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sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Willow's ear tufts omg:wd_heart:

Cuddle puddle is the cutest saying ever, I'm totally stealing that (hope you don't mind!) :cat-pizza-blob:
Ha! I don't mind at all, though I have to be honest, I didn't come up with it myself. It was something Vinny from Giant Bomb said several years ago in a different context, but it was the perfect phrase for every time the cats would sleep together in one pile.

Here's my two dogs. Pumpernickel is on the left, and Pepper is on the right.
Are those matching bandanas or a part of the collars themselves? Either way it's incredibly cute and they both have great names! :cat-heart-blob:
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Junior Member
Jan 20, 2019
More of the ever watching Oliver. He's currently a bit grumpy as there's a new fluff in the house. Upstairs. He knows she's there and has been an only child for a couple years now since his brother Jack passed.

This jerk right here... just look at her. You can totally see why Oliver is upset. Who allowed this? Silly roommates and their interloper.

In all seriousness we've been slowly introducing them, first with scent by letting them roam alone in each other's parts of the house. More recently we snatched a huge piece of plexiglass from the hardware store to put in a door way... they can see each other, and Ollie can bat and hiss all he likes while she just flops around eagerly awaiting the day she can get slapped in the face play! Soon.


Junior Member
Jan 20, 2019
oh dang, that sucks :( sorry to hear that
Thanks, Lash. It was rouuuuuuugh. Unexpected, very sudden, and quite shitty. If nothing else, I've enjoyed seeing how Oliver has drastically changed since then. At first it was really sad, as he all of a sudden didn't have his little brother around. Literally one day he was around, the next he was not. Over the last two years he's changed from this very stand-offish, very wary, quiet burly cat .... into the sweetest, chattiest, burly cuddler. It's nice.

He's probably around 10 years old now, so I don't think he'll ever really bond with the Babalu (the interloper with the roommates upstairs) but I can hope.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Over the last two years he's changed from this very stand-offish, very wary, quiet burly cat .... into the sweetest, chattiest, burly cuddler. It's nice.
that's good to hear :)

He's probably around 10 years old now, so I don't think he'll ever really bond with the Babalu (the interloper with the roommates upstairs) but I can hope.
here's hoping he does ... fingers crossed 🤞


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
In all seriousness we've been slowly introducing them, first with scent by letting them roam alone in each other's parts of the house. More recently we snatched a huge piece of plexiglass from the hardware store to put in a door way... they can see each other, and Ollie can bat and hiss all he likes while she just flops around eagerly awaiting the day she can get slapped in the face play! Soon.
She's impossibly cute! And I still love Oliver's regal look and no-nonsense stare.

Sorry to hear about Jack as well.

And you're definitely going about it the right way when it comes to introducing them. The plexiglass idea is pretty ingenious. I've found that it's far easier with male and female cats, though of course not guaranteed to work. Wally and Rocky for example still dislike each other and it's been two years now. While both get along fairly well with Mitsy.

Keep at it and just be patient with them. I'll be hoping for those two to get along eventually. :cat-heart-blob:
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Finnegan woke me up this morning with his usual method of standing on my chest, bouncing, and poking my eyelids with his wet nose. Proof of his crime:

He also is making friends with dogs around the apartment complex. A pitbull mix named Max and him have been introduced and today they saw each other from a distance and whined at one another so I walked him over. And then a dog he passed twice got introduced and he behaved very well meeting Mosby (sp?) who had a slightly awkward owner. Fun day for Finnegan!


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Finally got a cuddle puddle pic and planned to share it yesterday. My depression had other plans however. It's kind of been kicking my butt the last couple days so I've tried to post slightly less often so that I don't spread it here.

Not the biggest puddle and unfortunately I didn't notice Meep was a part of this one until after I took the picture. It is one of the rarer ones I've seen though. Tiny usually isn't involved since she keeps to herself most of the time.


Cat Loaf Enthusiast
Apr 17, 2019
All those doggos omg :wd_heart: precious!

CUDDLE PUDDLE! I love it so much!!

I know that horrible struggle blindrhythm and I hope things look up for you. Take care of yourself, okay? If you need to vent or anything please don't bottle it up; we're all here to help each other out!

My husband and I tried to learn a new board game we picked up (featuring cats, ironically enough) and Miles and Cassandra decided to crash the party :cat-pizza-blob:



sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
My husband and I tried to learn a new board game we picked up (featuring cats, ironically enough) and Miles and Cassandra decided to crash the party :cat-pizza-blob:

Those poor board game pieces are being attacked by adorable kaiju! :cat-heart-blob:

Looking at those I can't help but think it went something like.
Pic 1:
"Okay, so how do you play?"

Pic 2:
Miles: "What's this? This looks nothing like me!"
Cassandra: "I don't think it's supposed to."

Pic 3:
"Ugh.. I just can't with you right now Miles."

And thanks so much for the advice. I really appreciate it. :)

Today has been a little better, but I"ll definitely keep it in mind if I ever need to get something off my chest.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
My depression had other plans however. It's kind of been kicking my butt the last couple days so I've tried to post slightly less often so that I don't spread it here.

Not the biggest puddle and unfortunately I didn't notice Meep was a part of this one until after I took the picture. It is one of the rarer ones I've seen though. Tiny usually isn't involved since she keeps to herself most of the time.
absolutely adorable! :)

I know that horrible struggle @blindrhythm and I hope things look up for you. Take care of yourself, okay? If you need to vent or anything please don't bottle it up; we're all here to help each other out!
yes, please blindrhythm ... we even have a thread for that

My husband and I tried to learn a new board game we picked up (featuring cats, ironically enough) and Miles and Cassandra decided to crash the party :cat-pizza-blob:
look at them acting all innocent in the 1st and 3rd pic ... cats are such assholes, lol .... adorable assholes, but assholes nevertheless :p

Today has been a little better, but I"ll definitely keep it in mind if I ever need to get something off my chest.
please do :hugging-face:


Cat Loaf Enthusiast
Apr 17, 2019
blindrhythm - Omg I love the dialogue so much, it's perfect :tightly-closed-eyes: At that point we just sat there watching them mess up the board, then decided to pack it up for another day. Whenever we pull a bigger game out I always have to keep Cassie down in particular, and she gets so mad she sits there yelling at me because I don't less her sassy ass do what she wants lol.

I'll have to post one of the videos I have her of freaking out over ham sometime, she's so funny (and absurdly vocal).

lashman - They really are hahah, such adorable little monsters. Certainly wouldn't have it any other way!


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
blindrhythm - Omg I love the dialogue so much, it's perfect :tightly-closed-eyes: At that point we just sat there watching them mess up the board, then decided to pack it up for another day.
Yep, that's usually how it goes for me too. "Well, that piece is now across the room.. oh, there goes that piece too. You have your fun and I'll come back and clean it up after you get bored." :LOL:

I'll have to post one of the videos I have her of freaking out over ham sometime, she's so funny (and absurdly vocal).
Please do!

If folks don't mind some more videos in here I"ll have to get one of Mitsy snoring sometime. Most days it catches me off guard with how loud it is. I have to look around to see what the noise is before noticing it's her.


Cat Loaf Enthusiast
Apr 17, 2019
Yep, that's usually how it goes for me too. "Well, that piece is now across the room.. oh, there goes that piece too. You have your fun and I'll come back and clean it up after you get bored." :LOL:

Please do!

If folks don't mind some more videos in here I"ll have to get one of Mitsy snoring sometime. Most days it catches me off guard with how loud it is. I have to look around to see what the noise is before noticing it's her.
Exactly!! :tightly-closed-eyes:

YES PLEASE!! I will take all the cute animals videos please and thank you

Okay forgive me for being an absolute goober and laughing hysterically during this (doesn't help I had a cold and we were moving and I never thought I'd be showing people), but here's the ham video



Cat Loaf Enthusiast
Apr 17, 2019
Hahah thank you all for the kind responses! You should see me try and make a sandwich in secret (with any meat, ham, turkey, tuna) even if she's sleeping in another room she will bust ass into the kitchen to sit there and scream at my heels lol.

Wibblewozzer - Your pupper is adorable!! Such nice teeth too :tightly-closed-eyes:

blindrhythm - Holy cow you were not kidding!!! I definitely agree with Funktion, she sounds just like an owl. SO CUTE :cat-heart-blob::cat-heart-blob:

Frecklestein - You kitty is so gorgeous! :smiling-face-with-heart-shaped-eyes: I love the poses haha


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
So lazy and unimpressed. :ROFLMAO:
lazy asshole ... and yet - so adorable, lol! :cat-heart-blob:

Don't have a picture, but I take my cat out. To expos, hiking, and so on. Shoulder cat at times. Clicker trained too! lol. English name is Sesame.
sounds like a good buddy :) you should definitely post some pics when you get the chance to take some :)