|OT| Steam Weekly Top Sellers - A thread about weekly data



Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Well, first of all, I'm sorry, I completely forgot to publish last week's chart for some reason, I will be doing it now before we go checking this week.

This was a very interesting week in my opinion, clearly the big winner is Resident Evil 8 with not one but three places but hey, let's get this thing started.

RE8 goes from 8th to 1st as pre-order sku goes out and the current sku goes up, RE8 has been not only the biggest release of the saga on PC with a 106,6k CCU peak and over 25k reviews (95%positivie), game has been selling really well and I expect it to be here for at least two more weeks (wherever is the standard edition or the deluxe one) so I guess it's safe to assume that RE8 has been a complete success.

Hood debuts at 2nd and I guess it was a good debut for the latest Focus Home Interactive published game, this pvevp game with online components had a very strong release (it even got a banner) and numbers were quite interesting, 11,5k ccu peak and over 4,5k reviews even tho it has a mixed view, while I don't think we will see it again, game's population has stayed high so people won't have problems finding robbery companions.

PUBG goes from 1st to 3rd as the game was still on sale but that's it, game is no longer at top 10 so I think that was it for PUBG until the next big sale.

It Takes Two goes from 3rd to 4th continues descending but goddamn if this isn't a big one, huh? game keeps selling really well up to this day so it will stay in the chart (even if declining at a slow rate) for a few more weeks for sure, EA must be happy as heck, don't you think?

VR goes from 4th to 5th, same deal as every other week, steady supply and steady demand plus a high price tag always lock the presence of this sku week after week.

RE7+8 pack debut at 6th and 7th and this is interesting because AFAIK there was no additional discount if you owned RE7 so, either people jumped in this duology thanks to the pack or people were mistaking the pack and bought it like crazy, either way, RE8 strong as Ethan hands hehe

Arma 3 DLC debut at 8th and that's it, latest DLC for Arma 3 creator hasn't been doing that much lately and in fact it is already out, it's the typical release that sells quite well the first week as every fan buys it and that's it until next sale, either way, nothing really to comment here.

ME remaster returns at 9th thanks to pre-orders and this one is going to be a big one, you will see in this week's analysis.

Nier Automata goes from 9th to 10th and we must say goodbye to 2B, 9S and A2 as the sale from golden week is over and the game is long gone from top 10 chart, we will probably see it again at some point with another sale if the conditions are favorable, Nier Automata has been a success for a very long time so it's nice tostill see it from time to time.

That was it, hopefully I will publish this week's one later today, hopefully :cat-heart-blob:


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
This week is a varied one in terms of genres and newcomers, I like it a lot.

Mass Effect Legendary edition goes from 9th to 1st as we go from pre-orders to direct purchases, game has had a very strong release with a CCU peak of 56,6k players up to this moment and over 3.3k reviews, most of them positive, the adventures of Sheppard and the Normandy ship are beloved by fans around the globe and people really wanted to enjoy them again with this remastered version.

RE8 goes from 1st to 2nd and no longer has the crown but sales are still going strong with this one, game keeps growing in terms of new players and the review count keeps going up, Resident Evil Village was the biggest debut of the saga on PC and I'm sure Capcom is really happy with the results, maybe as happy as players with the final product.

RE7+8 goes from 6/7 to 3rd and surprisingly it did the opposite path, instead of going down, it went up, so pretty much confirms that people are jumping in the latest narrative arc with this pack that comes with 7 and 8, which are part of the same story, really interesting indeed.

VR goes from 5th to 4th same as always and as I have said just a few hours ago, typical, not really something that needs to be analyzed week after week.

Subnautica Below Zero debuts at 5th with the release of 1.0 after some time in early access, this is an stand alone adventure and players seem to be loving it so far, the ccu peak of this one is slightly smaller than the base game at 41,7k concurrent players and over 34,9k reviews which are, again, mostly positive, it's quickly escalating so expect it to go even higher next week.

It Takes Two goes from 4th to 6th and while it's already declining in numbers you must admit that this game had legs, oh wee, such an unbelievable path, awesome to see.

Hood goes from 2nd to 7th and while I don't expect it to be on next week chart, it has been doing great numbers but facing some problems, however, game's population stays healthy and that's important, Focus Home might not be as happy as they could be but hey, they released it the same day as RE8 so being two weeks in the top 10 chart is quite something.

Doom Eternal returns at 8th thanks to a sale, now that all the DLC is out and available to purchase, a lot of players have decided to jump in, I don't expect it to stay in the charts once the sale is over.

Endwalker debuts at 9th thanks to strong pre-orders, this next expansion has a lot of expectations from the community so it is completely normal to see this going up this quikcly (just 2 days were needed to get in the top 10) so it will be interesting to see where does it land next week.

Biomutant debuts at 10th thanks to strong pre-orders like FF XIV Endwalker, THQ has been promoting this game a lot in the last week so a lot of players are starting to buy it before the release,a fun fact is that Biomutant is the second game on Steam with more wishlists up to this moment in public (non-released games) so it will be nice to check next week data.

Lot's of releases next week (Days Gone too) and it will be quite something, I'm sure it will be a very cool week.


Jan 26, 2019
Here is hoping Biomutant is good and both it and Days Gone sell gangbusters. I already have DG preordered (liked what little I played on Pro, could not stand the framerate). I will probably get Biomutant next month or so, assuming the steameta reviews are good.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Both Days Gone and Biomutant will have interesting numbers next week, you will see ^^

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Not much to talk about these two weeks.

It Takes Two still in the top 10 and ME: Legendary Edition shows to EA how big audience their games have on Steam, though even if ME was exclusive to Origin it could have sold relatively well on PC as people want to date aliens replay Sheppherd saga.

A mainline RE game doing well is not a surprise as even with the change to first person it still is a beloved franchise and has a huge following.

My main curiosity could be about where Biomutant will end by the next weeks as the release date approaches.
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Dec 22, 2018
Doom Eternal returns at 8th thanks to a sale, now that all the DLC is out and available to purchase, a lot of players have decided to jump in, I don't expect it to stay in the charts once the sale is over.
This is me. Been holding off for what seems like years for a decent sale price
Dec 5, 2018
My main curiosity could be about where Biomutant will end by the next weeks as the release date approaches.
It's the second most wishlisted (First if you count only games with a price) game on steam and it has been going up in the global top seller. Depending how Days Gone performs (which is also going up in the global top seller) I could see it first or second.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
First of all, I'M SORRY, I forgot to publish this one, legit thought I did but I went crazy looking for the thread and as I didn't see it I was like "oh no, I forgot, damn" so please forgive me :crying-face: I will post the new one too after this.

Days Gone debuts at 1st showing once again that Sony games are doing really well on PC even if the game isn't the most popular one, debut was a very interesting one as while the game didn't surpass HZD's CCU peak (56,557 vs 27,450) it has been quicker in terms of reviews (Over 6k in just a week) and in general an steadier player support as you will see in the next graph, Bend Studio confirmed that they are very happy with the PC reception so there's that, if Days Gone is capable of doing this, what will something with more hype do?

ME remaster goes from 1st to 2nd and stays strong even tho there were big releases and sales, the popularity of the ME IP is stunning and people sure wanted this one, with over 8.7k reviews since release, the game has been performing really well aside of some connectivity problems from Origin, aside from that, everything else seems to be fine, we will see where will this one be in a few hours.

Biomutant goes from 10th to 3rd, expectations with this one are high and while we saw that the final product needed polishing that didn't prevent it from doing stunning numbers, 55k ccu peak, 8.7k reviews and tons of mixed reviews, what a divisive product, we will see if the game did better this week or if it will be still in the same place, perhaps should be higher, we will see.

RE8 goes from 2nd to 4th, loosing steam but still strong, game's momentum is gone so we will see how long it takes to disappear from the top 10, however, it kept growing and getting new players and Capcom shared some data which could indicate that PC represents the 25% of the total copies, which is crazy to think, aside from that nothing to share.

Subnautica Below Zero stays 5th so it must be doing well, I think it's doing less numbers than the original however, it has been in the top 10 for at least 2 weeks now so hey, it's a good mark for an standalone DLC/semi-sequel that has been already in Early Access.

RDR2 returns at 6th thanks to a thematic sale, nothing really to report here, game is popular and as so it went up thanks to reduced price tag.

VR goes from 4th to 7th, same as always, expensive item which is popular and keeps selling at steady flow, VR numbers keep going up slowly but steady.

The Witcher 3 GOTY returns at 8th thanks to anniversary sale, really cheap price tag that made the game jump into the top 10 again.

It Takes Two goes from 6th to 9th, final moments of this awesome game in the chart, after 9 weeks in the top 10 chart we can safely say it was a success.

C2077 returns at 10th thanks to a sale which is related to TW3's one, it will probably keep doing well everytime it goes on sale.

This is the path that both HZD and Days Gone followed, their lines are opposite which is interesting, HZD started at its highest point while DG grew slowly but steady.


Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
First of all, I'M SORRY, I forgot to publish this one, legit thought I did but I went crazy looking for the thread and as I didn't see it I was like "oh no, I forgot, damn" so please forgive me :crying-face: I will post the new one too after this.
I forgive you :cat-heart-blob:

I wonder if Sea of Thieves will appear in the top 10 for this week as it's currently in sale :unsure:
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Sleeper must awaken
Dec 9, 2018
Damn, I was hoping Days Gone was number 1 for this week again, really want that to succeed, as it feels like an underdog (weird saying that for a AAA game).


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Today's chart! :blobeyes:

Biomutant goes from 3rd to 1st/2nd, pretty much confirming what I said a few hours ago, this game had a very good projection and it had an stunning debut for an AA game coming from a quite unknown team (even tho this game had already great expectations) Biomutant debuting with 2 skus isn't the only big data here, ccu peak and review numbers are in my latest post so you can check how big it was, really interesting.

Sea of Thieves returns at 3rd thanks to the Open World sale which is kind of stunning considering that it started 3 days ago but what can we say, this game is always a top seller once it goes on sale, so no big surprise in here hehe, we will see how long it takes to go away again.

Mass Effect remaster goes from 2nd to 4th and while it goes down its still popular even tho the sale will hurt it a bit in terms of positions, however I could see it going up a bit again after it, no more data to be shared.

Days Gone goes from 1st to 5th and like ME it's all due to open world sale but is still doing quite well, we will see if it goes up too once the sale ends. nothing else to comment as I said everything already in terms of data hehe but I will answer some comments.

VR goes from 7th to 6th and it's the same story, expensive item which is popular and keeps selling well, if lower number of big releases it goes up a bit, if not, it goes down.

GTA V returns at 7th. Ark returns at 8th and I it is not due to open world sale, this is due to another update for GTA online, not even on sale, price tag has been reduced a few times already so it went in probably one or two weeks.

TW3 goes from 8th to 9th, anniversary sale, really cheap price tag and a lot of people still jumping in, nothing to comment.

Rust returns at 10th thanks to open world sale, lower price tag so people are jumping in, console version also released not so long ago so a lot of players might be entering now to play with friends or maybe to get the PC version.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
I forgive you :cat-heart-blob:

I wonder if Sea of Thieves will appear in the top 10 for this week as it's currently in sale :unsure:
It did ^^

Damn, I was hoping Days Gone was number 1 for this week again, really want that to succeed, as it feels like an underdog (weird saying that for a AAA game).
Actually, it is not doing badly, in fact it is doing similar in terms of initial impact as HZD, same number of charts too, while it hasn't reached the same number of CCU players, review count and chart count are similar.

I don't think we can say that it is doing bad AT ALL not even under-performing, it is doing quite well if we keep in consideration that the game has been surrounded by big releases (like HZD as you can see) and an Open world sale which contains a few of the best platform sellers, so yeah, Days Gone is banking on Steam for sure, I would not worry at all.

HZD release:

Days Gone release:



Sleeper must awaken
Dec 9, 2018
It did ^^

Actually, it is not doing badly, in fact it is doing similar in terms of initial impact as HZD, same number of charts too, while it hasn't reached the same number of CCU players, review count and chart count are similar.

I don't think we can say that it is doing bad AT ALL not even under-performing, it is doing quite well if we keep in consideration that the game has been surrounded by big releases (like HZD as you can see) and an Open world sale which contains a few of the best platform sellers, so yeah, Days Gone is banking on Steam for sure, I would not worry at all.
That's good to know, I genuinely think it is a good game and has been under appreciated, so its great that there might be some support.
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
It did ^^
So it really seems like every time it goes in sale it reaches the top 10.

For the next week I wonder if Biomutant will still chart in the list as mostly of the user reviews are mixed.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Well, it has been an interesting week, not my favorite but it has really cool things like Going Medieval and Necromunda, let's see what's happening, however this one will be shorter than previous weeks as most of the games are just because of sales.

Going Medieval debuts at 1st with a great number of milestones, in just one week it reached over 2.2k reviews and a ccu peak of 14.6k, quite impressive for a game like this, glad to see indies finding success, glad to see this from time to time, Going Medieval will probably stay in the chart for another week but not in the first position.

Ark Genesis SP debuts at 2nd and it's the end of the Genesis arc, the last expansion just released so a lot of people jumped in and bought the complete season pass that grants access to both DLCs, Ark is still a juggernaut that pulls quite amazing numbers, even if it might not look like a hot game right now, game will probably stay another week.

Sea of Thieves stays 3rd as the momentum remains in place, however, as the sale ended I wouldn't expect it to be here next week, we will see tho.

Necromunda debuts at 4th and reception was great, people really loved this one even with the weird bugs and not so well done things, in any case this is another successful release for Focus Home Interactive which is GOOD, so while I don't think we will see it again next week.

Ark Survival Evolved returns at 5th due to expansion release and big sale, will probably remain one more week, unknown.

VR stays 6th as this is the usual deal, high price tag, always in chart.

GTA V stays 7th as the popularity of the latest changes and update highlighted the game one more time, also the price tag has been reduced to 15€ and the only purchase option is the ultimate edition right now.

ME remaster goes from 4th to 8th as momentum goes away and most fans already bought it, it hasn't reached new peaks although it's over 10,6k reviews at this moment, perhaps it will stay one more week in the chart but it shouldn't take long before it goes away, EA is banking on Steam tho since they came back.

BF5 returns at 9th thanks to the imminent announcement of the newest Battlefield game and thanks to a thematic sale of this franchise, BF V is actually quite popular which is interesting as one would probably think that it isn't as there's isn't much wording around it but here we are, right? hehe

NMS returns at 10th thanks to a sale and the newest update, as usual it will disappear after a week or so, still cool to see.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
The biggest surprise is Going Medieval and Necromunda.

Sea of Thieves and No Man's Sky should be out of the top 10 by the next week.

The new Battlefield should also appear as the game just dropped and it's already in the top 10 global.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
It was an intense E3 week and totally forgot about this week's chart so, as we will be getting the newest one in no time I will post this one with a shorter version of the analysis.

GG Strive debuts at 1st and 3rd place which is STUNNING for a fighting game.

It Takes Two returns at 2nd thanks to a sale, this game sure has legs.

BF2042 debuts at 4th after being one of the most highlighted announcements of this year's E3.

VR goes from 6th to 5th as usual with VR.

Going Medieval goes from 1st to 6th, still strong even tho it's no longer the king.

CS:GO returns at 7th thanks to the prime status upgrade system.

BFV goes from 9th to 8th as a consequence of BF2046 announcement.

GTA V goes from 7th to 9th. because it's GTAV

Ark Genesis SP goes from 2nd to 10th and it's most likely going to be out by next week.

Sorry about this short post, this week I'm back to normal.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Well, this week should be interesting as we have both Weekly and Monthly (May) so let's get this thing started, shall we?

Dead by Daylight RE chapter DLC debuts at 1st and make no mistake, this game is still very popular, the demand for this DLC was crazy high and as you can see fans bought it a lot to the point the game had its biggest CCU peak ever with 94,8k users playing at the same time, damn crazy, right? The DLC won't be present next week as there are a lot of sales and summer sale is also coming but it's interesting to see how this one did.

Guilty Gear -Strive- goes from 1st/3rd to 2nd/8th and while it's a decrease, this game has been in the top 5 of biggest fighter releases on PC, not only last week it was the top seller but also reached a peak of 31,1K and a very consistent player-base through the week (with a slow decrease), both SKUs have been doing really great too which is a good sign, perhaps this is a good sign for the fighting community on the platform? we will see, the only thing we know for sure is that Strive is an amazing game.

VR goes from 5th to 3rd within the usual range, while nothing to comment specifically about this one something that is really cool is that the headset will be released officially in Australia at last thanks to EB Games retailer which has partnered with Valve in order to bring it to this country (they partnered in the past with the Steam Controller too).

Naraka debuts at 4th as pre-orders skyrocketed after the demo was released, this is a BR that I can see succeeding right now as it's completely different to other products, as a matter of fact, if you want to see how popular the demo was you just need to check the numbers, OVER 186,5K CONCURRENT PLAYERS, isn't it crazy?we still have to wait until August to see if those demo numbers mean something for the final release but something for sure is that it got community's attention.

It Takes Two goes from 2nd to 5th as the momentum after the first sale of the game slows down, it won't be next week in the top 10 chart, however this is just another example of how popular this release was and nobody expected it to explode like it did, this week it has been announced that the game has reached the 2 Million sold copies mark, a true juggernaut.

Wildermyth debuts at 6th as one of those surprise debuts, this game is a tactical RPG with a very interesting artistic style, game was already popular when Early Access and the 1.0 debut wasn't going to be any different, while a more modest CCU peak of 8k players, the game had enough boost to appear in this chart, won't be next week but hey, it's not the first time this happens, right?

BF2042 goes from 4th to 7th as the core players have already pre-ordered the title, it will keep decreasing in positions until it's finally released this October, fun fact directly linked to this title, BF4 had a boost in population after the gameplay reveal and EA had to increase server capacity for it because players were complaining about long wait times, never underestimate hype, I guess.

Sea of Thieves returns at 9th after the announcement of Jack Sparrow event at E3, game is also on sale right now so expect it to go crazy high next week, something that its also expected to happen is that game's CCU peak will be reached this weekend, may or may not happen, we will see, something for sure is that

CS:GO goes from 7th to 10th due to the prime status upgrade and as I did with Broken Fang Operation, nothing to comment as the e-sports scene is not something I usually check.

And here we have May's top seller list, as usual we have a very varied list of titles that debuted last month and found a successful release, at a personal level I can say that it's kind of unbelievable to see something like Shin Megami Tensei 3HD, Days Gone, EDF, Mass Effect remastered and RE8 all in the same top seller list on Steam.

This wouldn't have been possible a few years ago, don't you agree? damn, how the scene has changed.

Something interesting to comment is that ex-EGS exclusives such as Saints Row remastered, Snowrunner, Mechwarrior 5, Maneater and Before We Leave found success after 1 year of exclusivity, in fact, BWL developers talked about how incredible their Steam release was in a post-mortem, really recommended.


Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
That's a fascinating top 10 for this week!

Dead by Daylight still is popular and as Mor pointed out the DLC release helped it surpassing their previous CCU.

GG: Strive still being in the top ten bodes well for this game PC community. With some exceptions, many fighting games have lower player base on PC though Strive may not be one of these! The port also seems to be solid from what I've read about. Hopefuly it still for at least one more week but I doubt it.

Naraka demo was a smash hit, people love battle roaylles and this one looks distinct from what we already have on the market. I think Naraka will be successful, though I'm just an arm chair analyst.

Sea of Thieves still selling well every time it gets a discount, and this time still just 33% off while one month ago it got a 50% discount.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Summer sale is finally here and funnily enough I don't expect this one to be a long post as, well, most of them came back due to sales BUT I want to do some observations, so hey, who knows, maybe it will end up being long haha, LET'S GET THIS THING STARTED!!!! :dualbladesblob:

Sea of Thieves goes from 9th to 1st as the Steam summer sale goes full steam, as said last week, the new PoC expansion and the juicy discount combined really helped the game to sail up to the first position, however it didn't reach a new milestone in terms of players nor CCU but it got really close one more time, game will stay in the top position as long as the summer sale goes on, no one stops this ship!

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice returns at 2nd position thanks to the sale (this sentence will be present a lot this week and the next one) and it's not surprising because Sekiro goes up once its on sale, the game is popular as hell, there are a lot of internet challenges like no-hit ones and it's the most dynamic soul up to this day in terms of mobility, if anything this is just proof that Elden Ring's release is going to be MASSIVE.

Horizon Zero Dawn returns at 3rd confirming once again what's the right price for this game, so far every time the game got a discount it has gone up like crazy, HZD is just a tidbit of how crazy Sony games can do on Steam when the price is the right one, so far the game is estimated to have sold over 1 million copies on Steam alone (combining reviews and playtracker data) so here we are wondering how will Days Gone do once it gets its first discount (most likely this winter sale)

Forza Horizon 4 returns at 4th and 9th as the UK fields call the racers to get their engines ready, we are still a few months away from FH5 release and explore Mexico but FH4 still has a lot to offer to newcomers and as you can see, people are jumping in like crazy, both Standard and Deluxe/Ultimate edition are in the chart which is a good sign for the playerbase, it hasn't surpassed the biggest CCU peak but it stood close, over 34k players this weekend, crazy numbers.

Halo MCC returns at 5th as a lot of people are going to be enjoying the latest update for the servers with a bigger number of member per session and quite a few bug fixes, the MCC is an amazing product in terms of Value for any Halo fan or anyone who wants to dig in the Master Chief's journey up to Halo 4, the fact that people are still enjoying it is quite something.

VR goes from 3rd to 6th as the summer sale boosts games instead of hardware, in any case the fact that it's still in the chart even in the middle of a sale is quite something, sure is an expensive product but still, remember this is revenue based, this means those other games are doing quite nicely.

PUBG returns at 7th as the usual movement when it gets a discount, it hasn't happened anything that should have boosted this game aside from that, so, the usual stuff hehe.

Rust returns at 8th and the same as PUBG, due to the popularity that game has already whenever it gets a discount it goes up like crazy, we will see if it has any momentum next during the week.

It Takes Two goes from 5th to 10th and not much to say but WHAT A JUGGERNAUT, love to see this one still in the charts from time to time.

As a highlight I would like to talk a bit about Scarlet Nexus which has been in the top charts since the beginning but it couldn't face those juggernauts, however, with almost 2k reviews and a CCU peak of 14,5k players this weekend, the latest B.Namco release has been quite good!

It's been a year since I started doing this weekly charts, while I don't think I started doing this thread exactly a year ago I have been doing it on Twitter and yesterday and today are the 1-year mark, YAY!

Here the entire collection of pictures.

And this is the first one :blobeyes:
Dec 5, 2018
I honestly thougth that Sekiro would be #1, this being the highest discount it has ever had (it shot to #1 top seller the moment it go that discount), it looks like SoT was doing very well before the sale started..
But i guess it will be there next week since it has no sign of going down.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Sea of Thieves went on sale a few days early when the Pirates of the Caribbean DLC launched so it got a head start compared to the other games.
I already highlighted that in both last and current week ^^

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Sea of Thieves keeps selling well, I wish MS could release some updated numbers on how many copies it sold so far through Steam. Not gonna lie, when it released on Steam I thought the game could be a total flop but it seems to have found a solid player base.

It's crazy to think that we have 3 MS and 1 Sony game in the top 10.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
HELLO EVERYONE, did you miss me? Well, let me explain why I haven't updated since the Summer sale started. As some of you know I don't tolerate summer that well, so I decided I would do a compilation of the last 3 weeks and that would be a better solution for me (as Summer sale also ended) and here we are now, after quite a few soft weeks but a crazy last one that gave us surprising announcements.

So here we are now. My idea was to create a more or less compact analysis of what happened during the summer sale and then jump into current week with the usual format so we will see what happens haha, ok, let's get this thing started.

Both weeks (from June 27th to July 11th) are within the range of Summer sale 2021 so as you can see the usual suspect are part of the weekly charts, MS has been an strong asset for the platform with not one nor two but with up to three games (even with different SKUs) and as you can see Sea of Thieves, Forza Horizon 4 and MCC are popular as heck so yeah, MS banking on Steam isn't new but always cool to see (as you might see HZD wasn't as high as others but it did amazing numbers, getting more than 1500 new reviews until s.sale ended)

Sekiro and PUBG are also two titles that did extremely well during the summer sale, fun fact, since summer sale the number of No Hit runs for Sekiro has increased on platforms such as Twitch or YT, PUBG on the other hand has been doing some changes for servers, branding and so yeah, no wonder why it went up so quickly, reaching the 1st place 2 weeks ago.

Rust was also quite popular being included in both weeks but momentum wasn't all that good and this week it went out. It Takes Two was HUUUUGE thanks to a first sale and goddamn, EA must be happy with this fella, huh?

VR as usual was also present but not in high positions due to big sale and Rockstar was present with their 2 latest and biggest titles, RDR2 and GTA V.

Basically this was the summer sale (you can compare it with the latest published week in the thread (post #175) but of course that wasn't all as a new contender appeared, in the middle of the sale Monster Hunter Stories 2 released and woah, huge pre-orders and both Standard and Deluxe edition doing great with up to 2 SKUs, that's something you don't see every day but hey, glad to see such a great debut, huh?

And that lead us to this week which is quite interesting if you ask me. We had tons of great moments (some not that great, I'm watching you, Judgment and Johnny's) and while things like Deck ended up reaching the top 10 and SRW 30 didn't, both things are important as heck, so, let's see what happened in the last 7 days.

Monster Hunter Stories 2 goes from 3rd/9th to 1st and it's surprising to see the success of this entry, it looses one SKU (pre-orders) but the one that stays gets a better result getting the 1st position of the week, Capcom has been a very important partner for the platform and this is just another proof that Steam release helps most of the IPs even if first part isn't on the platform, we will see a lot of this cases from time to time (as we have in the past) so hey, while I don't think it will stay 1st next week, momentum should stay for some time.

F1 2021 debuts at 2nd/4th and this is why EA bought codemasters, F1 remains as a popular franchise on all platforms and on PC it released with 2 SKUs which is kind of amazing, debut was slow but in terms of revenue was great, will it stay next week? Yes, momentum will remain for sure, Will it stay as high? probably will loose 1 of those skus but the other will remain high.

Steam Deck deposit debuts at 3rd and that's IMPRESSIVE if we keep in mind that deposit for reservation is 5$, the announcement excited a lot of people on the internet and looks like hype delivered, for a very small moment we had numbers and the total amount of Deck reserved was 104,6k units with all the different regions, it will be interesting to see how things evolve from now on.

She Will Punish Them debuts at 5th and I have no idea about this game AT ALL, it released last year and it was in my ignore list since release, why did it get boosted? no idea, reviews say it's a good game (diablo + sexual content) but as I'm not sure, I can't say for sure.

VR goes from 8th to 6th and the usual climbing after the summer sale to the usual places in the middle of the chart, actually, I think it will be great to see how comparisons are going to be between pieces of hardware.

Sword of Legends Online debuts at 7th and while this isn't a new release (released a few weeks ago) it has been always in high positions but summer sale hid it, now? now its free to appear in the rightful place, reviews are great, visually interesting and playerbase is active, interesting to see, will momentum stay? Don't think so, I think we won't see it next week.

Total War Warhammer 2 DLC debuts at 8th, new DLC for Warhammer 2 prior 3's release, it will probably be a "single week" thing before going to the abyss, something for the fans and that's it.

New World returns at 9th/10th as the release comes closer, game debuted in the past thanks to beta access. however, as it needed more time, it disappeared until now, I think we will see New World for quite some time but right now nothing to say.


Question everything, learn nothing
Sep 17, 2019
The company that made She will punish them went bankrupt some time ago, but a few devs picked up the game and promised to finish it and recently they did a total revamp of the graphics + a huge update.
Right now the game has a pretty active asian community and good lewd games have a lot of word of mouth in a lot of circles :grimacing-face:
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
If one decides to look the reviews you can see how like 90% of it (about 9k) are from the last few weeks.
Yes, and they look legit (like gameplay wise, and so) that's why even tho I have it in my ignore list (due to sexual content) I don't see why anyone would get mad at this.
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