one before, where it's just a random subject and the games span genres and decades.


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
October Quiz - Clues #1

Some say zombies in media are on the retreat, and I am tempted to agree - really big & serious apocalypses got rare, and any new undead movie in the cinema is either smaller or takes the genre with plenty of humour... they are still easy to implement as video game enemies though, and the good participation rate of the October quiz also makes me believe you're not quite sick of the theme yet. ;)

So far there are 57 people playing, and four from here.

Now it's time for some clues:

1) You frequently ride a motorcycle in game number 4.
2) This round is quite modern: There's only three games from the 80s, eight from the 90s, five from the 2000s and nine titles from the current decade.
3) When looking at all the names of this round - there's 9x the word "zombie" and 6x the word "dead"
4) The games 21 and 24 have more in common that just the theme.
5) Thanks to a planning mistake there's now the same game series three months in a row. -_-

Deadline is Thursday 31st of October, please participate via October 2019 - Halloween Zombies

Here is the quiz again, good luck: https://i.lensdump.com/i/ilKr5z.png
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