Releasing on consoles only is the best way to maximize profit. They can release now on PS5 XBX and in a few years re-release on the next generation with a few tweaks and improvements. You can't do that on PC, hence why the release is delayed.But it's funny because it's always PC, if they wanted to maximize revenue they would probably release it on PS5 and PC first since I'd argue they're the 2 biggest platforms at this time. But no, they always put it on Xbox day 1 even though Xbox is such a failing platform since the Xbox One days
Same thing for RDR1, the rumors for a PC version of that game have been going around since 2010. They re-released it on PS4 and Switch, not even modern consoles- The dislike ratio for that trailer shows the people's feeling about that, there's no way they wouldn't know about how badly people want RDR1 on PC. Maybe, aside from the double-dipping argument, they might also have some contempt against people modding their games. But that's just my take on that.
You release on current gen consoles to maximize market penetration right now (and capitalize on FOMO), release later on PC to catch a few double dippers and a new market, and later you release on a new generation, maybe even as a launch title, and capitalize on the newborn market.
From a business perspective their strategy makes perfect sense and it's the one that'll maximize their profits. From a customer perspective, fuck you! They don't serve you, so sit down, shut up, buy our shit and get excited for our next thing.
edit: on second thought, they may even only release on PC after re-releasing the game for the next console generation. It might work out better all things considered. We'll see.
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