Community What are you currently playing?


old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
Lots of Bloodstained. More Quake 2 RTX. A little Mario Maker 2.

Bloodstained really keeps pulling me back in and I'm at like 85% map viewed at this point.

Quake 2 RTX is probably my GOTY. Quake 2 delivers forever.
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old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
Super Mario Land 3. But after a few hours of playing, the emulator bugged and my progress was reset. 😞

I may want to play it again from the start later. It's a great game!
Wario Land is fantastic. The later Wario Land games are good too.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Pathfinder: Kingmaker is starting to annoy me. The kingdom management stuff makes me not want to play because I feel like I'm just not doing it properly, and the game freezes a lot when I alt-tab out of it. Like, the kind of freeze where you can no longer alt tab to other windows so you have to press the down arrow twice and alt-e to close it blindly in task manager.

Aaron D.

Jul 10, 2019
Picked up Amid Evil during the Steam sale and have been digging it to that of late.

With about 7 hours under my belt, I'm simply floored.

I was a big fan of Dusk and I just didn't see AE topping it. For one, I'm not even a Heretic/Hexen fan in spite of enjoying genre peers back in the day (always thought the spell weapons looked wimpy and lacked punch). But man, Amid Evil has made me a believer.

Game feels glorious to play at a buttery smooth 120fps. The level design is creative, complex and colorful as hell. And with Dusk's soundtrack composer Andrew Hulshult bringing the heat for AE, the beats just get your blood pumping.

So all & all I went in thinking it would likely be a fun retro romp, but man has this game blown me away.


Junior Member
Jan 9, 2019
Just finished a normal run on Blazing Chrome and man, do I suck at Contra type games. Some of those tracks and stages are great (especially stage 4 with the minigame) and I feel the attack bot is the best if you can dodge consistently. It's pretty short so you can beat it at one setting, but no way can I do that with hardcore mode without some practice :sweaty-blob:
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Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit.
Nov 16, 2018
Jakarta, Indonesia
Bought Bloodstained and Gris from the summer sale. Played and finished Bloodstained in 4 days. Getting all but 4 achievements. 2 of them are very easy to get but completing the item list is too much for me. Don't want to kill my enjoyment of the game before the 2nd playable character is out. Worth every cent, it's a great game.

Then I started Gris. It's very very beautiful. Glad I'm playing this on my big TV. It's like an interactive, beautifully animated movie.
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Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
I actually managed to find the time to play a PC game again for the first time in a couple of weeks, even for just an hour or so. Started up Pathfinder Kingmaker again to see all the updates since the last time I played it last year. I spent most of the time dealing with the kingdom affairs, and then my main quest is finally triggered. It was bugged for me which caused me to stop playing back then. I still have no idea how to upgrade my main town to an actual city with concrete roads and stuff. I guess I'll just continue with the main quest for now.
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018

Decent puzzler, graphics options are basic (none), wouldn't go out of my way to pay full price.

In some ways it shares a lot of themes and design with Contrast but this is still a fantastic experience.

Runs like a dream

Also started Horizon Zero Dawn - Complete Edition
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Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
Been playing Binding of Isaac afterbirth after a years break. The game got harder since the last dlc came. Before I could get to mom's heart without problem, but now I die easily 😔

Also I have been collecting all collectibles in Rise of the tomb raider. I already finished the base game
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I'm really enjoying The Dwarves. The combat isn't great, but the storytelling, characters and environments are excellent!
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Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
After playing some losing games on Binding of Isaac Afterbirth I decided to play with Samson. Since I knew that he was one of the worst characters from the OG Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb, so I had no hope to win this game either. I did some restarts to have a better starting item, after some restarts I found a quite good item to start with, and it was Dr Fetus, which game me the ability to throw infinite bombs. At first it didn't do great damage to some of the later bosses. But suddenly I have no idea what item I got I got a great synergy with Dr Fetus. Each exploded bomb did some kind of nice laser beam splash damage thing over the entire screen which killed all the monsters instantly. The bosses also died instantly.
Some other item later upgraded the bomb even further which did even greater damage. I did both Boss Rush Challenge and Hush boss in this run, and successfully finished them. I had to be careful since I almost barely saw where my bombs were and I didn't want to be killed by my own bombs :D

What's even greater was that I also got Dad's key which opened the door to Mega Satan. I think I never tried beating him before but my overpowered bombs killed him instantly. The gate to The Void also opened. My son told me to finish the game now, but I didn't listen to him and went into the gate. I took the chance to fight Delirium. a boss that I thought that I never would defeat. All the boss fights were easy. One or two bombs killed all the bosses. Delirium took a few bombs. It went fast to kill Delirium, maybe too fast :D

Oh, forgot to mention that somewhere I also transformed into Guppy, so it was a guaranteed win :D
It was a fun run. I wish most of my runs would be this fun, but it's difficult to get great synergy combination

Both my children were watching from the start to finish, and they had so much fun watching me throwing those insane bombs. :D


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
I got pinch hit for in the 2012 MLB "Futures" game in The Show...... I might put it down for a bit.... This of course happens after I get traded to Seattle from the Mets AA affiliate.

In successes, I got to the throne room in Dead Cells, my greatest level of success yet!!!!


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
I haven't posted on this forum since like E3. whoops. I've been playing too much Dota Underlords. I'm Big Boss V. The highest rank in the game before getting Lord the White Spire. I love this game so much. It's been a long time since I found a new game that I'm actually good at and actually enjoy playing.

besides that I've been playing a little Far Cry 5. It's a lot of fun at times but there are so many minor annoyances that plague my experience. For example there are parts where I'm trying to talk to someone but then some enemies show up and prevent me from taking on the quest and having to redo the entire conversation. If I talk to someone just trigger a cutscene so this stuff doesn't happen. The whole constantly getting kidnapped thing is just dumb. And some of the writing is pretty cringe. "Testicle Festival" why ubi

But getting into helicopter battles and the parachuting into an enemy outpost and shooting a bunch of people is pretty okay. It also makes me nostalgic seeing all the shitty rundown gas stations and farm stands. Ah sweet childhood. I don't miss you a bit.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
I've been playing Ittle Dew 2+

I just finished the basic story mode, still working on what I assume to be the true ending and additional content. Just like the first game it's a really fun irreverent spin on the top-down Zelda formula (which is a great formula).
That it only has ~200 reviews on Steam after releasing in 2016 is a shame, but I can't really complain since I also only just bought it in the most recent sale. Anyway, if the idea of a funny, relatively short Zelda-like game (that is somewhat more challenging both puzzle- and combat-wise) is appealing to you I can really recommend it.


Jan 5, 2019

Tee Time Golf is a really good golf game! It's more arcade than sim. I feel it's most similar to PangYa since it uses a 3-click shot system. For every hole you play, you gain gold, which is used to purchase cosmetic items to customize your avatar. You also gain experience. Leveling up will unlock cooler cosmetic items and power upgrades to your clubs. You can also build and share courses.

The developers recently added bots (with multiple difficulties) to the game, along with 50 bot challenges. The game supports both VR and Non-VR. It's a very accessible golf game! I've already put in 29 hours, making it my most played game since the sale ended. I strongly recommend this one if you're a fan of golf!


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I've been playing a game that has been in my backlog for years: Slender The Arrival. It's a horror game without combat, and the atmosphere is amazing.

The game design is mediocre tho: In some of the levels you have to find a certain number of randomly placed objects, and if enemies (who also randomly appear) catch you, you have to start the level all over again.

Sadly, the FOV is rather narrow, giving me motion sickness in the parts without camera frame. How hard is it to put a FOV slider in 1st person games FFS? 😒


Junior Member
Dec 8, 2018
After finally getting my Priest to 60 on a Private Vanilla WoW server and getting over my addiction to that terrible game again, I had the time to return to other games.
I beat Yakuza Kiwami 2 today (which had been put on hold after my WoW relapse) and made good progress in Shibuya 428.


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
I recently finished Super Robot Wars A Portable as part of RPG Blitz.

An SRW game is always an interesting proposition for me since I love mecha anime and I love SRPG. It feels as enjoyable as playing Atelier games for me, where I can just pick up either game and start playing without thinking too much about story or nuance. As with any other typical SRW fare, the story is a melting pot of a number of Super Robot and Gundam series, while adding some original characters on top with its own twists and turns.

I must admit that nostalgia did factor a bit into my decision in playing SRW A, having seen a number of classic anime featured in this entry during my childhood. Mazinger Z, Voltes V and Getter Robo, for instance. Of course, after nearly two decades of not watching these series, I forgot all about the characters and plot, but it didn't diminish my enjoyment. The Robopedia feature certainly helped me to get reacquainted with the characters once more.

The turn-based mechanics, mecha customization options and pilot skills obviously aren't anywhere near as deep as any modern SRWs, but it's doesn't make it less difficult. The animation sequences obviously can't compete with the anime-style presentation of SRW V, for example. However, the sprite animation definitely has its own charm and appeal to a lover of pixel arts such as myself. The game does have a steep difficulty spike in the last quarter of the game. The scarcity of upgrade parts and skill points for pilots only exacerbate the matter. Not to mention some scenarios seems to go on forever as it goes into multiple phases of enemy waves.

I've played the game from start to finish on PC with PPSSPP and I didn't encounter any performance problems. The game run at 30fps and I couldn't find any cwcheat to unlock the framerate, sadly. Still, the game is entirely playable. The fan translation is acceptable. It's certainly dry enough with its own share of issues ranging from a simple misspelling to glaring grammatical errors. There are a couple of graphical glitches in chapter titles that I saw, and sprite alignments seems a little off in one of the menus, although this was probably a byproduct of higher resolution scaling.

Despite my time with the game (roughly 50 hours) and how much I enjoy playing it, (and that includes laughing at the absurd plot), I'd be hard-pressed to recommend it to newcomers. SRW fans would probably enjoy it a lot more -- even then this entry is not well received when it was newly released. I would recommend one to start with SRW V instead. It's much more accessible, and it features much more recent mecha series (Eva! Yamato 2199!) so everything is still fresh in the audience's minds.

Next up: Zanki Zero.
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation. I've only played the first few campaign missions and the game has potential. But I got frustrated a few times because units don't do what I ask them to do in smaller areas.

I've also played some more Assault Android Cactus. What a great game! 😍


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
I'm (mostly) playing this:
Imagine DualShock
Now imagine the following control scheme
left white lane - LT
left yellow lane - LB
left green lane - DPad Left
left blue lane - DPad Up
red lane - DPad Right or Square
right blue lane - Triangle
right green lane - Circle
right yellow lane - RB
right white lane - RT
Now rewatch the video and try to press the buttons accordingly
(That's about midway through the difficulty scale for the game)
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old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
Started Pathfinder: Kingmaker.

Rolled a Barbarian, only played a couple of hours, but I'm enjoying it so far.

Whenever I see a screenshot of that game like this I think it must play like Neverwinter Nights. Is this at all the case?
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Finest Finn
Sep 7, 2018
The Iciest Hole
Final Fantasy XV and VII
The Division 2
Slay the Spire
Hand of Fate

The MP games are what I sorta play when the dudes are online and the SP games are for when the dudes aren't and if my little dudes are.
Oh I forgot Ace Combat 7 which I play in spurts since I can't stand playing it without a flightstick.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Played a few more missions of Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation yesterday. It has been a rather mediocre experience for me so far, The story and mission design isn't bad, but the combat is rather frustrating because the units are more busy avoiding collision with each other than actually attacking the enemy. Yesterday my super units got stuck into a hill right before the enemy base, resulting in an unpleasant save and load experience. It's also way too easy to build the super units, which are extremely overpowered against normal units. Unless the next few missions improve dramatically, it's very unlikely I will finish this game.
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Been playing Fallout 76:

It's oddly compelling. All the story is told through terminals, robots, holotapes and notes. In some ways it's an interesting approach, working out why everyone is dead and the story is leading towards that but in reality it's just a cynical attempt to not have to create content. No surprise they are adding NPCs for the next update, probably about the same time it comes to steam, F2P maybe? There should also be many more players per server, 100+ at least. It's completely empty and I think only twice I haven't been the only person doing an event.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Just finished Yakuza Kiwami 2, gonna do the Majima Saga story and then play THE WITCHER 3, FINALLY.
You may want to consider playing The Witcher 3 with the Ghost Mode mod. This mod improves the game significantly, the combat in particular. You also want the "friendly hud" and "all quest objectives on map" mods. Use the first mod to hide the minimap (the game is so much better without it!) and to auto-hide the rest of the UI.

Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
Finally finished They Are Billions.

Numantian Games was not lying when they said that they recommend you take the month off. It took me four whole weeks to finish the campaign. I know this because my kids have been with their grandparents for that long, and I didn't get started until four weeks ago.

I didn't take the month off, so I had to play (almost) every day after work.

And I'm good at the game.


Dumb fool
Nov 14, 2018
You may want to consider playing The Witcher 3 with the Ghost Mode mod. This mod improves the game significantly, the combat in particular. You also want the "friendly hud" and "all quest objectives on map" mods. Use the first mod to hide the minimap (the game is so much better without it!) and to auto-hide the rest of the UI.
Thanks for the recommendation, will look into it once I'm off mobile!
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Powered by the Cloud
Apr 6, 2019
Continuing on with my Assassin's Creed series play through, done with AC Rogue!

Talk about a kinda repetitive game after just having played AC IV. Pretty much the same, but in an icy setting.
Interesting to see how it connected to AC Unity in the end.

But lets talk about the story.
Shay must be the dumbest guy alive.
Sure, what the assassins did to Haiti and Lisbon was bad, but they didn't know what they were dealing with, which Achilles realized when they found the final artifact.
Instead of cooling down, Shay flew off on the others and wrecked everything.
Then, when OBVIOUSLY being saved by templar, (even given clothing adorned with the templar cross), he still doesn't figure out what is happening.
And when he kills his first former compatriot, who mentions they are making gas to use against the English, he immediately takes the templar's word that it is poisonous gas supposed to be used against the population, when it clearly is some kind of sleeping gas and he has no evidence of what it will be used for.

Shay was an idiot! /END RANT

Next: Assassin's Creed: Unity
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Well, today I bought Vane and today I finished Vane hehe.

Ok, let's talk a bit about this game, shall we? first of all, it's a really weird game (in the good way IMO) as the story is not implied so you must guess and interpret it as you want, but even if you don't like this, you might find the other aspects of the game appealing, visually is really powerful, everything feels lonely, strange and desolated but at the same time intriguing, this world sure seems to be hostile but something feels right about it, Not going to spoil anything about the graphics because it's something you must see in action to say "Woah"

The Ost also makes the place feel like it should, really powerful sounds on a giant structure that makes you feel even smaller.

Gameplay tho, it's simple and doesn't requiere much action from the player, for me that was amazing as I wanted this kind of experience, for other people this might be a no no, but, in general I was very happy.

Vane went all up to my top 3 of this year, loved it. Here are some pics.


Burning Justice

Junior Member
Jul 21, 2019
Getting near the end of Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition, and been playing Super Mario Maker 2 (particularly its excellent Versus mode) on the side. But both of those will probably be put on hold when I pick up Fire Emblem: Three Houses tomorrow.