Community MetaSteam | April 2020 - A Disaster Report From Raccoon City

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Apr 18, 2019
The Division 2 is... a game. Maybe it is because we skip all the sequences because we ain't up for the American prepper shit and whatever else there is but other than going from place to place, shooting people, occasional getting some loot and it being very pretty there isn't really much to it. I mean, the shooting is fine and is a good game to play to talk with or listen to podcasts but I am kinda glad I only payed 3€ for it.
Huh. My experience with TD1 is that I adore the environments, the way lore and small storytelling things aren't indicated unless you explore a bit. I know there's a perk down the line to show them all anyway, so this leads to a sort of organic exploration of New York while at the same time doing the story bits. I'm having a good time but I sure can't see myself playing it more than an hour at a time before it gets repetitive.


Dec 17, 2018
Im super looking forward to Playground Games RPG/Fable project. If FH series says anything, it will be amazing.
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I know nothing
Oct 19, 2018
I know that some people finished RE3 remake already, but I've made a quick look video about the PC version of the game for those who might still consider buying it. So far this remake really feels like a rushed sequel and I've also discovered a few major technical issues like breaking interaction scripts and textures flickering, which is never happened to me in RE2.


Dec 3, 2018
Huh. My experience with TD1 is that I adore the environments, the way lore and small storytelling things aren't indicated unless you explore a bit. I know there's a perk down the line to show them all anyway, so this leads to a sort of organic exploration of New York while at the same time doing the story bits. I'm having a good time but I sure can't see myself playing it more than an hour at a time before it gets repetitive.
Haven't played TD1 but I also skip every audiolog. It's boring and not what I am here for which is shoot and loot. Shloot you might say. Also have to say that I don't think the stuff is interesting at all. Have seen "People will be raiding without society!!!" too often to give a shit at this point. Maybe there will be more interesting stuff in the future but we didn't even notice that we were fighting another faction at some point. Everyone on their Mad Max trip saying "I will get you, fucker", "Fuck you!" or some other sentence with fuck.


Dec 17, 2018
Im very tempted to use a trainer to gett all skills in Blands 3 unlocked asap. Don't know why.
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Oct 9, 2018
I can see what people mean about Doom 64 being different to the other classic Dooms.

It's got a more muted colour palette, the sountrack is more sombre and ambient, and enemy encounters have tended to be smaller than I remember of the others.
Still really enjoyable, and the slight differences give it at least an edge of differentiation :)

EDIT: Finally got some movement on chapter 8 of Higurashi

Matsuribayashi: Out of beta!


oooooft, don't know what has happened here but Sometimes Always Monsters is sitting at Mostly Negative reviews; not many of them but still.

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Time to get Fit
Sep 19, 2018
Well Half-Life Alyx has been amazing. One of, if not the best gaming experience I've had, in large part thanks to the VR medium being so mesmerising when taken advantage of to this kind of extent. Probably going to replay it a lot, and finally dig into so many other VR games as a way to stay slightly more active than I would with normal games


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
Well, because I'm just apparently "that person" now, I just finished Half-life: Alyx and am going to offer my no doubt controversial opinion that it's... not amazing. It's actually a really tough case, because the first 1-2 hours of the game ARE amazing, and the last 1-2 hours I loved so much I kind of want to just replay them again already, but the middle ~8 (overall playtime is 12 hours) is basically a bunch of a game I didn't enjoy at all with occasional fun mixed in. Usually when I have trouble recommending a game, it's due to the overall balance or jankiness being too janky or something, but with HL:A it's because it's 2 completely different games at different points, one of which I hate.

The level design is pretty good, albeit very linear at times, and it technically does really highlight a lot of what can be done in VR to bring traditional gameplay to a new medium in a familiar-yet-different way. It just so happens that it's a survival-horror game first and foremost for 80% of the game time, which is a genre I have never enjoyed and doubt I ever will if HL:A wasn't able to get me to. The last 2 hours are exactly what I had been hoping the game would be, but it's just a glimpse, if a fantastic one.

Some of the problems I mentioned in my like half-way review earlier still bug me, like effectively losing physics interactions compared to HL2, and overall just being much shallower for most of the game than I would have expected given the very strong early impressions it gives. In addition to wishing the game was just closer to an action game like traditional HL, I wish there had been some other system (crafting? XP? Not sure) that encouraged rummaging compared to strictly ammo and resin the entire time. There wasn't even really much in the way of interesting lore / events / world building from going off the beaten path, because they probably wanted everyone to experience those.

I just straight up don't know what to rate this game, or if I'd give it thumbs up or thumbs down. The parts I liked are 9/10 or 10/10, the parts I didn't are like 4/10, but it doesn't average out because again, it just feels like I was forced to play through a game I didn't like to play the 10/10 one.

I don't know if it's worth noting I had VR headset before Alyx was even announced, and have played other games in it, so I'm not just disappointed in the investment or anything. If it had been advertised more as a horror game maybe I would have waited for a discount, or mods, or something. With full Workshop support and level building support (I think?) down the road there's no doubt I'll eventually get my $60 worth but I'm not sure I have so far.

At this point, I fully expect the next big FPS IP sequel to come out will be in first person but actually a stealth/sports game just to round out the FPS-becoming-genres-I-don't-like trend :ripblob:


The flame is it's own reflection
Dec 21, 2018
Sorry for not poasting more

My old computer had it's motherboard go out and die

Getting a wal mart computer on tuesday to use while I buy some actual computer parts stimulus check comes in. Already have my Intel i5 processor bought just need to get a few things bought.

Anyway, I think my switch will just be my animal crossing/smash brothers machine. I just have to remind myself to get a nice.

Quick 2 questions

Has anyone bought that capcom shaped hori stick with games on it


If I were to buy a server for like halo or UT2k4 would anyone be interested in it?

I've been thinking about it

Quarantine and unemployment :jj_hell:

My brains getting fucked with


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I have been playing some more CS:GO again and I feel like a god when ever I get multiple kills with the AWP in a round.

This game it's something else. I guess that there will always be a lot of people that will never get to play the game.
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No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
OK so, after finishing HL:A and looking at some guides and modding stuff, it looks like it uses
a director for resources akin to L4D
which is kind of what I thought. That's really lame to me and just highlights that it's a survival horror first above all else, but not necessarily even a "good" one.


Coffee Lover ♥☕
Feb 29, 2020
Is there any service similar to Steam Gauge which accurately states the total install size of your Steam library? Steam Gauge is missing like 320ish titles from my library and the games it does include do not appear to be completely accurate.

I want to buy a large HDD to supplement my 1TB SSD since it keeps filling up. I need to get another SSD at some point, but I would like to have a large HDD for games that do not benefit from higher speeds and/or I am not playing at the moment. I just wish I could find out a better estimate what size I need. I wish the larger 7200RPM drives were not so outrageously expensive, otherwise I would just grab an absurd size and call it a day.

Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
I have this strange bug in Destiny 2, I can't get past the intro thing, it plays fine till I have to find my ship and I go there and there is no ship and then it kicks me out to meny saying I lost connection`?


Junior Member?
Dec 21, 2018
I have been playing some more CS:GO again and I feel like a god when ever I get multiple kills with the AWP in a round.

This game it's something else. I guess that there will always be a lot of people that will never get to play the game.
Very relatable. It just feels very satisfying! But nowadays i mostly only play it when my friends are online. Really fun when you can coordinate with friends and win the game.:coffee-blob::coffee-blob:
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anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Some of the problems I mentioned in my like half-way review earlier still bug me, like effectively losing physics interactions compared to HL2, ...
they explain it its because of lack of feedback in nowadays VR devices.

“I think one of the things is the property of VR, right,” Mitchell said. “In Half-Life 2 of course, there was no expectation of force feedback. We were watching the Gravity Gun and then the physics took over and cool stuff happened, right? In Alyx if we have the player hold something large and rigid there’s a lot that’s gonna happen in a physical simulation that’s not gonna feed back into your hand.”

It’s true that sensations like weight and force are missing from current consumer VR headsets. Boneworks tried to workaround that issue by asking players to literally simulate the lifting and pushing of heavy items, acting out the motions slowly. It doesn’t sound like that was going to work for Valve.

“So basically you’re not going to have any kind of haptic feedback” Mitchell continued. “Don’t even worry about bludgeoning and impaling something; even something just as simple as tapping a tool on a desk or whatever. You don’t get the force feedback from that sort of thing. I think it’s just inherent in VR that we aren’t in the sci-fi future exoskeleton level of VR where every bit of our sensory input and output can be manipulated. So it’s not a strength of VR systems now, so we decided not to lean into it for that reason.”

... highlights that it's a survival horror first above all else, ..
At this point, I fully expect the next big FPS IP sequel to come out will be in first person but actually a stealth/sports game just to round out the FPS-becoming-genres-I-don't-like trend :ripblob:
i was under the impression this was quite obvious pretty much since the innitial reveal


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
There still are many interactions like that in Alyx though, heavy objects you need two hands to be able to move rather than just one and what not, it's just that most of the time there's no point to doing it, no necessary interactions beyond pushing one or two out of the way during the campaign. I do like they don't "lag" behind to simulate weight (for the most part) personally. I think it's a silly way to do it and don't like it in Boneworks or Saints & Sinners (which has it a bit more bearable imo and the game design underneath makes it worth going through, unlike Boneworks) or even in Blade & Sorcery (where I'd prefer it if the heavy two handed weapons were 1:1 in appearance still but you did need to make wide swing arcs and what not for strikes to be effective and penetrate enemy defenses and bodies in the same way, but without the "laggy" appearance). I also enjoy the well done interactions with physical objects, switches, levers, machinery, in this and other VR games that have way more (ie Lone Echo has a lot of stuff like that and even its locomotion system is based around pushing and pulling on the environment, physical feedback or no it's damn ace, intuitive and feels great). I wish there was more of it in Alyx, and more puzzles too, as what was there was great (except for when those crank wheels and shit like that bugged out as stuff could definitely get glitchy here and there). I already mentioned this one area I thought I had to stack objects to reach, and did, but the game didn't account for it and didn't let me through, since the right way was different. Anyway, I hope one of the first mods will be a normal jump and fixing up some obstacles that require teleportation so I can play through it all seamlessly next time. Or at least that fan missions and campaigns will take care to properly let you vault over/crawl under spaces without ever requiring teleportation, it was just weird in Alyx. And since there are only a few weapons, hopefully someone will also do a proper "attach to body slots" inventory system that will make weapons and the tool proper physically simulated objects in the game world rather than glued to your hand contraptions but that's probably too advanced for fans to implement.
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anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
. And since there are only a few weapons, hopefully someone will also get a proper "attach to body slots" inventory system that will make weapons and the tool proper physically simulated objects in the game world rather than glued to your hand contraptions but that's probably too advanced for fans to implement.
this kidna reminds me the explainer i read about why they cut crowbar :face-with-tears-of-joy:
According to Walker, the main reason that Alyx never uses a crowbar, is that the the physics of the hooked object would interfere with movement in VR, causing problems for a year and a half. Apparently, the shape of the crowbar, while helpful for puzzle designs and prying objects open, wasn't practical in VR thanks to the way that most players would hold their hands and the crowbar itself at their sides while moving. This would often lead to the crowbar getting stuck on objects while players were walking around and passing through hallways and around doors, making it far too easy to either lose the weapon or get trapped when trying to continue forward.
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Once Punched Man
Apr 22, 2019
For some reason I decided to play the first Watch_Dogs game, apparently I never completed it and forgot about its existence for a good 4 years. A few days ago I finally finished it and, honestly, I have no clue what was happening for the entire game. I mean, I understand that it's basically a revenge story, but I've never seen a revenge story this convoluted. At least Aidan had some half-assed realization about his role in the end.

On the gameplay level it was competent I guess, but imo the game would've benefited from the approach similar to Conviction, instead it was too focused on not so great stealth mechanics and crafting grenades to deal with heavys. There's also the lack of mission variety which is basically alternates between "infiltrate and hack" and "neutralise and run" for 95% of the game making protecting T-Bone, freeing sister and dealing with Default standout missions. Overall, it's not quite as bad as some people make it out to be, but it's definitely fits into the "competent but bland first entry" like AssCreed.

So, is the second game an improvement other this, or is it largely the same?


Nov 4, 2018
they explain it its because of lack of feedback in nowadays VR devices.
You know, based on that I have a rather controversial opinion to share. With those limitations in mind, maybe the Half-Life franchise wasn't the best fit for a VR game. The proximity of many encounters is such that melee combat is something that comes naturally to the player. More so because Half-Life 2 set the bar for physics interactions all those years ago. I watched the game being played through a Let's Play on YouTube and with the amount of physical objects in the environment that can be picked up I fully expected everything to be a makeshift weapon.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Started RE Revelation 2 on the 4k TV, with my 2060. No hiccups, maybe some very rare ones, but...
HW temp or whatever it’s called tells me that while playing, peak temp was 91°c.

I can’t find a graph to tell me if the peak was short or not. Not amused.

Other than that, while I really like the shitty mid budget RE episodes, far more than the AAA ones like 6, this is pretty boring, dialogs are bad and antagonist and plot haven’t their hooks in me at all. Fear, fear, the powerrrr of fearrrr... snooze.


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
they explain it its because of lack of feedback in nowadays VR devices.

“I think one of the things is the property of VR, right,” Mitchell said. “In Half-Life 2 of course, there was no expectation of force feedback. We were watching the Gravity Gun and then the physics took over and cool stuff happened, right? In Alyx if we have the player hold something large and rigid there’s a lot that’s gonna happen in a physical simulation that’s not gonna feed back into your hand.”

It’s true that sensations like weight and force are missing from current consumer VR headsets. Boneworks tried to workaround that issue by asking players to literally simulate the lifting and pushing of heavy items, acting out the motions slowly. It doesn’t sound like that was going to work for Valve.

“So basically you’re not going to have any kind of haptic feedback” Mitchell continued. “Don’t even worry about bludgeoning and impaling something; even something just as simple as tapping a tool on a desk or whatever. You don’t get the force feedback from that sort of thing. I think it’s just inherent in VR that we aren’t in the sci-fi future exoskeleton level of VR where every bit of our sensory input and output can be manipulated. So it’s not a strength of VR systems now, so we decided not to lean into it for that reason.”
Not attacking you but that is a bullshit excuse if I've ever seen one. There are any number of examples you can grab off Steam of VR games that have very satisfying melee combat, or throwing-shit-at-things combat. If they couldn't figure out how to balance it around the feeling of constantly being out of resources (because they wanted their horror game) then fine, but they shouldn't say it's some hardware-limited thing when that's proven over a year ago to not be the case. I would have been OK with it just staggering or stunning enemies briefly if you beaned them with something (which is hard enough in the first place), but as mentioned it's just a step backwards from HL2 physics engagement.

i was under the impression this was quite obvious pretty much since the innitial reveal
Perhaps due to me not watching / reading interviews about Alyx at all, only the couple of teasers / trailers they showed, but everything I saw suggested a VR action game in the spirit of Half-life. One of the highlights was them showing you manipulating levers and messing with wire puzzles while covering yourself from Combine. The tags on the store are STILL Action and Adventure first which just isn't accurate. And if it were advertised as Horror then the people that get it for that would be put off by the last 2 chapters which actually are so classically Action heavy I would think.

There's no getting away from the fact it's just not a cleanly cohesive game. It's part tech demo, part spin-off-totally-different-genre, part actually Half-life in VR. I personally wish that middle part wasn't there. Actually I would have liked the game a lot more if it were ~6 hours shorter with a bunch of that cut out. I also don't think it's a good look to use a system designed for creating tension in a multiplayer co-op survival horror game in a single player "action" game, in a genre very very well established to use hand crafted resource design (action, not horror).

The quibbles I have about empty physics and a shallow game would be truly minor if we got a whole game like those last chapters. But since the game is so slow and constantly trying to get you to look at it and play with it (when you actually can't), they stand out a lot. The game has some truly great, shining moments, and it's going to be a ton of people's first experiences in VR and the polish will maybe bring up expectations for other VR titles, but I'm just presented with something that is, overall, not what I wanted or expected (based on what I saw from them), and generally a disappointment. The only thing I can think of it does better than other VR titles I've played is be a more polished traditional single player story experience than we've seen in VR, and other VR things it does the same or worse (or is just worse than HL2).

For a title that was supposed to revolutionize VR, I don't see anything of the sort. I actually think when this gets modded to be "flat" it don't be especially different and that will highlight how shallow the VR elements are. It's all about the immersion but for me the immersion spell wore off very early, either because I've played other VR games or because I remember HL2 so much and this is so far away from that. The game won't be as fun to play outside of VR but that's because there isn't as much game there as the illusion makes it seem like.

You know, based on that I have a rather controversial opinion to share. With those limitations in mind, maybe the Half-Life franchise wasn't the best fit for a VR game. The proximity of many encounters is such that melee combat is something that comes naturally to the player. More so because Half-Life 2 set the bar for physics interactions all those years ago. I watched the game being played through a Let's Play on YouTube and with the amount of physical objects in the environment that can be picked up I fully expected everything to be a makeshift weapon.
Those aren't actual limitations, as I mention in my post. But I agree with you, if they felt they couldn't (or didn't want to) solve them like other devs have, maybe they shouldn't have made this the game they made it to be.

I love Half-life series and the world they've built and I want to see more of it and I absolutely want to have the story progressed (supposedly it was never intended to be completely finished, just each era ended and a new one set up), so this does do that and the like hour or two of story and world building here is wonderful, it's just not a very good Half-life game for the majority of it's playtime.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I have to say Remember Me is quite a bold and daring game.
During the time where the linear 3D Action Adventure with climbing sections was the AAA formula, they instead opted to create a game that is just one long constant boss fight. Split into many different phases, but the enemy is always the same. The camera.


Apr 17, 2019
Started RE Revelation 2 on the 4k TV, with my 2060. No hiccups, maybe some very rare ones, but...
HW temp or whatever it’s called tells me that while playing, peak temp was 91°c.

I can’t find a graph to tell me if the peak was short or not. Not amused.

Other than that, while I really like the shitty mid budget RE episodes, far more than the AAA ones like 6, this is pretty boring, dialogs are bad and antagonist and plot haven’t their hooks in me at all. Fear, fear, the powerrrr of fearrrr... snooze.
Yeah Resi Rev 2 is a pretty dull game all around 😕
Can't agree there. It's one of my favorite games in the franchise. It was a huge step up from 5, 6 and Rev1 in terms of enemy design, atmosphere, main villain and going back to a more focused survival horror experience. It also doesn't take itself too seriously (unlike those other games) finding just the right balance between cheese and being serious, Barry got some legendary one-liners in this game and the end of the final boss fight is just epic. Also, Moira is the most interesting side character the franchise has introduced in ages.
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Question everything, learn nothing
Sep 17, 2019
DIdn't hate Revelations 2 but man was that game boring, get that bad writing and Scarecrow-wannabe villain out of here :rolleyes:


Dec 17, 2018
I watched the game being played through a Let's Play on YouTube and with the amount of physical objects in the environment that can be picked up I fully expected everything to be a makeshift weapon.
I think that's a problem. If you were actually playing the game, there are very few moments where you think "Oh shit, need to do melee now".

Also, I have not played a single VR game that had melee combat where I liked the melee combat.
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Oct 30, 2018
There is something which has been bugging me about the physics in HLA: if you throw an object, how do you control the trajectory?

For instance, at the start, you can throw stuff at a cat or at a bird, and it seems that the object connects every time, which I find weird because it is not straightforward to perform such an action in real-life, and it should be even more difficult in a VR game, especially at the start when you are not used to the game physics.

My guess is that objects are magnetized, a bit like they are when you try to take an object and it automatically goes into your hand in the perfect position.

Is that correct? Is there some target-guided aim assistance? Can you try to throw the object deliberately a tiny bit off and it still connects with the target?


Nov 4, 2018
I think that's a problem. If you were actually playing the game, there are very few moments where you think "Oh shit, need to do melee now".

Also, I have not played a single VR game that had melee combat where I liked the melee combat.
I can imagine that being the case. That said, Half-Life and using various objects as weapons have been synonymous ever since 2004. Jeff Gerstmann found it jarring that he couldn't use a pipe to bash a headcrab with and I can't blame him.
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Dec 17, 2018
I can imagine that being the case. That said, Half-Life and using various objects as weapons have been synonymous ever since 2004. Jeff Gerstmann found it jarring that he couldn't use a pipe to bash a headcrab with and I can't blame him.
I do think HL3 will have melee combat as Robin at Valve (game designer) has said there are so many things they wanna do and toy with in VR, like melee combat.

Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
One thing about objects in HL:A that i find a bit disappointing (as in all VR games) is that they have no weight to them. Everything feels like its made of air. I know thats an inherent problem with VR in general as how do you give weight to something that isnt actually there but i still find it jarring when i go to pick up a barrel and it just wafts out the way.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
It was a huge step up from 5, 6
That's not a high bar :so-good-blob:

One thing about objects in HL:A that i find a bit disappointing (as in all VR games) is that they have no weight to them. Everything feels like its made of air. I know thats an inherent problem with VR in general as how do you give weight to something that isnt actually there but i still find it jarring when i go to pick up a barrel and it just wafts out the way.
Maybe slow the animations of the hands ? Uh, no that's idiotic in VR.

Swery now fairly officially confirmed that DP2 is ALSO a sequel to D4
I should play DP, but the most scary thing about the game is the PCGaminWiki page.
I don't want to skip some activities in the hope that the game doesn't game break on me.
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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
One thing about objects in HL:A that i find a bit disappointing (as in all VR games) is that they have no weight to them. Everything feels like its made of air. I know thats an inherent problem with VR in general as how do you give weight to something that isnt actually there but i still find it jarring when i go to pick up a barrel and it just wafts out the way.
I feel like this is one of the things HL:A actually did better than many other VR games. They have several larger objects where you need to use both hands to move them, which gives them more of a sense of weight.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Swery now fairly officially confirmed that DP2 is ALSO a sequel to D4

Sweet, I guess I will have to wait between 8 and 12 months to get it on PC but still COOL!!!!
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
How is DP switch version ? Has the bad performance been patched ? Is playing it also like throwing a handful of dice game breaking wise ?
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