I think it's pretty unlikely that happens. It's not a question of whether or not we want to do it - we talked (too) openly about doing other episodes, and obviously there's the data mined stuff you and others have uncovered.
At the end of the day though, it's all about what you the audience wants. Wrack is a little above 70%, and interest in the game was waning before it was even released. We had a very difficult time getting the game coverage during its launch (some sites posted about the alpha and Early Access releases, but not the full), and even though we were able to land some major bits of publicity (like being speedrun at AGDQ 2016), it didn't create any meaningful interest or sales for the game. People weren't interested by what they saw.
Fast forward to today, and now the oldschool shooter market is even more crowded, and other studios are much more on board with the idea of being retro (Ion Maiden uses the Build engine) than we ever were. We would have an even more difficult time standing out and satisfying this audience.
So, the answer to "Who would know about Wrack episode 2/3, let alone buy it?" is unfortunately pretty much nil. Wrack was not an easy and cheap game to produce, so we have to put our efforts towards what you out there want - which, unfortunately, appeared to not be Wrack.