Community What are you currently playing?


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
Finished Chroma Squad. I had really fun playing this game. Really love that it's Power Rangers/Super Sentai. The final level I didn't like at all. It had an unnecessary difficulty spike and if I didn't build my team correct from the beginning I would totally be screwed. I had to use Cheat Engine, because I didnt want to start over

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
I tried Rain World. Not my thing.

I'm back into Overwatch. I like the new support. Cant remember his name. I normally hate hitscan but I'm glad he has it.

Oh and I'm a silver scrub.

Total War Three Kingdoms is so complex, I'm doing the Total War Academy for the first time ever.

I did the actual Darkest Dungeon missions in Darkest Dungeon. Got slaughtered in the second phase with just one boss left. Now I don't have a Man at Arms or Houndmaster anymore. RIP.


Dec 19, 2018
After a long time in my backlog I've decided to check Slime Rancher. It's great but it's the kind of game that I can't play because once I start, the hours just go by...


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Finally decided to spend some time on Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I only played through the tutorial and a bit after that and I like it so far. The writing is very tropey/cartoony, but it's fun. I heard how difficult it was so I started on Easy, but I haven't cast a single spell or used a potion yet, and was only hit once. Most enemies died in 1 shot, so I think I will bump it up to Normal.

I'm going to wait until the Enhanced Edition comes out this week before going any further(or starting over).
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I've been playing Tangledeep today for the first time. Looks promising, although a bit overwhelming because there are so many gameplay features. Anyone played this game? Is it worth exploring it further?
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The Texas Hammer
May 12, 2019
Total War: Three Kingdoms is the main one right now. It's pretty good, but way different from the last TW game I played (Empire). Much more 4x management that's throwing me for a loop because I'm so much worse at it than I am the individual battles, but I'll get it maybe on my fifth or sixth attempt :)

Still going through Yakuza 0 every now and then; the story is good but I've hit a point where I have so much money and power that nothing is really a challenge. They definitely made the right decision in toning down the amount of money you get from the Cabaret Club in Kiwami 2; I have like 10 billion and don't think I could spend it all if I tried. Which is especially weird because one of the main characters' storylines has them struggling to pay back half a billion in debt.

Tried out Dauntless on PS4 and I was left very unimpressed. The weight and satisfaction of landing big hits just isn't there, and positioning/movement feels weird. Will need to go back into Monster Hunter World soon to scratch that itch and do the Witcher stuff.

Big McLargehuge

God Cleaver
Dec 8, 2018
Recently started playing The Witcher 3 and I am very impressed! At times I just ride along the countryside and take in the visuals. So far I am glad that this game is putting more focus on witcher jobs like the first game instead of political intrigue stuff like the second game.
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Reactions: Milena and ISee


May 22, 2019
I am having one more run in Civ V with the Vox Populi set of tweaks and mods which improves the game immensely.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I've restarted DOS2 again. Despite backing it, I've never gotten very far in it. All this talk of Larian has put me in an RPG mood, and I wanted to wait for the Enhanced Edition of Pathfinder before resuming it.

Initial thoughts... The writing is all over the place and I find the Quest Journal frustrating for whatever reason, but I'm still having fun. Playing with Lohse as my main character, specced into a sort of magical-assassin type class. Basically, she stabs things and has tons of mobility, and a few CC spells. Also taking Red Prince(tank), Ifan(ranged damage) and Fane(wizard damage/healer).
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Reactions: Mivey and Milena


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Still playing Tangledeep, the game is really good! You can switch jobs (=classes) at any moment with a limited penalty, allowing you to combine skills and perks from each of the 13 available jobs to your own liking. Very recommended!


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Played a bit more DOS2.

Still on the starting island, though I am free of the prison and have my collar off. I went back to the prison to tie up some loose ends, and apparently the Magisters heard I escaped, cause they all went kill on sight, so I methodically cleared the entire Fort out.

I wish the inventory had more info... Like, if things were used for crafting or just junk.
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Reactions: Milena


May 25, 2019
Over 20 years ago, I saw a one page insert of assault suit leynos 2, and I've wanted to play it ever since. This week, it came in the mail.

Beast of a game. The only thing that bugs me about it is that the view will scale according to which weapon you switch to and the machine guns in particular scale so close to your character that it's sort of becomes unplayable. Maybe I'm missing something in the options or some way to manually scale that thing out. I have no idea. anyhow I'm just avoiding those weapons.

The rest of the game is all I ever dreamed it would be. It's fantastic to play and beautiful to look at.

Thing is though, I've been playing all these fighting games and shooters and action games.... and my hand is kind of falling apart. This has been happening lately, so I have to lay off so I don't further injure it.. I'm looking for an RPG to put in.

This weekend I'll be at 1 month playing nothing but Sega Saturn lol. I'm sorry, I have no idea. I'm doing this, though. so as for RPGs, I have blazing heroes, shining the holy ark, and panzer dragoon saga. I should be all right until I get off this weird kick.


It has risen again!
Dec 31, 2018
Playing through Saints Row: The Third for the fifth time, with another co-op partner this time. We almost finished all activities and we're almost a quarter into the story.

I'll probably never get sick of this game. :steam_pig_smiling:
Please announce a Saints Row 5 or anything during E3 Volition...
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
I didn't like Dishonored much when it came out but I went back (relatively, not this year) recently and adored it (well it's not exactly perfect and some of my initial gripes remained throughout, like blinking rendering jumping and mantling up and trying to find such physically reachable in tricky ways routes void). I'm pretty sure I finished all the DLC so try again later. Now I'm still in the "not feeling it" phase with the sequel and I'm not sure it will ever change in its case sadly.
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Miserable old git
Jan 22, 2019
Finished Far Cry 5, all of its DLC and Far Cry New Dawn since it continues on after FC5 so many years later. I had a very enjoyable time with them, I know Ubisofts games get a lot of flak but I enjoy how mindless they can be plus I very much enjoy their gameplay loop. Far Cry 5 was by far the best, the DLCs were OK (the Vietnam one being my favourite one) and New Dawn was a strange one. I personally didn't feel it really needed the RPG style enemy levels etc but at least they made them a bit more consistent in that the higher tier enemies had more powerful weapons, helmets etc. It had some fun setpieces though and was still fun to play.

Overall, fun games and I enjoyed them but I don't want to play anything else Far Cry related for a while. (well maybe a replay of FC2 sometime, still my favourite). When it comes to FPS Collectathons I still think Rage 2 was more fun simply due to how good its combat is.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Still on Assassin’s Creed Unity, and it’s bad. Not a low point like Liberation but very meh. I didn’t expect to see the semi rpg mechanics arrive in this episode, but it’s interesting to see the game’s evolution on that front. Unfortunately it didn’t gel yet and the game is overall a nightmarish mishmash of currencies. I would say that a good 70% of the missions are abysmally short and uninteresting (the blue ones, but the normal ones aren’t faring a lot better, the only care seem to have been on the main campaign). And there is this UBI writing seal of quality, so when I meet the Chevalier d’Eon, a famous trans spy, she spout some nonsense and tells me she prefers women’s bathroom. Like, ok, I’m reading an UBI writer alright.
And yeah, I saw the infamous mix of stunning interiors and super fugly textures in the distance.
But it still plays well, gets the job done enough.

Now after Rogue and Unity, I would be wise to keep clear of AC for some months. But YOLO, I already have Syndicate gold and mighty tempted to buy Origins Season’s Pass. YOLO. Send halp :dizzy-face:

Guilty of Being

Dec 5, 2018
Finished Far Cry 5, all of its DLC and Far Cry New Dawn since it continues on after FC5 so many years later. I had a very enjoyable time with them, I know Ubisofts games get a lot of flak but I enjoy how mindless they can be plus I very much enjoy their gameplay loop. Far Cry 5 was by far the best, the DLCs were OK (the Vietnam one being my favourite one) and New Dawn was a strange one. I personally didn't feel it really needed the RPG style enemy levels etc but at least they made them a bit more consistent in that the higher tier enemies had more powerful weapons, helmets etc. It had some fun setpieces though and was still fun to play.

Overall, fun games and I enjoyed them but I don't want to play anything else Far Cry related for a while. (well maybe a replay of FC2 sometime, still my favourite). When it comes to FPS Collectathons I still think Rage 2 was more fun simply due to how good its combat is.
I enjoyed FC5. I didn’t care for the DLC. I didn’t even purchase ND. I may in the future.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
More DOS2! I'm finally off the starting island! My last hour of playtime was spent trying to organize inventory, figuring out what to equip and what to sell, and respeccing all of my companions.

Lohse(me!) is still a dual-wielding magical trickster assassin, with Scoundrel, Warfare, and touch of Aero, Polymorph, and Huntsman(just for the teleport). She always goes first and kills enemies soooo fast. Ifan is a Huntsman/Hydrosophist. I'm not sure if it will work out, but I wanted a ranged healer/buffer. Fane is now a Pyro-Geomancer focusing on damage and buffing physical armour. Red Prince is my tanky warrior. Still not 100% what to do with his build.

I do not like the inventory screen in this game. I'd rather something like the party stash in PoE where everything is auto-sorted by category into tabs. Having stuff spread out over 4 characters is a pain.
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Once Punched Man
Apr 22, 2019
Unforeseen Incidents.

I think I either get dumber or lose whatever attention span I have, looking for MC's multi-tool (the damn thing was lying on the floor in MC's living room) for 15 minutes is a frigging overkill. Other than that the game seems to be great, not really digging the art style, but for now it doesn't seem to be a deal-breaker.
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Sep 11, 2018
I (re)started Cognition the Erica Reed thriller. I had previously played through 2 episodes, but that was over 5 years ago and I don't remember any of it.
Had completely forgotten about the whole intuition mechanic for example, good to go through the tutorials again.

Guilty of Being

Dec 5, 2018
I’m about to finish Oceanhorn, outside of any extras I want to get. I really needed a game like this. I want a BOTW On PC. Give me some ideas, fam. (I may even own it and just don’t know!)


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Oxygen not included. I had no idea what to do at first, but I'm starting to like it. I hope the final release includes a better tutorial tho.
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Reactions: Dandy


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
More DOS2(is everyone bored of me yet?)!

I can see dead people now! I love this ability so much - hope to get lots of use out of it. Also, this chicken quest is hilarious. When I came back to find that Peeper had hatched and seemingly killed the rest of his community I laughed. Now the ghost of his dead chicken mother has tasked me with finding his father to help him. Gotta give Larian credit for integrating so much Pet Pal content. Usually traits like that in other games come up only a handful of times, but I have found tons of animals that give hints, or treasure, etc...

Also, just ran into Tarquin again. Seems like he's going to be bad news at some point, but I like him.

Oh, and apparently Alexander died? I think I missed something. I beat him but he survived somehow and ended up in my ship hold... Then Dallis attacked, and we went to the land of the dead for a minute, and then he was gone and I had 2 of Dallis' servants in in my hold? I dunno what's happening anymore.

Oh! And I hooked up with Fane on the ship... So I am officially a necrophiliac now.
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The Texas Hammer
May 12, 2019
Playing through Dungeon Munchies right now. It's a fun little game based around creating builds from the food you eat. Jankiness abounds (it's a three-person Taiwanese dev team) and it's currently unfinished, but there's enough fun here for a weekend game and it's less than 10 bucks. Decent animations. Worth a look.
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Oxygen not included. I managed to understand most of the game (except for ventilation) but it's not as much fun as I expected. It's so damn slow and nothing really happens... Or perhaps I'm playing it wrong 🤭


old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
Lately I'm just playing Quake 2 RTX. Looks so great, and Quake 2 is always fun to play. Just like a year or so ago I was playing through it in VR, so it's still pretty fresh. Before that I don't think I had played through for many years, maybe since 1998.

I'm really tempted to see if any MP games are going, to relive those Quake 2 MP days.

Really want to play some Trover but I haven't had time. Want to start it in VR at least.
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Reactions: Guilty of Being


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I've been too exhausted after work this week to play DOS2. I really hope I don't lose my momentum for the game by the time the weekend hits.


The Texas Hammer
May 12, 2019
I've been too exhausted after work this week to play DOS2. I really hope I don't lose my momentum for the game by the time the weekend hits.
I lost my momentum around Act 3 for the same reasons, and I can't remember everything that happened so I'd probably start over at this point. :( I like it a lot and really want to finish it but it's a pretty demanding game time-wise.
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Reactions: Dandy


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
Been playing The Divison 2 (uPlay) for a few days. It's The Division, but with new mechanics, skills, perks, and of course, new settings.

However, the most noticeable difference besides those is the exploration in this sequel. Exploration is heavily rewarded now. Even if you're just wandering around without following any objective, you'll find a stash of loot somewhere in the corner. Entering empty building is encouraged because there's always something in there. Additionally, there are now settlements on top of safe house in each zone. They act as a sub Base of Operation, where you can get side quests and finish operations for each settlement. You can also upgrade each settlement just like how you upgrade the main Base of Operation. So basically, more busy works, but I'm liking it. It will definitely take much longer for me to finish the main story and clear the whole map here compared to the first game.
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