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Oct 30, 2018
:roffup: :cavepog:
:pilotRIP: :ghosty:



Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I wonder if there are any people at Sony who see the success of MCC on steam and think to themselves...what if we packaged all the old Killzone and/or Resistance games. And released them on PC so people can play them on M/KB with unlocked frames.

Because fucking hell would I love that. :negative-blob:

Jim Ryan and Hermen Hulst pls
I don't think it will happen and a couple reasons for that. During the PS2 and Xbox days, FPS were mainly on Xbox. They use to be on PC but the Xbox was this bridge between PC and consoles for the FPS genre (the only other fps games that I can think of before that that were on consoles were Golden eye and Perfect dark. I did not play those games but even looking back at those games were they that special? The main things that Golden Eye had going for it was split screen (which is not really even used anymore, it also no longer used the DOOM style find a blue door key objective, and enemies would react to your attacks. Those were the 3 things that that game attributed to the FPS genre and asides from the split screen a year later you would get Half Life and well yeah. By the way what did people think about Perfect Dark since Half Life released in 1998 and PD released in 2000. Was that game still considered very impressive or was that mainly the N64 crowd that thought it was impressive? And if so image what it would have been like had Half Life released for the SERVICE GAMES Dreamcast after all and had it been playable (the PS2 version of Half life released in Nov 2001, so pretty much early 2002 and it was around this time that Halo was releasing on the Xbox. From what I recall the PS2 version of Half Life was not even that good since it had issues, and seeing how it was already 3 years old at that point it make sense as to why not many would talk about it (or did they? I don't know)

So now Halo is out and that's the main FPS game that people on console are talking about and years later you would get PC FPS games released on the Xbox such as Far Cry and other PC games (I read this one 4Gamer article that mentioned something about that).

So now let's talk about Killzone and Resistance. Killzone was a PS2 game made by guerilla that Sony had purchased. I don't think there were that many prominent fps games on PS2. If you look at the all time best selling on the PS2 you don't really see fps games moving 10+ million copies like you do now a days on consoles. There was stuff like Medal of hour and things but that never did more than 3 million copies and seeing how the PS2 managed to sell over 157 million copies (3.5 million is nothing, that means that only 2.3% of PS2 (people can buy multiple PS2 and some only used it for DVD and stuff) users owned a copy of the game and that was the best selling fps game on there. Killzone number online it says that it sold 200k in UK alone and well that's nothing. So Sony's "Halo Killer" did sell that well?

Now comes the era of the PS360. Xbox 360 has already shows itself as the place for FPS games on console. You also see an increase in FPS games on console at this time. The two Sony FPS games that you see that people liked and that got sequels are Killzone and Resistance (I think there was a Haze game but that was a one and done.

Killzone 2 on Ps3 sold 2 million and Resistance sold 2.5 million, Killzone sold better than it did on the PS2 but in the grand scheme of things that's not good for the "Halo Killer" seeing how on Xbox 360 Halo 3 sold over 12 million copies (Halo dead?) And even when you look at the OG Xbox, Halo 2 managed to sell over 5 million copies. If you look at other FPS games they have just sold better on Xbox than on PS2/3.

So now despite all of that and even though fans did like them the last of the Killzone/Resistance games would be Killzone Shadow Fall for PS4 (a launch title?). Things were not going well for Xbox and it was not that long after this that SIE was able to get both Call of Duty and Destiny as the games to play on Playstation and at that point if you want the FPS crowd on your side what's the point of making your own FPS games that were not really turning gang buster numbers?

So when you look back at it, asides from fans and keeping the studios alive what legacy do Killzone and Resistance have? They are not really "must play, genre defining games", they are bound to old hardware, and other stuff there is not really a point for Sony to being this to PC the way that MS has done with Halo.

Halo is a name that still sells after all of these years, but that's not the same case with Killzone and with Resistance. They may make a comeback or something at some point for some thing but overall I think Sony is done with those games for now.

So people do make fun of Xbox for fps games and stuff, but it's their fps games that people remember and still buy and not Sony's. (This thing took me over an hour to write and all of this information is more or less taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...)


Dec 22, 2018
I don't think it will happen and a couple reasons for that. During the PS2 and Xbox days, FPS were mainly on Xbox. They use to be on PC but the Xbox was this bridge between PC and consoles for the FPS genre (the only other fps games that I can think of before that that were on consoles were Golden eye and Perfect dark. I did not play those games but even looking back at those games were they that special? The main things that Golden Eye had going for it was split screen (which is not really even used anymore, it also no longer used the DOOM style find a blue door key objective, and enemies would react to your attacks. Those were the 3 things that that game attributed to the FPS genre and asides from the split screen a year later you would get Half Life and well yeah. By the way what did people think about Perfect Dark since Half Life released in 1998 and PD released in 2000. Was that game still considered very impressive or was that mainly the N64 crowd that thought it was impressive? And if so image what it would have been like had Half Life released for the SERVICE GAMES Dreamcast after all and had it been playable (the PS2 version of Half life released in Nov 2001, so pretty much early 2002 and it was around this time that Halo was releasing on the Xbox. From what I recall the PS2 version of Half Life was not even that good since it had issues, and seeing how it was already 3 years old at that point it make sense as to why not many would talk about it (or did they? I don't know)

So now Halo is out and that's the main FPS game that people on console are talking about and years later you would get PC FPS games released on the Xbox such as Far Cry and other PC games (I read this one 4Gamer article that mentioned something about that).

So now let's talk about Killzone and Resistance. Killzone was a PS2 game made by guerilla that Sony had purchased. I don't think there were that many prominent fps games on PS2. If you look at the all time best selling on the PS2 you don't really see fps games moving 10+ million copies like you do now a days on consoles. There was stuff like Medal of hour and things but that never did more than 3 million copies and seeing how the PS2 managed to sell over 157 million copies (3.5 million is nothing, that means that only 2.3% of PS2 (people can buy multiple PS2 and some only used it for DVD and stuff) users owned a copy of the game and that was the best selling fps game on there. Killzone number online it says that it sold 200k in UK alone and well that's nothing. So Sony's "Halo Killer" did sell that well?

Now comes the era of the PS360. Xbox 360 has already shows itself as the place for FPS games on console. You also see an increase in FPS games on console at this time. The two Sony FPS games that you see that people liked and that got sequels are Killzone and Resistance (I think there was a Haze game but that was a one and done.

Killzone 2 on Ps3 sold 2 million and Resistance sold 2.5 million, Killzone sold better than it did on the PS2 but in the grand scheme of things that's not good for the "Halo Killer" seeing how on Xbox 360 Halo 3 sold over 12 million copies (Halo dead?) And even when you look at the OG Xbox, Halo 2 managed to sell over 5 million copies. If you look at other FPS games they have just sold better on Xbox than on PS2/3.

So now despite all of that and even though fans did like them the last of the Killzone/Resistance games would be Killzone Shadow Fall for PS4 (a launch title?). Things were not going well for Xbox and it was not that long after this that SIE was able to get both Call of Duty and Destiny as the games to play on Playstation and at that point if you want the FPS crowd on your side what's the point of making your own FPS games that were not really turning gang buster numbers?

So when you look back at it, asides from fans and keeping the studios alive what legacy do Killzone and Resistance have? They are not really "must play, genre defining games", they are bound to old hardware, and other stuff there is not really a point for Sony to being this to PC the way that MS has done with Halo.

Halo is a name that still sells after all of these years, but that's not the same case with Killzone and with Resistance. They may make a comeback or something at some point for some thing but overall I think Sony is done with those games for now.

So people do make fun of Xbox for fps games and stuff, but it's their fps games that people remember and still buy and not Sony's. (This thing took me over an hour to write and all of this information is more or less taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...)
Yet at the same time, there are exactly 1 [modern] Sony first party games on PC. Any game they release gets hype built up around it because 'omg playstation games on PC!'. It's not like there weren't other open world 3rd person games with dinosaurs on pc and yet when Horizon released, it lit up the internet. Sony can take things 1 of two ways: release a game every blue moon and drown the internet in hype for a while until people move on to something else, or keep a steady feed of games being released, including less recognizable games and build up a bigger base. I'd hope for the latter, but expect the former.

Of course, this is coming from someone who wants the ps2 -only Drakan sequel to see the light of day officially on PC eventually, so much so that I bought a ps2 copy and emulate it and never owned a ps2 or the game prior. I may be biased
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Oct 30, 2018
Random trivia: out of ~ 30k Steam library banners, which are 300x450 vertical JPG images (with 600x900 in their filename) which appear in the library:

- there is only 1 which is the wrong size (600x900, as in the filename):

- there are 306 greyscale images, including 2 which are blank (1 black, 1 white): and

- there are 34 CMYK images (instead of RGB), and a bunch of them are EA games (maybe the whole EA catalog on Steam).


First Stage Hero
Dec 5, 2018
I don't think it will happen and a couple reasons for that. During the PS2 and Xbox days, FPS were mainly on Xbox. They use to be on PC but the Xbox was this bridge between PC and consoles for the FPS genre (the only other fps games that I can think of before that that were on consoles were Golden eye and Perfect dark. I did not play those games but even looking back at those games were they that special? The main things that Golden Eye had going for it was split screen (which is not really even used anymore, it also no longer used the DOOM style find a blue door key objective, and enemies would react to your attacks. Those were the 3 things that that game attributed to the FPS genre and asides from the split screen a year later you would get Half Life and well yeah. By the way what did people think about Perfect Dark since Half Life released in 1998 and PD released in 2000. Was that game still considered very impressive or was that mainly the N64 crowd that thought it was impressive? And if so image what it would have been like had Half Life released for the SERVICE GAMES Dreamcast after all and had it been playable (the PS2 version of Half life released in Nov 2001, so pretty much early 2002 and it was around this time that Halo was releasing on the Xbox. From what I recall the PS2 version of Half Life was not even that good since it had issues, and seeing how it was already 3 years old at that point it make sense as to why not many would talk about it (or did they? I don't know)
I personally was very disappointed in PD when it released. It was an ok shooter, but I hated the setting and characters. It was the kind of game IGN would hype, but your friends didn't really talk about it or want to play it. We'd go right back to GE. I hardly have any impression of the multiplayer at all. I remember frequently rolling my eyes at characters and settings (a floating laptop, aliens in area 51, etc). Goldeneye, with the movie license to draw from, had good enough characters and cool places to bust up.

Goldeneye was fun for couch splitscreen with people right next to you. Perfect Dark didn't really manage to have that same appeal somehow, the people I played GE with had zero interest in PD multiplayer, and neither did I. Few Goldeneye weapons were completely outlandish (save maybe the Golden Gun or the Moonraker) and I think that kept the chaos punchy and loud instead of zappy and lightweight. The controller rumble too. It was just an easy crowd pleaser that Perfect Dark just didn't manage to replicate. I'm not quite sure why.

I thought it was only the N64 people who thought Perfect Dark was cool. If you were a PC player it seemed all about Quake 2 for multi and Half-Life. I was only half in that world because hardware was so expensive to upgrade.

There was also the Turok series. I enjoyed Turok 2 back then but I bet it hasn't aged well. I bought Turok 3 from a friend for N64 and never played it, which exactly the kind of foolish purchasing that has set me up so well for the Steam era.

I'd like to try the Resistance series. I know Sony won't likely just start dumping onto PC, but almost anything they get out will sell well enough to people like me that just want to give it a shot. They should pick up the pace with this. They're bargain bin games at this point that they could jack up to $20 and sell a couple hundred thousand of them all over again.
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Dec 22, 2018
I personally was very disappointed in PD when it released. It was an ok shooter, but I hated the setting and characters. It was the kind of game IGN would hype, but your friends didn't really talk about it or want to play it. We'd go right back to GE. I hardly have any impression of the multiplayer at all. I remember frequently rolling my eyes at characters and settings (a floating laptop, aliens in area 51, etc). Goldeneye, with the movie license to draw from, had good enough characters and cool places to bust up.

Goldeneye was fun for couch splitscreen with people right next to you. Perfect Dark didn't really manage to have that same appeal somehow, the people I played GE with had zero interest in PD multiplayer, and neither did I. Few Goldeneye weapons were completely outlandish (save maybe the Golden Gun or the Moonraker) and I think that kept the chaos punchy and loud instead of zappy and lightweight. The controller rumble too. It was just an easy crowd pleaser that Perfect Dark just didn't manage to replicate. I'm not quite sure why.

I thought it was only the N64 people who thought Perfect Dark was cool. If you were a PC player it seemed all about Quake 2 for multi and Half-Life. I was only half in that world because hardware was so expensive to upgrade.

There was also the Turok series. I enjoyed Turok 2 back then but I bet it hasn't aged well. I bought Turok 3 from a friend for N64 and never played it, which exactly the kind of foolish purchasing that has set me up so well for the Steam era.

I'd like to try the Resistance series. I know Sony won't likely just start dumping onto PC, but almost anything they get out will sell well enough to people like me that just want to give it a shot. They should pick up the pace with this. They're bargain bin games at this point that they could jack up to $20 and sell a couple hundred thousand of them all over again.
All I can recall of PD's multiplayer was that more than one n-bomb on screen at once basically dropped the framerate to single digits, whereas Goldeneye didn't have that as often with the rocket or grenade launcher. I do remember liking the tongue in cheek single player story, which was 'in' at the time (see Deus Ex/the later seasons of the X-FIles) even if some of the level design wasn't as intuitive to my teenage brain as levels in PC shooters at the time
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Dec 21, 2018
Perfect Dark was just weird. Weird setting that is neither serious nor comical, weird level designs with odd mission orders to follow, weird sequences that were less shooty shooty and more half baked stealth... it's less on the bad side than on the "what were you even trying to do when it could have been so much simpler".
It came out at a time where they tried slightly more open design, and usually failed badly at it, for technical reasons (PD64 is agony incarnate in framerates and N64 shooting controls are not good), but also with plain lack of knowledge and experience about making engaging 3D environments with a story focus. Kinda like Daikatana. Too much complexity in a game that can't make it work.

Half Life 1 got famous for nailing it, but a lot of Rare games were just a mish mash of ideas that rarely worked together - it didn't stop in PD but continues in DK64, which was everything that the market was doing at the time in one single game... and no elements were even half as good as their own previous games. How you go from Banjo to DK64 and make an utter mess of platforming or just MOVING around, I'll never understand. How you fuck up the FPS parts (because when I think Donkey Kong I think FPS) after Goldeneye is just... head scratching.
And Conker's Bad Fur Day was even worse to control, with even taller mountains of gameplay styles that were all barely working.

To its credit, Perfect Dark did offer plenty of different multiplayer modes, and up to 8 bots with VERY extensive configuration on top of 4 human players.
Of course, that also meant that the framerate could drop to 0FPS in busy fights. Which is a bit of an issue.


Mar 12, 2019
Im started playing Divinity: OS 2 6 days ago and Im still on the starting island.

Yeah, this will take a while. I to procrastinate when I play a long game.
When i played with friends we stayed like a week soo yep its long
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Mercenary in the Badlands
Jun 15, 2019
Random trivia: out of ~ 30k Steam library banners, which are 300x450 vertical JPG images (with 600x900 in their filename) which appear in the library:

- there is only 1 which is the wrong size (600x900, as in the filename):

- there are 306 greyscale images, including 2 which are blank (1 black, 1 white): and

- there are 34 CMYK images (instead of RGB), and a bunch of them are EA games (maybe the whole EA catalog on Steam).
Why am I not surprised the people who made Ark couldn't get the technical aspect of having the correct resolution for their banner image?


Dec 21, 2018
Played The Touryst, it's less Zelda and more Mario&Luigi for me, with a focus on exploring and doing weird minigames (that weren't all useful, so that's a bit sad).
Mostly a quirky adventure game with some platforming, too bad the controls and the camera get a bit in the way at times, bit clunky. But otherwise, nice and varied, some of the minigames are very fun, and it's pretty short and not repeitive.

Twas alright I guess, outside of the extreme DOF that's really straining on the eyes... especially in some sequences like underwater! Eww.


Burn baby burn🔥🎵
Dec 9, 2018
What are the odds that Nier Replicant is the same shitshow as Automata?
Are those sharing the same engine?

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I had a Nokia 7110 which wasn't the Matrix Banana Phone but it was close enough. I still have it around here somewhere.
I always chose phones with slides or flip covers because I had too many phone calls from people who put phones in their bags or back pockets. Bum Calls i named them. lol.
This is the STEAM THREAD ! :grimacing-face:
People respect nothing these days.


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Got bored and went through the Humble Choices to see what games I'd actually finished from it:

#1 - Shadows of the Tomb Raider (already owned and finished)
- Phantom Doctrine (already owned and finished)

#2 - Middle Earth - Shadows of War (Already Owned and finished)

#3 - Book of Demons (Already owned and finished enough)

#4 - Etherborn

#5 - Gris (already owned and finished)
- Hitman 2 (already owned and finished)

#6 - Mo:Astry (Already owned and finished)
- XCOM 2 (already owned and finished)

#7 - nothing

#8 - Void Bastards (already owned and finished)

#9 - Vampyr

#10 - Strange Brigade

#11 - Iron Danger (Already Owned and finished)
- Lightmatter (Already Owned and finished)

#12 - Rover Mechanic Simulator

#13 - Nothing

#14 - Nothing

So finished 4 of 160+ or so games and another 11 that I already had and had finished.



Dec 3, 2018
Played The Touryst, it's less Zelda and more Mario&Luigi for me, with a focus on exploring and doing weird minigames (that weren't all useful, so that's a bit sad).
Mostly a quirky adventure game with some platforming, too bad the controls and the camera get a bit in the way at times, bit clunky. But otherwise, nice and varied, some of the minigames are very fun, and it's pretty short and not repeitive.

Twas alright I guess, outside of the extreme DOF that's really straining on the eyes... especially in some sequences like underwater! Eww.
I want to play that and have a week of Gamepass on an empty Pringles can I have still standing around. But one part of me wants to wait until I get a Xbox Series X and play it on my Oled because I saw it for a second in a Digital Foundry video on a nice TV. Looked amazing. And I can’t hook up my PC to the TV with my current room setup.

Nice to hear it isn’t so long.


Sep 19, 2020
The issue of PC hardware availability needs to be solved soon or PC gaming will take a significant hit. Prices are ludicrous at a time when next-gen consoles are fresh in the market and competitive in performance.
I went ahead and bought both new consoles since my PC is getting a bit long in tooth and getting both of them cost about as much as a 3080 on the secondary market. I'll probably sit out the 3000 series and do a completely new build whenever the 4000 series comes out, which I guess would be 2022 or 2023.


Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018
What are the odds that Nier Replicant is the same shitshow as Automata?
Are those sharing the same engine?
Only thing is that it's developed by Toylogic, who has largely been a support studio for few big name titles + one original game Happy Wars.
I can only guess the engine used will be different that Platinum's proprietary.

But engine hardly matters, it's rather how it ported. The PC port was handled (badly) by SE themselves iirc. I've not heard that many issues on their post-2018 Japanese releases, and let hope it says that way.
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May 4, 2019
Killzone 2 on Ps3 sold 2 million and Resistance sold 2.5 million, Killzone sold better than it did on the PS2 but in the grand scheme of things that's not good for the "Halo Killer" seeing how on Xbox 360 Halo 3 sold over 12 million copies (Halo dead?) And even when you look at the OG Xbox, Halo 2 managed to sell over 5 million copies. If you look at other FPS games they have just sold better on Xbox than on PS2/3.
Those sales aren't that bad considering PS3 was north of 500$ for its first year on the market. Just about everything flopped on the console. And honestly I don't care if they weren't Halo killers. The console wars rhetoric back then was even more awful than all the dumb stuff nowadays. The games had good reviews for the most part and even with funky analogue sticks..they were fun to play. With higher frames an M/KB they would be great. Bundling 3 or 4 of each in separate 50$ packages would make for great value. Both had some PSP games too iirc. Whatever work Sony puts into them would be worth it as those bundles would sell millions on PS5 and PC.

The issue of PC hardware availability needs to be solved soon or PC gaming will take a significant hit. Prices are ludicrous at a time when next-gen consoles are fresh in the market and competitive in performance.
Nvidia needs to hurry up with the 3060 and 3050 cards. Those are the ones that will truly penetrate the market at that 200-300$ price while competing with XsX and PS5. The 3070s and 3080s were nothing more than a fever dream anyways. Those cards and their availability issues will never be solved imo.


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
The issue of PC hardware availability needs to be solved soon or PC gaming will take a significant hit. Prices are ludicrous at a time when next-gen consoles are fresh in the market and competitive in performance.
Not like the cur-gen consoles are available anywhere but eBay (and sold at ridiculous markup)
But I agree, prices and HW availability is beyond terrible all around.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019

Lamar's Social Link is now stage 3.

Played The Touryst, it's less Zelda and more Mario&Luigi for me, with a focus on exploring and doing weird minigames (that weren't all useful, so that's a bit sad).
Mostly a quirky adventure game with some platforming, too bad the controls and the camera get a bit in the way at times, bit clunky. But otherwise, nice and varied, some of the minigames are very fun, and it's pretty short and not repeitive.

Twas alright I guess, outside of the extreme DOF that's really straining on the eyes... especially in some sequences like underwater! Eww.
I'm currently playing the game and it's okay. On a scale of 1-10. It's a 6 for me. While playing it I would stop and just play Apex instead. The main thing it has going for it are the visuals and that's pretty much it. I don't really find it fun to play. The controls for the game are not that great. It's decent but if it was not a part of Gamepass I don't see myself buying the game. As a comparison I was playing Bugsnax prior and I wouldn't stop playing that as often as I am with the touryst.

Did people say it was similar to zelda? Because I don't really see that. Maybe just the cross cutting but that about it.

Scarlett Nexus is this summer right?

Will Nintendo ever get a Gamepass like service? I mean while not 100% the same PS does have PS+ and PSNow.

The only thing that you can get with Nintendo Online are old Nintendo games.


Dec 17, 2018
Maybe I should start playing the first game... :thinking-face:

Anything I should know before playing it?
I googled wherever to start the first game myself, but people just recommended to go to the sequel. Might do the first one in the future though.


Apr 17, 2019
So they never fixed FFXIII-2 huh? I decided to check it out again since I never finished the PC version because of the terrible performance. The game constantly jumps between 60 and sub-20 fps on my 290X. WTF? Such a shame, I like this game.

So Divinity: Original Sin 2 is damn amazing.
It's one of the very best games ever made, in my personal top 5.


Time Traveler
Jan 11, 2019
So they never fixed FFXIII-2 huh? I decided to check it out again since I never finished the PC version because of the terrible performance. The game constantly jumps between 60 and sub-20 fps on my 290X. WTF? Such a shame, I like this game.
Try to check the steam forums, I think there was a mod to fix it
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Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
So they never fixed FFXIII-2 huh? I decided to check it out again since I never finished the PC version because of the terrible performance. The game constantly jumps between 60 and sub-20 fps on my 290X. WTF? Such a shame, I like this game.

It's one of the very best games ever made, in my personal top 5.
There's this mod but I've never used it, so I can't confirm if it really works.
I used the mod, didn't see any problems
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