|OT| Post comething completely irrelevant!


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Wait, i thought Florida was supposed to be full of Loons? The old lady shouting "Fuck Trump" seems on point and prefectly lucid.



Hey you! Have a nice day!
Jun 4, 2019
So, how bad of an idea is it to be a sperm donor? There is this site where one can volontaire to do it naturally and now there are two that want me to do it.
Well things to consider may be (after searching the web):
  • You will probably help someone to fulfill their long-desired wish to have children
  • There may be a payment
  • Will there be a health (DNA?) screening? This could reveal things about yourself that you might not want to know (genetic diseases etc.).
  • What are the legal consequences? Will you be legally/financially responsible for the child? I would assume that there would be a legal contract which defines all aspects of the sperm donation etc. This is probably also a topic for lawyers.
  • It may be problematic in the future if you yourself want to start a family (e.g. reaction of a future partner)
  • ...
Overall you should talk to the organization that facilitated the contacts. And you should be really certain of the possible (legal, financial and future family) consequences.

Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
Well things to consider may be (after searching the web):
  • You will probably help someone to fulfill their long-desired wish to have children
  • There may be a payment
  • Will there be a health (DNA?) screening? This could reveal things about yourself that you might not want to know (genetic diseases etc.).
  • What are the legal consequences? Will you be legally/financially responsible for the child? I would assume that there would be a legal contract which defines all aspects of the sperm donation etc. This is probably also a topic for lawyers.
  • It may be problematic in the future if you yourself want to start a family (e.g. reaction of a future partner)
  • ...
Overall you should talk to the organization that facilitated the contacts. And you should be really certain of the possible (legal, financial and future family) consequences.
Yeah its the legal angle that I"m little worried about. Its through a site, kind of like a dating site so there isn't an organization involved nor is there any payment nor screening: Of course people have tests so one knows one is clean, In france I dont think one can be forced to be a parent legally responsible or financially like in the states.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I know we have threads for it but reading around the web for discussions on regional pricing for games and fuck me there's some condescending entitled fuckwads being willfully ignorant on this planet. I'd expect certain places to be more understanding but nope.

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Nov 1, 2018
i have severely underestimated how much tatoos hurt


And she even complimented me for how relaxed i am about the pain LOL


Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
i have severely underestimated how much tatoos hurt


And she even complimented me for how relaxed i am about the pain LOL
Which area? Generally the "outside" parts are painless while the "inner" parts are hell


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018


Devolution's gone too far? Wales should be governed by the English more? Are you mad? Fuck Off, Farage bach!
I never thought i'd hear a welshman say they wanted to be governed by the English again especially after the incompetent fuckups in power at the moment. These people make my skin crawl and i hope most Welsh people tell them to Fuck Off. Fucking stinks.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Reading an old Autocar magazine and saw this 1934 film mentioned because the Editor of the time did the commentary for this Ford & Pathe reel about Road Etiquette. Mr Cholmondley-Warner indeed. Sad to say that a lot of these guidelines are still ignored today. Those empty roads though. What a time.

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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Choose you own post !

If you want to see how far your heroes can fall, go to 1
If you want to muse about reality and fiction, go to 2
If you want to be depressed, go to 3

Yesterday, I listened to one of the two formative French singers from my youth, Renaud. We drifted apart because life, because for me he was an icon of revolt and in his old age the habits don't fit him that well, and above all because after drinking like there is no tomorrow he broke his voice. Listening to him now is akin to driving on an icy cliff side, his voice goes everywhere but never where it should.

So yesterday I listened to his latest song, a miserable thing about n-cov where he praise Dr Raoult. Now I won't say Raoult is evil, bad or wrong, the issue is surely more nuanced, but that song, I was all 'please don't go there, mate'. But he gleefully went anyway.

How you fucking heroes can fall, indeed.

Got the urge to read about the Bosnia wikipedia page during my breakfast (yeah, my urges go places, no I'm not pregnant). I barely started the horrible mess that was the war when I realized it was so obviously the inspiration to The City & The City by China Mieville.
Now the book doesn't particularly try to hide it from what I remember, but it was nevertheless another very 21st century moment for me, where the 21st century is characterized by the blur between reality and fiction.

I am depressed. More depressed than usual. People from my youth drop like flies. There was my good old social anxiety and life failures depression, but there is the 40 year old depression now too, and that's without talking about the state of the world depression.
I should brush up on my absurd philosophy by Camus :sweaty-blob:


Apr 19, 2019
Finding and buying a house is literally sucking the life energy out of me... Why is it so hard to find something affordable, decently built and that doesn't look like a shoe box... :blobweary:

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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019

Yup. As someone who is nearing 30, I honestly I still feel like 20, but hopefully less stupid than I was at 20.


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019

Yup. As someone who is nearing 30, I honestly I still feel like 20, but hopefully less stupid than I was at 20.
Over 30s tend to joke a lot about getting old, so much so that I think it warps some younger peeps idea of what happens the day you turn 30.


Hey you! Have a nice day!
Jun 4, 2019
Heh I'm kind of impressed, I got one of those blackmail email where they say they have video of me visiting porn sites and they actually knew one of my common passwords! Wonder which site hack that is from, probably sony!:D

But jokes on them, I'm proud perv so even if they had actual video, I don't mind, go nuts!
You can check your email addresses for data breaches on this site: https://haveibeenpwned.com/
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Hey you! Have a nice day!
Jun 4, 2019
I see 3 main reasons for the difference:
  • [UWSL]Games as a service. Many games nowadays run longer till they get a sequel (or they never get one). [/UWSL][UWSL]With games as a sevice there was also a move to more multiplayer focused games. And fewer (big) single player games are. Typical "big" games in this list are often single player games.[/UWSL]
  • [UWSL]Bigger game budgets with longer development times.[/UWSL] I would also say that we have fewer mid tier games nowadays. But I am pretty sure that we have more Indie games these days.
  • [UWSL]We are in an "in between" year. New consoles are coming out this year and part of the development shifted to these new consoles.[/UWSL]

Besides that:
I don't think that Singularity would get that high ratings these days. And the Bullfrog (closed 2001) and Westwood (closed 2003) mentions were strange in the context of this video.
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Mar 1, 2019
I shouldn't be surprised after Discovery and Picard. But CBS managed to make Star Trek even worse. Which is an incredible feat, because the bar was already on sea level. At this point all they are doing is dancing on Gene Roddenberry's grave, while deliberately flipping of the beloved part of Star Trek. Everybody involved with new Trek should feel ashamed, take a deep breath and reflect.

It's not even satire or comedy. Good comedy needs to be cleverly written and have a deeper understanding of the thing it is making fun off. This is just loud gibberish.



Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
Can't bring myself to watch the congressional hearing with the 'Big Four' of tech that is going on atm.

Anti trust suites against all four of these companies. right fucking now, or just abolish anti trust laws altogether.

In 2018 Amazon had almost 50% of all online sales. 50 fucking percent.

Oh and it is NOT a problem limited to just tech. Look up General Millis. In Bev, Nestle, Unilever, etc....

The last gasp of our gov't having power over these companies arguably starts today.


Nov 1, 2018
Tryna install Active Directory on a new W1909 machine

Installing RSAT Package via optional Features --> Stops after a few second. Error Code? "Installation error, please contact your Admin"


Okay, PowerShell it is

Uses Powershell
DSIM-Error: No Changes where made. More Information in your log file

The Log file:
DISM DISM.EXE: DISM Package Manager processed the command line but failed

Thank you very much for this worthwhile information

Disables WSUS updates via GPEDIT. Makes no difference
Trying to Bypass it via Regedit. The Registrykey literally doesn't exist in this version anymore. Cool.

How about Powershelling some command for that instead?
"Error. A log file may have been created"

A log file MAY have been created?? YOU are the System, you're the one supposed to know and WHERE???

I just spent 2 Hours trying to install active Directory and it still doesnt work.
How can you make such a simple thing so complicated?

No wonder your PC store is trash microsoft


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Hektor I'd say you're missing a prerequisite probably an SSU (Servicing stack Update) Microsoft have become a supreme pain-in-the-ass when trying to identify points of failure. It drive me crazy. Multi-national, multi-billion dollar company and their patching is still a mess.


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
Over a million customers (so more than 2 million people) without power in my state in the USA. (New Jersey)

Office lost power. My brother's office lost power. We got fucking rocked, trees down on top of roadways everywhere. Massive branches down at my house, still have power, working from home for the first time since the last major weather event. (Working from home doesn't agree with me, so meh)

What grinds my gears is how stupid we are as a state when it comes to not understanding the power of 'just a tropical storm' and we're far more afraid of 5 inches of quickly melting snow than we are of an event like this. Offices will close over that shit. This? The head man at my office didn't even know there was a storm coming as of 5pm yesterday.

When we will learn that you don't mess with tropical systems in NJ? Entire towns were under water in 1999, the same damn towns were under water in 2011 (my town had a legit water rescue with fire dept boat), everyone lost power for close to a week in 2012 and majority of our seas shore towns got decimated. More flooding in 2013, close calls in 2016 and 2017.....

Rant over bc I have a meeting to attend.


Jan 20, 2019
Clifton, New Jersey
Today, a subscription service for vinyl records raised their prices without informing anyone before. I subscribed to this service last month while they were offering 3 months for $60 and alright to continue with the service for the standard price of $81 for 3 months. Now it's around $120 for 3 months and lots of people are cancelling. I want to cancel but I'm just afraid that they may screw me over for my last month...I'm not sure what to do.

Here is the subreddit for the service: r/VinylMePlease and here is the website: Vinyl Me, Please
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