|OT| This is a miniature painting thread


Dec 10, 2018
Well it has been a while.

Kind of been off my painting the last few months. But starting to get that urge with a new edition of Kill Team out now. Plus games with people being in the same room being a thing again.

So thought I would post some more bits here to try and encourage myself a bit more.

First up in my Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus. He has been a project that has been going on for sometime now. Nowhere near complete, with lots of little details to sort out. But he is looking good.

Then there where a set of Blood Angels I did a fair while back. They where originally going to be a new Army. However I kind of got bored of painting them and they never went any further. Instead they will now end up as a small Kill Team instead.



Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Jeeeez, she makes it look so easy too.
Most of my friends play Warhammer or 40k so there's not as much scope as the models are way smaller but i'd love to see some Warhammer models painted like this.
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Jun 3, 2020
Jeeeez, she makes it look so easy too.
Most of my friends play Warhammer or 40k so there's not as much scope as the models are way smaller but i'd love to see some Warhammer models painted like this.
I found that her older video are more detailed into how she painted the figures. This one looks like a pretty good reference material for learning:

I think this is possible on miniature (thus posting in this thread rather than the figurine thread), but it will be a much tougher task.
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Dec 6, 2018
So I was in the Steam thread earlier bitching a little about the general state of computer gaming and how it was sublty pushing me away when I remembered I had some miniatures to paint that I'd been putting off painting for....reasons.

I spend far too much time thinking on doing something, getting the stuff I need to do the thing, then thinking some more and never actually starting.

So I broke a habit and went over, took everything out of its box, painted one of the miniatures and made a beautiful mess of my desk. It cheered me up somewhat - who knew that would happen :p

Its a brand new interest for me, so I have no preconceptions of what I want to do, except I also occasionally like building and making things. Though they are uaually a little bigger in scale like building arcade cabinets and making fight sticks or raspberry pi setups in boxes. So maybe I'll end up doing doiramas or something.
For example I'd quite like to make a model of the local train station as it was 75 years ago when the trains went down the length of the harbour and loaded the sailing/steam boats.

Anyway, miniatures. I been making my way toward doing it for a month or two, buying a few things, borrowing my wifes paints.
She is an extremely good artist and sells what she paints although I suspect I'd get the ???? from her if I mentioned I was painting small fantasy style figures.

I painted the usual swordswoman type thing and it was a lot of fun. Fiddly and I fucked a lot of things up. But as with anything, practice will make me better (I hope).
I ordered a load more models of D&D, a zombie horde and also railway style unpainted passengers/workers etc. to practice on. So painting a swordswoman was today and its zombie day tommorow.


Dec 10, 2018
That's the beautiful thing about this hobby. There are so many different ways that you can express yourself.

I worked with one guy who retired and started a model railway in his loft. He was using the weathering techniques I used for tanks on pre-painted kits.

I also find it very relaxing to sit down and paint. Although it is something I haven't done a great deal off in the last year.

One thing I recommend is, if using artist grade paints, thin them heavily.

I would also love to see what you have painted.

Anyway, I have started to get the painting bug again after playing some Necromunda over christmas. Got to run out my Genestealer Cult gang. Plus with the new codex coming out I have built up all my models that I hadn't touched in a while. Plus a new Warpsmith for my Iron Warriors coming soon.
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Li Kao

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Yeah, as the thread creator I can say that I... dropped the hobby for the second or third time. Only time will tell if there will be other attempts.
This is not a critic of the whole thing, what a weird post it would be, but I guess it's just not suited to me, at least as I am right now.

42 y/o, sight not what it was
Cat who loves to fuck with my desk set up
And more importantly I don't have the mental stability for it, I'm never satisfied with the figure I'm painting, always touching up this or that, which makes the hobby far too time hungry. Considering it's already by nature a time sink, hey...
But again, that's not really a critic. Not a 'boo this thing' at all.

First wish ? I would love to have another life to paint figures.
Second wish ? I maybe should have looked at painting for the sake of it instead of trying to add the collecting aspect of GW or others to it. I'm not good at repetition at all, I simply hate painting armies.
Third wish ? Fuck, I would really love to meet a good painter who would explain me the techniques from zero. In all my attempts I more or less had to find out on my own. First when I was a teen and even a few years ago, even if I had Youtube for help. There is just something lacking, a physicality, being able to SEE for myself how it's done in real life.

I mean, why did I try painting fucking boring Sigmarines when I could have tried (and failed ?) my hand at this from the OP ?



Dec 10, 2018
So, Li Kao mentioned they where an older painter. I too am at the older end of the spectrum (50 in 3 months time).

So if you are interested in painting here are a couple of tips that helped me overcome some age related issues.

  1. My eyesight isn't what it used to be. Generally not a major issue as I am short sighted and a lot of my issues where solved by painting with my glasses off. However when I get to seruious details I use these, Jewellers magnifying glasses, they have helped no end.
  2. Steady hands is something else I suffer from. Then somebody pointed out that you want to put your elbows on whatever table you are painting at. Normally I would have them at my sides and would end up with my arms and hands moving in rythm of my breathing.
  3. Pets is a unique problem. I can't offer any tips for while you paint, but when I lived in a house with cats I would use tupperware/takeaway type containers to store my paint jobs in. This helped an awful lot.
  4. I can all to well understand the mental side of things. My first army for 40K was an Imperial Guard one. In my first 2 years I painted a few vehicles and about 40 maybe 50 men. Problem is you need a lot of troops for the guard, or at least for my style of army you do. I was doing all the highlights, trying to paint eyes in and everything else. That way insanity lies. I was told to finish a paint job and not look at perfecting it. The next set of models will be better, then the next and the next. After that I painted another 160 troops to a decent tabletop standard in around 3 months.
As to what to paint. If you aren't planning on playing 40K I would consider looking at character models rather than troops. Depending on what you want to paint. Nuns with guns, then there are some excellent Sisters of Battle character miniatures. For example something like The Triumph of St Katherine. Big armoured troops any of the space marine captains. If fantasy is more your thing the underworlds boxes are great as they feature more unique groups of characters and there is anywhere between 3 to 7 models in a box.

For example my Skeletons from the Underworlds set.

Or my Stormcast Eternals from the Starter Box.

Plus there are plenty of companies out there doing other cool models. I had to force myself not to buy the Battletech board game because there are some cool models in there. Or there are the likes of the Crisis Protocol boardgame with some very cool Marvel miniatures in there (I still need to grab the Ghost Rider model from that set.

Then there are COUGH anime figure recasters COUGH if you want something more unique.


Dec 6, 2018
Very nice work and thanks for the tips. I'm also over 50 and have practially the same set of Jewellers glasses. They are great and solve the broken eyes issue.

I been going at a zombie horde among other things to practice on as theres about 50 of them and a lot of spare heads, arms and things.


Dec 10, 2018
So I have actually sat down and put brush to model. With the new Genestealer Cult Codex releasing I decided it was time to do some work with all the GSC models I have and actually get them on the table.

2 things. First sorry for the slightly crappy photos. Secondly the troops are a bit basic. They are painted via contrast paints. These are designed to get them on the table rather than looking great and cool.

These are primed in Wraithbone spray. Given a sepia wash. Then drybrushed white. It's a simple pre-shading. Then it is flat contrast paints over the top. I will try and take some better photos later on when they are all done and based properly.

I have also started on a vehicle for them. The Ridge Runner. I love doing heavily corroded and weathered vehicles and armour. I think it helps to hide the fact that I struggle to do what I consider a "clean" paint style. So chipping, streeks and so on are the order for the day.



Dec 10, 2018
Very quick update on the Genestealer Cult.

This is the first 24 all sorted. Including the ridge runner above, a little over 2 week's work.

Just need another 30 ish of these and then some vehicles and I can move on to the HQ units.
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Dec 6, 2018
^ very nice, loving the color :) Thats some army with 30 more of them.

I haven't done anything as I'm moving house in the laziest way possible by just moving next door over a period of a few weeks.
We expanding the B&B business a bit here by using another room for guests and its also one step closer to knocking both houses into each other etc.
So nothing exciting for me until we actually do move completely in a few weeks. Looking forward to the extra space I must admit.


Dec 10, 2018
So been a few months.

I went on my first course since before COVID was a thing. Normally I go on courses to learn painting techniques or reaffirm some skills I could be doing better. Hell I have even been on ones where I have gone and worked on different projects than what the lessons where. Mainly they tend to be my holiday breaks,

Anyway, this one was a little bit different. Instead it was to do with green stuff sculpting. Normally I have only ever used green stuff as a gap filler. But this was more about modifying kits, adding or replacing details and that sort of stuff. Was a great course and really enjoyed it.

So I have been trying to make sure I act on these skills whenever I can. So I am working on an old resin Contemptor Dreadnought for my 40K Iron Warriors. Mainly I am going through and adding various bits of trim to the model to tie it in with my army. The only other thing I am tried to do was add some mutated claws to the claw on the model. I still have a long way to go on it. Plus I keep thinking of details I would like to add to it as I go along.

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Jun 3, 2020
I bought a ReZero figure because it was very cheap (like, around $2). Never watched the anime but I plan to clean up the seam lines then do a repaint. Not sure how long will this project takes me to complete (or even complete at all) but it looks like something fun to do.

Here's the figure. No fan. Around 20cm tall.

Li Kao

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Thinking about being interested by the games but not by painting and the time, money, and sanity cost of it, couldn’t someone get a good result by simply going monochrome with shading ?
The issue here is that with white for example, I fear black ink would be too harsh a contrast.

Randomly browsed a game on BGG and thought the white figs looked cool.

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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
That would work better with some inked lines to highlight the form and give it some visual interest. There's a couple of videos posted a few months back from the japanese lady who buys the cheap anime figures and then repaints them with a manga/illustrated look to them and some of them look stunning.


Dec 10, 2018
That would work better with some inked lines to highlight the form and give it some visual interest. There's a couple of videos posted a few months back from the japanese lady who buys the cheap anime figures and then repaints them with a manga/illustrated look to them and some of them look stunning.
Do you have a link (or am I being too lazy and she is posted further up...).

As to monochrome, here is a good starter.

And in a similar vein

And this my current quick paint scheme



Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Do you have a link (or am I being too lazy and she is posted further up...).
I had to go digging through my posts on another forum to find the channel as i hadn't tagged the bookmark descriptively enough.
She mainly works on large figures and there's more colour than i remember but there are one or two monochrome line art figures she has painted.
Might give people some ideas? Or not.

This is a bit over-detailed for what i thought it was but the idea can be simplified i reckon.

Here's a simpler design, it's coloured but the inked line highlights are closer to what i was imagining could be used for a monochrome miniature.
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Dec 10, 2018
I had to go digging through my posts on another forum to find the channel as i hadn't tagged the bookmark descriptively enough.
She mainly works on large figures and there's more colour than i remember but there are one or two monochrome line art figures she has painted.
Might give people some ideas? Or not.

This is a bit over-detailed for what i thought it was but the idea can be simplified i reckon.

Here's a simpler design, it's coloured but the inked line highlights are closer to what i was imagining could be used for a monochrome miniature.

there was somebody who did some 40K Tau in the Borderlands style.

whipe I don’t understand a word of Japanese I will still give these a go.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
That channel is very inspiring because she makes it look so very easy.

I love how she takes figures from UFO Catchers and sale bins then revamps them and they look amazing. Some are over done in my mind but there are a lot of figures that look fantastic. I think the more simple line art highlights she uses on some figures would work well on miniatures which use a 2 shade monochrome palette and then a strong contrast colour for edges and details.

Here's some 40k Tau in Borderlands style from a few years ago.

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Li Kao

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
The monochrome vid is overall far too grey for me.
The speed painting vid though, make it look so easy to paint a mini…
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Dec 10, 2018
The monochrome vid is overall far too grey for me.
The speed painting vid though, make it look so easy to paint a mini…
I was going to say it’s a bit dark. A gentle dry brush up to a white would sort that.

the speed painting is a good technique. I have used it a couple of times now


Dec 10, 2018
I have been working on various little projects, but more along the lines of terrain and scenery for Necromunda. However been playing in a campaign so I have started to need other miniatures. So actually did some painting recently.

Last one still needs some work on it. But not too far off.

Again some bits still need some workbut an almost completely painted game board.

Haven't worked on the project since my last post. I am a lazy piece of shit.

Meanwhile, I got a compressor and airbrush a few days ago. And I have some ideas on a new project. This time I will shut up before progress has been made.
I really need to get my airbrush back up and running. Got a few tanks I need to paint as well. Plus got a few recasts of anime figures I wouldn't mind painting up.
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  • Gib
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Dec 10, 2018
I really need to start getting some painting done.

I have been amassing miniatures like there is no tomorrow and yet not done much in the way of painting. And when I have it has been more of a speed paint and get the miniatures on the table. So to that end got all the air brushes out, deep clean, lubed up (no jokes please) and ready to go.

So now to decide what to paint. Thinking I want to warm up so may do some tanks for my Iron Warriors.
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Jun 3, 2020
Been obsessed with Lego Masters during the weekends. Seeing these incredibly talented and passionate people giving out their best into what they love really sets my brain on fire as well as makes me want to beat up myself. There are so many things that I love but laziness and exhaustion (due to my job) really gets the better of me.

I need to avoid turning on my PC starting from tomorrow. Really need to get up my lazy ass and start working on stuff. Even 30 mins per day are better than nothing.
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Dec 10, 2018
Been obsessed with Lego Masters during the weekends. Seeing these incredibly talented and passionate people giving out their best into what they love really sets my brain on fire as well as makes me want to beat up myself. There are so many things that I love but laziness and exhaustion (due to my job) really gets the better of me.

I need to avoid turning on my PC starting from tomorrow. Really need to get up my lazy ass and start working on stuff. Even 30 mins per day are better than nothing.
I know that feeling well. I put the PC on at 5 to do a little bit off FF and didn't finish till 10.

I need to manage my time better. I need to manage my hobbies better as well.
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Jun 3, 2020
I know that feeling well. I put the PC on at 5 to do a little bit off FF and didn't finish till 10.

I need to manage my time better. I need to manage my hobbies better as well.
Yeah. I usually turn on the PC after work and watch youtube or read reddit and other stuff and suddenly three hours have passed.

Got a bit of progress during the weekend so there's a start, but I want to become faster and work more.
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Dec 10, 2018
Inspired by Cacher comments about doing some painting, I decided to clean out the airbrush and doing a bit of work on some terrain for Necromunda.

The only failing was that my Matt Varnish was a bit crappy. So a friend has taken them to use his varnish. Just waiting for some new stuff to come through.

Got 2 more of these to paint. Will try and get them started over the weekend.
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