I bought
Treasure Adventure World... and I got a refund.
I don't think it plays particularly well... and it's one of the ugliest games I've ever seen. The old ass free version was pixelated, but charming. This one looks like a low budget flash game. Ironic...
Alwa's Awakening. Also got a refund.
It's not bad it's just... a bit old, which I wouldn't mind if you were not sooo slow.
I just can't deal with old timey sensibilities when you have some games like
Odallus The Dark Call which just play a lot smoother... now that was a pretty good game.
Maybe I'll try
Zwei 1... this sale sucked a lot for me. And I also realize that I absolute cannot play slow ass games anymore. That and cutscenes that I can't fast forward.
Oddly enough, there are more and more "slow" game types like turn based RPGs that adopt faster options, but more action oriented ones tend to be lacking... a faster movement speed is certainly more influential on the gameplay in those cases, but snialing my way through games, I just can't anymore. Hey at least we can chat! But I'd rather not and get "my" accessibility options. Let me go fast please.