Community MetaSteam | April 2021 - So NieR Yet So FAR

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Dec 22, 2018
Inquistor Ales new video is up

It's been over decade and thanks to your video, Ales, I finally find out that Captain Blood wasn't actually cancelled, it was just left to rot. I had always wondered what happened to it. Man, during and just after university, I really was looking forward to this game. I was just learning about the CIS/Russian dev scene at the time and this looked look like a real gem among the titles being touted. Hopefully 1C can drag its corpse out at some point, as I'd really love to play a completed version of it, no remaster of graphics either, give me that 360-era look and i'd be happy.


No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
I read the discussion between the 2, its some werid stuff, Raphael van Lierop is talking about the present and Kevin Hovdestad is talking about a potential far away future. Doesn't look like the second person knows much about what his talking, and is just hopeful that he will be able to get more money sometime in the future, where the first person knows they shit because they already gone through selling a successful game.
The second person, as always, ignores the most important group: the customers. Customers mostly don't care about what devs and pubs have to pay. Sure, it is "good etiquette" to pretend to care about the little guys and the most important thing is to care about the working conditions of the individual worker.
BUT! the last years has shown us that most devs and especially pubs don't care about US, that they are entitled twits, and just see us as money bags that they can milk.

If your company or project is failing, rarely would it have been saved if you just had a few percent more money.

If you only sell 100 copies, the few dollars don't make a difference.
If you sold 1 million copies, a fire-sale would make you more money than a lower cut.

Many people claim that Microsoft's move is a game-changer or something hyperbole like that. It's not. They barely sell any third-party copies on the MS Store.
It would be a game-changer if they made it XBOX-wide. It would be a declaration of war against Sony, Nintendo, and Steam.
THAT move could have wide-ranging effects on Console and PC gaming, Third parties could delay games on PC and maybe even Console (depends on console sell-through, really)


✵ Chaos! ✵
Mar 26, 2020
I don't believe this game has been mentioned here before, and if not, check out Super Magbot! The game revolves around using a magnet to move about. There isn't jump mechanic in the game. A demo is currently available on Steam. Clean pixel art style, good stage ost, and overall a fun game! This is something I'm definitely looking forward to seeing speedrunners destroy. The repulsion and attraction mechanic did mess with my brain a bit but got used to it after a while. The demo ends in a cute and funny way, but there are also bonus stages available that are tough and you have a 15-minute time limit to get through them.

Anyway, I'm totally trash at this game, but I challenge the folks at Meta to beat my stage 1 time. :p Also giving you an excuse to check the game out. :p



Jan 20, 2019
Clifton, New Jersey

Wolfire Games, the developer of Overgrowth and Receiver, has filed an antitrust lawsuit against Valve, alleging that it uses its dominance over the PC gaming market through Steam to suppress competition while it extracts "an extraordinarily high cut from nearly every sale that passes through its store."
I don't really think they have a case.


Dec 20, 2018
Friend and i talk about store cuts every few months and my stance is always the same i don't know what is right percentage because i don't have access to Valve, Sony, Epic... books. So far i only know that 30% can go down and that 12% is too low. One other thing i know is that most indie devs really are not good at running business and that many of them look how to change things to benefit them ignoring customers and on top of that they expect customers to care about them first then about them selves. And until i see developers complain about console manufacturers where they get way worse treatment (unless they are big indie dev or already success on PC) and where they need to lower price of their games to 1$ (eShop) to even get noticed they lose every argument they have against the Steam.


Mar 12, 2019
Arcana Heart 3 LOVEMAX SISTARS!!! got updated to XTEND.
The two kickstarted DLC characters are available to purchase and free to backers

The free update includes widescreen mode and two new stages.

Koihime Enbu also got new DLC a few days ago

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👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018
What's this Kevin dude talking about? Consumer spending on EGS and GP aren't even close to Steam. Not by a long shot.
That Steam has to react when EGS/GP reaches Steam. (so after Steam has lost it's advantage of being biggest).

He's not speaking of current state.

Personally I think that's still big IF too. Especially EGS, they don't have anything but free games as a differentiator. Microsoft has gamepass.


Nov 4, 2018
I read the complaint, these are the main claims that Wolfire makes:

1. Valve abuses its dominant place in the market to charge exorbitant fees.
2. Valve forces game makers to sell their games through the Steam store by tying it to the Steam platform.
3. By forcing game makers to make the game available on Steam if they want to use the Steam platform, Valve funnels them to the Steam store where they collect 30%.
4. That 30% cut leads to less innovation and increased prices.
5. Valve dedicates minimal resources to Steam's development.
6. Valve enforces price parity for Steam keys.
7. Valve has the right to not sell a game if the game maker consistently discounts it more on other platforms.
8. The only way to avoid Valve's anticompetitive practices is to leave Steam but even huge publishers like EA have tried and failed.
9. Valve has the power to control prices or exclude competition in the PC market.


Jun 11, 2019
I read the complaint, these are the main claims that Wolfire makes:

1. Valve abuses its dominant place in the market to charge exorbitant fees.
2. Valve forces game makers to sell their games through the Steam store by tying it to the Steam platform.
3. By forcing game makers to make the game available on Steam if they want to use the Steam platform, Valve funnels them to the Steam store where they collect 30%.
4. That 30% cut leads to less innovation and increased prices.
5. Valve dedicates minimal resources to Steam's development.
6. Valve enforces price parity for Steam keys.
7. Valve has the right to not sell a game if the game maker consistently discounts it more on other platforms.
8. The only way to avoid Valve's anticompetitive practices is to leave Steam but even huge publishers like EA have tried and failed.
9. Valve has the power to control prices or exclude competition in the PC market.
This reads like a Tim tweet
Dec 5, 2018
I feel like every few months this discussion (the cut) is engaged again.
But there are a few aspects that interest me:
  • What would happen with third party stores (GMG, Fanatical and the like) when they can't justify their current business model.
  • What happens once you drop payment options in certain areas, how much market do you lose ?
  • Can a new player, that is not a big company the size of Amazon (who actually tried) or Google enter a market with such a low margin ?
I'm mostly interested in the numbers, but even then it's not something we'd see in the short term.


Dec 17, 2018
Got confirmation that my PS5 went through so I should get it next week.

Now Im curious how this will affect my time with Village. Despite my interest in Demons Souls and Returnal, Im more excited for Village. Well, still not sure if Im getting Returnal. Only game Im know for sure Im getting is Demon's Souls. The rest is up to my interest, mood and time.
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Jun 8, 2020
It seems like Marvel's Avengers got a base price drop in most regions.
I guess this means it could come sooner to Humble Choice among other thoughts I have regarding this change.



Nov 2, 2018
Yet another Atelier Mysterious trilogy post, I ended getting the trilogy, some users were claiming that Firis DX and Lydie & Suelle DX are also downgraded but not to the same extend as Sophie, but they weren't posting any good comparisons for that, so I wanted to see it for myself. <-<;;

- Sophie DX is as we already seen, pretty much several world details and shadows are missing.
Original PC -

KT says they're working on a patch and are aiming to release it on mid May.

- Firis DX is a massive improvement over the original on PC, the only graphics issue that I've seen is a pretty minor one, the implementation of SSAO is pretty bad and causes issues on the ground.

Issues caused by SSAO, left is on, right is off -

Comparisons between the original Firis on PC and the DX version:
Original PC -
Original PC -

- Lydie & Suelle DX isn't much different than the original in screenshots, but the DX version looks better than the original in motion, the ambient occlusion was really awful in the original in motion, which is fixed in the DX version.
The only graphics issue I saw was the sailsboat bug, which I've already posted before.

Original PC -

When comparing the 3 PC DX versions to the PS4/PS5 DX versions:
  • Sophie DX PS4/PS5 has the same missing world details issues that the PC version has.
  • Lydie & Suelle DX has stronger ambient occlusion or additional shadows on the characters (not sure which, or maybe both) in the PS4/PS5 version, and it has a few bits of additional vegetation in the areas that the PC version doesn't have.
  • Firis DX also has stronger ambient occlusion on the characters, but no idea about the vegetation, I've only seen PS5 footage from the initial cave town.
EDIT: Managed to find PS5 footage from the outside of the initial cave town, and... it's the opposite of Lydie/Suelle DX, if I'm seeing this right, the PC version has more vegetation than the PS5 version. xD
I'll try to take a better look later tonight, I'm also gonna try to check out how reshade's MXAO looks when compared to the in-game SSAO.
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More Yellow 🤷‍♂️
Dec 31, 2018
Just finished Portal Reloaded, amazing concept and execution, but I'm pretty sure I completed some tests not in the intended way tho', continuing the trend of my old age holding me down, my brain failed me some times and took me way too long to figure out what to do sometimes, overall, I liked it very much.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019

I think this is the guide i used to lock 60fps and hide the mouse. It looks familiar even down to the ms paint mouse writing on the images.
Like i said, disabling Steam Input in Steam and setting max frames to 60 for Replicant in Nvidia Control Panel was all i needed to do but i pulled down SpecialK for the mouse cursor hide feature.

I am using an 8BitDo SN30Pro+ controller and it's wired so i may not have had the controller issue in the first place but apparently that's sorted automatically by SpecialK for DS4 controllers but i didn't notice any difference. so i didn't change any other SpecialK settings than the ones i listed above..
Nier Update -

Installed Special K with the last dll available on the Discord and followed this guide.
No dice. The drop seemed to not happen... until it happened.

Checked performance mode that I somehow missed when setting up the game.
No dice. The drop seemed to not happen... until it happened.

Deactivated Dual Shock option in Special K.
...still haven't dropped !

So, let's hope ! :thinking-blob:


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Li Kao WooHoo! I have my fingers crossed for you!
I would set "Performance Mode" back to Off in Replicant once you've given things a good check and you are pretty sure the drop is solved by Deactivating Dual shock in SpecialK.
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Apr 18, 2019
The second person, as always, ignores the most important group: the customers. Customers mostly don't care about what devs and pubs have to pay. Sure, it is "good etiquette" to pretend to care about the little guys and the most important thing is to care about the working conditions of the individual worker.
BUT! the last years has shown us that most devs and especially pubs don't care about US, that they are entitled twits, and just see us as money bags that they can milk.
I whole-heartedly agree with you given the sheer volume of heel-face turns by indie darlings to get onto the EGS. I would add that they also don't really care about the wider platform and ecosystem, if that word means anything. The PC is open and has thrived because of it. Valve has also behaved in ways that clearly demonstrate a will to improve, if not across the board (looking at you, paid mods and 70% Dota asset cut). But these guys taking moneyhats? They could burn the PC market down and cripple its openness by enabling monopolistic practices and they wouldn't look twice.

That's my beef with them, on top of them attempting to establish an unhealthy and abusive relationship with users by asking them to forgo their own needs.
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Junior Member
Feb 15, 2021
I was going through the lawsuit and for that complaint their source seems to be Tim Sweeny's tweet which mentions Steam have price veto power. This is also mentioned in the other lawsuit earlier this year as the "Most Favoured Nations" provision but it looks like the complaint holds no water as noted in this write-up. Is Steam really conspiring to price fix?

I'm not sure why they're using Tim's tweet as source of information when they can use the Steam Distribution Agreement. Of course further in the thread Tim does backtrack a little bit so not exactly a reliable source of information. Shoutout to CommodoreKong for calling him out.



Dec 6, 2018
I was going through the lawsuit and for that complaint their source seems to be Tim Sweeny's tweet which mentions Steam have price veto power. This is also mentioned in the other lawsuit earlier this year as the "Most Favoured Nations" provision but it looks like the complaint holds no water as noted in this write-up. Is Steam really conspiring to price fix?

I'm not sure why they're using Tim's tweet as source of information when they can use the Steam Distribution Agreement. Of course further in the thread Tim does backtrack a little bit so not exactly a reliable source of information. Shoutout to CommodoreKong for calling him out.
Imagine having a lawsuit hang on that twats twitter message.
A most likely outright lie, or at best a half truth on Twitter to try and further a cause is something that nobody would ever do because it would just rile up the stupid to make outrage noises and grunts to each other. Nobody would want that would they?


Apr 18, 2019
Schreier calling Cyberpunk a flop is a little... I don't know, am I the only feeling like he's pushing an idea that doesn't seem matched by the sales the game got?

That being said, CDPR's behavior with regards to bonus is disgusting. Typical 0.1% behavior.


Apr 19, 2019

Bloody hell. I'd The devs have to work several lifetimes to see a fraction of that money. Meanwhile people at the top make shit decisions and reward themselves for it.
I'm too old and jaded at this point in my life but what's newsworthy here? Admins and chairmen getting stupidly high bonuses? The people down the ladder getting only a fraction of the ones at the top get?


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
I'm too old and jaded at this point in my life but what's newsworthy here? Admins and chairmen getting stupidly high bonuses? The people down the ladder getting only a fraction of the ones at the top get?
Bad practices in the industry should be called out. It's especially galling after reports of crunch/mismanagement and the poor state that the game launched in.
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