|OT| Monster Hunter World: Prepare to hunt, snow bunnies!


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
But, yeah, I agree... the design is extremely creepy. Her face is a weird mix between a Pukei Pukei and Kefka.
Haha! That is such a great description of Shara. Now I really wish Shara would do the laugh.

Hmm.. wonder if there's a Kefka laugh mod.. :thinking-blob:

Glad you were able to get some of the RE stuff too by the way! The Tofu pendant is also really good to get next time you're able to. It looks ridiculous on most weapons but it will occasionally talk and it's pretty dumb in a great way.
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Mouse Accelerated Member
Apr 17, 2019
That Shara hunt was exhausting. It took me forever to complete and I haven't run it again since.
Personally I really enjoyed the design. I wasn't expecting a two-stage fight !

I just beat Lunastra for the first time. I'm so happy I did it after I was done with Iceborne's main quest ! Even with level 11 gear I can tell she's bullshit... she's worse than Velkhana. Too quick and with basically infinite range attacks.

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Personally I really enjoyed the design. I wasn't expecting a two-stage fight !

I just beat Lunastra for the first time. I'm so happy I did it after I was done with Iceborne's main quest ! Even with level 11 gear I can tell she's bullshit... she's worse than Velkhana. Too quick and with basically infinite range attacks.
In case you haven't tried it yet, maxed out wind pressure is incredibly useful against MR Luna. It will keep you from falling over during her supernova attack, so you can just spam the invincibility dive and get out pretty much unscathed most of the time. But she's still one of the most BS fights in the game imo.
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Mouse Accelerated Member
Apr 17, 2019
In case you haven't tried it yet, maxed out wind pressure is incredibly useful against MR Luna. It will keep you from falling over during her supernova attack, so you can just spam the invincibility dive and get out pretty much unscathed most of the time. But she's still one of the most BS fights in the game imo.
Thanks for the tip. I really should pay more attention to that sort of stuff!

I also beat the buff horned gorilla... it's obviously an Oozaru (turning peroxide blonde when angry and shooting beams of light from its mouth).

Currently I kinda want to take a break from demanding fights... I've been completing the Piscine Researcher quests and I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to become friends with the masked Grimalkynes (I think so, since the elder guy somewhat hinted at that...).

Oh and I -just- realized it's GUIDING lands and not GUILDING...


Oct 31, 2018
This game's online is a crap shoot guys. Literally first stage horns broken, tail gone, and back in hub. Then second stage within like 7 minutes its at bottom and boom dc.

Regardles, when near death or second stage game just d/cs. Nothing else breaks...=(
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Mouse Accelerated Member
Apr 17, 2019
Man... I'm still discovering new stuff!

Thanks to the hints given by the Lynian Researcher I just discovered that you can climb to the top of the mountain in Hoarfrost Reach!
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Mouse Accelerated Member
Apr 17, 2019
I've reached MR 73 and I feel somewhat ambivalent towards the guiding lands.

MHW is a grindy game by design but the end game makes it especially so. Who thought that constantly "yo-yoing" region levels would be a good idea ?

On a side note, I feel like I've improved a lot. I'm able to reliably cancel great sword charges in order to tackle monsters, my evade rolls are way more accurate and I use the environment a lot more (I even figured out that you can run away from a monster, jump off a ledge, do a mid-air slash while facing away from it and be able to mount the beast 95% of the time)... and I'm usually able to deal with tempered monsters without carting once.

And yet... Diablos and Black Diablos are a PITA. Last time I fought a regular Black Diablos I carted twice ! ! ! I just... I don't know.
I also hate Rajang, since his behavior is somewhat similar.

Quick question: whenever you cart in the guiding lands it says that the rewards are decreased. Does this even count for already captured monsters (assuming you didn't report the investigation) ? For example, I had captured a tempered barroth and a kulu-ya-ku and then carted once during my fight against rajang... did my rewards decrease for all of those three monsters or just rajang ?


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I've reached MR 73 and I feel somewhat ambivalent towards the guiding lands.

MHW is a grindy game by design but the end game makes it especially so. Who thought that constantly "yo-yoing" region levels would be a good idea ?

Quick question: whenever you cart in the guiding lands it says that the rewards are decreased. Does this even count for already captured monsters (assuming you didn't report the investigation) ? For example, I had captured a tempered barroth and a kulu-ya-ku and then carted once during my fight against rajang... did my rewards decrease for all of those three monsters or just rajang ?
Congrats on getting closer to MR 100! That's incredible! :blobcheer:

Guiding Lands are something that had me a little upset initially too but I've since come around on them. While it's still admittedly grindy, it does allow you to fight specific monsters on your terms without having to worry about an event or investigation being available. And while the somewhat separate loot table does add to the grind it's actually extremely easy (well depending on luck) to get those great spiritvein gems compared to how it was in the base game trying to get the materials to augment gear.

I've also found the level to not matter much in the end. Basically find a few zones that you like or that have monsters you like fighting and work on those areas. Hitting max level in a zone pretty much guarantees a tempered monster shows up when you lure one there and while it does increase the chances of better bone piles or mining nodes you can still get that stuff regardless of the zone's level, just with a smaller chance.

For your carting in GL question though.. that's something I'm still not entirely sure of myself. I'm also not sure how long the reduced rewards persists. I assume once I've reported it resets it but I haven't really done the math to know for sure.

Also yeah, both Diablos are such a pain. I think they're the only monsters I've never seen Nergigante fight and I think I know why! :LOL:


Mouse Accelerated Member
Apr 17, 2019
Congrats on getting closer to MR 100! That's incredible! :blobcheer:

Guiding Lands are something that had me a little upset initially too but I've since come around on them. While it's still admittedly grindy, it does allow you to fight specific monsters on your terms without having to worry about an event or investigation being available. And while the somewhat separate loot table does add to the grind it's actually extremely easy (well depending on luck) to get those great spiritvein gems compared to how it was in the base game trying to get the materials to augment gear.

I've also found the level to not matter much in the end. Basically find a few zones that you like or that have monsters you like fighting and work on those areas. Hitting max level in a zone pretty much guarantees a tempered monster shows up when you lure one there and while it does increase the chances of better bone piles or mining nodes you can still get that stuff regardless of the zone's level, just with a smaller chance.

For your carting in GL question though.. that's something I'm still not entirely sure of myself. I'm also not sure how long the reduced rewards persists. I assume once I've reported it resets it but I haven't really done the math to know for sure.

Also yeah, both Diablos are such a pain. I think they're the only monsters I've never seen Nergigante fight and I think I know why! :LOL:
Thankfully I didn't get to experience the first version of the endgame. From the little I've read about it and from what you're telling me, it doesn't sound appealing at all.

I googled my previous question and yeah... all rewards are decreased, including for all previously hunted but unreported monsters. Now, I have no clue if you can report the current investigation with a monster half-dead but still roaming the guiding lands, get rid of the "malus" and finish it off.

Oh and... what was I saying about me supposedly having improved at the game? who did his first ever quadruple-cart (or was it a quintuple-cart?) against a Scarred Yian Garuga? This guy! In my defense, apart from the fact that it was my first time fighting against the thing, I forgot to eat once and the other time I forgot to drink a max potion... I guess I'm tired.

Edit: I'm ashamed to admit that I bought Monster Hunter Figure Plus Vol. 9 through 16...


Mouse Accelerated Member
Apr 17, 2019
One thing I really like in MHW is discovering new stuff...

But now I think I finally found the first unacceptable game mechanic (aside from the inability to pause in a single player mission).

Two days ago I was desperately looking for a way to capture one of those phantom birds (can't remember the name). After wasting hours stalking aptonoths I decided to look into skills that'd improve my chances. I went through all my decorations and armor skills without finding anything of interest. I then decided to look into Palico skills, more specifically those activated after eating. I discovered that there was indeed a skill that did just what I needed ! I noticed that to activate I was supposed to create a custom platter with 6 "lime" (as in the color) beverages... it's at that point that I realized that I was still missing quite a few ingredients... How was that possible ? after playing for 230+ hours ?

After losing my patience, I decided to look it up and that's when I discovered what upsurges are... I just thought they made a particular set of resources more common (e.g., replenish faster or something)... but nooooo, they also spawn a hidden node that gives you a unique resource.

Where was this explained ? I don't think it was ever explained anywhere. How did people find this out ? How did people find those nodes ? Who thought this would be a good idea ? Talk about needlessly abstruse game mechanics... god.

Also, I ended up cheesing it and getting the phantom birds via the new event quest that is guaranteed to spawn a bunch of them (skyward something).


Oct 31, 2018
I believe they actually show up on your map. You can cycle to gathering to see it better as well.

Also it isn't cheesing when they make it more common during an event. They do that on purpose.
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Mouse Accelerated Member
Apr 17, 2019
I believe they actually show up on your map. You can cycle to gathering to see it better as well.

Also it isn't cheesing when they make it more common during an event. They do that on purpose.
Hmm, they don't appear right away. They are added to your map once you get close enough but even then they're not shown as anything special... just a regular gathering point.

My complaint lies with the fact that, as far as I know, the game doesn't explain any of this.

To fix this, they could just tell you something like "hey, listen! There's a rumor going around that there's this exceptionally rare abalone that only ever appears when there's an upsurge of conch shells!" and then you need complete the objective "find the rare conch shell deposit".

If the purpose is to encourage players to engage in some sort of scavenging hunt, which is completely a-ok with me, on completion they could tell you "Wow fantastic! I wonder if other rare resources are can be found elsewhere... I'm sure the Mewoscular Chef would love it!". And leave it at that.


Oct 31, 2018
Well I remember it at least telling me that there is a certain type of flourishing/upsurges so I knew about them before even going into the map. Then I would check my map as I could see which ones were flourishing from camp. I didn't really look it up outside of the game, not until I had like 3 things left for the canteen.


Mouse Accelerated Member
Apr 17, 2019

Alatreon is Dead™
Congrats! I haven't even seen him yet... I play solo and currently I don't even want to try.

A couple of days ago I beat Raging Brachydios for the first time (third try... it became rathet easy after I decided to stop using my main "all-arounder" loadout... on my last try I didn't even cart once) and Furious Rajang (2nd try but oh boy... by using the appropriate foodskill and my palico's vigorspray, I was allowed to cart 4 times and still beat it... which, btw is a rather neat trick... once the resuscitation skill is spent, I swapped the palico gadget out with a more offensive one).

But Alatreon? I think I really need to be in a very specific mood to be willing to go through that!


Non-Stop MMO Searcher
Dec 22, 2018
Still haven't done Alatreon.

Will jump in back in for the final bosses I'm missing after the Fatalis patch to try and clear everything. Think I just need Alatreon, and AT Nami at this point


Dirty Weeb
Mar 12, 2019
Just a heads-up - you need to have killed Alatreon before you can even attempt Fatalis.


Oct 31, 2018
Seems like you don't need to beat Alatreon.

Fatalis, the Legendary Black Dragon, storms into Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Fan favorite monster makes a triumphant return, along with a new seasonal event and various system updates.
Hunters of the Fifth Fleet, it’s time to pay a visit to a historical site, and confront a living legend…

[Fatalis, the Legendary Black Dragon]

Passed down from generation to generation as just a legend, Fatalis is said to have wiped out an entire kingdom overnight. Such power and potential makes for very scary stories, but little evidence was ever made available. However, the Guild has now confirmed the return of this mythical Elder Dragon; it’s heading straight to Castle Schrade to finish what it had started.
Hunters, make sure you bring out your best gear and keep your wits about you venturing into this quest. Weapons from the castle’s last stand are still available—hopefully functional—and you’ll need all the help you can get to fend off the Legendary Black Dragon… and survive to tell the tales.

NOTE: Before you can take on the Special Assignment to hunt Fatalis, you must be MR 24 or higher, have completed at least the Safi’jiiva Recon Assignment, and have encountered Alatreon in its Special Assignment at least once.

[Fall Seasonal Event – Fun Fright Fest]

Our next seasonal event in Iceborne will be all about monsters. No, not the ones you hunt in Quests; we’re talking creatures of darkness… demons, succubus, and ghosts!
But don’t worry! These aren’t real. At least not in Astera or Seliana anyway. So we’re decking out the Seliana Gathering Hub with sinister new décor and tuning the music selection to “spooky.” We invite you to partake in the activities and, if you’re brave enough, try out our new seasonal food platter. Its nutritional value is a mystery worth the dare.
And as per tradition, we’ll feature a plethora of items to craft and collect: Armor Sets, Layered Armor, Weapon Pendants, Palico Gear, a Poogie Outfit and more!
Fun Fright Fest will run from October 16 until November 5 UTC.

[Arch-Tempered Velkhana]

Another Arch-Tempered Elder Dragon was just spotted on the horizon. This time, it’s none other than the flagship monster of Iceborne, Velkhana! Get ready to brave the harsh conditions of the Hoarfrost Reach once more and face off against the extremely powerful Arch-Tempered Velkhana.
Those who manage to vanquish this ruthless Elder Dragon will be awarded a special Weapon Pendant and materials to craft the versatile Velkhana γ (gamma) armor set.
Arch-Tempered Velkhana Event Quest will be live from October 16 UTC until November 5 UTC.

[Street Fighter V Collaboration Quests]

Here come new challengers! Ryu and Sakura make their way into Steam as Full Armor Sets and Layered Armor, part of special limited time Challenge Quests (special quests that take place in the Arena and offer you preset equipment choices). Fight hard and come out victorious in these quests to craft these fierce Full Armor Sets:

“Down the Dark, Muddy Path”
“Empress in Full Bloom” (I, II, III)
“The Awakened Satsui No Hado” (I, II, III)

And if you’re looking for Layered version of these outfits, you’ll want to complete these two Event Quests as well:

“When Blue Dust Surpasses Red Lust”
“The Heralds of Destruction Cry”

Street Fighter V Collaboration Challenge Quests will be available from October 1 UTC until November 5 UTC.

[Clutch Claw Boost]

With the arrival of new threats, Hunters must ready themselves as best as they can to stand a chance. And to help nudge the odds in your favor, we’re adding a new armor skill, called Clutch Claw Boost.
This handy new skill will allow heavy weapons (Great Sword, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Lance, Switch Axe, Charge Blade, Heavy Bowgun) to also draw slinger ammo from monsters—similar to what light weapons are capable of doing—while tenderizing a monster’s hide with their Clutch Claw weapon attack.
Conversely, light weapons (Long Sword, Sword & Shield, Dual Blades, Gunlance, Insect Glaive, Light Bowgun, Bow) will also benefit from this skill by tenderizing monsters’ hides with a single Clutch Claw weapon attack, while also drawing slinger ammo.

[Master Rank Layered Armor]

Calling all Fashion Hunters! The feature you’ve been waiting for is finally here. As of this latest update, Master Rank armor sets will now be available to craft as Layered Armor! Some sets will be tied to upcoming Event Quest rewards, but most sets are now available for crafting, mixing and matching. Now’s your time to shine: go, and become the Master Fashion Hunters!

[Elder Melder Decorations]

Good news for Hunters looking for some rare Decorations: the Elder Melder will now be able to craft some especially elusive jewels:

  • Elementless Jewel 2
  • Shield Jewel 2
  • Sharp Jewel 2
  • Dragonseal Jewel 3
  • Mighty Bow Jewel 2
  • Mind’s Eye Jewel 2


Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Title Update 5 is available now. For a full list of version update notes, please visit: https://www.monsterhunter.com/update/mhw-steam/us/

Good luck, and may the Sapphire Star light your way!

Matchmaking in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne requires players to have updated to the same version. Keep in mind that you can only match with other players who have the same update. You can verify the version number in the bottom-right corner of the title screen.

For other questions, please visit the official Monster Hunter World: Iceborne support portal below.


Dirty Weeb
Mar 12, 2019
No - you definitely need to kill Alatreon, the dialogue outright states that the Alatreon you fight before Fatalis as of this update is "another one".

Which is good, because Fatalis hits like a truck. 2-shot at 1200+ defense and Health Boost+3.


Oct 31, 2018
That is from the update notes that I posted. Says encountered.

NOTE: Before you can take on the Special Assignment to hunt Fatalis, you must be MR 24 or higher, have completed at least the Safi’jiiva Recon Assignment, and have encountered Alatreon in its Special Assignment at least once.
Though to craft F stuff you need some alt parts anyways.