I finished Chapter 8 and the event story. I was interested in continuing the story after Ch. 7 so I didn't mind doing it but I think it's safe to say that I'll never be on board with the idea of having to rush an event at patch drop just to be able to maximize the rewards.
If it makes you feel better, you will never need to do it again because Chapter 8 is the last story chapter ever released, even in CN. All future story chapters are from the character events, and about this:
I also wonder why they put a direct continuation of the main story plot in the event when it'll go away after 3 weeks. Someone starting after that will miss out on it unless they archive the event within the game right?
Don't worry, this dev loves to do this. In CN there is a new tab after the main chapters but before the supply missions used by permanent versions of the character events
I have a question though... in the very first 'bubble' of the event story, Dandelion is talking to someone. Who is that someone?
I can't really confirm this because honestly, who knows, but if I were to bet I would bet all on it being Lunasia/M4
It got pretty heavy by the end
I fully agree, and I hope you enjoyed it because now we're entering the "unvoiced rewrite hell" so don't expect to feel those emotions from a VA again for a few more months
Finished Chapter 8 and Dayan's rewritten event, very nice stories and a good conclusion to the Colphne arc (the last scene was perfectly executed by the JP VA). It's still to early to see were they're going with the
new Paradeus and I hope they
weren't brought back just to throw old GF1 fans a bone, but the pacing has improved a lot, and the "mysteries" are interesting enough to keep me interested but without any rush. I got a small laugh on the scene
were Nemesis speaks normally just to correct Krolik, and the chapter 8 cliffhanger being
Lenna out of nowhere calling the commander. The increased graphics quality makes the
cultists and ELIDs (and their transformations) way more interesting and "graphic" compared to GF1 which is a nice plus after killing 5 thousands Varjagers for the first 6 chapters
Now for Daiyan's event, well it's well done and paced, but calling it "Daiyan"'s event is not exactly right. Like yeah Makiatto's event focused on the whole Zucchero crew, but WA was 100% the most important character in it and the one with the highest focus, same for Soujourners and it's focus on Ullrid and Suomi. This last one might as well be renamed to
Dandelion's event looking at the screen time. I know the original (before the CN release even) "Mr Raymond" version was very controversial but the pivot into this new version is so drastic I wouldn't be surprised if half the post chapter 6 story was banished to the shadow realm (which is why we won't be hearing voices for a while) like the Dusty Journals (they were the original "affinity unlocks" scenes, which is why now only characters with Covenants have one and they focus way more on the interactions with the commander). With this event being chapter 8.5 I appreciated (chapter 8 spoilers)
seeing the new addition to the holy cult of Shikikan Colphne and how she is way more natural, but this is still a rewritten chapter so one part of me wonders how this whole thing would have gone originally. No more spoilers about this event but I will praise the decision on how to release the chapters so far in global since they make the story more coesive (even Makiatto being the previous event makes sense) and I'm ready for the next character (looking at the final event cutscene) being
Well, while
trying to cuck mr Raymond rolling for Daiyan in a stroke of a mixed bad/good luck I rolled Mosin, which means I used the 260 standard roll free pick to complete the pokedex. Now I can roll in a more relaxed way for every future character
I also have every available weapon. Don't care about "bricks" or dupes, I just want to recollect them all