Community MetaSteam | August 2021 - Openness Is Its Superpower

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Jan 5, 2019
Microsoft is announcing that Windows 11 will be released on October 5th. The new operating system will be available as a free upgrade for eligible Windows 10 PCs, or on new hardware that ships with Windows 11 pre-loaded.

The free upgrade to Windows 11 will start rolling out on October 5th, but like many Windows upgrades in the past, it will be available in phases. New eligible devices will be offered the upgrade first, and then Windows 11 will become available for more in-market devices in the weeks and months following October 5th.


Aug 11, 2021
So back in February I bought the Collectors Edition of Shiren the Wanderer from Limited Run Games. Their store page listed the game coming physically in the release in jewel cd case.
It finally came in yesterday but the game was nowhere to be found; just a Steam key for it. I posted about this on Twitter and put in a support ticket cause I thought maybe there was a mistake cause the store page still said it came with the game on disc and there was never any communication that it wouldn't.
As of a few hours ago I haven't received a response, but they updated the store page to say it comes with a Steam key instead.
And I'm like ???
They couldn't communicate this in the past 7 months anywhere?
I feel so let down, the whole reason I bought it was so I could own the game physically. Having a fancy box with just a game key in it feels...wrong.
Well this is lame

I totally understand if something came up and they couldn't do the release, but why wait until 7 months later after things have shipped to say anything? And not even an explanation as to why or how this happened is just really...At least I can get a partial refund I guess.
The lack of communication until now on LRG's part and it only being this is really awful


Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
October 5th for Windows 11? That's soon. It probably helps if you don't ship all the features you talked about (Android apps) at launch :p

But since my poor 7th Gen Intel isn't hip enough for Microsoft to allow an upgrade, they are kind of forcing to be reasonable and wait.

Or maybe I can manually install it and then maybe be able to get updates. Who knows? Tech really does get more confusing when you are older....


And I'm also getting worried about lashman . Did he finally gave into Anime and is watching everything on Crunchyroll?


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
DLC classess coming to Solasta
It still really bothers me that to this day, they have no indication that they include less than half of the core 5.1 SRD classes in the game and the only suggestion that there are some missing will be when that DLC is finally advertised on the page (but even then, you won't know which other ones are missing from the base game before you buy it). It borders on or is false advertising to talk about how it's a faithful adaption and then leave out over half the actual character building content without warning.
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Aug 11, 2021
Well this is lame

I totally understand if something came up and they couldn't do the release, but why wait until 7 months later after things have shipped to say anything? And not even an explanation as to why or how this happened is just really...At least I can get a partial refund I guess.
The lack of communication until now on LRG's part and it only being this is really awful
Further update on this: Apparently only 80 copies of this were made, so I guess I own something rare now?

Seems to have been a mistake and they originally wanted to let people know in advance.
All in all disappointing but at least this is resolved.


Dec 6, 2018
Some of my games patched/updated today on Steam and now say "All licenses are in use for this product" on the downloads page. Not seen that before. Assume its a family sharing thing but my nephew (under 10 and a Fornite kid) who shares with me has never booted any Steam game ever AFAIK.
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None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
I guess Win11 also isn't shipping with any of those store changes. I wonder if they're going to be quietly swept under the rug because... IDK, I genuinely cannot come up with a good reason why they won't just fix the thing they keep trying to hawk.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
So, from October 5th I need to fight my PC not to auto-update.

You should be okay if like me you leave the hardware requirements Windows 11 needs turned off in BIOS.
I checked and i have the options but there's no chance i'm enabling TPM or changing my OS drive to GPT until i'm ready.
Hopefully that's enough to dissuade Windows 11. Also places like Borncity and AskWoody will list the windows Update KBs that are Windows 11 Update checks so you can block them.


Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
Finished Beyond Two Souls (don't judge me).

I'm starting to get the feeling that David Cage likes to make his games jump around (either between characters or in the timeline) to hide the crappy writing :unsure:

Well.... at least I wasn't completely bored like in Heavy Rain.... so that's something.

And the real twist would have been if (spoiler duh) the Dafoe character wasn't crazy in the end


Dec 20, 2018
First i was going to ask what is definition of RPG but that would go nowhere XD So i narrowed things down to exactly what i was thinking for a while now, where is the line between Action RPG and Action Adventure. This yea i finished Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Cyberpunk 2077 and most recently Horizon Zero Dawn. All of them are considered to be ARPG but only in CP2077 i had to some degree feeling that i am playing RPG. Decade ago Assassin's Creed was considered to be Action Adventure franchise and if we compare games from that era to new Assassin's Creed games what actually changed that we are not playing action adventure but ARPG?

Or why is Horizon Zero Dawn ARPG when main quest is linear, skills and upgrades are on the same level as action-adventure games decade ago, character interaction and customization is also basic and everyone who plays the game will have for the most part same experience.

So where is that imaginary line that when it's crossed one genre becomes other? i sure have no idea these days.
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Reactions: Tomasety and Wok


Sep 19, 2020
game informer info for marvel midnight sons game

40-60 hour meaty RPG, inspired by Mass Effect and Fire Emblem
hand crafted levels
they were inspired by slay the spire and steamworld quest to create a card based tactics system

Didn't the devs say no romance? That doesn't sound very Fire Emblem inspired. :dizzy-face:


Apr 19, 2019
First i was going to ask what is definition of RPG but that would go nowhere XD So i narrowed things down to exactly what i was thinking for a while now, where is the line between Action RPG and Action Adventure. This yea i finished Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Cyberpunk 2077 and most recently Horizon Zero Dawn. All of them are considered to be ARPG but only in CP2077 i had to some degree feeling that i am playing RPG. Decade ago Assassin's Creed was considered to be Action Adventure franchise and if we compare games from that era to new Assassin's Creed games what actually changed that we are not playing action adventure but ARPG?

Or why is Horizon Zero Dawn ARPG when main quest is linear, skills and upgrades are on the same level as action-adventure games decade ago, character interaction and customization is also basic and everyone who plays the game will have for the most part same experience.

So where is that imaginary line that when it's crossed one genre becomes other? i sure have no idea these days.
In my personal opinion a RPG needs to meet 3 criteria to be an RPG. If it fails at least one it becomes a [insert genre here] with rpg mechanics.
  1. Choices - The player needs choices. Where to go, what to say, how to solve a quest, what build, what stats, what weapons, what skills, and so many others. If the game doesn't allow the player to express himself it can't be a ROLE PLAYING game. And for the record, incremental upgrades doesn't count as a choice, if the only choice you have is between a sword with 10 dmg and another with 50 that's hardly a choice.
  2. Consequences - The other side of the 1st criteria. You always need to sacrifice X to get Y. For instance, you can't be a god tank and a damage dealer at the same time, you have the choice but it must affect how you play the game. Tied to this is the resource availability/scarcity, for instance if the game allows you to unlock every skill my the end there weren't a lot of consequences to your choices were there?
  3. Framework - This one is a little harder to explain and perhaps a lot more subjective. Considering the gameplay and rpg systems in the game. who is doing the heavy lifting and who is supporting? If the gameplay is the one pushing you forward then the rpg system is just window dressing. The easiest way I found to think about this is: If I strip the gameplay away from this game can I use the background systems to create another, completely different, game? If yes then the rpg system is the primary drive of the game.
I haven't played any of the 3 games you mention but from what I saw/read HZD and AC fail all 3, so, as far as I'm concerned, they aren't RPGs. I believe people call them ARPG because it's a catchier name than Action game with rpg mechanics, or perhaps people want to boast playing rpgs while at the same time being to dumb/lazy to learn how to play rpgs.
The RPG tag has nearly lost all it's meaning in the last 10 years and it honestly makes me angry.
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Reactions: Tomasety


Dec 6, 2018
I believe people call them ARPG because it's a catchier name than Action game with rpg mechanics, or perhaps people want to boast playing rpgs while at the same time being to dumb/lazy to learn how to play rpgs.
Being a gaming snob deriding others like this about their gaming is not cool at all.

That said...

Besides. people don't tend to boast playing RPGs anyway. Dungeons and Dragons still has 'NERD' all over it through the fault of media in general, wether its used as a catchall to talk about a range of games or its p&p version. However, drifting off topic a little, if you used the words at a party, everyone would know what you were talking about.

People in gaming circles are far more likely to boast that they play "Soulslike" games because of the perceived difficulty not their RPGness. Wheras saying along the lines of "I like to play soulslike games" at a party is just going to generate plenty of blank looks unless its a gamer party.
  • Eyes
Reactions: Tomasety


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
I might get it at some point but IDK, I'm not 100% convinced yet.


Oct 24, 2018
Oh wow, Midnight Suns is a card-based RPG? That's pretty disappointing. My interest just tanked. :confused-face:

Thought it was supposed to be Marvel XCOM. :weary-face:

Hopefully the gameplay reveal tomorrow will change my mind but I'm not holding my breath...
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