Finished my 10th game this year, although some of them are replays :VNice thread.
1) Blasphemous
A really neat Metroid-vania that isnt too difficult.
2) Dark Souls II
Originally got halfway through this then dropped it for SOTFS, finally finished it today.
3) Metro Exodus
Got the "bad" ending.
4) DOOM Eternal
Great game, although near the end it got a bit too hectic for me.
5) Castle Of Illusion
Pretty short and simple platformer.
6) Jettomero
Neat little game about a robot trying to save humanity. Soundtrack and artstyle is really nice.
7) Dead Space Series
Played through the whole series again now 3 is on STEAM. Probably my favourite horror series.
8) Darksiders Genesis
A worthy addition to the series, let down by some bugs and control issues.
9) Toki
Never actually finished this back in the day, so just put it on Easy and beat it in under 2 hours.
10) Halo 3 MCC
Finished a Heroic playthrough, still my favourite in the series.
No. | Title | System | Sub System | Date Completed |
1 | Red Dead Redemption II | PC | Steam | 13/01/2020 |
2 | Terminator: Resistance | PC | Steam | 18/01/2020 |
3 | Stranglehold | PC | Steam | 20/01/2020 |
4 | Quake 4 | PC | Steam | 24/01/2020 |
5 | Star Wars: Republic Commando | PC | Steam | 27/01/2020 |
6 | Kentucky Route Zero | PC | Steam | 29/01/2020 |
7 | Stein's Gate: Linear Bounded Phenogram | PC | Steam | 03/02/2020 |
8 | Blade Runner | PC | GOG | 05/02/2020 |
9 | Hello Neighbor | PC | EGS | 09/02/2020 |
10 | Stranger Things 3: The Game | PC | Twitch Prime | 20/02/2020 |
11 | 11-11: Memories Retold | PC | Steam | 25/02/2020 |
12 | Eliza | PC | Steam | 01/03/2020 |
13 | Night Call | PC | Steam | 04/03/2020 |
14 | Project Warlock | PC | Steam | 10/03/2020 |
15 | Ori and the Will of the Wisps | PC | Steam | 14/03/2020 |
16 | Half-Life 2: Episode One | PC | Steam | 15/03/2020 |
17 | Half-Life 2: Episode Two | PC | Steam | 19/03/2020 |
18 | Doom Eternal | PC | Steam | 24/03/2020 |
19 | Half-Life: Alyx | PC | Steam | 30/03/2020 |
20 | The Complex | PC | Steam | 01/04/2020 |
21 | Resident Evil 3 (Remake) | PC | Steam | 05/04/2020 |
22 | Doom 64 | PC | Steam | 07/04/2020 |
23 | Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories | PC | Steam | 11/04/2020 |
24 | Batman: Arkham VR | PC | Steam | 15/04/2020 |
25 | Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair | PC | Steam | 17/04/2020 |
26 | Always Sometimes Monsters | PC | GOG | 20/04/2020 |
27 | Sometimes Always Monsters | PC | Steam | 23/04/2020 |
28 | XCOM: Chimera Squad | PC | Steam | 02/05/2020 |
29 | Stein's Gate: My Darling Embrace | PC | Steam | 11/05/2020 |
30 | Wonderful 101 | PC | Steam | 17/05/2020 |
31 | Higurashi Chapter 8 | PC | Steam | 30/05/2020 |
32 | Dark Nights with Poe & Munro | PC | Steam | 30/05/2020 |
33 | Florence | Android | N/A | 31/05/2020 |
34 | Observation | PC | EGS | 03/06/2020 |
35 | Control | PC | EGS | 07/06/2020 |
36 | Afterparty | PC | EGS | 09/06/2020 |
37 | John Wick Hex | PC | EGS | 11/06/2020 |
38 | The Sinking City | PC | EGS | 14/06/2020 |
39 | Superliminal | PC | EGS | 14/06/2020 |
40 | Shenmue 3 | PC | EGS | 21/06/2020 |
41 | The Outer Worlds | PC | EGS | 26/06/2020 |
42 | XIII | PC | GOG | 29/06/2020 |
43 | The Last of Us Part II | PS4 | N/A | 06/07/2020 |
44 | Yuppie Psycho | PC | Steam | 10/07/2020 |
45 | Watch Dogs 2 | PC | Uplay | 18/07/2020 |
46 | Death Come True | PC | Steam | 20/07/2020 |
47 | Carrion | PC | Xbox Game Pass | 25/07/2020 |
48 | Gears 5 | PC | Xbox Game Pass | 02/08/2020 |
49 | Assemble With Care | iOS | Apple Arcade | 10/08/2020 |
50 | Mosaic | iOS | Apple Arcade | 12/08/2020 |
51 | Little Orpheus | iOS | Apple Arcade | 16/08/2020 |
52 | Necrobarista | iOS | Apple Arcade | 19/08/2020 |
53 | Next Stop Nowhere | iOS | Apple Arcade | 22/08/2020 |
54 | Neo Cab | iOS | Apple Arcade | 23/08/2020 |
55 | The Last Campfire | iOS | Apple Arcade | 03/09/2020 |
56 | The Occupation | PC | Steam | 11/09/2020 |
57 | Tell Me Why | PC | Xbox Game Pass | 18/09/2020 |
58 | Vampire the Masquerade: Shadows of New York | PC | Steam | 23/09/2020 |
59 | Vampire the Masquerade: Night Road | PC | Steam | 30/09/2020 |
60 | Crash Bandicoot 4 | PS4 | N/A | 07/10/2020 |
61 | The Solitaire Conspiracy | PC | Steam | 20/10/2020 |
62 | Werewolf The Apocalypse: Heart of the Forest | PC | Steam | 22/10/2020 |
63 | Amnesia: Rebirth | PC | EGS | 01/11/2020 |
64 | The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope | PC | Steam | 04/11/2020 |
65 | Superhot VR | Oculus | Quest 2 | 06/11/2020 |
66 | Rick and Morty VR | PC | Steam | 07/11/2020 |
67 | Arizona Sunshine | PC | Steam | 12/11/2020 |
68 | Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War | PS4 | N/A | 19/11/2020 |
69 | Spider-Man: Miles Morales | PS4 | N/A | 26/11/2020 |
70 | Ghostbusters | PC | EGS | 02/12/2020 |
71 | Sniper Elite V2 | PC | Steam | 07/12/2020 |
72 | Cyberpunk 2077 | PC | Steam | 23/12/2020 |
Another game beaten, on a pretty good roll this year.18. Mortal Shell - 8½
# | Title | Length (h) | Comments | Rating |
47 | The Citadel | 4 | A fast paced shooter with an anime aesthetic. While the game has a number of neat ideas and solid moment-to-moment gameplay, it also suffers a number of poorly thought gameplay mechanics, uninspired levels, and a big helping of jank. | ★★ |
48 | AMID EVIL | 6¾ | An Hexen/Heretic inspired FPS. Not terrible, but weapons don't feel particularly great and each level has only a small number of different enemies. Ultimately it was not that exciting to play. | ★★★ |
49 | Seven Days: The Purple Envelope | ¾ | A short bookend to the true end of the visual novel Seven Days, released as free DLC. If you've already played and enjoyed Seven Days, then do not miss out on this chapter. | ★★★★ |
50 | Steins;Gate | 20½ | A great time-travel themed visual novel. Steins;Gate stands out with its unusual aesthetic, a great cast of characters, and a solid use of time-travel as a narrative device. It does have some unfortunate aspects, but overall ended up being a very positive experience. | ★★★★★ |
51 | Ultimate DOOM | 4¾ | At its core DOOM still holds up, which is impressive for a game that old. That said, I did play it using a modern engine. | ★★★★ |
52 | The Silver Case | 13½ | The book club visual novel of the month. An intriguing read, but also one that kept piling on twists long after it should have started wrapping up the story, to the point where the story felt like a mess at times. | ★★★ |
Big recommendation for everyone, great game with nice RTX.20. Ghostrunner - 9½
I keep meaning to play this.Updated for Murdered: Soul Suspect
I've been playing this on a real slow burn since, no joke, 2010, now that you've finished it I'm still in the running for the last person ever to complete it.69. Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction - Good silly fun, travel the galaxy reducing enemies to their component parts. I did kinda zone out on the story after a while, it's more convoluted than the Matrix sequels. Can't spam Mr. Zurkon like in the PS4 remake, so you just spam the laser turret instead. The final boss was a decent challenge as well though I thought at times health pickups were very limited with the long long breaks between save points. ★★★ 1/2
# | Title | Length (h) | Comments | Rating |
53 | Project Warlock | 5½ | Good old-school inspired shooter with a nice aesthetic. The difficulty curve is a bit weird, with the game being the most difficult in the beginning and then spiking a few times before flattening out as you've built up a large arsenal of weapon, weapon upgrades, and powers. Some of the later weapons/upgrades feel very overpowered. | ★★★★ |
54 | Doom II: Hell on Earth | 6 | DOOM II was honestly a bit of a disappointment after playing DOOM I. The new enemies and weapons were an improvement, but the level designs were a massive step down from DOOM I. | ★★★ |
55 | Koihime Musou | 30¼ | I picked this up after playing Eiyu Senki, since I wanted something similarly casual. That turned out to be a mistake. This game is worse than ES in every way imaginable and completely squanders what is actually an interesting premise. The gameplay in particular was such a massive wet fart that the it would have been a major improvement if you could just skip it outright, but sadly that is possible after clearing the game once. Sheer stubbornness is the only reason why I ever finished this game. | ★ |
56 | Coffee Talk | 4½ | Coffee Talk is VA-11 Hall-A if it were written by a teetotaler, and one desperately trying to be socially aware. The first part just gave the game an odd feel, since the setting felt like a bar in all aspects but the beverages served. The second part is fine with me, but I came away from the game feeling like it dealt with those issues in a way too coy and shallow manner. At the end, I probably enjoyed the lofi music more than the story and (limited) gameplay. | ★★★ |
57 | Bokuten - Why I Became An Angel | 19¾ | Bokuten had a lot of things going for it, including good music, good art, a likable cast of characters, and an interesting premise/mystery, and it even impressed me by handling one particular topic with much more sensitivity than I expected from your typical eroge. But then it sorta went off the rails, with the last common-route chapter being a colossal 'what the fuck were the writers thinking!?'. Side routes were weak, with one includings its own WTF, and overall the game did not do a great job of delivering satisfying (tragic) endings. However, despite all that I still came of out Bokuten mostly having enjoyed my time with it, though I cannot really recommend it. | ★★★ |