News Epic Games Store


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
The collective gaslighting by the press and industry against those who they brand as "Gamers (TM)" (shorthand for Gamergater, even if they're actually pretty anti-GG -- used as a dismissive way of silencing people) is getting out of hand. Frankly I've just gone on a blocking spree on Twitter because I'm tired of seeing pundits and clearly self-interested industry insiders congratulating themselves over all of this nonsense while repeating the same lies over and over again while denying the reality of the situation.

And we should call it exactly what it is: gaslighting.

Jim Sterling talked about this in regards to microtransactions on The Jimquisition podcast this week, and I can see exactly the same thing happening with Epic Games Store.


Dec 22, 2018
Yeah, it really does seem personal and petty against steam and Gabe. I wonder if Gabe went against Sweeney in some industry meeting or something behind the scenes? EGS seems like it was rushed to launch but for what deadline i have no idea. I'm just glad Valve are mainly staying out of it and just getting on with stuff leaving Sweeney to vent on twitter. It's a bizarre situation but i imagine this is what it's always been like but now Social Media provides an outlet for what would previously be just snidey emails and whispers behind closed doors.
I remember in interviews with Ken Levine and i want to say Warren Spectre, years ago; mentioning using private dev mIRC channels to shit talk and talk shop with each other back in the day. All the vitriol, kept to themselves.

I guess some never adapted to the change in medium


Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
the "REEEEEE" meme is used to make fun and insult autistic people.
That's fine, as these guys said the game represents their views and personalities. During the second mission you can bully an autistic kid to get his lunch money, that's how nice they are. And in the final area you can exploit ugly tragedies for internet sympathy and to stick it to entitled manbabies.


Nov 12, 2018
The Twitter crowd claiming that you shouldn't preemptively despise Epic is quite something.

Yes I should preemptively hate Epic and Google and Amazon and a gazillion other companies because they've shown time and time again they're a bunch of rich assholes that care about nothing else other than becoming even richer assholes. No benefit of the fucking doubt applies to them. It doesn't take much to understand that.


Dec 9, 2018
Preemptively? How does that work when I despise them for things they've already done and doing right now?

Also being critical of Google and Amazon is fine, just don't question Epic's connection with Tencent if you don't wanna get exposed as a vile racist.

the "REEEEEE" meme is used to make fun and insult autistic people.
And you'll get instabanned on ERA for posting it. Of course if you're against Steam and angry infantile gamers it is very much alright to use or like all day long because consistency and integrity is for boring people.

Jim Sterling talked about this in regards to microtransactions on The Jimquisition podcast this week, and I can see exactly the same thing happening with Epic Games Store.
Listening now, I completely missed Bethesda's head of PR claiming that those mtx-shenangians in Youngblood didn't happen and making fun of those saying (and being able to prove) the opposite.
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Listening now, I completely missed Bethesda's head of PR claiming that those mtx-shenangians in Youngblood didn't happen and making fun of those saying (and being able to prove) the opposite.
It wasn't even just the PR guy, but members of the press actively joined in on the dogpile too, in some sort of "let's own the Gamer" kinda attitude they have now. And they're all perpetuating this fucking lie. It's absolutely absurd and Orwellian in its triviality.

And they're doing similar with EGS. They are just taking the same talking points and just repeating them ad infinitum. Like, the amount of times I saw the "HUR DURR WHEN NINJA DOES IT IT'S SAVVY BUSINESS!" argument regurgitated by several industry pundits within the space of a day, and it's clear they're just parroting one another.

What's sad is that it probably isn't even coordinated, but some sort of loose industry groupthink that has a life of its own and perpetuates itself on the basis that these pundits don't want to piss off a developer or publisher who may be their future employer or currently employs some/all of their friends/former colleagues.


old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
Yeah, it really does seem personal and petty against steam and Gabe. I wonder if Gabe went against Sweeney in some industry meeting or something behind the scenes? EGS seems like it was rushed to launch but for what deadline i have no idea. I'm just glad Valve are mainly staying out of it and just getting on with stuff leaving Sweeney to vent on twitter. It's a bizarre situation but i imagine this is what it's always been like but now Social Media provides an outlet for what would previously be just snidey emails and whispers behind closed doors.
History has shown billionaires aren’t necessarily mature, calculating, intelligent, nor knowledgeable. He is personally shielded from failure. If video games collectively failed today Sweeney could still buy a Lamborghini and a house every single day for the rest of his life and feel no lack.

Heck look at Musk hurting himself all the time with his stupid comments.

He doesn’t need any reason to behave in any way at all.


Dec 9, 2018
And they're doing similar with EGS. They are just taking the same talking points and just repeating them ad infinitum. Like, the amount of times I saw the "HUR DURR WHEN NINJA DOES IT IT'S SAVVY BUSINESS!" argument regurgitated by several industry pundits within the space of a day, and it's clear they're just parroting one another.
Saw Rami posting just that and relpied with "HUR DURR WHEN NINJA DOES IT IT'S ANTI-COMPETITIVE!". Throw their shit back at them, don't bother wasting time making arguments, staying truthful and making any kind of sense, we're apparently way past conversing like adults.


Dec 9, 2018
It's hard to even imagine another industry so hellbent in making a proud and blatant display of contempt toward their user base as the gaming industry has been doing in the last years.
And that's true for both developers and gaming press.

It's genuinely baffling to witness.
The movie industry is going down a similar path, it's not quite as bad yet overall but the inherent issues are quite comparable (e.g. journalists not wanting to piss off studios (well, Disney, not much else left) and rabid fans screaming everyone down who doesn't like their favorite mainstream crap or shady business tactics well enough).
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Dec 8, 2018
The next evolution of Epic Game Store discussion is the Republican/NRA "thoughts and prayers" model of being too close to the event to discuss it.

I've already seen some effectively say that the announcement of exclusivity is not the time to discuss the exclusivity.

When do I get to say I don't like it? Sometime shortly before the heat death of the universe but only immediately after you wish the developer the best and that their children grow to be statuesque demigods with imperial fiefdoms to make Latter-Day Saints envious.


Dec 8, 2018
We're in the Putin era of post-truth. Putin's entire goal was to destabilize people's very trust in reality and as a result we have Trump and Sweeney allowed to run roughshod over their respective industries and trolls with ulterior motives who will pose as supporters to make them look bad.

This is not a no true scottsmans, I don't trust anyone on the internet anymore.


Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Let’s be honest, that guy directly comparing people being angry at EGS to GG is just someone saying directly what others have been implying.

As someone who abhorred GG, it’s really deeply offensive.


Apr 18, 2019
... aaaaaaaaaaaaand we've finally arrived here:

epic won ...

[Hidden content]
Well, show of hands for those surprised. Even if it's fake, I get the feeling they are headed this way. Reacting with gaslighting (as C-Dub mentioned) and circling the wagons instead of doing the right thing is the only way they know of reacting to criticism.

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
Douchebags comparing Epic criticism to the harassment people underwent in the heat of gamergate are disgusting as fuck. Like jfc, get some perspective. Somebody not being nice to a company is not the same as a mob ruining individuals' lives and threatening their safety. How dense and disrespectful do you have to be to even conceive of such a thing and instrumentalize it to make a point about people unhappy with a store. Nauseating.
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Mass Erect
Jan 21, 2019
It appears to me, they are realizing that the current strategy of trying to shame us into buying on EGS isn't working so they are moving to more desperate measures. Hopefully most people aren't stupid enough to equate not buying a product to hating and harassing women in the industry.


Oct 6, 2018
wasnt alan wake given for free few times already?? (iirc on humble and steam)
Even if it wasn't I'm pretty sure how I got it on steam was a $2 sale on one of these sites like 5 years ago or more.

It's one of those times where you can't necessarily knock it (free is free after all) but it's kind of can't do any better than a 10 year old game that was on sale for less than a cup of coffee over 5 years ago? I guess I'd criticize EGS less for this than something like PS+/games with gold because on EGS it actually is free whereas the others are a paid sub.
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
It appears to me, they are realizing that the current strategy of trying to shame us into buying on EGS isn't working so they are moving to more desperate measures. Hopefully most people aren't stupid enough to equate not buying a product to hating and harassing women in the industry.
Throw in a few self-interested "say the most outrageous thing to try and pimp my Social Media Progressive credentials" individuals, and we're entering a pretty grim period. I bet half the people comparing those talking about the negatives of EGS with GamerGate will have their own Ian Miles Cheong-style about face when their self-aggrandising falls flat on its face.

Nothing but frauds.


Once Punched Man
Apr 22, 2019
I'm too dumb to understand the current discourse, we are not entitled to get the games on platforms we want, correct? Devs, on the other hand, are entitled to our money, and if we refuse to give it to them, then we are confirmed reincarnation of Hitler (collectively!)? Why? Someone please, summon Ja Rule or my head is going to explode!


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Yeah seems we are officially GG 2 now.
No. There are definitely shitheads who use this current situation to harass people and do other shitty stuff, and it's quite frustrating, annoying and even offensive to us to be collectively lumped together with those, but "we" are still not part of those.

It's a really shitty situation.
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Once Punched Man
Apr 22, 2019
No. There are definitely shitheads who use this current situation to harass people and do other shitty stuff, and it's quite frustrating, annoying and even offensive to us to be collectively lumped together with those, but "we" are still not part of those.

It's a really shitty situation.
Do you think devs and journos are going to see the difference? I doubt it, for them it's a good opportunity to restrict consumers influence even further. Funniest thing is, some of us are going to applaud to this not realizing that they're treated like a livestock.