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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Hmmm, i can't remember the last film i saw at the cinema... maybe Rogue One? I must have seen another film since then but it escapes me. We only have big multiplexes here these days and they're expensive and i don't really find the cinema experience that special any more tbh.


Plays too many card games
Nov 18, 2018
I enjoy the cinema "experience" every so often. Its not good for serious movies though sadly since most movie goers either can't STFU or sit still and quiet for 2+ hours. Its great for big explosion fests that don't require any thinking though. Or movies with lots of car chases since loud cars sound better in the theater than my little home setup.

But for art type movies or serious drama, always a home beats a crowd.


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
I love going to the cinema. Outdoor cinemas are always great fun, especially with friends. Japanese Film Festival during the summer was something I always look forward to. Blade Runner/Blade Runner 2049 on IMAX was an experience. We don't have enough anime screenings where I live, but I was able to watch Eva rebuild premiere, Kimi no Na wa and so on without having to drive/fly to other capital cities.

And then COVID comes and changes everything.

I don't know when I can feel confident enough to go to the cinemas again, but I miss it dearly.


Oct 24, 2018
I think I miss going to the pub with friends for beer and food before the movie more than I miss the theater experience itself. There are some movies that I feel are definitely better experienced in theaters, though. I can't imagine watching Avengers Endgame at home would've been the same. I usually get annoyed by loud people but that was one instance where people cheering added to the fun of the experience. I also really want to see Dune in a theater. We should have a vaccine passport system up and running here by then so hopefully I'll feel safe enough to go.

Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
I agree with the sentiments as others has said, that Avangers Endgame was something else watching it in the cinema. I watched it in one of the biggest cinemas here in Paris and it was first showing of the opening day and it was packed and the energy was so intense. I have never felt such joyful movie experience.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Looks like we'll see how essential he is to the Yakuza IP. I don't really know the team behind it these days but i'm sure they've got ideas ready to go for the next few games at least which will buy them a couple of years.
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Yakuza will be alright. He was like a Miyamoto for the series, he didn't work very hands on in the games but had more like a supervisor role. Plus I'm sure Sega was getting tired of his weird ass business decisions.


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
I had to actually check Wikipedia to see the list of games developed/published by NetEase. I have to wonder what Nagoshi will be working on if the deal actually goes ahead. Because to have him working on a mobage is an insult to his talents, imo.
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
I had to actually check Wikipedia to see the list of games developed/published by NetEase. I have to wonder what Nagoshi will be working on if the deal actually goes ahead. Because to have him working on a mobage is an insult to his talents, imo.
NetEase is investing in Japan to produce console games.

Also, the man green lighted a fucking awful Sakura Wars mobile game sooooooooooo


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Reading the article, yeah NetEase and Tencent are being restricted in China because the government are cracking down on what is seen as gambling for kids so gacha, mtx etc. Tencent and Netease going to countries that are more lenient so they can keep the profits up.

AAA/AA with MTX flowing like a river the cynic in me thinks.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018

Nagoshi: Yakuza will have turn-based combat down the road
Also Nagoshi: Actually, I like money so bye SEGA
As long as their games come to Steam I don't give a shit where they go, it's funny because now SEGA will need to adapt their internal strategy with this departure, I don't know, Sega, perhaps it is a good time to consider that multiplatform support now. lol


Nov 4, 2018
I agree with the sentiments as others has said, that Avangers Endgame was something else watching it in the cinema. I watched it in one of the biggest cinemas here in Paris and it was first showing of the opening day and it was packed and the energy was so intense. I have never felt such joyful movie experience.
Event movies like Endgame are indeed super fun to watch at a movie theater with a crowd. Everything else, well, no disrespect to cinema auteurs like Villenueve and Scorsese but I am perfectly fine with watching their movies at home. In fact I prefer it.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I don't know, Sega, perhaps it is a good time to consider that multiplatform support now. lol
Don't worry, they'll reaffirm their committment for the 20th time. Maybe this time, now that they're done with the Yakuza games, we'll see some results. (And perhaps they start porting Yakuza to the Switch as well now).
I think the only recent-ish SEGA games left would be the Judgement series and Sakura Wars and I think neither of those are happening, so perhaps they can dip into Atlus and Vanillaware stuff now.


Dec 20, 2018
Unless you have sh*t ton of money you can't replicate audio experience from cinema (at least from cinemas where sound is done right). That is why I love going to cinema. Watching Interstellar in cinema and at home on just TV or sound bar is not same experience.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
I think the only recent-ish SEGA games left would be the Judgement series and Sakura Wars and I think neither of those are happening, so perhaps they can dip into Atlus and Vanillaware stuff now.
That is correct, Judgment and Sakura Wars are the only ones left.

God, I hope Atlus and Vanillaware saves us.


Dec 10, 2018
I tend to watch big event films at the Cinema. Your marvel, SF and fantasy type stuff.

I did enjoy Godzilla vs Kong at home though

however I hate watching horror films in a cinema, hell I hate watching horror films with friends. Unless it is a horror comedy I prefer the solo experience for horror movies. Hell I tend not to play any of the co-op horror games.

I'd like to think I could manage even longer than that lol. They had a rough start, especially on PC, with Ys VIII but they've come a long way since. I've come to realize that as long as a localization isn't egregiously bad, I'm probably not going to be able to tell the difference between a fantastic one and one that's merely good. So that's no longer something I concern myself with. I haven't touched any of their Trails releases yet (been waiting for Crossbell before playing CSIII) but the redone loc for Ys VIII and more recently the Ys IX loc were both good enough for me.

That leaves only the quality of the port and that's obviously not going to be an issue as long as they keep hiring PH3.
I tend to be ok with not perfect translations. My earliest experiences of translated games where back in the SNES days where they appeared to have the translation pass through several languages before hitting the final translation.

as long as it isn’t Working Designs level of meme filled jokes which ended up dating some of there games shortly after release. Then usually I am good. Unfortunately Falcom games getting Xseed levels of translation care seem to be long gone.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
That is correct, Judgment and Sakura Wars are the only ones left.

God, I hope Atlus and Vanillaware saves us.
They should have really done a simultaneous multiplatform release for Sakura Wars. Feels like that "soft reboot" happened and the franchise is already dead again. I think I would have enjoyed that game :/


Jun 9, 2019
One of the last movies I saw in at the cinema was Blade Runner 2049. There is absolutely no way anyone's home theatre setup can match the audiovisual experience of watching it on a big screen at the cinema. No way. On the other hand, due to the slow nature of the movie, a ton of people watching were clearly bored and on their phones or just talking to each other, and that diminished the overall movie experience significantly. For someone like me, there are very few movies where the crowd being noisy wouldn't be a detriment. So I would generally lean towards watching stuff at home.

The idea of going to a cinema right now horrifies me anyway. I do not know when I'll muster up the courage to go back. I'm not fully vaccinated yet, but even if I was, I don't think there is any way to ensure that the hundred other people around you will be. And the cinema business has suffered so badly in the last year and a half that I doubt they will enforce vaccination requirements to let people in. It's pretty sad but I think this might be the end of cinemas for me.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
They should have really done a simultaneous multiplatform release for Sakura Wars. Feels like that "soft reboot" happened and the franchise is already dead again. I think I would have enjoyed that game :/
I haven't discarded a late PC port yet, it might happen at random but yeah, nothing assures said port at this moment which sucks big time.
To be fair, I still hope them to announce some sort of line-up. :crying-face:
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Jun 3, 2020
I think the Sakura Wars dream is dead:crying-face:

The Japanese sales of the reboot leveled with Sakura Wars V. Somehow SEGA was not happy because they had a high expectation to it, which is imo unrealistic because (1) it is a reboot after 14 years, most fans have reasonably moved on and (2) they only released it on PS4. The game also performed really bad in the west and did not rank on any best seller charts. A few months ago the mobile gacha was also killed. Honestly the future of Sakura Wars is dimmer than a corridor in a Dark Souls game.

I try to say this in a lighthearted way but it does not work. I am saddened by how SEGA mismanaged the reboot.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
So I looked this up and hang on. Some idiots announced a fan translation for a game already getting localized and people are upset that NISA sent them a C&D? Lmao what the hell did they expect?

And I have no sympathy whatsoever for the "iT's TaKiNg ToO lOnG!!!11" argument. We're getting FOUR Trails games in the next couple of years. If that's not good enough for you, have you considered that maybe, just maybe, you're an entitled fucking baby?

This notion that being behind on the Japanese releases is somehow going to tank the series in the West is so fucking ridiculous, too. We've always been behind and it's been doing just fine. It's never going to reach Persona levels of popularity regardless of the release schedule lol.

And even if the localizations were somehow able to catch up, they'd just fall behind again immediately because Falcom puts these out pretty quickly and (unless this has changed) won't let their partners touch the games until they're already out in Japan.
I personally don't really understand the part of the fanbase that is rushing to play the games with bad or machine translations just so that they can play them immediately? Like, why do you even play the series at all then? It's not like the graphics or gameplay are incedibly outstanding. I'd think people like these games mainly for the story and characters and worldbuilding and stuf, so I'm honestly struggling to understand why people are willing to experience that in a half-assed way just so that they can experience it now.
A game can only be experienced for the first time once.
Oh well.
I think it's a good think that NISA just nipped it in the bud this early.

Slowly playing through Hajimari in Japanese. Its a bit of a challenge, and im focusing on the main content because I’d rather wait for the english release before I do a thorough playthrough, but im enjoying it enough to tide me over until 2023. I haven’t played a game entirely in JP since Ys VIII so it definitely takes some getting use to lol

also Falcom fans go 10 seconds without complaining about NISA challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
I've been very annoyed with them when they "poached" Ys VIII from Xseed and it was a complete dumpster fire, and then they nabbed Trails afterwards.
Don't really mind much nowadays, they've turned it around in my opinion. A lot of the people that made Xseed what they were already left the company as well anyway. And I also lost a lot of goodwill towards them when Hatsuu left and they stopped crediting her work on the Cold Steel games and their asinine crediting policy came out, and there's probably a bunch of other stuff that happened that I can't recall off the top of my head.
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Sep 20, 2018
I personally don't really understand the part of the fanbase that is rushing to play the games with bad or machine translations just so that they can play them immediately? Like, why do you even play the series at all then? It's not like the graphics or gameplay are incedibly outstanding. I'd think people like these games mainly for the story and characters and worldbuilding and stuf, so I'm honestly struggling to understand why people are willing to experience that in a half-assed way just so that they can experience it now.
A game can only be experienced for the first time once.
Oh well.
I think it's a good think that NISA just nipped it in the bud this early.
I have never understood the type of Trails fans that is fine with shitty machine translation or unedited translations even, saying it's "enough" to understand what's going on. Either it's a very extreme FOMO, or a very childish lack of patience, like needing to play it here and now, regardless of the lack of quality.
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Rogue Agent

Takes too damn long to finish games
Apr 4, 2019
Imo, the biggest mistake of Nagoshi is that he treats Switch as a kiddy console, sharing the same bold sentiment of console warriors on internet forums. What a legend.
This is kind of why I wouldn't mind if he was gone from a high position in SEGA. Hopefully we'd see more SEGA series on Switch too.
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Nov 4, 2018
You've seen 1 marvel movie you've seen them all tbh. Months in advance from the movie release, I wrote a bullet point script of what was going to happen as part of a joke in my friends group and got right about 90% of the plot.
You didn't lose much.
You can say the same thing for 95% of movies out there. Most of them follow very specific beats.


Sleeper must awaken
Dec 9, 2018

Probably get round to playing it neat year
Weirdly enough I just installed AC Origins to replay in New Game+ mode, i love these games. (Although I haven't bought any of the Valhalla DLC).
Odyssey was very good I thought, just way bigger than it needed to be, very daunting especially with all the dlc. Best of the new trilogy will always be Origins for me though.
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Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
Refunded It Takes Two because it gives my partner motion sickness. Shame as it seemed a fairly decent coop game. There are only a few games she can play without getting sick, first person games are right out. She tried 30mins of Edith Finch and then had to go lie down for an hour. Anyone know ways to combat this sort of stuff? We'd like to play games together but most of them seem to give her issues. Funnily enough she's ok with VR games.
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