|OT| The 2020 MetaCouncil's Addiction Log (put your finished games here!)


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
3 more:

5. Call of Duty Infinite Warfare - Pretty spectacular and well done campaign, fun weapons and a setting that should be but won't ever be expanded. ★★★★

6. Lightmatter - Fantastic 3d puzzle game where you manipulate light sources as the shadows will kill you. Fantastic writing and good puzzles. ★★★★ 1/2

7. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 1 - Forgot just how short it was! Controls aren't great and it's easy to get stun/damaged locked but it has a fun story and some great level design. ★★★


Sep 11, 2018
Finished Spyro: Year of the Dragon, that's game #8.
Probably enjoyed it the most out of the trilogy. Some of the minigames were pretty bad but overall I think it's the most consistent and well designed of the bunch.
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Sep 8, 2019

Best hack n slash I've played and its really not even close. I thought Torchlight 2 would uphold the crown but yeah, Grim Dawn is currently up there for me with Nox and TL 2

Currently going through Hellblade. I didn't think I'd get THAT bored after going the snoozefest that Gears of War 5 was but holy crap was I wrong


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Been on a tear the last few days:

8. Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days - Pretty decent fun, doesn't outstay it's welcome. Shakier than a Bourne movie and more lens flare than a JJ Abrams Star Trek film and that grates after a while. The nude level is pretty funny. ★★★ 1/2

9. Star Wars The Force Unleashed II - Really short, only four locations with 5 levels and one doesn't even have combat. Better in terms of combat, mechanics and storytelling than one but insular and lacking characters. ★★★ 1/2

10. The Walking Dead: Michonne - Pretty good, shows Michonne, not the same actor, before she shows up on the TV show. It does finish in a place that begs for a sequel that will likely never come. ★★★★

11. The Garden's Between - Lovely little puzzle game about 2 kids going on one final adventure before one moves away forever. Manipulate both time and space in a journey of their shared memories. ★★★★ 1/2
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Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
January has come and gone, so I guess I better get off my ass and post my progress. It ended up being more games than I expected, even if the first title was played mostly in December:

#TitleLength (h)CommentsRating
1Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue27A visual novel about not-Quidditch; high production values, good humor, and a great cast of characters made this an enjoyable experience bespite character routes being somewhat uneven and despite the main heroine basically being anti-gravity Jesus.★★★★★
2The Signal From Tölva10A janky but interesing experience, with some great environements; unfortunately the pay-off just isn't there and the end of the game are little more than a "you are winner". I also spent most of the game wishing that I could run faster.★★★
3My Friend Pedro4I got this for free and that was about the right price for me. The game-play quickly got repetitive, the Pedro's World levels were attrocious, and the only thing that kept me moving forward was the wacky story which really didn't pay off.★★★
4SUPERHOT2The game that I stopped playing because it told me to. Fun game, but for me it didn't live up to the hype it had back in the day.★★★★
5Eiyu*Senki - The World Conquest39A casual strategy game/visual novel hybrid that mainly consisted of a ton of silly humor and slice-of-life. A nice relaxing time-waster, though playing it for 9 hours straight when I thought I was just a couple of hours from the end turned out to be a mistake.★★★★
6Narcissu 10th Anniversary Anthology Project13See my comments in the visual novel book club. TL;DR: A set of really impactful stories about the end of life, marred by bad translation and poor QA.★★★
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"Oh yeah? Aren't you gonna punish me?"
Dec 22, 2018
1. PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist - 7½

Unlike what many would believe, it was solid, fun game.
Done with first game of the year, not sure what I'll play next, not really feeling anything.


Sep 11, 2018
Finished game 9, Axiom Verge.
It's still really dope. Decided to get all the items and maps and stuff this time too.
Looking at the remaining achievements however, I don't think I'll do them. Speedruns and such aren't my thing.
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Mar 1, 2019

1. Red Dead Redemption 2 (01.02.2020)
There are essays and hour long videos out there why this is good. I'll just add: It's very good indeed to it.

2. Metro Exodus DLC: The Two Colonels (03.02.2020)
Very short Metro Side Story, but well enough written to be of value.

3. King's Quest 6 (DOS emulation)

4. Wolcen (reached lvl 60).

5. Space Quest 4 (DOS emulation)

6. Portal Bridge Constructor

7. Doom Eternal

8. X-Xom Chimera Squad

9. Gears: Tactics

Currently playing, outcome unknown.

Warhammer 40k. Space Marine

Ongoing, never to be finished till potential sequel takes its place

Total War: Warhammer 2
Xcom 2
Civ VI


- Shadow of the Tomb Raider
- Borderlands 3. It's meh, the jokes are unfunny, repetitive... No longer a fun series imo.
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
12. Old Man's Journey - Beautiful tale of an old man with regrets trying to right the wrongs of the past. Mild puzzle elements, you can "move mountains" to create paths to aid your journey. ★★★★

13. Gears of War 2 - Shoot bang bag shoot etc... Thank god for the new colour palette in 5. ★★★ 1/2
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
14. Draw your Game - Strange little puzzle platformer that seems to only include user created content for it's levels. 100+ levels but they range from stupidly easy to near impossible to mega janky and finally to someone with vague talent. Many times I finished a level by just accidentally falling through the broken geometry. ★★ 1/2

15. Wolfenstein: Youngblood - Fun Wolfie aside, shooting is good, companion AI is a little lacking at times. The main story can be done quite quickly once you level up with a few side quests. Unbalanced at times but decent fun. ★★★ 1/2


Apr 22, 2019
Updating this post as I go.

1. A Fisherman's Tale | PC - 1/4/2020 - 1.5 hours - ★★★★ 1/2
My favorite VR game from last year. What a charming little adventure with interesting game mechanics.

2. GNOG | PC - 1/4/2020 - 2 hours - ★★★
Technical difficulties aside, it was an enjoyable puzzle game.

3. A Short Hike | PC - 1/5/2020 - 1 hour - ★★★★
It got me all nostalgic for my time as a kid. No such adventures happen anymore.

4. Children of Morta | PC - 1/6/2020 - 12.5 hours - ★★★★
A great Co-op experience. I usually bounce out from games that make me grind samey looking areas, but during this it never happened.

5. SUPERHOT VR | PC - 1/6/2020 - 1.5 hours - ★★★★ 1/2

6. Turok | PC - 1/12/2020 - 4.5 hours - ★★★★

7. Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin | PC - 1/18/2020 - 2 hours - ★★★ 1/2

8. My Brother Rabbit | PC - 1/19/2020 - 3 hours - ★★★ 1/2

9. Transference | PC - 1/26/2020 - 1.5 hours - ★★★ 1/2

10. Pikuniku | PC - 2/2/2020 - 2.5 hours - ★★★★

11. Distraint 2 | PC - 2/8/2020 - 2.5 hours - ★★★ 1/2
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
16. The Division 2 - Solo-wise, a vast improvement on Division 1, more interesting upgrades, gear, story and world building. The game does pull a Shadow of War after the main story is over asking you to retake the map again this time with gear score gated missions. I noped out at that point. USD$2.40 well spent. ★★★ 1/2


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
17. Gears of War 3 - More shooting, introduces a new enemy that likes to explode. Scripting is pretty buggy for a 10 year old game. For some reason I got all the achievements again even though I played it back in the day on a 360. ★★★ 1/2
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Reactions: lashman


Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
That's February over with.
I mostly ended up starting on new games, rather than finishing games, though I did manage to finish a game that I had been playing on and off for over half a year (Dying Lights):

#TitleLength (h)CommentsRating
7Dying Light32I probably wouldn't have completed this if not for the fun that was had messing around in co-op. The story took itself way too seriously, but messing around with a friend never got old.★★★
8Kara no Shojo14.5A really compelling mystery VN with a great cast and a lovely soundtrack that unfortunately tried to do too much and ended up feeling like a bit of a mess once everything was revealed.★★★★
9Black Mesa13.5Black Mesa is a really impressive accomplishment for a modding group, but I found the game-play to be a step down from the original half-life. One exception was the beginning of Xen, which I really enjoyed, but unfortunately the rest of Xen somehow managed to be much worse than the original.★★★
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Sep 11, 2018
Finished Dying Light. It's pretty good overall.
It runs nice, looks decent enough most of the time and the music is pretty good.
Story kind of sucks and the main dude is the most generic American hero ever and the villain is the most comically evil dude ever.

So that's game #14, I'm doing The Following DLC for it next. Apparently it has buggies, which is the first thing that comes to mind when you make a DLC for a first person parkour game. :D
Wroom wroom.


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
19. Death Stranding - Somehow greater than the sum of it's parts. A game designed around the most basic fetch quests is somehow elevated to near greatness with outstanding story telling, acting and the sense that you really aren't alone in this world, everyone is working together for a change. ★★★★ 1/2
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
20. Gears of War Judgement - A strange game, feels like a series of multiplayer PvE arenas cobbled together to form a cohesive story. Not terrible, just not good. ★★

21. Gears of War Aftermath - Even though this is DLC to the above I'm counting it as a separate as it feels like a completely different game and much more like a traditional Gears game, far more scale and better design even if it is shorter. ★★★ 1/2

22. Krystopia: A Puzzle Journey - Puzzle dense story of the discovery of a mysterious alien world. Part 3D hidden object game, part The Witness all packaged into a solid adventure game that can be challenging at times. ★★★★
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Junior Member
Feb 26, 2020
I'm too lazy to write all the games iv beaten so for now i will just add this

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Mar 1, 2019
Finished King's Quest 6 and reached lvl 60 in wolcen.
To be fair: I had to sometimes use a walktrhough for KQ6. Those old Point and Click Adventure games can get ridiculous, though KQ6 is by far not the worst contender.
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
23. Etherborn - Stylistic gravity bending puzzle game. Both Ethereal and obscure it could support a stronger narrative as you come away wondering just what the hell went on. Quite short but well worth your time, though it does have a harder New Game+ mode. ★★★ 1/2

24. Ori and the Blind Forrest Definitive Edition - Beautifully atmospheric platformer where you attempt to bring a world back to life after a calamitous event. Demanding with heaps of different skill needed to master. Controls are almost perfect and the effects can get in the way at times making it hard to do what you want. ★★★★ 1/2
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
25. Alan Wake + DLC Episodes - Still great, even if Alan moves like a 2 pack a day smoker. Had never played the additional DLC episodes, some great design in those, especially the second one. ★★★★★

26. The Simpsons Game (PS3) - Pretty good fun 3d platformer. The camera is a little wild at times and jumping is an inexact science but the story is fun and all the main characters have great special abilities. ★★★★


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
27. Borderlands 3 - It was really good, looked great, ran great and having more variety in locations really helped. I did find it very easy though, as Moze I had an insta-win button and the final boss was a bit disappointing. I used one gun from level 30 till just before the end boss, it was so OP. ★★★★
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
28. The Last of Us Remastered + Left Behind - Played it when it came out on PS3 but the remastered version is beautiful on PS4/HDR. Near perfect but a little clunky in motion, it's always a little harder than it needs to be to do what you want. ★★★★ 1/2


Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
Another month, another post:
#TitleLength (h)CommentsRating
10Senren*Banka26Another moege by Yuzusoft and a pretty consistently good visual novel; it does not reach the highs of Sabbat of the Witch, but it also does not reach the lows of SotW, which was pretty inconsistent across routes.★★★★
11Utawarerumono13.5I read that since the 2nd and 3rd Utawarerumono titles had been re-released and really enjoyed it. At its core, it is just a bunch of slice-of-life scenes set between the more significant story-bits, with light tactical combat every once in a while. The main draw was the main story-line and the expansive cast of characters, who also took the center-stage in the many interstitial scenes. This was the fan-translated 18+ version, but I am confident in saying that little will be lost when the all-ages remake is released.★★★★★
12Marco & The Galaxy Dragon4The demo made me very hopeful about this visual novel, but the story ended up being told at such a break-neck pace that it often felt confusing, and the sheer contrast between the slap-stick humor and the grim-dark antagonist made the latter feel out of place in the story. But art, characters, humor, and music all came together and made it an highly enjoyable experience, and made me hopeful for a sequel.★★★
13OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos3A short and mostly light-hearted yuri romance visual novel; it is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin, nothing more and nothing less, but worth reading if that is the kind of story you are looking for.★★★★
14WILL: A Wonderful World13A puzzle-game/visual novel; play the role of a god and tweak the chronology of events to bring about different, better(?) outcomes for those praying for your aid. While the puzzle-elements were weak, and often boiled down to just trying all combinations, the stories that were told through them were highly enjoyable.★★★★★
15Painkiller: Black Edition10.5Painkiller was not the most exciting FPS when it was first released and time has not been kind to this game; between a story that takes itself too seriously, boring weapons, repetitive and largely uninteresting enemies too many of whom do hit-scan damage, uninspired levels, poorly signposted boss mechanics, and sluggish movement (pro-tip: jumping is faster than running) the game simply does not hold up these days. I will however give a shoutout to the last level in the main game, hell itself, which is presented as a journey through the many wars of human history. The DLC adds a couple of enjoyable weapons, but otherwise suffers from the same issues.★★
16DOOM Eternal22DOOM Eternal takes the very successful formula of DOOM (2016) and adds additional layers on top. On one hand the result is great, just like the previous title, but on the other hand the additions start to make the entire thing feel a bit over designed. The story also takes itself way too seriously and the game seems to be missing that charm that set DOOM (2016) apart despite its grim setting and story. It is not a bad game, far from it, it's just not quite as good as DOOM (2016).★★★★★
17Eliza5A visual novel from a developer mostly known for their complex puzzle games. It is a story that deals with AI, psychology, human interaction, and the ethical implications of intrusive technologies, and it will probably be especially poignant to those who are interested in such technologies. Eliza is also notable for its high production values; not only is the art and writing excellently realized, the game also features very good English voice-acting.★★★★★
18DOOM 646.5It's an old-ass DOOM, but despite being old as hell it is still very fun to play. I found it notable how just about every weapon felt more satisfying than those of Painkiller. However, later levels started to get a bit too obtuse, there were too many death-traps that could pretty much only be avoided through foreknowledge, and the final boss was straight up bullshit.★★★★
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Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
I should keep track better because I can't remember what I played since the beginning of the month. For sure it was:

9. Nier Automata
10. Fire Emblem (GBA)
11. Halo: Combat Evolved
12. Megadimension Neptunia VII


Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
I should keep track better because I can't remember what I played since the beginning of the month. For sure it was:

9. Nier Automata
10. Fire Emblem (GBA)
11. Halo: Combat Evolved
12. Megadimension Neptunia VII
It won't help for non-Steam games, but you can sort your entire library by "Last Played". That makes it a lot easier to remember what you've finished recently.
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
29. Uncharted 4 - Murder Indiana Jones, no on screen character has left a blood trail as long as Nathan Drake, no idea how he sleeps at night. Pushes the PS4 to the max, looks great and lots of fun swinging around. ★★★★

30. Uncharted Lost Legacy - Probably looks even better than 4 and has a fun optional exploration area. Probably should start an offshoot series. ★★★★ 1/2

31. James Bond Bloodstone - Fun James Bond what if movie tie in. The big screen needs some sort of grand ekranoplan and giant hovercraft chase sequence. Though no idea what a mine dump truck was doing in the middle of Bangkok, didn't make sense even in Bond World. ★★★ 1/2
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Reactions: Panda Pedinte


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
32. Remember Me - For some reason I stopped playing it in 2014 with only 2 fights and the final boss to go. Finished it in under an hour! Interesting story telling and a super customizable combo system are a plus but the camera should be fired into the sun. ★★★ 1/2

33. Beyond: Two Souls - Went places I didn't anticipate, full on supernatural spy story. Would have liked to be able to alter or try parts again as somehow I failed a couple of checks right near the end of chapters. The camera might be even worse in this. ★★★
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
34. Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 - Good fun lego game with lots of variety in puzzles. You get spells to do different things etc... No achievements so I didn't bother trying to 100% it. ★★★ 1/2


Sep 11, 2018
Game #16 Middle-earth: Shadow of War, is done. Will also the do the DLC, but they are apparently short so I don't think I'll mark them separately in the list.
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Reactions: Panda Pedinte


Mar 1, 2019
Finished Doom Eternal and Portal Bridge Constructor. Both are good, though I wished Doom Eternal had a bit less narrow level design.
Aborted Borderlands 3. It's not a good game overall. Especially the "jokes" get annoying very quickly and it is hard to get back to it after Doom Eternal tbh. It's stale and surprisingly uninspired.

Currently playing Wh40k: Space Marine. I'm having more fun than I should. But I also like the universe, so there's that.
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Reactions: lashman


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
35. The Evil Within - Finally finished it. I ended up quite enjoying it even with a main character that turns and moves like the Titanic. Imaginative, weird and at times incomprehensible but the sequel was still a vast improvement. ★★★
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Sep 11, 2018
Finished Shadow of War DLC's. Eltariel DLC was pretty boring, but the Baranor one is pretty alright.


Dec 22, 2018
This month:
Assassin's Creed 2 - not huge on how the game forces missions to justify mechanics, but it was fun - now need to find all the hidden symbols in the world for 'The Truth'
Scanner Sombre - it felt scary for a bit (those screams), but was an interesting idea for quick game
Black Mesa - fuck yes. Best Half life gets a facelift and an amazing soundtrack
Perception - interesting premise that got a stretched a bit too far. Should have been shorter or unrelated vignettes because the gameplay and mechanics are kinda supremely terrifying


Dark Eroge Lord
Oct 9, 2018
Obligatory monthly progress post:

#TitleLength (h)CommentsRating
19To the Moon: Holiday Minisode 2½Not much to say; it's an interesting short episode set after TtM, that hints at some things going on.★★★★
20Off-Peak½A very walking simulator a strange train-station, and the people you find there. The whole thing felt akin to an art installation, but the biggest draw for me was probably the background music.★★★
21Turok 2: Seeds of Evil11¼A rather uninspired FPS. Weapons were uninteresting, enemies likewise, and levels were for most part much, much too large for their own good, especially when mission objectives were hidden away in weird corners.★★
22A Bewitching RevolutionA short game about communism and how you literally need magic to make it happen. Jokes aside, the game was enjoyable enough, with a nice minimalistic aesthetic, but suffered from a too heavy reliance on bits of literature to convey its messages.★★★
23Seven Days12½Not to be confused with 'Seven Days with a Ghost', the VN 'Seven Days' is story about Seven Days spent with seven ghosts before their passage to the next world. Despite somewhat uneven routes it was still a very enjoyable experience, with a good mix of humor, drama, and melancholy.★★★★
24Seabed13¼A fantastic yuri mystery visual novel about loss, about memories, and about what is real. See the bookclub for more comments.★★★★★
25Tsukihime Plus-Disc1A short fan-disc set after Tsukihime, consisting of a new short story and some fan-service in the form of Umineko-like tea-parties. Enjoyable, but could easily be skipped.★★★


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
36. Deliver Us the Moon - Decent mix of Adr1ft and Moons of Madness. Not much of a challenge for experienced adventure/walking sim people but looks great and while short is generous with it's content and varied locations. ★★★
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Sep 11, 2018
#18, Voxelgram
Finished the main puzzles and got all the achievements for workshop and random puzzles. Still plenty of great workshop content left, but I'm calling it "done" for the list since the achievements are done. I'll still probably keep hopping back in every now and then knock out more of those picross conversion puzzles at least.
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Reactions: ISee and lashman


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
#18, Voxelgram
Finished the main puzzles and got all the achievements for workshop and random puzzles. Still plenty of great workshop content left, but I'm calling it "done" for the list since the achievements are done. I'll still probably keep hopping back in every now and then knock out more of those picross conversion puzzles at least.
you're welcome :)
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Reactions: ISee and Parsnip