I woke up to PTU Wave 2 for Star Citizen and... There are no words. I thought people were being hyperbolic when they said that you have to experience it yourself.
I now agree. Screenshots do not do it justice.
This is an instance where static images do not, cannot do the reality and feeling of being there justice. The size and sheer scale of it is breathtaking. Plunging through those immense clouds forming corridors stretching into the horizon is awe-inspiring in the most literal sense. It feels like diving into a deep, wonderous sea.
Then there's Orison itself, which just about blows my mind all over again. To say that it's a combined tech and art flex would be understating it. It's one of the most gorgeous, imagination-defying location I've ever seen in a game. I've rarely just wanted to stop and chill in a video game location, let alone one like this one.
I don't know about a Jesus patch, but they sure delivered the heavens in this one.