Community MetaSteam | September 2019 - Valve, I Know What You Did Last Summer!

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Junior Member
Aug 2, 2019
Cube World's reviews are also benefitting from the Steam review policy change heavily right? It says "Mixed" from Steam purchasers, but the people who got keys from their Alpha support way back when aren't counting towards the score that "should" actually be Mostly Negative.


Dr. Boom Boom
Oct 17, 2018
Quebec, Canada
Really disappointed how Cube World turned out. It was going to be one of my October pickups, but now it’ll sit on the back burner.

Hope the devs take a look at the criticisms and make the game the best it can be. I really don’t know though, going by the Steam forum :/
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Oct 24, 2018
Am I imagining things or did The Surge Augmented Edition use to have a complete the bundle discount?

Cause I just started playing the base game and will likely want to get the two proper DLCs in the near future but it no longer seems to be the case.

This sucks because I'm not seeing any decent discounts anywhere and the last one on Steam was just two weeks ago and it wasn't even that good lol.


Junior Member
Aug 2, 2019
Really disappointed how Cube World turned out. It was going to be one of my October pickups, but now it’ll sit on the back burner.

Hope the devs take a look at the criticisms and make the game the best it can be. I really don’t know though, going by the Steam forum :/
The region locking thing is the dumbest shit wollay could have come up with.



Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Ah well, I was hyped for Cube World back in the day for looking like it fixes the main issue I had with Minecraft, dreadful actual gameplay/combat etc.

I'll just wait for Hytale then, that one looks pretty promising for what I want out of a Minecraft-like. Even though it has more of an online focus.

It looks like it does everything and more (where Cube World didn't have so much building etc for example in comparison). I hope they don't screw it up too :p


Mar 13, 2019
Ugh, I just lost 1 hour of progress in Code Vein because it crashed.

Why the hell would you not autosave more often (or at all really) in a game like this? Dark Souls saves all the time (to the extent that speedrunners quit and reload to make a door open more quickly :p).
I'm current on cathedral of something and while I'm saving every time I see a mistle I swear that if I forget to save and lose more than 15min I finna drop this game.


Dr. Boom Boom
Oct 17, 2018
Quebec, Canada
Ah well, I was hyped for Cube World back in the day for looking like it fixes the main issue I had with Minecraft, dreadful actual gameplay/combat etc.

I'll just wait for Hytale then, that one looks pretty promising for what I want out of a Minecraft-like. Even though it has more of an online focus.

It looks like it does everything and more (where Cube World didn't have so much building etc for example in comparison). I hope they don't screw it up too :p
Holy shit. I didn’t know about Hytale. Thank you!

Looks really promising


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn


Junior Member
Aug 2, 2019
I totally agree. Like, why would he think that’s a good idea? Just, how?
Intellectually, I kind of get where he was coming from. It seems like maybe he was inspired by rogues and the feeling of "restarting" in those games, and wanted to implement some kind of system so you didn't have the problem of the Alpha where it was easy to become overpowered?

I dunno. Because otherwise, yeah, how'd you ever get to the final version of the game and think that mechanic was well designed? I guess that's what happens when you develop the game for 6 years with radio silence and no testers to tell you "Hey this sucks, please don't use that mechanic."


Dec 9, 2018

The tough reality is that we need strong first week sales to provide the resources for this development to happen - and unfortunately, the 26th of September is especially filled with a lot of big Indie games in the action-strategy genre. Frontline Zed would be the #32 top game launching that week.

However, the date just one week ahead - 3rd of October - has very few big Indie launches. Frontline Zed will be the #14 top game launching that week. (Of course, other games can shift their dates, or new games added)

You might be thinking - "I'm going to buy the game no matter what, just launch it anyway!"

This is hugely appreciated, but the reality is that Steam has only a limited amount of visibility each week (and there are no guarantees a particular Indie game will get any). By releasing in this quieter week, the chances that Frontline Zed will be picked up and shown on Steam are much, much better, and the extra sales will guarantee future content to be added. It also means that our own independent efforts to promote the game will find a more interested audience.
Refreshing to see a dev speak openly about what we've all been saying, that there are too many games and some days are stupidly cramped. Beginning of October isn't empty but end of September was unhealthily overcrowded.

Am I imagining things or did The Surge Augmented Edition use to have a complete the bundle discount?
Imagining things, pretty sure it never had that kind of bundle.


First Stage Hero
Dec 5, 2018
I downloaded the M.A.S.S Builder demo and ye gods that is some crazy customization o_O
That is nuts for a demo. Are you locked out of parts to use? I was thinking that all I really wanted to do was make robots, since the combat kinda looked too quick (I like Pacific Rim style slow motion wrestlebots). Was going to wait for a sale but I need to try this.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
If Valve does not have a banner for Atelier when it releases I will riot, I mean Code Vein technically has had 2 banners. They got one the "day" it come out (yes it released on the 26th but it did not get the banner until the 27th when it was officially out and selling very well), so there was a THQ publisher sale banner which was then replaced with the Code Vein one, then the following few days the THQ banner would go up and finally the Code Vein one is back up on Steam again.

What other games are out on October 29th?

Tomorrow is when the Destiny 2 banner goes up
October 2019 - Thighs Strikes Again
Thigh Strikes Again - A Digimon Story
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