MacBooks are good or at least they can be. I don't own one but my college lets me borrow one ever semester, since I do photography and if your enrolled in a media arts class you can borrow them. I use them for my other school work as well. We have the older 2020 Intel MacBooks Pro and seeing how they have only gotten better over the years, I'd imagine that the battery life has also improved drastically as well. Which was my biggest issue with using the MacBook Pro.
Main takeaway with Macs is that they just work. Are they overpriced? Yes they are a long with everything else Apple makes, but at least they work. Funny enough, stuff like Lightroom Classic "just worked" on the MacBooks that I used but when it comes to my 2018 gaming PC, when ever I tried to import a large quantity of photos, Lightroom Classic would just crash on my PC and wouldn't even finish the importing process. I really need to upgrade my PC but even then it seems like Lightroom has issues on Windows.