Community What are you currently playing?


saviour of worlds
Nov 12, 2018
I think Dear Esther was great if you played it before the avalanche of such games happened, I like it well enough, I disliked almost all walk sims I played after it.

I was planning on finishing GRIS yesterday, it didn't went as planned at all. I actually could be lost, the last part is rather confusing. Not really lost, but I'm no longer sure what I'm supposed to do, haha
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Oct 21, 2018
If you are on my friends list you will see me being a bit OCD trying games that start with the same letter ha ha

Recently , confirmed Disney Infinity 3.0 is probably one of my fav games ever, and the closest I will get to liking a sandbox type game
and even DI has quite a few focused mission modes, its just I love messing around as Darth Vader in the open toybox area lol.

Dragon Quest XI , is great. The slimes are way too cute tho and I dont want to hurt them. I love how easy it is too.
I am notorious for starting and never finishing RPGs but between this and Ni Ni Kuni 2 , maybe there is hope in the new year.

Dead Rising 4 is hilarious and no timer makes me happy.
I downloaded DR3 and will attempt to mod out the timer.

Dirt 4 , is fine. I just worry Codemasters is blurring their audiences because Dirt 4 felt like an easier mod on Dirt Rally
where in the past the DIRT series was for more over the top, arcade fun imo which is why they spun off Dirt Rally.
Now that Grid is somewhat dead, seems odd to make basically the same game.

I started Dark Souls 3 but one the menu music scared me, and I just want Bloodborne really, so I need to research a BB build.
Shields are dumb and not my style at all.

Made the mistake of trying Deus Ex Mankind Divided after DI 3.0 and was bored immediately,
I wont delete it yet but I didnt even feel like figuring out how to get past the opening area.

Up next, DmC 4 SE, Disgaea 5 , Dishonored 2, Disney Planes, Disneyland Adventures, Divinity OS 2, DQ Heroes 2, Dragons Dogma, DW7.

My ultimate goal is just to have a bunch of games set up and ready to go much like consoles otherwise I find as I get busy with life and work I just wont play them if it requires setup, etc.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Recently , confirmed Disney Infinity 3.0 is probably one of my fav games ever, and the closest I will get to liking a sandbox type game
and even DI has quite a few focused mission modes, its just I love messing around as Darth Vader in the open toybox area lol.
i just really really really really really really really really wish it had a windowed mode



Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
Played some Darksiders yesterday. I am on the first "dungeon" of the game, where you have to defeat Tiamat. The dungeon seems way too big. I first thought that the big meat ball was the boss of the dungeon. But nope, it was the mini boss. I did get to Tiamat, the boss, and tried a few times to defeat him/her before I gave up and went to sleep.
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Sep 19, 2018
Going to give RDR 2 a proper go. I bounced off it once due to the archaic controls, but I've done some tweaking, and I've got something I can live with now. Also turning off HDR seems to be a good idea.
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Sep 20, 2018
Started up Fran Bow yesterday.
I really like this games look, and how much care and love has been put into every screen, double so because Fran can enter a crazed state where she sees a twisted version of every room. The game seems to have a very cynical view of mental health institutions so far, extremely negative for sure. I wonder if this is based on personal experiences of the people that made the game. Not a topic you see tacked in games or even popular culture that much.


#1 Member
Oct 23, 2018
Got back into Rocket League again, and I'm having a blast climbing ranks and learning new things. About to hit Champ 1. :D
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Nov 14, 2018
Today I have just started The Witcher Enhanced Edition...played properly for about an hour. Loads of people told me not to bother, and to skip number 2 as well, but so far I can't see why...sure it feels a bit old, but I'm pretty resistant to game age-ism. Haven't really got any idea about gameplay foibles or what the quest system will be like but I'm looking forward to finding out.


Sep 20, 2018
Today I have just started The Witcher Enhanced Edition...played properly for about an hour. Loads of people told me not to bother, and to skip number 2 as well, but so far I can't see why...sure it feels a bit old, but I'm pretty resistant to game age-ism. Haven't really got any idea about gameplay foibles or what the quest system will be like but I'm looking forward to finding out.
Honestly, to me Witcher 1 is the superior game. Witcher 2 experimented with lots of new ideas (at least new for CD Projekt Red), and stumbles in many places, from writing to basic gameplay. The Witcher 1 feels like a much more traditional CRPG, with a nice spin on the clicky combat of say the early Gothic games (instead it's all about rhythm and matching your current loadout to the situation (Monster/Human, Group, Strong Enemy, Fast Enemy). It also tells a nice story, from beginning to end.
Of course, without WItcher 2, WItcher 3 wouldn't exist, and it's only with the third game that they managed to truly surpass the first one, in my mind.


Nov 14, 2018
Witcher 2 experimented with lots of new ideas (at least new for CD Projekt Red), and stumbles in many places, from writing to basic gameplay
Interesting...I'd assumed that there was a linear trajectory of refinement. Why can't anything ever be a smooth ride? Depending upon how fatigued I am with it, I'll probably do the first two back to back, before taking a break prior to embarking upon the epic third.
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A Kamen Rider just passing through
Jan 1, 2019
i'm trying to find the strength to finish LA Noire. It's not that it's a bad game, I just cant explain whats stopping me from continuing after my promotion to Vice.
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Dec 19, 2018
ive been going hard on AC:O lately. I cant seem to put it down and surprised i havent gotten tired of it seeing as im level 42 or something and have maybe half the map still undiscovered.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Elex... still. Bloody PB games and their vertical rockface of difficulty at the start of their games. Love 'em but can't wait until i can start rofl-stomping stuff later on. A few more levels of cheesing kills with my bow still i reckon. At least i have my drone which can take big chunks out of enemy health bars. Yay.


Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
In Book of Demons:
After reaching the second act final boss I decided to restart my warrior since I died early and I won't climb the Hall of Fame anymore. It went quite fast. I already killed the first act final boss and already in the second act.


Sep 20, 2018
I started Lion's Song yesterday. It's an episodic game that uses look of graphic point and click adventure games, but isn't really an adventure game, it's more a fairly linear Telltale-like game. I really like the setting of old VIenna (around 19th century, by the looks of it), and it's nice to see it was made by a local Austrian developer. Took me about 40 minutes to play the first episodes, and I really liked the musical elements of, you are essentially trying to help a composer find inspiration for her music, and essentially hear how the music forms in her head.
I wonder where they take this concept.

Also, played more of Night in the Woods. Really like this game, great visuals, great music, and I love Mae and her gang. The writing of everyone in Possum Springs is pretty incredible.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
10 something hours into Star Ocean 4, which I'm quite enjoying. I have 5 party members and reached the 4th planet.
Also decided to focus on Subnautica again yesterday. I'd restarted last week without Hunger and Thirst, since that got annoying in my previous game and have now built a base around 80 meters deep. Focusing on following the distress signals, getting materials and especially blueprints. I want to finally build a vehicle (already have the Mobile Vehicle Bay built, but no blueprints for any vehicles :p).
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Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018
Aside from from The World Ends With You on Monday mobile and Yakuza 0, I got a bunch of games from sale and have them installed.

140 : Minimalist Rhythm platformer made by one of the LIMBO/INSIDE devs. It's rather chill with its timing and all, so it can be a good jumping point (hehe) for newcomers.

Azure Striker Gunvolt : Anime not-MegaMan X made by the people have made shit ton of Mega Man spinoffs and somehow wanted to make more.
I'm actually impressed it had updates till 2018 and they updated to Switch versions. These devs deserve support.

Castle of Illusion remake : A 3D remake of the classic Disney platformer. Initial impressions makes it look like a kids game, when you see the total gems you've collected (it's a collect-a-thon too) and go "JUST HOW MANY DID I MISS?!". Physics and controls are quite wonkey and loose, which I'm not a fan of. Even if they accommodate Mike's personality, it still doesn't feel right m

Space Channel 5 : Always interesting to see an old game in high def. Most Dreamcast games hold up in that regard. This is a rhythm game where you need to followup the direction of your opinions/situation by imitating them yourself.
Has a small bug where the game starts in Japanese despite being selected English in options, but you can very easily fix it by selecting Japanese, booting and shutting down the game, switch to English again and then starting the game.

Slay The Spire : OK... Controversial opinion. I didn't like it as of yet. The card metagame that goes on with each new card added to deck is something I suck hard at.
It hasn't hooked me like a good rogue-lite usually does.

Super Hexagon : Chipzel is chiptune Goddess.

Creeper World 3 : Words can't describe this kind of unique RTS. Play the demo Game DEMOS

Warhammer 40K Space Marine : I actually had high expectations for it, after watch a few reviews, I hyped up. I completed the lengthy "Part 1". Gameplay is solid, melee attacks being decently powerful and all 4 weapons being fun to use.
But everything around it is really not upto snuff. Cinematics aren't interesting or well directed, level design is all over the place, the audio logs are very inconsistently spread on the map.
Here's hoping it will get better.

I've installed Book of Demons and have yet to play it.

PSA : If you have Sin Emergence, you should also have got the classic Sin from 90s. This does not have the expansion and had some censorship for copyright reasons. I've just found a thread that fixes that.
Otherwise, get that from GOG.


Junior Member
Dec 14, 2018
Plan to be more productive with playing through my backlog, and less Overwatch. So...

Overwatch: It's a prison

RDR2: Up to chapter 3 but need to knuckle down and blast through it, done a lot of side content and loved it thus far but not without its faults.

Papers Please: Played a couple of hours a couple of years ago and despite liking it just never picked it back up, going to restart and finish it.
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Dec 5, 2018
Now you need to play the Ys games, Xanadu Next and Tokyo Xanadu and the zwei Zwei games, if you haven't
I've just bought Tokyo Xanadu during the sale with the intention of playing it (but then again I did the same thing with Xanadu Next and I never got around playing it).
I own a few Ys games but I only played I & II.
So yeah I have a lot of their games left to play.


Sep 20, 2018
Booted up The Silver Case last night.
What a crazy game. It's a Visual Novel with the movement controls of a dungeon crawler, where you have to interact with the levels to get the story forward. I really like the PC controls, actually, works fine with KBM.
The plot seems fairly hard to follow. I guess it's a murder mystery? The first chapter bombards with you fictional names and terms. Maybe this gets better as time goes on. The translation seems pretty decent, and while I understood little, it's kinda captivating to follow the story from moment to moment. Maybe that's how it's intended to be experienced?


Lost in VR
Jan 4, 2019
I've mostly been playing Book of Demons and AC: Odyssey.

I hope someday to finish AC:Odyssey, after 115 hours tracked by Uplay it says that I'm at 58% :eek:
And Book of Demons is a drug and I've already too many characters going.

One day I'll maybe stop playing these sorts of games and prioritize the rest of my backlog lol


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Picked up Tetris Effect with my Game uk points and i doubt i'll ever leave Effect Mode. This may end up being one of my most played games of 2019 as i can see myself dipping in and out of it constantly. I enjoyed the demo so i knew what i was getting into and it's delivering so far. I doubt i'll be troubling any leaderboards as i'm trash but i'm having fun so who cares?

I'll give the VR mode a whirl tomorrow, i tried it in the Beta and it was a totally different experience to "flat". I want to get my housemates playing it so i can finally see the snazzy effects properly.

Makes a nice change after playing "Free Road" and "While True; Learn()" which made me feel stupid. I'll be back though.