Community MetaSteam | August 2021 - Openness Is Its Superpower

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May 4, 2019
If you have a 4K tv and at least a decent soundbar I don't get why you would want to go the theater ever again. All the popular shit is getting day n date home releases or very short theater window anyways. Streaming services are plenty and not too pricey either. If the pandemic didn't completely kill your interest in going to the theater you probably never really gave a shit about watching movies anyways. You just wanted to go out somewhere with people on weekend nights. In that case there are so many better things to do then sit in some dirty ass covid infested theater for 2 hours. Go to a restaurant or beach or walk in the park. wtvr. Play some PC games. Anything is better at this point.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Refunded It Takes Two because it gives my partner motion sickness. Shame as it seemed a fairly decent coop game. There are only a few games she can play without getting sick, first person games are right out. She tried 30mins of Edith Finch and then had to go lie down for an hour. Anyone know ways to combat this sort of stuff? We'd like to play games together but most of them seem to give her issues. Funnily enough she's ok with VR games.
That's not too surprising actually, since "good" VR (with real-world rotation/movement and limited or no artificial locomotion) eliminates the disconnect between what you see and what the inner ear reports.
Room scale VR is fine for lots of people who are susceptible to motion sickness from playing FPS or TPS on screens.

On TVs/monitors, the only thing you can generally do (well, in games with reasonable options) is making sure your FoV is set up correctly -- or maybe not correctly (which would mean making it match the degrees of vision your screen takes up in your FoV), but comfortably. Changes to how camera movement works may also help (but sadly it's not as simple as just generally advising to speed it up or slow it down, both can help with different people/circumstances).


Oct 30, 2018
I should get back to learning Python, it is just so hard to learn code without have some goal or purpose. :crying-face:
I don't know if the books and video courses would be recommended. I am mostly here for the $1 deal for 2 months of PyCharm Pro.

The new features are very specific though, so not worth it if you just start. Anyway, use the free PyCharm Community edition if you want to learn Python.

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Dec 10, 2018
Yeah. Grabbed SR3 remastered when it hit Steam, especially having heard how great of a remaster it was. Except that only seemed to apply to the console version. I could make a comment about reviews and message boards on EGS warning customers during the exclusivity period. But I would just sound like a broken record player.

I will stick to the original version.


Oct 30, 2018
chinese early access megahit finally getting english translation
The screenshots are... interesting. I imagine there is a modding community.



No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
Bit late on the movie thing but there are plenty of movies that don't use that same formula - just ones I've seen in the past year, off the top of my head: Snatch, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Parasite, hell even bad movies like Touch of Satan (watched the MST3K of it the other day). Some MCU movies do that to some extent but mostly they've gotten better at keeping to the formula but being more interesting / nuanced, like Winter Solider / Ragnarok / Homecoming. To me, MCU movies might do better with less plot and more character since I rewatch them for the character interactions and action, the plot is essentially always meaningless to me (and the plot is, fairly, where a lot of the criticisms seem to land at), but that's pretty anti-super-hero genre.

Back on game news, I have given up on GRIME. The levels and checkpointing and travel is just so poorly designed for a 2D game, it's insufferable to me. I played an entire 2D metroidvania (Minoria) with a bunch of backtracking and no fast travel in the time it took me to progress through 3 regions in GRIME, without doing any of the exploration or backtracking you would normally want to do in a metroidvania. Or a souls-like, for that matter. People seem to like it, and I kind of get it, the world is interesting and the combat is fun, but the exploration is so much worse than any metroidvania or souls game I have ever played, it blows my mind anyone would put up with it unless it's the only game they can play for several months. GRIME is designed to intentionally waste your time by being tedious, not challenging (it's not even particularly challenging, you just have to spend anywhere from 2-10 minutes between retries of the challenging bits each time). They have listened to some of the feedback from people on the forums but largely seem to be ignoring the criticisms about exploration, they've added more fast travel points (which was one of the problems but hardly a core one and they've barely made it usable at all still). Also they announced in NG+ you will lose all your movement abilities which means you would have to BACKTRACK IN NG+. So at this point, yea, the tedium is intentional.

Minoria dabbles in intentional tedium but is generally much better designed overall. My major complaint about it would be that there are things you can only get by defeating a boss without taking damage, but there is no way to re-fight a boss without doing a NG+ (or starting a new game), which means if you're doing that you just constantly have to manually restart boss fights over and over. The second thing would be, the controls always felt like there was a brief delay - kind of like I was streaming it with a not-good-enough connection, but I was playing it locally. Just everything happens a few MS later than you would expect, especially for how lethal the game is. Third thing is never has a game more desperately needed dodge and parry to be on different buttons, because positioning is INCREDIBLY important and dodge rolling when you meant to parry or vice versa is usually death. It's a gorgeous game though and mostly fun, it would be fantastic with a few QoL adds but it's a small game so doesn't overstay it's welcome. I doubt I would have pushed through another few hours of it though.

I'm on to Lost Ruins now, in my attempt to clear out my metroidvania backlog. It's certainly different. I am kind of hoping the next few I play will be more traditional, action-centric ones rather than these past few slower wait-and-parry-everything-because-you-have-no-resources kind of ones.

Addendum: I don't really care for this new trend of NG+ defaulting to being a difficulty step up. I think that should be an option. NG+ used to be a fun, chill way to replay the game and experiment more with your stuff and find things you missed, if you constantly up the difficulty than you are also limiting that experimentation


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
About the movie thing you are all right and also all wrong at the same time.

By the way why aren't we talking about Movie Drive-ins? Now that is an experience you can't get at home. Haha.......

By the way do we have a movie club thing here on MC? And If not that would be something that I would be interested in participating in. Yes I'm aware that we do have a thread for talking about movies and stuff that we have seen but I was thinking something similar to a book club where the goal is to all watch the same movie and talk about it sort of thing.

By the way there is nothing wrong with going to a movie theater to watch a movie and it can be a pretty cool experience. I don't know what the first movie that I ever saw in a movie theater ever was but the earliest one that I remember going to go see was Spy Kids 2 (Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?) By the way the Spy Kid movie are pretty crazy when you stop to thing about the actors that they were able to get for those movie and how they are aimed at children.

As for what people are talking about ten excitement from people seeing something day one, that would be pretty cool. I can only imagine what it would have been like to have seen any of the first 3 Pokemon movies in theaters.

Hearing people reactions to stuff is a cool thing but also a very annoying thing. It would have been cool to hear peoples reactions that the Japanese Garden scene in Iron Man 2 especially since Genddy worked on the story board for that scene and that guy is just a legend at this point (if you have never watched any of the stuff that Genddy has worked on, you should really check that stuff out, even the Hotel Transolvenia stuff that some people may not like, are pretty good and even good way above and beyond what most other animation studios would ever do).

But I can also see how it's annoying, like when I went to watch Star Wars The Force Awakens in theaters, people just shouted in excitement when ever they showed OG Star Wars stuff (I think the Falcon is just very over rated and not really that cool especially when you look at some of the other vehicles that they later on introduced in Star Wars, the X wing on the other hand, now that is pretty cool.

The last movie I went to go watch was Scott Pilgrim vs the world (it was released in year for 1 day only) and I watched it for the first time ever. It was an experience and the main part of that had to do with the music of the movie. The theater was a Dolby Atmos theater, by the way the "Dolby Vision" thing is just BS. I didn't see any better picture quality or anything (it maybe have looked much better on an OLED screen or something but not what ever the project that they were using was. My hearing is not perfect so if I had normal hearing then the movie would have sounded even better and it was already good the way I heard it there. So sound is a very important thing and having sourond sound can make a big difference. When I was watching the rebuild Eva movies on Amazon Prime on my Xbox it was pretty cool behind in my back speakers I could hear background characters going command orders (that was cool) but not ever one can have something like that and it can also be very expensive for my 5.1.1 system cost me around $1.3k USD (it's better than a sound bar, I have never owned a sound bar but I can imagine all of the limitations that it has form what limits I have with my sound system.

It's different for everyone because of the countries that people live in but I have HBO Max and I'm able to get same day movie access for those movies and well the service has pretty much already paid for it self with that alone (movie ticket prices are like $13+ and HBO Max is $12.5 USD per month if you get the 1 year subscription) meanwhile the only paces that offers a movie deal thing near me is AMC and I think it cost $25 USD a month, it leat you watch 12 movies a month (3 per week), which I guess is not too bad, but the issue is the the closest one to me is almost a 2 hour mile drive (yeah..... No thanks). Form what I remember Le Pertti lives in Paris and I'm sure that there are some very lovely theaters there (that's just something that I don't have access to hell, technically my hometown that I live in has had 4 theaters (1 of which was a Drive in and basically all 4 of them have closed down, one of them is from 1927 and my town has been trying for years now to renovate and reopen again. For the other 2, one if those was closed down maybe 6 years ago at this point and I'm still not even. Sure if the remaining one that we have ever re-opened or went out of business, and the drive in has been a recycling center for over 20+ years at this point but the town over from me still has theirs open.

When I go the other movie theater I typically don't watch block buster movies (I do with HBO Max because you get those included, other wise I typically would never watch those in theaters at all). Of the movies in the last 6+ years that I have seen in theaters they typically were anime movies that I was able to see because of Fathom Events, but from the looks of it the town that I use to go to for that (1 hour drive) no longer has those so welp..... Those movies were cool to see in theaters but at the same time there wasn't really any hype or anything you just went and saw them and that was pretty much it. The only time I have went to go see a movie with a large group of people was with Pokemon I Choose You.

One movie I did want too see in theaters but no place around me was showing was Wes Anderson Ilse of Dogs (I did eventually get to see it on Disney+), so yeah it sucks wanting to see an artsy movie where I live.

I'm no Kojima (that lives and breathes movies but I have come to like them and do think they are pretty cool.

I just feel mixed is all, going to a movie theater to watch a movie can be an experience for some but at the same time it can also be a very expensive hassle that just isn't really that worth it for other and you are better off doing something else/watching the movie in another method.

I will compare going to the movie theater to vinyl for me. Do you really need it? Well no, but it can be an experience, other wise that's pretty much it.

By the way I was being serious about the movie club thing since is liked like to talk about movies with others and also watch other movies that I normally wouldn't know about.

This will get me banned from from MC but.... I am not a fan of the MCU I think they are over rated movies, the idea that they are going for is pretty cool but I've watched some of the movies and asides from Guardians I am just not a fan and I don't think I will ever watch all of them (maybe I will at some point since they are on Disney+, but I definitely wouldn't pay money to watch them in theaters) the only Marvel character that I like is pretty much Spider-man I'm much more of a DC fan and a lot of that has to do with how in general compared to Marvel DC just has a lot more (and also better) animated series/movies that I really liked (thank you Bruce Timm)

Also let's ban anime (even though I said the only reason that I go to the movie theater is to watch anime movies)

Oh and something that movie theaters don't have is subtitles!!!!!! For me this is pretty much a must (also I'm some one you would never want to watch a movie with since I rewind a lot, oh you say that movie is just 1 hour long? Watch as I make that Into a 3 hour movie..... Since I will pause and rewind and just pause and stuff in general)


Aug 11, 2021
So back in February I bought the Collectors Edition of Shiren the Wanderer from Limited Run Games. Their store page listed the game coming physically in the release in jewel cd case.
It finally came in yesterday but the game was nowhere to be found; just a Steam key for it. I posted about this on Twitter and put in a support ticket cause I thought maybe there was a mistake cause the store page still said it came with the game on disc and there was never any communication that it wouldn't.
As of a few hours ago I haven't received a response, but they updated the store page to say it comes with a Steam key instead.
And I'm like ???
They couldn't communicate this in the past 7 months anywhere?
I feel so let down, the whole reason I bought it was so I could own the game physically. Having a fancy box with just a game key in it feels...wrong.


👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018


Burn baby burn🔥🎵
Dec 9, 2018
Remember to pause Humble if you didn't.

For me it was oddly active even I though I paused it earlier. The profile icon border was not "orange" like usually when it's active.


👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018
Remember to pause Humble if you didn't.

For me it was oddly active even I though I paused it earlier. The profile icon border was not "orange" like usually when it's active.
I think it's activated once autobilling is done, so I think you paused for next month already.
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Burn baby burn🔥🎵
Dec 9, 2018
I think it's activated once autobilling is done, so I think you paused for next month already.
It says skipped August. Well could be that I didn't pause it until now. Maybe some issue with web browser that it didn't show the orange border which confused me that it is already paused.

Or maybe HB did that bug on purpose so people would get confused :cautious:
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
There is one Japanese company that refuses to confirm new games for PC :p
Lmao, I sure hope they announce at least one more next month or October because I'm tired of support confirmations a la SEGA :lampblob::lampblob::lampblob:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
New month and new Genshin update tomorrow.
They still make great trailers.

(Warning: 2nd video has lots of fast flashing light, if you're sensitive to that better stay away)

Lmao, I sure hope they announce at least one more next month or October because I'm tired of support confirmations a la SEGA :lampblob::lampblob::lampblob:
"We are happy to announce the announcement of our announcement about our continuing commitment to multiplatform support. Stay tuned!"


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Where is lashman by the way, feels like I havent seen him in awhile. :S
Might be that time of the month in which he just stays out of the internet for a few days or weeks. :(
New month and new Genshin update tomorrow.
They still make great trailers.

"We are happy to announce the announcement of our announcement about our continuing commitment to multiplatform support. Stay tuned!"
Two things:
1 - Genshin on Steam when?


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
1 - Genshin on Steam when?
Honestly? Probably never. It's too big to need the "Steam boost" and Mihoyo ain't going to pay that 30% (which would be 20% basically immediately, but yeah).
The only reason it's on EGS is because Epic doesn't care about running a profitable business and are fine with getting literally 0 monies (and even then they basically only host the Launcher, the actual game download and everything still runs over Mihoyo's infrastructure.)
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Honestly? Probably never. It's too big to need the "Steam boost" and Mihoyo ain't going to pay that 30% (which would be 20% basically immediately, but yeah).
The only reason it's on EGS is because Epic doesn't care about running a profitable business and are fine with getting literally 0 monies (and even then they basically only host the Launcher, the actual game download and everything still runs over Mihoyo's infrastructure.)
lol, I know, it was a joke, I don't really care about genshin personally, it won't happen until, probably, when genshin is done for good which will mark the moment of "release on Steam for the last few bucks" hahaha


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
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