Selling to Epic is one of the symptoms of the problem with the Crysis Remastered: It's a soulless cash grab.
"Make it look better on screenshots, add as many "next gen" buzzwords as possible for PR and lets swim in cash."
And while I'm convinced that their DX11-Vulkan hybrid RT solutions is something that many engineers are rightfully proud of, the achievement gets diminished by the state of the game in general: Same old legacy problems exist, an incomplete game version was used that is even missing graphical options and a level, quick save wasn't there, many control options were missing etc.
And yes, all products exist to make money: but the difference in passion, understanding, care and master of craftsmanship are the key factors that decide between a good and bad product. C&C Remaster, REmake 2, FF7 Remake, Demon's Souls have all that.
Selling it exclusively to epic, while fully aware that there is a big controversy about those kind of practices, is just another sign of the problem behind Crysis Remastered. The people calling the shots only saw dollar signs and didn't care or understood anything else.