|OT| Genshin Impact - Breath of the Elements


South Sea Islander
Jul 17, 2021
Manila, Philippines
Thanks for the replies you guys!

Ascheroth, haha yeah. I don't have any holes in the 4 star lineup (I collected them all!), but I wish I had a Zhong Li so bad. I'm going to try and grab him from the upcoming banner, but the dirty MiHoYo RNG gods sniffed out my plan in the past day and gave me a surprise Shenhe at pull 36 (resetting my 5 star 50/50 and ruining my 100% Zhong Li plan).

My issue with the Raiden/Benny/Xiangling/Xingqiu setup is that all of those characters are presently set up stats and arti wise (for me, personally) as either burst DPS or subDPS, nobody is set up as a primary carry. It would take a lotta work (and a lotta resin) to get that team fighting fit... Basically if i want to be able to have a fighting chance as is, the options for primary carry on Team A/Team B are Diluc and Eula (with Childe as the fringe option, with a bit of work).

Amzin, I'm a massive Jean fan as well. She and Diluc were my first 5 stars ever, and she's just so incredibly tanky and good at healing. My entire Genshin friend group have been screaming at me to sub her out for someone more "optimal" for a while now but I can't do it haha.

I would love to do the Childe+Beidou wombo combo but can't at present because I dont have the crucial Beidou C2 (shes presently C1). Still weighing as to whether I should pick her or Ning for my "free Liyue character" in the upcoming lantern rite, as I see shes also in the Zhong banner.

Since I pulled a Shenhe recently, one of my friends suggested Eula/Shenhe/Diona/Raiden as Team A, and Diluc/Kokomi/Xingqiu/Benny as Team B. Team A's healing looks a little suspect due to Jean getting replaced with Diona, but he assures that the shielding and massive Cryo energy generation will outweigh the healing loss. Also curious about Team B having both hydro and pyro resonance.

Any thoughts?


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
Since I pulled a Shenhe recently, one of my friends suggested Eula/Shenhe/Diona/Raiden as Team A, and Diluc/Kokomi/Xingqiu/Benny as Team B. Team A's healing looks a little suspect due to Jean getting replaced with Diona, but he assures that the shielding and massive Cryo energy generation will outweigh the healing loss. Also curious about Team B having both hydro and pyro resonance.

Any thoughts?
Those two teams are nice and all, but if you're coming in with a newly rolled Shenhe then the resin and resources you said were an issue in getting the previously suggested teams to work are still a factor here. I levelled Shenhe over the course of a week and it was a lot of work. I suppose if you have some atk artifact sets around then making her a buffbot is doable, but there's a lot of farming to do regardless.

Past that, those 2 teams look pretty good. If your main carries are fairly optimized and subs are not far behind then getting a basic abyss clear shouldn't be an issue.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
My issue with the Raiden/Benny/Xiangling/Xingqiu setup is that all of those characters are presently set up stats and arti wise (for me, personally) as either burst DPS or subDPS, nobody is set up as a primary carry. It would take a lotta work (and a lotta resin) to get that team fighting fit... Basically if i want to be able to have a fighting chance as is, the options for primary carry on Team A/Team B are Diluc and Eula (with Childe as the fringe option, with a bit of work).
That's actually fine, the way that team works is by everyone being a burst dps, there's no real "primary carry" here, cause ideally you don't really have much downtime between spamming everyone's bursts, so no need to change anything build-wise.
Essentially Raiden is going to act as your primary carry during her Burst, driving all the other Bursts. It does mean you want some good energy recharge on everyone in this team, but they all want good energy recharge in general anyway, so hopefully yours should be fine the way they are if they already have some decent builds.

To be honest Shenhe is not going to make your resource pains better, cause the way she works means to make the most of her every other cryo character in the same team wants as many crit stats and cryo DMG% as possible.
I haven't tried her with Eula, on paper it sounds doable but not really ideal - funnily enough Diona probably benefits from Shenhe more than Eula.
I would just give it a try though if you want and see how things turn out if you already have her ready. If you'd still need to farm for her either way, I'd probably focus on other chars first.


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
Shenhe doesn't do a lot for Eula, since Eula's only Cryo damage is her E so you're getting like 3 quill procs max if you do a full Eula E-Q-E-E-Swordfall rotation with her. Shenhe shreds physical resistance some right though? So not totally wasted but I just don't see it contributing much damage (Diona hold-E would proc I think 5 quills, and her burst does of course). If you happen to just have brilliant artifacts and ascension / talent mats for her she adds enough damage where maybe that's all you need. You do want a second cryo with Eula so you don't have to use ER sands or weapon and can burst on cooldown because that's like, 95% of her damage. Generally Eula teams are best when her support / dps have longer buffs and debuffs that allow her to sit on the field for those ~8 second intervals

Edit: One of the things I like about Eula actually is she doesn't require or massively benefit from a lot of the "usual" crew, so you can use them elsewhere. It does mean it can be hard to really amplify her much though. Obviously a bananas good Eula just needs some help shredding defense and not dying and she'll do the rest but not many people walking around with C6 there.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Yeah Shenhe has up to 15% cryo/phys shred on her burst.
I also forgot her 2nd ascension passive gives her tap skill an unconditional teamwide 15% buff to skill and burst damage. I think the timing is fairly strict if you want Eula's burst to take advantage of it, but it should work out. (Or alternatively with the hold version Eula's normals will be buffed).
That might be enough of a value add to make up for the less than ideal quill usage.
She's complex 😅


South Sea Islander
Jul 17, 2021
Manila, Philippines
Yeah Shenhe has up to 15% cryo/phys shred on her burst.
I also forgot her 2nd ascension passive gives her tap skill an unconditional teamwide 15% buff to skill and burst damage. I think the timing is fairly strict if you want Eula's burst to take advantage of it, but it should work out. (Or alternatively with the hold version Eula's normals will be buffed).
That might be enough of a value add to make up for the less than ideal quill usage.
She's complex 😅
Yeah, I was thinking Shenhe Q, hold E for the boosted normals, then lay into fools with Eula Q then N4E (repeat until swordfall). Should I just junk Shenhe and use Jean instead? That would give me 2 healers on both teams, so I can facetank with Eula and Diluc if need be.

I also have enough extra "guest" artis laying around to give your "all burst, all the time" setup a spin, so we'll see how it goes haha.

Edit: One of the things I like about Eula actually is she doesn't require or massively benefit from a lot of the "usual" crew, so you can use them elsewhere. It does mean it can be hard to really amplify her much though. Obviously a bananas good Eula just needs some help shredding defense and not dying and she'll do the rest but not many people walking around with C6 there.
Obviously my Eula's not C6 (I'm a "dolphin" at best in terms of spending, maybe 400 bucks since launch inc. battlepass and welkins), but I have a L90 WGS on her and a 4-set of 5star L20 Pale Flames. The main issue I have is balancing the "keeping her alive" part with the "boosting her damage" part. I'm really just using Raiden to give her a constant source of electrocharge + Eula punching dudes in the face for my main damage source, but Jean and Diona wont really help a lot DPS wise save for in and out Jean E shots.
Those two teams are nice and all, but if you're coming in with a newly rolled Shenhe then the resin and resources you said were an issue in getting the previously suggested teams to work are still a factor here. I levelled Shenhe over the course of a week and it was a lot of work. I suppose if you have some atk artifact sets around then making her a buffbot is doable, but there's a lot of farming to do regardless.

Past that, those 2 teams look pretty good. If your main carries are fairly optimized and subs are not far behind then getting a basic abyss clear shouldn't be an issue.
Yeah, the idea of my friend was basically using Shenhe as a buffbot, 2x Glad + 2x Shimenawa. If you all don't think she's worth the trouble, fuck it its Jean time hahaha.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Yeah, I was thinking Shenhe Q, hold E for the boosted normals, then lay into fools with Eula Q then N4E (repeat until swordfall). Should I just junk Shenhe and use Jean instead? That would give me 2 healers on both teams, so I can facetank with Eula and Diluc if need be.

I also have enough extra "guest" artis laying around to give your "all burst, all the time" setup a spin, so we'll see how it goes haha.

Obviously my Eula's not C6 (I'm a "dolphin" at best in terms of spending, maybe 400 bucks since launch inc. battlepass and welkins), but I have a L90 WGS on her and a 4-set of 5star L20 Pale Flames. The main issue I have is balancing the "keeping her alive" part with the "boosting her damage" part. I'm really just using Raiden to give her a constant source of electrocharge + Eula punching dudes in the face for my main damage source, but Jean and Diona wont really help a lot DPS wise save for in and out Jean E shots.

Yeah, the idea of my friend was basically using Shenhe as a buffbot, 2x Glad + 2x Shimenawa. If you all don't think she's worth the trouble, fuck it its Jean time hahaha.
Yeah I would probably try Eula/Raiden/Diona/Jean first if suvivability is your main issue and if you simply want to complete the Abyss, stars be damned (and since your Jean is already built).

So for the Raiden/Bennett/Xingqiu/Xiangling team, now I'm curious how you have them built 👀
What I'm using is:

Raiden: R5 Catch, 4p Emblem of Fate (Crit /Atk%/Atk%). Sitting at 220 ER I think.
Bennett: R5 Festering Desire, 4p Noblesse (don't remember the circlet, ER sand, Pyro).
Xiangling: Dragon's Bane, 4p Emblem (Crit/ER/Pyro)
Xingqiu: R4 Sacrificial Sword, 2p Noblesse, 2p Heart of Depth (Crit, Atk, Hydro)

I don't think Bennett's artifacts are actually that levelled since his Burst doesn't really need 'em 🙈
Xingqiu works with an Emblem set too, but it's not worth switching over if you already have another set on him that works.
Same with Xiangling, I just never farmed a set for her so she naturally got Raiden's hand-me-downs.
Xiangling would also work with an ER weapon and an Atk Sand instead (or keep the ER Sand and take the DPS loss in favor of a comfier rotation).

The main thing is that essentially you want all these characters built in a way that ideally their Burst is ready once the cool down ends. Which is something you want in all of their common builds anyway, which is why I said their build shouldn't really change.
Raiden just makes it easier since her Burst generates so much energy for the team and in theory it would allow you to build the other chars with more offense, but personally I think it's too much work, since you'd need to change the loadouts everytime you would use them without Raiden.

I like Shenhe well enough, but I honestly would recommend only investing into her after your have other teams that allow you to comfortably clear the abyss and the other stuff in the game. She's fine, but just so niche that you should work on your more universal characters first if you're thinking about efficient resource spending.

I could give that Eula/Shenhe/Raiden/Diona team a try later today though and tell how it works out.
(For the record, I also run her with Atk/Atk/Atk and 2p Shimenawa/ 2p Gladiator)
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Alright, so after giving it a try on the current Floors 11 and 12 here are my 2cents:

I've used Eula/Raiden/Jean/Diona on the first half and Ganyu/Zhongli/Barbara/Venti for the 2nd half.
9 stars floor 11, 5 stars floor 12 (that Ganyu team is honestly not that great, in 12-2 in particular it's a mess).

With the current enemy setup I can say that Eula/Raiden/Jean/Diona should be far more comfortable than Eula/Raiden/Shenhe/Diona, simply because you need Jean's teamwide healing against the Rifthounds, Diona ain't cutting it. To be fair, my Diona is crap because I don't like using her, but even if she were built better I have my doubts about the survivability of the team with her as the sole healer against the current line-up.

Diluc/Xingqiu/Kokomi/Bennett sounds fine for the 2nd half, since again you want Kokomi's healing here to stay on the safe side against the Rifthounds. 12-2 could be a bit of a pain because one of the Kenkis is cryo, but she's not like Barbara with her constant Aura so that should be fine.
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I stopped playing a bit after the Dragonspine update and there are a lot of things to do, so should I focus mainly in the story missions and later in leveling up characters and farming materials/items?


Dec 21, 2018
Depending on your AR level, you might get stopped to continue the story.
But it's not related to your characters progression in any way unlike other gachas, you'll want to spend resin to gets whatever you need for them, and do the story and exploration when you want, so, do as you want really.

Though there may temporary events in places you haven't unlocked yet, so that's a thing to consider focusing on (but that won't be the case for a few weeks at least).

However, if you do unlock newer characters from Inazuma, you won't be able to ascend them until you get materials from there... especially true for Shenhe which asks for boss mats that you can't get until you've pretty much finished the entire story... they really need to work on that, for you it might be a matter of a few days, but for a new player...


South Sea Islander
Jul 17, 2021
Manila, Philippines
Yeah I would probably try Eula/Raiden/Diona/Jean first if suvivability is your main issue and if you simply want to complete the Abyss, stars be damned (and since your Jean is already built).

So for the Raiden/Bennett/Xingqiu/Xiangling team, now I'm curious how you have them built 👀
Raiden L82
WP: Catch R5 L90
Arti: 4pc Emblem ER/ATK/ATK
Benny L82
WP: Favonius Sword L90
Arti: Noblesse 4pc ER/Pyro/healing bonus (ER 256%)
Xingqiu L80/80
WP: Flute L80/90
Arti: 4pc Emblem (ATK/ATK/CDMG)

Xiangling is basically just levels (not a big fan), her arti sets would just be hand me downs and borrowed stuff. She's got a Skyward Spine, but can borrow a L85 Dragon's Bane from my idle Hu Tao. For the sword guys, I can loan a high level Black Sword or Lions Roar from Jean and Keqing. As you can see, my subDPS guys are kind of in a sorry state haha.
Alright, so after giving it a try on the current Floors 11 and 12 here are my 2cents:

I've used Eula/Raiden/Jean/Diona on the first half and Ganyu/Zhongli/Barbara/Venti for the 2nd half.
9 stars floor 11, 5 stars floor 12 (that Ganyu team is honestly not that great, in 12-2 in particular it's a mess).

With the current enemy setup I can say that Eula/Raiden/Jean/Diona should be far more comfortable than Eula/Raiden/Shenhe/Diona, simply because you need Jean's teamwide healing against the Rifthounds, Diona ain't cutting it. To be fair, my Diona is crap because I don't like using her, but even if she were built better I have my doubts about the survivability of the team with her as the sole healer against the current line-up.

Diluc/Xingqiu/Kokomi/Bennett sounds fine for the 2nd half, since again you want Kokomi's healing here to stay on the safe side against the Rifthounds. 12-2 could be a bit of a pain because one of the Kenkis is cryo, but she's not like Barbara with her constant Aura so that should be fine.
Thank you so much for actually taking time out to roadtest the setup! Gives me a lot more confidence to just fill out the Diona gaps and finalize Team A without worrying about it being a waste of time (again). (Edit: and thank you also for confirming my suspicion that solo Diona wouldnt cut it. Never trust the midgets.)

My big problem now is Kokomi, its going to be a pain in the rear getting her up to speed but its better that I burn the resources on her instead of Shenhe. Cheers, Asch! :cat-heart-blob:

One last thing: Would you recommend I pull for Zhong or Ganyu in the next banner? I feel that Zhong is more useful in more teams, but Ganyu lighting stuff up from range with the ice nades sounds appealing. I should go with Zhong, right?
I stopped playing a bit after the Dragonspine update and there are a lot of things to do, so should I focus mainly in the story missions and later in leveling up characters and farming materials/items?
I'd try and focus on the story missions as your AR level allows, just to make sure you can join as many of the upcoming events as possible. You'll know when you need to stop and build up your characters a bit.

If you stopped playing shortly after Dragonspine, theres a lot of great content between then and the present game state, it'll be a fun ride! :drinking-blob:
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I stopped playing a bit after the Dragonspine update and there are a lot of things to do, so should I focus mainly in the story missions and later in leveling up characters and farming materials/items?
I would focus on story/exploration while using the daily resin to upgrade a small core group of characters that work for you and can carry you through the content.
What we're talking about is basically super end-game 😅

Raiden L82
WP: Catch R5 L90
Arti: 4pc Emblem ER/ATK/ATK
Benny L82
WP: Favonius Sword L90
Arti: Noblesse 4pc ER/Pyro/healing bonus (ER 256%)
Xingqiu L80/80
WP: Flute L80/90
Arti: 4pc Emblem (ATK/ATK/CDMG)

Xiangling is basically just levels (not a big fan), her arti sets would just be hand me downs and borrowed stuff. She's got a Skyward Spine, but can borrow a L85 Dragon's Bane from my idle Hu Tao. For the sword guys, I can loan a high level Black Sword or Lions Roar from Jean and Keqing. As you can see, my subDPS guys are kind of in a sorry state haha.
Nah Skyward is fine on Xiangling, that way you could go with an Atk sand. I just used Dragon's Bane because at the time I literally didn't have anything else and it works well enough that I can't be bothered to change it :D
But yeah, Xingqiu would really want a Sacrificial Sword, but if you don't have one, nothing you can do. Still something you could give a try and see how it works out as-is for fun, but you're probably better off with the other teams right now.

Thank you so much for actually taking time out to roadtest the setup! Gives me a lot more confidence to just fill out the Diona gaps and finalize Team A without worrying about it being a waste of time (again). (Edit: and thank you also for confirming my suspicion that solo Diona wouldnt cut it. Never trust the midgets.)

My big problem now is Kokomi, its going to be a pain in the rear getting her up to speed but its better that I burn the resources on her instead of Shenhe. Cheers, Asch! :cat-heart-blob:
Diona shouls usually be fine I think, but not against the current floor 12 line-up.
Which reminds me, that, uh... floors 11 and 12 are gonna change... in 2 days? 😬
I think I remember the new lineup being more of a pain, but I say this everytime it changes and usually it's "fine" 🤞
Still, if you can try and see if you can squeeze through with your current characters. Wouldn't worry too much about Kokomi, just give her a Thrilling Tales catalyst and some random HP/Healing Bonus stuff to keep you alive.
I know the next floor 12 isn't gonna have the Rifthounds anymore, so you probably won't need her that much in that particular team at that time anymore, but it should still "work".

One last thing: Would you recommend I pull for Zhong or Ganyu in the next banner? I feel that Zhong is more useful in more teams, but Ganyu lighting stuff up from range with the ice nades sounds appealing. I should go with Zhong, right?
I'm biased because I've essentially been maining Ganyu for a year now and Zhongli is essentuially in every team since I got him ~8 months ago. so.... both :grimacing-face:

But realistically speaking I'd probably say Zhongli if you had to choose. He is gonna make the game and Abyss clears just a whole a lot comfier. They're introducing enemies and mechanics here and there that target him but he's still extremly useful almost everywhere.


South Sea Islander
Jul 17, 2021
Manila, Philippines
Diona shouls usually be fine I think, but not against the current floor 12 line-up.
Which reminds me, that, uh... floors 11 and 12 are gonna change... in 2 days? 😬
I think I remember the new lineup being more of a pain, but I say this everytime it changes and usually it's "fine" 🤞
Still, if you can try and see if you can squeeze through with your current characters. Wouldn't worry too much about Kokomi, just give her a Thrilling Tales catalyst and some random HP/Healing Bonus stuff to keep you alive.
I know the next floor 12 isn't gonna have the Rifthounds anymore, so you probably won't need her that much in that particular team at that time anymore, but it should still "work".

I'm biased because I've essentially been maining Ganyu for a year now and Zhongli is essentuially in every team since I got him ~8 months ago. so.... both :grimacing-face:

But realistically speaking I'd probably say Zhongli if you had to choose. He is gonna make the game and Abyss clears just a whole a lot comfier. They're introducing enemies and mechanics here and there that target him but he's still extremly useful almost everywhere.
Welp, I didn't make this abyss cutoff, obviously. :face-with-stuck-out-tongue-and-winking-eye: Just too many holes to fix in time... but yeah, our conversation gave me a lot of perspective about what needs fixing, and I'm confident I can pull it off after I finish my "repairs". Kokomi already has an R5 TTDS, so its just leveling up her abilities a bit more and getting a Clam set, upgrade Diona and Xingqiu's artifact sets a bit more, and bite the bullet on better Crimson Witch upgrades for Diluc. After playing around with the team order, I figured that it was Team B (the Diluc team) that was killing us, and true enough after making some upgrades I squeezed a few more stars out the earlier levels. I have direction now, woohoo! :partyblob: Dropping Shenhe was a really good call.

Already begun saving my primos and free wishes for the Zhong banner, hopefully they don't screw me over on the 50/50 lol.


Dec 21, 2018
Wow, I forgot a lot about Windtrace, I liked it last time.
Now I just afk because it's probably the least interesting thing that ever happened in this game... there's just nothing going in prop hunt, such a boring game mode, no surprise it's dead everywhere.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Windtrace is fun, but I've only played the bare minimum this time. Like, I don't afk cause I wanna win if I'm playing, but I haven't played that many matches.

I'm just spending my team building Qiqi teams this patch tbh, lol.
Finally got a crit rate circlet from the clam set so both Qiqi and Barbara have a complete set now. Next up getting Qiqi to 80/90 and boost them talents.
After that will be Yun Jin and Chongyun. I haven't checked yet cause I was focusing on Clam, but I should have a bunch of Def% Husk artifacts for Yun Jin by now. Don't really know what artifacts Chongyun wants, but I guess 2p Gladiator or Shimenawa + 2p Blizzard Strayer should be alright. Actually scratch that. He seems made for 4p Noblesse, especially with Shenhe in mind.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Got Qiqi ascended today, so I took this WIP team for a test-drive in the lower abyss levels, and it's pretty fun.

Qiqi isn't completely built yet and Yun Jin isn't built at all, to the point where I could have probably left her out entirely and it wouldn't have made a difference, but still. It feels like it already does decent damage and you're basically immortal.
Switched them around for Floor 10 but only got 8 stars cause I miscalculated the Herald shield. I thought I could cheese it with Raiden's burst, but forgot that she doesn't regen energy when hitting shields, so.... yeah. Could probably use Chongyun instead of Yun Jin here.

Not gonna bother trying this with higher floors until I've levelled some more talents and artifacts though.


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
I got Qiqi just after the new set dropped, which I farmed the heck out of since apparently I love me some Geo characters. She is fun to just either build a team around or throw into something for extra heals/dps. Yun Jin seems like a natural fit for on-field Qiqi but my Yun is lacking a bit still.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I got Qiqi just after the new set dropped, which I farmed the heck out of since apparently I love me some Geo characters. She is fun to just either build a team around or throw into something for extra heals/dps. Yun Jin seems like a natural fit for on-field Qiqi but my Yun is lacking a bit still.
The Clam set was the best thing that came out of last patch. Qiqi and Barbara redemption arc!
I'm honestly pretty surprised how well they are keeping unit balance and instead of power creeping things out of existence constantly actually find ways to pull underappreciated characters up with new artifact sets or other units that synergize well.

I feel like C6 Rosaria might be a better fit instead of Yun Jin for cryo resonance and the extra physical res shred in this team, but since I only have her at C1 that's not an option, lol. But I don't know how much damage a built Yun Jin actually adds, so I could be completely wrong. I will find out eventually.


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
The Clam set was the best thing that came out of last patch. Qiqi and Barbara redemption arc!
I'm honestly pretty surprised how well they are keeping unit balance and instead of power creeping things out of existence constantly actually find ways to pull underappreciated characters up with new artifact sets or other units that synergize well.

I feel like C6 Rosaria might be a better fit instead of Yun Jin for cryo resonance and the extra physical res shred in this team, but since I only have her at C1 that's not an option, lol. But I don't know how much damage a built Yun Jin actually adds, so I could be completely wrong. I will find out eventually.
I think my ideal Qiqi team would be like - Qiqi, Beidou, Rosaria, Yun Jin. But my Ros isn't C6 either so it's less beneficial. Similar concept to Eula team of cryo resonance + electro for phys shredding.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
I like when characters have lore-appropriate synergy, like Chongyun and Shenhe working well to maximize Shenhe's buff, since each character gets their own 5/7 hits of bonus damage.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Working my way up the Abyss with my Qiqi team.
Replacing Yun Jin with (the equally unbuilt) Chongyun did indeed net me the last star against the Herald on Floor 10 and I used the same setup to 9* floor 11.
(Ganyu/Shenhe/Barbara/Venti on side 1, Qiqi/Raiden/Xingqiu/Chongyun on side 2).

Then I went into floor 12 with this setup which was a terrible mistake, lol. Got 1* on the first chamber and quit on the 2nd.
The Qiqi team actually did very well, but the first team is terrible against bosses, and no shield is doubly bad against the big boss vishap on floor 12.
Have to rethink my options. Don't really see a good team that I could run that would leave the Qiqi team intact, so I might have to go Cryo Qiqi (Qiqi/Chongyun/Shenhe/Ganyu or something like that) on side 2 :thinking-face:

(Yes, I just really want to use a Qiqi team for the heck of it 😅 )
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No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
Mr. Zhongli was the first character I was for-sure going for that I had a chance to prefarm for. Except for talent books, he of course uses the talent book that 3 of my other higher investment characters use :anguished-face: but it's fun having him at A5, with a 90 weapon, and decent (but not amazing) artifacts right out the gate.

I've love to get Ganyu but think I want Ei and/or Kazoo more. Anyway, Zhongers is a beast so far and I love his animations and apparently I'm unconsciously a geo main because some of my most common / invested characters are Ning, Albedo, Yun, Geo MC, and now Zhongli gonna join. And Beidou, the honorary Geo character we'll say :photoblobheart: I kind of want to level up Noelle now just for the sake of it, although I really don't have the resin to spare
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Dec 21, 2018
Geo team stronk.
Ningguang is loving all the supports I'm sure. Either her or Itto is a fun team, but I'm always sad that they don't interact with the other elements.

Dunno if you already have a cryo main, but Ganyu is quite something.
I use her little because she just makes things irrelevant, though she's perfect for Azhdaha. There's always a place somewhere in combat events or boss fights where you can just say "okay, I'm gonna Ganyu that" and end it immediately without effort. It's a nice option to have.
Plus she's a good cryo support when you need her to be too.

As far as primogems go, this is more skip from me, already got all of the characters... C6 for all 3 4*... feels weird.
At least it's more likely that the the next banner's 4* will be useful to me. :blobnerd:


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
Maybe ironic but my leveled up cryo characters are Eula,. Qiqi, and Rosaria so more like "stabby" characters than cryo. I do like Ganyu and she's definitely strong but I think there are too many other characters higher up my list. I might prefer Ayaka though whenever she reruns. Feels like a lot of the Inazuma characters are what I'm chasing after Zhongli.

Also ironic is I didn't get Gorou because I was too close to pity to want to summon on the Itto banner, so the most geo-support geo support is MIA from my geo squad. I know he'll turn up from free basic summons eventually (or other banners).

It's super weird how stratified Abyss is. I hadn't really been doing it because of the horror stories and knowing my teams just aren't that powerful yet, but didn't realize that is JUST floor 12. I more or less breezed through floors 9 and 10 yesterday and just have to figure out the right comp for 11 (every floor having one or two rooms of elemental shields complicates things with my very physical heavy and geo heavy comps).


Dec 21, 2018
Yeah, Eula is a physical DPS, Rosaria and Qiqi not being any better at cryo really.
For Abyss, it's so much harder without a dedicated cryo, and I do like Ayaka more than Ganyu too... but she feels a bit more fair than a shielded Ganyu. :evilblob:

Don't like the Abyss anyway. Floor 9 and 10 are faceroll, 11 is entirely dependent on how annoying the boss in it can be, and 12 is a challenge... if you can't just obliterate it with the right elemental team.
Extremely poorly designed.


Dec 21, 2018
Reached pity on the Standard banner after all those months:

Well that's a weird one, I already have WGS. At least it should be useful on a claymore support one day. Sayu likes it, too bad she's probably the worst 4* in the game...


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Congrats? Condolences? Unsure what to say :grimacing-face:

I don't even have enough Stardust to get a single monthly pull right now :D

I still need to pick the free 4* from Lantern Rite. Debating between C2 Chongyun for Shenhe memes or C1 Yun Jin, since all of her later constellations seem very good.
Other contenders would be C5 Ningguang, C5 Yanfei or C4 Xinyan. They don't really feel as important though :thinking-face:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
The drip feed marketing begins.

Kamisato Ayato

I might actually consider getting him if he's good and I end up liking him. The state of Hydro is that dire, I still only have Barbara and Xingqiu.
Would like Mona, but no way to guarantee her.
Don't like Childe.
Don't like Kokomi (I like her designs and animations and her kit is solid, but her role in the story and her character quest really unsold her to me)


Dec 21, 2018
He doesn't look like the Kamisato clan head at all.
I really, really don't like how so many guys end up looking like the same European nobles with an anime coat of paint, all of those designs are just so fucking cliché... and the other male characters looked cool and interesting in Inazuma up until now.
Thoma looks more like he belongs in the clan, and he isn't even from there...


Dec 21, 2018
Won the 50/50 for once 🦊

Also my Fischl reached C6 finally, got some Thoma cons, and only one extra Diona C58416.
Pretty good, but I'd like to get a 5* before pity one day...

Edit: converted starglitter to roll on the scam weapon banner to get Yae's weapon... but I didn't get it.
I got Amos bow instead.
And I decided to crown Ganyu last week.

Well I can't say this a bad patch even if there's nothing to do!
Last edited:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I wasn't super sure if I wanted to go for Yae, since I haven't been playing Genshin all that much lately, but figured what the hell, why not.
Lost the 50/50 to a C2 Qiqi, but it's whatever since it was like roll 21 and C2 Qiqi is actually a DPS upgrade for my DPS Qiqi, lol. Mona would have been even better though :/

And then got Yae at roll 81 or something. Decent enough.
Also got 1 Fischl, 2 Dionas and 4 Thomas out of it. Still need 2 more Fischls :confounded-face:
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Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
I wasn't super sure if I wanted to go for Yae, since I haven't been playing Genshin all that much lately, but figured what the hell, why not.
Lost the 50/50 to a C2 Qiqi, but it's whatever since it was like roll 21 and C2 Qiqi is actually a DPS upgrade for my DPS Qiqi, lol. Mona would have been even better though :/

And then got Yae at roll 81 or something. Decent enough.
Also got 1 Fischl, 2 Dionas and 4 Thomas out of it. Still need 2 more Fischls :confounded-face:
I too, lost the 50/50 to qiqi. How'd you build your DPS qiqi and did it work out?


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I too, lost the 50/50 to qiqi. How'd you build your DPS qiqi and did it work out?
4p Clam set with Crit Rate circlet, Atk% Sands and Physical Damage% Goblet
Weapon is a bit flexible. A Physical% Weapon if you want more damage or an Atk% weapon if you want more heals. I'm using the Flute on her right now, also because I wanted to try Cryo DPS Qiqi with Shenhe and Chongyun, but that team doesn't work that great...

She's pretty good actually.
I got 9* on floors 9-11 with Qiqi/Raiden/Xingqiu/Yun Jin or Chongyun on one side and a complete non-meta Ganyu/Barbara/Shenhe/Venti team on the other side.
Didn't bother with Floor 12 since in the current form I would have needed to put my regular Raiden team on one side to get enough damage, so I couldn't have run the Qiqi team.

Yun Jin and Chongyun were equally not built so they didn't really do that much. Chongyun is a must against the Electro Herald though, but a built Yun Jin should provide a lot more DPS overall.
Raiden is used for Superconduct and helping Qiqi's ER, but I think that might actually not be that necessary with a C1 Qiqi. A C6 Fischl (that I don't have) could give more DPS, but no way to to test this myself.
Xingqiu I'm using since his skill provides interruption resistance and his Burst triggers per attack, and Qiqi is a very fast attacker.

I hope we get more characters that provide interruption resistance, since that's really necessary without a shield. You're basically immortal, but getting constantly knocked around by big attacks isn't much fun.


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2020
4p Clam set with Crit Rate circlet, Atk% Sands and Physical Damage% Goblet
Weapon is a bit flexible. A Physical% Weapon if you want more damage or an Atk% weapon if you want more heals. I'm using the Flute on her right now, also because I wanted to try Cryo DPS Qiqi with Shenhe and Chongyun, but that team doesn't work that great...

She's pretty good actually.
I got 9* on floors 9-11 with Qiqi/Raiden/Xingqiu/Yun Jin or Chongyun on one side and a complete non-meta Ganyu/Barbara/Shenhe/Venti team on the other side.
Didn't bother with Floor 12 since in the current form I would have needed to put my regular Raiden team on one side to get enough damage, so I couldn't have run the Qiqi team.

Yun Jin and Chongyun were equally not built so they didn't really do that much. Chongyun is a must against the Electro Herald though, but a built Yun Jin should provide a lot more DPS overall.
Raiden is used for Superconduct and helping Qiqi's ER, but I think that might actually not be that necessary with a C1 Qiqi. A C6 Fischl (that I don't have) could give more DPS, but no way to to test this myself.
Xingqiu I'm using since his skill provides interruption resistance and his Burst triggers per attack, and Qiqi is a very fast attacker.
Thanks, maybe I'll make this my next endeavor to try and turn my 50/50 loss into a good/entertaining thing lol...I got 5p (not optimal) clam set on her and anenoma kageuchi as a starting point. Only C0 though since it's my first one.
Was gonna ask where your healing was but realized that Qiqi is technically a healer lol. Labels are meaningless anyways.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Was gonna ask where your healing was but realized that Qiqi is technically a healer lol. Labels are meaningless anyways.
Not "a" healer, she's "the" healer. Which is why all the getting Qiqi'd memes and stuff came from, because healers were really undesirable.
She heals so much you can spec her like a regular DPS and she'll probably still outheal others, lol.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Got a bit disappointed with Yae when I ran her without Zhongli in my current friendship team iteration.
Her not having iframes or interruption resistance on her (skill) dash sucks. So you either want a shield or character providing interruption res. Your options are fairly limited on the electro side of things on that front unfortunately, but Beidou actually provides both at C4.
I didn't want to consider that cause I also think Yae and Raiden make a great pair, and Beidou and Raiden do not, but then I thought again and actually if you don't overlap Beidou's Burst with Raiden's Burst it might be fine...
Then I thought about the 4th character that would best work in that team and... it might just be Qiqi.
Fast normal attacks are great for driving Beidou's Burst and that team should also give you constant super-conduct and healing too. It's also a 90/90/80/80 Burst cost team, which is the highest you can have in the game right now, so Raiden will hit her hardest in that team too.

I might actually try this out. It sounds fun. Thinking of giving Qiqi the Sacrificial Sword though, the higher cryo uptime and passive healing might be worth the (probable) DPS loss. Though maybe it actually isn't that much of a loss, since higher skill uptime also means higher clam damage.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018

Raiden/Yae/Beidou/Qiqi is surprisingly fun.
Yae only has level 7 talents and a borrowed Emblem set and Beidou has a 3rd rate unfinished Emblem set so there's room for improvement too.

The Ganyu side was pretty unimpressive though. It's a comfy team in terms of survivability but damage wise it's really not that great, especially since one of the vishaps is cryo, lol. Need to try something else.


Dec 21, 2018
I tried a similar team with Ganyu, and yeah, it struggles a lot for DPS on some content now. She really needs a reliable pyro partner, it's crazy that there still isn't any worth a damn for reactions (obviously there are strong DPS options and Bennett), but then when you think about it, if Xingqiu didn't exist, pyro would be so much worse at DPS too.

Yae I do like a lot, but her tempo is really odd, she feels weird with her giant burst coupled to two ramp up sequences before and after it... can't deny it is effective at cleaning up, but she doesn't play much at all like any other burst focused team.
She is still very incomplete, a dedicated artefact set will do her good, maybe it will make her a bit more streamlined... and possibly we'll get some more fitting chars for the electro team, it's nuts that Beidou x Ei is not a thing, that Sara is so clunky and locked behind C6... and that the reactions are still so incredibly poor for electro users.

A year and a half later, electro and hydro are still in the same spot I was worried with, piss poor resonances, massively hampered by their team design...


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Yeah Freeze-Ganyu really isn't great against bosses. I suppose I could try Melt-Ganyu with Ganyu/Zhongli/Bennett/Xiangling, but then I'm running into the issue that I don't have enough Emblem sets to support both Yae, Raiden, Beidou and Xiangling. Raiden has my best one and that is gonna stay, Yae got the 2nd-best one that Xiangling had cause I don't wanna farm something for her since she might just get her own set down the line and Beidou got a crappy 3rd rate set that I somehow managed to scrounge together but haven't fully levelled cause the pieces are really not great.
It doesn't help that artifact farming is still crap. I ran the Emblem domain for the last 3 days and I think I'm done. It's just not satisfying. I've honestly been thinking of just running leylines and level a bunch of characters to 90 instead.


Dec 21, 2018
It's Raiden day!
Didn't get her, I was nowhere close to pity. Maybe before it's 2.6.

I got Sara C2, Xinyan C4 (which I might consider for my Eula team...), a Dragon's Bane to reach R3, a Rust to refine it to R5 after having it as my very first 4* weapon since the very beginning, and a random Ningguang C3.

It's not what I wanted (yet, anyway), but nothing to complain about when you don't get a single useless dupe and actually good refines.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Good luck.
Nothing for me this banner, and from the rumors nothing for me the entire next patch either (we now Ayato is the new chars and reruns are variations af Ayaka/Yoimiya and Venti).

My next wants are the Dendro archon cause archon and maybe Yelan.
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South Sea Islander
Jul 17, 2021
Manila, Philippines
Well, look who got here sooner than expected

I'm sick :face-with-thermometer: but at least I'm lucky, it feels a bit better.
Congrats on the Raiden! Such a useful all-around character :cat-heart-blob:

Good luck.
Nothing for me this banner, and from the rumors nothing for me the entire next patch either (we now Ayato is the new chars and reruns are variations af Ayaka/Yoimiya and Venti).

My next wants are the Dendro archon cause archon and maybe Yelan.
Is Ayaka/Yoimiya reliable? :fearful-face: I was hoping that the Kazuha rumors were true, as I've wanted Kaz for a while now - used him in the various playtests and thoroughly enjoyed his play style. I could do with pulling for Venti I guess..

Otherwise, I'm in the same boat wishlist wise - Yelan or the Dendro archon. :coffee-blob:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Is Ayaka/Yoimiya reliable? :fearful-face: I was hoping that the Kazuha rumors were true, as I've wanted Kaz for a while now - used him in the various playtests and thoroughly enjoyed his play style. I could do with pulling for Venti I guess..
I don't think any of the rerun leaks are reliable, but they all seem pretty consistent in not having Kazuha. Who knows.
Really not sure if I would recommend Venti over Kazuha nowadays. I don't have Kazuha, but I'm almost never using Venti nowadays... Almost all new Inazuma mobs specifically counter him... But who knows if they walk back on that with Sumeru.
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Dec 21, 2018
I never really liked Venti, he's never been good against big targets, and we only get those nowadays with tons of downtime too, so it's even worse. Even in the Abyss with small mobs, they tend to be very spread out so his usefulness is a bit questionnable. He's good in freeze teams though.

I don't have Kazuha, but when I need some anemo, I usually go for Sucrose... she's not the best at packing things up, but her constant anemo availability is not easy to neglect when so many teams rely on reactions...

Now for banners Venti does seem very, very likely. Windblume festival + story presence... dunno what to roll for now, I have completed my wishlist of characters I want to play with... beside Itto maybe for a geo team? Not sure I love his style so much though.
Curious to see what Yelan plays like.
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No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
I still have lost every 50/50 since I started playing but I got Raiden after only like 40 pity so that's something. Having her and Zhongli now after their reruns really opens up a lot of team building for me. I'm sort of interesting in Koko for similar reasons (strong support for any team, great for others) but I'm waiting until we know what the reruns next patch are because I really really want Yoi for some reason. Also Kazoo but I don't think he opens up a new team / playstyle like Yoi does, he's just cool and fun.

I think the rumors have it that most of the Chasm mobs are Venti-able but grain of salt. They keep adding mobs to hard counter specific 5-stars so maybe they'll be weak to Venti but dunk on healing or something since Clam users are great now

The custom domain event is a lot of fun. Crazy seeing the stuff people have come up with. The bartending one is the most accurate representation of serving food to customers I've seen with the super vague yet specific orders :anguished-face:
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Dec 21, 2018
I love Yoimiya as a character, maybe my favourite in the game. I'd love her.
But her gameplay... oof. I like Xiao even less, but outside of that... and really, she fits with all the pyro characters, of which I like none to play as.
At least now I have the whole electro collection (and Keqing is C3...), I like to play most of them (except Sara).

Kokomi I never had any regrets pulling, and it seems like a lot of people ended up liking her with time too.
She's a simple character, but she just does everything her kit allows well. Great healing, good hydro application with little cooldown (even if slow - so she's not ideal for pyro reactions) and a very effective basic attack to deal with shields, powerful burst, eeextremely tanky with all her HP...
She's now my main in coop, because there are far too many dodgy-ass Benetts around, I much rather have her reliability than other potential buffs.
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South Sea Islander
Jul 17, 2021
Manila, Philippines
I don't think any of the rerun leaks are reliable, but they all seem pretty consistent in not having Kazuha. Who knows.
Really not sure if I would recommend Venti over Kazuha nowadays. I don't have Kazuha, but I'm almost never using Venti nowadays... Almost all new Inazuma mobs specifically counter him... But who knows if they walk back on that with Sumeru.
Well, the feedback from all you guys regarding Venti has me even more bummed out. :face-with-open-mouth-and-cold-sweat: Effectively, I'd just be picking Venti up to serve as a universal battery for teams with non-minmaxed artis that need an ER jolt.

Cmon MHY, give Kazuha :cryblob:

The custom domain event is a lot of fun. Crazy seeing the stuff people have come up with. The bartending one is the most accurate representation of serving food to customers I've seen with the super vague yet specific orders :anguished-face:
I personally didn't enjoy the custom domain event all that much (most of the custom levels are poorly built, and I'm not a fan of making stuff myself), but I really enjoyed the bartending minigame.

Somebody at Mihoyo really, really loved Coffee Talk.:coffee-blob:

Kokomi I never had any regrets pulling, and it seems like a lot of people ended up liking her with time too.
She's a simple character, but she just does everything her kit allows well. Great healing, good hydro application with little cooldown (even if slow - so she's not ideal for pyro reactions) and a very effective basic attack to deal with shields, powerful burst, eeextremely tanky with all her HP...
She's now my main in coop, because there are far too many dodgy-ass Benetts around, I much rather have her reliability than other potential buffs.
Same, I'm a big fan. I pulled Kokomi by accident from her OG banner (wanted to get one of the four stars on her banner after scoring Raiden, but chanced upon her at pull 30ish), regretted it at first but ended up loving her over the long term. The clam set made her so much more useful, her healing is super consistent, and her hydro application is great - just fire and forget, so much less mechanically demanding.

Her incredible amount of HP also allows her to facetank hits that you have 0% chance of dodging. Block with your faaaaace :poutblob:


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Well, the feedback from all you guys regarding Venti has me even more bummed out. :face-with-open-mouth-and-cold-sweat: Effectively, I'd just be picking Venti up to serve as a universal battery for teams with non-minmaxed artis that need an ER jolt.
To be fair my impression of Venti is mostly colored by the fact that he was my first 5* and a complete game changer in the overworld. His Burst is basically self-sufficient and just sucked in and destroyed everything, then he could let you reach higher places with his skill and the only anemo units were the Traveller and Sucrose, so he was very comfy for puzzles and stuff too.

A lot of that isn't that important anymore now that are more units in general, more units that people have and new regions bringing different enemies and puzzles.
For example, the "reach higher places easily" is now taken care of by Zhongli for me, I can just climb his pillar. I don't think there are any or many puzzles or environmental things that require Anemo in Inazuma. And I don't think there's a single Inazuma enemy that actually can get sucked in by his Burst like the Treasure Hoarders and Hilichurls did.
It still does the same damage in theory but without the vacuuming it's easy for enemies to just move out of it.
He still provides resistence shred via the VV set, element infusion in his Burst and to be fair, many events still have fodder enemies that he just destroys, so that is not too bad.

He's still fine if you want him, but he definitely went from an evergreen(heh) universal powerhouse to something a bit more situational. (Although I guess you could argue he was too strong on release and is now just "strong".)
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