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I know many people disagree with me, but you know what: I'm perfectly fine with these free games policy.because fuck developers ... they only care about getting people to use their shitty store
Naturally, this is done to get people to use the store.
But, the developers/publishers are getting paid (and agreed to it), and people are getting free games, I really see nothing wrong with that.
Why worry about the developers/publishers, when they agreed to do it in the first place?
In fact, if there's anyone to be upset with, it should be the developers and publishers who agree to do this.
I mean, I was looking to buy the Samurai Shodown from SNK on Steam. With the game being available a week early, for free, elsewhere, I naturally hesitate to spend that money on a purchase, when SNK seems really uninterested in getting my money.
I'll complain about Epic for plenty of shitty practices (going after crowdfunding games, exclusivity deals, having a shitty store that's barely functional, having shitty people doing the PR, and plenty more).
But, Epic spending money to give games freely to people, naturally to entice them to use the store? I really see nothing wrong with that.
Plenty of other stores, and not only videogames platforms/retailers, do similar promotions (coupons, loyalty points, free items, ...).
You have to spend money, to make money.
I really wouldn't mind if Valve started doing something similar (like discount vouchers for those that spend above "X" amount), instead of being of an extreme passivity as they are.
I like Steam, and all that it offers. It's easily the most complete client available, with plenty of useful functionalities, and a huge library of games.
But you know what: I'll never understand the way Valve goes around doing business. Even before all this crap about Epic, I never understood why they don't spend some of their money captivating and doing actual PR among Japanese developers, so that PC started getting games day and date with consoles.
Some Japanese games launch earlier on a certain console, because Sony, or Microsoft, or Nintendo, for example, foot some of the bill with advertising for the game. I'll never understand why Valve doesn't do something similar. Especially because, if these titles launch on Steam, Valve would naturally get whatever investment they made back in the form of added sales.
Again, you have to spend money, to make money.
Why not take some of the money they make with marketplace transactions, selling virtual cards and cosmetics, and apply it in building the PC (and Steam) as an actual platform? I don't mean exclusivity deals, I mean getting games day and date with consoles, for example.
As it stands, with no one doing so, PC gamers are left with being happy with, say, SEGA releasing ports of 8 year old games (like Bayonetta), or being happy that we are getting games 1, 2 or 3 years after everyone on consoles (and even mobile) already played them.
I know people are fine with this, but you know what, I'll never be happy with being treated as a "second-rate" customer, especially when it comes to Japanese games.
Valve could have, and should have done much better, than what they did.
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