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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
That was fun. Definitely a good route to get to know all the characters a bit.
I hadn't even met Fuko and Kappei previously, and didn't even learn Kotomi's name, haha.
Lots of quirky characters, in any case.

I see now that the "big" choice to make is whether you decide to help out Nagisa with the club or not. In this route I didn't and she basically just vanishes from that point onwards 😅 .
Gives a bit more chances to meet other characters, I guess, but you really notice the difference in how he forces himself to wake up earlier, go to school on time, and starts enjoying himself again when he's helping her.
Wheras here he's basically given up on himself. Oof.

The laser tag game was hilarious.
The baseball game was pretty fun too. Though I have absolutely no clue at all about baseball rules or terminology, so I was just nodding alone and enjoying the banter.

Next up is Misae.


Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
Just got a Kickstarter update from Fruitbat Factory that the final route (Murasaki's route) for Seven Days is being released on Steam in about a week.

If this VN is not already on your radar, then I would suggest giving it a look:

While the routes ended up being a bit uneven, it was a really enjoyable (both very funny and sad) read that ended with a surprisingly hard-hitting true route .

It was also one of Conjueror's final translations, with this last chapter having been translated by Steiner.
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Dec 4, 2019
The more I play Baldr Sky the more I wish Muv-Luv had this kind of gameplay as well during battles, i'm really having fun with customization as well
It's one of my favorite action games ever for good reason. Hoping that Project Mikhail can even capture half the level of customization and gameplay feel that Baldr Sky has.
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Jun 3, 2020
I've been waiting for this.

Being someone grew up in Hong Kong, I can confirm that the general aesthetics of this game is very, very representative of 80s~90s here. It is shocking to learn that this is made by a Canadian studio. I wonder if the main developers consist of people from HK.
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Setting the Seas Ablaze
May 10, 2019
Finished Baldr Sky first route, second route is probably gonna take me ages because I don't really like Nanoha and when this happens in VN it usually means my playthrough turns into a slow crawl...
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Dec 4, 2019
Finished Baldr Sky first route, second route is probably gonna take me ages because I don't really like Nanoha and when this happens in VN it usually means my playthrough turns into a slow crawl...
It's definitely the weakest of the routes in the game imo in both the lore that you learn and the character herself, but there's some good moments towards the last 1/4 and it's really all uphill from there. The last route in BS1 is pretty incredible in comparison.


Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
Physical Editions of Fault Milestone One for PS4 and Switch are up for pre-order until Aug. 23rd, with limited availability once pre-orders close:

IxSHE Tell, which is releasing at the end of this month, is being released in 1440p instead of the original 720p:

When the Shutters Stop, a promising looking EOLVN that ran failed Kickstarter campaign a while back, has officially been shelved:

And finally, the English version of Loca-Love: My Commuting Crush by Frontwing, which was rejected from Steam just over a year ago has been made available elsewhere:



Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
Sekai Project just announced that 9-nine- episode 3 is releasing on the 31st.
It is a series of supernatural action/mystery visual novels and so far they've been really enjoyable.



Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
I played this chapter few days ago and it was quite an enjoyable book-end to the true end of Seven Days.

I'm hoping that Fruitbat Factory will be localizing more of LIFE0's titles in the future.
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Time Traveler
Jan 11, 2019
Umineko is such an enjoyable read, I'm still at chapter 6 but I'm pretty sure it'll be my favourite VN I've read.

I'm to the part where Battler is cornered with a Logic Error after Erika says that she killed everyone. There's a moment where they check the tape she used on the doors where the siblings and the servants are, and they say that they're intact. Isn't that move Battler's choice? Shouldn't he decide if the tape was removed or not??


Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
IxShe Tell is now out, published by NekoNyan:

If you happen to own their other games, then there will probably be a bigger discount via this bundle:

Vengeful Heart also released earlier today, which is a promising looking PC98 inspired sci-fi VN:

And ShiraVN (Utawarerumono, Marco & The Galaxy Dragon, and more) has announced Salthe, a dark, adult-only VN:

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Setting the Seas Ablaze
May 10, 2019
MG status update

WanNyan ☆ à la mode -- On Sale September 3rd

In Production
  • Sona-Nyl of the Violet Shadows: 100% translated and 100% edited. "Refrain" bonus content 92% translated.
  • Rance Quest Magnum: Out of beta
  • Fxxx Me Royally!! Horny Magical Princess: Out of beta
  • Trinoline Genesis: 100% translated and 60% edited

Secret Projects
  • MUSICUS, AKA Secret Project #1: Now in programming!
  • Secret Project #3: Out of beta!
  • Steam Prison Fin Route DLC, AKA Secret Project #5: Out of beta!
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Jun 3, 2020
And ShiraVN (Utawarerumono, Marco & The Galaxy Dragon, and more) has announced Salthe, a dark, adult-only VN:

Thanks for the update. Interested in this one. Looks like it is a messed up story, judging from the screenshots on vndb. I will try it down the road.
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Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
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Jun 3, 2020
9 -nine- episode 1 and 2 are on sale with episode 3 coming out today. Haven't played them yet but Japanese impressions of episode 3 and 4 are really positive. Should be worth checking out.

To me, 2's main girl is voiced by Sawasawa Sawa (Tanezaki Atsumi) and she is one of my favorite voice actresses. She has a lovely voice and excels in acting.


Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
Nekoyan posted a progress update to their twitter:
  • Aokana Extra 1: 100% Translated, 100% Edited, and Engine Port in Progress
  • Clover Days: 100% Translated, Editing to begin within the next week, pending engine port
  • Kinkoi: Golden Loveriche: 90% Translated, 60% Editing, and Engine port to Unity in progress
  • Melty Moment: 40% Translated
  • Riddle Joker: 100% Translated, 98% Edited, and 40% QA
  • Secret Project #1: 40% Translated

It looks like Aokana Extra 1 (Mashiro after story) and Riddle Joker will be their next releases.
Riddle Joker is by Yuzusoft (Senren*Banka and Sabbat of the Witch), so that is probably gonna be an enjoyable read, albeit one that is probably mostly fluff.

9 -nine- episode 1 and 2 are on sale with episode 3 coming out today. Haven't played them yet but Japanese impressions of episode 3 and 4 are really positive. Should be worth checking out.

To me, 2's main girl is voiced by Sawasawa Sawa (Tanezaki Atsumi) and she is one of my favorite voice actresses. She has a lovely voice and excels in acting.
I've very much been looking forward to this chapter.
Chapter 1 was good, chapter 2 was great, and from what I've also heard they just get better and better.

Hopefully I will have time to read it this month, since the VN for next months bookclub (The Letter) is pretty long. And hopefully we'll also get chapter 4 soon, cause it turns out that I have a weakness for chuuni characters (Noa, Okarin, etc).
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Jun 3, 2020
Riddle Joker is by Yuzusoft (Senren*Banka and Sabbat of the Witch), so that is probably gonna be an enjoyable read, albeit one that is probably mostly fluff.

I've very much been looking forward to this chapter.
Chapter 1 was good, chapter 2 was great, and from what I've also heard they just get better and better.

Hopefully I will have time to read it this month, since the VN for next months bookclub (The Letter) is pretty long. And hopefully we'll also get chapter 4 soon, cause it turns out that I have a weakness for chuuni characters (Noa, Okarin, etc).
I have read two routes of Riddle Joker. Don't expect anything regarding the story and you will be good. It has fun characters and interesting scenes but the overall story is nothing exciting. Quoted a review I have read elsewhere: "This may be the most mediocre spy story I have ever read".

Regarding 9 -nine-, happy to hear that you enjoy them. I will probably buy and start reading them once the last episode is close to release on steam. Judging by appearance, Noa is my favorite among the four main girls and I need to see how chunni she really is :)
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Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
The 13th VN Book Club thread is now up and this time we will be reading Coffee Talk by Toge Productions, a visual novel about serving coffee and listening to not quite human characters' problems, set to a low-fi soundtrack:

That also means that we've now completed a whole year's worth of book clubs.
A big thank you to all of you who have participated along the way!

I have also added links to a number of other VN book clubs to the OP of the meta thread, for anyone looking for more to listen to.

I have read two routes of Riddle Joker. Don't expect anything regarding the story and you will be good. It has fun characters and interesting scenes but the overall story is nothing exciting. Quoted a review I have read elsewhere: "This may be the most mediocre spy story I have ever read".

Regarding 9 -nine-, happy to hear that you enjoy them. I will probably buy and start reading them once the last episode is close to release on steam. Judging by appearance, Noa is my favorite among the four main girls and I need to see how chunni she really is :)
Yeah, that sounds like a Yuzusoft title alright. :D

But 9 -nine- was a really positive surprise last year.
Waiting would probably have been the smart thing, but the art-style got me interested and then the first chapter (basically the prologue) got me hooked. You'll be happy to know that Sora is basically the best girl in the series and that you can look forward to enjoying Sawasawa Sawa's performance.

Just one warning: There is a romanji patch for episodes 1 and 2 that adds honorifics back in a few cases (the original release still mostly uses honorifics) and undoes a few other translation choices. I would strongly advice against using this patch, unless you are an extreme purist, as the way Sora has been localized adds immensely to her characterization.
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Reactions: Kvik and Cacher


Jun 3, 2020
The 13th VN Book Club thread is now up and this time we will be reading Coffee Talk by Toge Productions, a visual novel about serving coffee and listening to not quite human characters' problems, set to a low-fi soundtrack:

That also means that we've now completed a whole year's worth of book clubs.
A big thank you to all of you who have participated along the way!

I have also added links to a number of other VN book clubs to the OP of the meta thread, for anyone looking for more to listen to.

Yeah, that sounds like a Yuzusoft title alright. :D

But 9 -nine- was a really positive surprise last year.
Waiting would probably have been the smart thing, but the art-style got me interested and then the first chapter (basically the prologue) got me hooked. You'll be happy to know that Sora is basically the best girl in the series and that you can look forward to enjoying Sawasawa Sawa's performance.

Just one warning: There is a romanji patch for episodes 1 and 2 that adds honorifics back in a few cases (the original release still mostly uses honorifics) and undoes a few other translation choices. I would strongly advice against using this patch, unless you are an extreme purist, as the way Sora has been localized adds immensely to her characterization.
Hmm, maybe I will try participating in the book club this month. Coffee Talk reminds me of Valhalla and I don't really like the latter, but I am willing to give this a try.

Regarding 9 -nine-, the art is lovely. Before the outbreak I was working in Tokyo and saw the giant commercial board advertising the game at sofmap Akiba (not my pic btw). It seems that the game sold really well there and got a big marketing budget from the publishers. Hopefully it will be a success among the steam players as well.

I have also heard Sawasawa did a stellar job in acting Sora and many people said it is her best performance ever. Good to hear that you also enjoyed her acting. She also act for Riddle Joker as Ayasei as well and the game also has both Yui Kusuhara and Sora Haruka who I like a lot. I can assure that you will definitely not disappointed on the VA front of RJ. Btw, thanks for the advice on patching. I will probably play the games in Japanese so no worries on that front.

Last but not least, just sent a friend request to you:cat-heart-blob:
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Reactions: Exzyleph


Dec 4, 2019
Aokana Extra 1 100% hype! Though I'm not as big a Mashiro (or romance) fan as others, I'm very happy this title has been progressing smoothly. I already miss seeing all my daughters.

9 -nine- episode 1 and 2 are on sale with episode 3 coming out today. Haven't played them yet but Japanese impressions of episode 3 and 4 are really positive. Should be worth checking out.

To me, 2's main girl is voiced by Sawasawa Sawa (Tanezaki Atsumi) and she is one of my favorite voice actresses. She has a lovely voice and excels in acting.
I'm very interested in checking these games out since I've heard excellent things about them, especially chapters 3 and 4. Will pick these up now and sit on them until 4 is near completion.

Also Tanezaki Atsumi is an incredible voice actress. I recently heard her as Vicky (Vikala) from GBF and she knocked it out of the park there, so I'm definitely interested to see how she handles being a VN heroine.


Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
Aokana Extra 1 100% hype! Though I'm not as big a Mashiro (or romance) fan as others, I'm very happy this title has been progressing smoothly. I already miss seeing all my daughters.
Speaking of Aokana Extra, Sprite just tweeted that Extra 2 (after-story for Misaki) is in production:
Google Translate said:
Aokan's next work, Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm EXTRA2 is in production!


Dec 4, 2019
Speaking of Aokana Extra, Sprite just tweeted that Extra 2 (after-story for Misaki) is in production:



Edit: Should be mentioned that Palette (the creator's of 9-nine-) have been teasing an announcement on their Twitter page for the past few days. Can't say if it's an episode 5 or a fandisc or something entirely new, though people on Reddit are speculating it's some kind of new episode of 9-nine-.

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Reactions: Exzyleph

Mutant Strawberry

Jul 1, 2020
Uchikoshi x Kodaka's next game "World's End Club" formerly Death March Club, is getting a stealth Apple Arcade release tomorrow. However, it seems apple did a Tim Sweeney, and its scloosy for 6 months.

If you do the apple arcade 1 month free trial, though, it also has VNs like Necrobarista and Neo Cab in it.
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Oct 9, 2018

Well this is primo bullshit
No idea if Apple Arcade is going to get the rest of the content. I don’t feel like finishing it on iPad now frankly

Either I’ll have a big wait for the second half or won’t see it at all!

Mutant Strawberry

Jul 1, 2020

Well this is primo bullshit
No idea if Apple Arcade is going to get the rest of the content. I don’t feel like finishing it on iPad now frankly

Either I’ll have a big wait for the second half or won’t see it at all!
Apple are apparently going to get the update at the same time. Basically its in Early Access.
Everything about the marketing of this game has been bizarre.
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Mutant Strawberry

Jul 1, 2020
It could just be my ancient Ipad, but I played 3 hours of it, and to my mind, the game really needs more time in the oven. I don't feel like I'm missing much with the game in this state. Even though I can play the rest of it, I think I'm going to wait until Spring to get the full effect.

Edit: Decided to power through because I didnt wanna dodge spoilers for the next few months. It gets better.
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Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
I'm not super familiar with this game, but the previous one apparently had a lot of extreme content. So caveat emptor:

The Kickstarter is up for the VN /SRPG hybrid VenusBlood HOLLOW (originally known as VenusBlood HYPNO), with AA/18+ demos available via JAST USA:

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Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
Yangyang Mobile, the makers of The Letter and Love Esquire, are running a Kickstarter campaign for a short yuri VN:

You get a key for The Letter if you back at $9+ within the first 24 hours, and The Letter is also next month's VN Book Club title. But it'll probably take a while before keys are sent out (IIRC, it took them 2-3 weeks to send out early bird rewards the last time), so I can't promise that you'll get it in time for the book club.
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Mutant Strawberry

Jul 1, 2020
Finished World's End Club. Imagine uchikoshi plot twists combined with a fairly basic platformer. It sounds like the full version is going to be substantially improved, but as my youtube recs are already full of ending spoilers, I'm glad I stuck with it
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Time Traveler
Jan 11, 2019
Finished episode 7 of Umineko! Here we go on the final journey.
I'm honestly afraid of finishing it, I'm so invested that I fear that there'll be something unexplained or I don't know, something that will ruin it.
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