Community MetaSteam | March 2019 - The Core Values of One-Handed Fighting

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Dec 3, 2018
Y'all should be playing Sekiro.

HITMAN Essential collection is under $10 for me 😮

Should I be playing these episodes in HITMAN 2?
Yes. There might be differences in some graphic details but at least you can keep your unlocks within Hitman 2. The biggest bummer about the second one for me was that all my mastery and unlocks of the first game didn't carry over.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I just came back from watching the My Hero Academia movie in the cinema.
I expected many things, but definitely not an Atelier Nelke ad before it started, lol. suiko

Also, does any have an extra G-senjou no Maou key? That's kind of the only thing I want from this bundle.
Though I'm also debating just getting the highest tier since Clannad is supposed to be very good.
What do the VN experts of MetaCouncil suggest`?
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saviour of worlds
Nov 12, 2018
Sampson , I've played Everlasting Summer, I have no idea why people like it this much, it's pretty bad.
then again considering god awful nekopara are highest rated VNs on steam, I shouldn't be surprised.


saviour of worlds
Nov 12, 2018
I just came back from watching the My Hero Academia movie in the cinema.
I expected many things, but definitely not an Atelier Nelke ad before it started, lol. suiko

Also, does any have an extra G-senjou no Maou key? That's kind of the only thing I want from this bundle.
Though I'm also debating just getting the highest tier since Clannad is supposed to be very good.
What do the VN experts of MetaCouncil suggest`?
I've never in my life have seen Atelier ad, do they do those now?! no wonder games are getting more and more expensive :face-without-mouth:

Clannad is .... well, you probably will like it, just check the art, not everybody can stomach it.
I don't much like Clannad, for the record.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I've never in my life have seen Atelier ad, do they do those now?! no wonder games are getting more and more expensive :face-without-mouth:
Well most of it wasn't even subbed, so it couldn't have been that expensive :face-with-stuck-out-tongue:
Clannad is .... well, you probably will like it, just check the art, not everybody can stomach it.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of it. If the story is good I can probably deal with it though.
I don't much like Clannad, for the record.
That could be seen as an endorsement :face-with-stuck-out-tongue-and-winking-eye:


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
Clannad is .... well, you probably will like it, just check the art, not everybody can stomach it.
I don't much like Clannad, for the record.
While I haven't read the VN yet, the anime version made me tear up multiple times.
Finally some proof Arthea is just a Russian Bot.
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saviour of worlds
Nov 12, 2018
thus, I bought Nelke and I assume that's all sales Kecmo will get... and there will be no Nelke talk
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Deleted member 113

Is the Hitman: Patient Year Zero & GOTY Outfit Bundle worth grabbing for 3.48$? All the reviews and things I see for it/them aren't actually very helpful on saying if theyre worth actual money
Patient Zero includes 4 new missions (one a short sniper mission, the other three are fun variations of existing maps).
If you like the game, I would say the missions are easily worth $3.

The mission "The Author" in particular, set in Sapienza, is a lot of fun.

Ex-User (307)

Dec 11, 2018
Sampson , I've played Everlasting Summer, I have no idea why people like it this much, it's pretty bad.
then again considering god awful nekopara are highest rated VNs on steam, I shouldn't be surprised.
This was my suspicion after playing it for about five minutes. Guess it got high ratings because anime jiggles and "freeeee" game.

Not wasting my time lol.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
I just came back from watching the My Hero Academia movie in the cinema.
I expected many things, but definitely not an Atelier Nelke ad before it started, lol. suiko

Also, does any have an extra G-senjou no Maou key? That's kind of the only thing I want from this bundle.
Though I'm also debating just getting the highest tier since Clannad is supposed to be very good.
What do the VN experts of MetaCouncil suggest`?
They're both good, really good. I have 1 spare key for each, would you like them?

Gonna give the others away in the giveaway thread. Except Ladykiller in a bind, that's the only one I didn't have already and wanted. :p
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Álvaro de Campos

O nada que é tudo.
Mar 12, 2019
It is weird how the store page for RAPE DAY was removed, but some very similar games have a store page and are actually sold.
Actually it's not weird at all. Valve's language was something like "we found this game to be harmful to our brand (Steam) therefore we're removing it", there was no mention about them having a problem with the actual content of the game.
If you see a bunch of anti-Steam articles like with the RAPE DAY debacle then you will see these get removed too, otherwise don't count on it (maybe if they're reported/flagged by an angry mob).

Also I recently found out One Finger Death Punch 2 has a demo on steam, been playing it every night. It's essentially the first game but improved in every way, they pushed the two button gameplay to its absolute limit, which honestly explains why it took so long to make.
At $8 it's an absolute steal too. Insane.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Please be excited

aaand streamers and youtubers already blame Valve for that


Token German
Sep 6, 2018
Outer Space
The Hitman essentials bundle is 3.20€ for me cause I'm only missing that patient zero and outfit dlc... But it switches to the GOTY version of hitman when I try to purchase it but that one is 4.58€...
The fuck is this shit?

It's the same items in both bundles I miss and it just switches to the more expensive one.... Never had that problem before
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anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
I think calling him a streamer is a bit strong, he was 6 twitter followers and no traffic whatsoever on twitch.

If a twitch streamer streams to no one do they make a sound?
i mostly meant the other guy ... youtuber and writer for techraptor , the other guys tweet was fo r the laught and to see the continuity :p
Dec 5, 2018
The funny thing about this FFX always online is that this is not the first time they've done something like this.
IIRC FFVI and Lightning Returns had the same problem, the difference being that the games launched like that..
They ended up patching it, but SE being SE it could take from days to years (to never) to get fixed.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
All this hate seems just so fucking bizarre.
yep ... really fascinating and weird to see how much valve hate is among press and devs , but i guess Galy and Tim did good job

BTW: did anyone ever made some kind of full on bulletpoint summary of all the problems and talking points surrouncing this EGS shitfest? Would be pretty helpfull for discussion with devs


Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
The only "good" thing about Sekiro is that it made me appreciate the Assassin's Creed series a little bit. For all the hate I felt for that franchise, at least they aren't hard as fuck and don't want me to die as much as possible.

Fuck Sekiro. I knew it'd be too hard, so I hate myself for buying it and for sucking so much. It's a great game, don't get me wrong, but I can't deal with it. It's just impossible for me.


Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
.... I caved.... I payed $11 more to get a Steam key for the Walking Dead and I'm not even planning on playing anytime soon....

Fuck Sekiro. I knew it'd be too hard, so I hate myself for buying it and for sucking so much. It's a great game, don't get me wrong, but I can't deal with it. It's just impossible for me.
Yeah, I kept my old ass far away from that game because of that. I'm among the oldest here on ElderMetaCouncil so I will need a lot of patience if I decide to tackle Sekiro later...

But they did backwards update, which would be downdate :D

I'll see myself out :negative-blob:
Oooff.... That's not as bad as Shlooter (few things are), but it still is really bad :)
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