Some of the levels are fantastic, Romero at his best.SIGIL
If you've ordered either of the boxed editions you can email your order confirmation to Romero and you get a download link.
The midi music is also great, can't complain!
Some of the levels are fantastic, Romero at his best.SIGIL
If you've ordered either of the boxed editions you can email your order confirmation to Romero and you get a download link.
But that's not how...I’m running through Dishonored... killing everybody that looks in my direction.
I enjoyed FC5. I didn’t care for the DLC. I didn’t even purchase ND. I may in the future.Finished Far Cry 5, all of its DLC and Far Cry New Dawn since it continues on after FC5 so many years later. I had a very enjoyable time with them, I know Ubisofts games get a lot of flak but I enjoy how mindless they can be plus I very much enjoy their gameplay loop. Far Cry 5 was by far the best, the DLCs were OK (the Vietnam one being my favourite one) and New Dawn was a strange one. I personally didn't feel it really needed the RPG style enemy levels etc but at least they made them a bit more consistent in that the higher tier enemies had more powerful weapons, helmets etc. It had some fun setpieces though and was still fun to play.
Overall, fun games and I enjoyed them but I don't want to play anything else Far Cry related for a while. (well maybe a replay of FC2 sometime, still my favourite). When it comes to FPS Collectathons I still think Rage 2 was more fun simply due to how good its combat is.
now THAT is a good gameHotel Dusk: Room 215 again...for like the 5th time.
I lost my momentum around Act 3 for the same reasons, and I can't remember everything that happened so I'd probably start over at this point.I've been too exhausted after work this week to play DOS2. I really hope I don't lose my momentum for the game by the time the weekend hits.