I like giant games, so that's fine for me, my biggest issue with "open-world" games is usually traversal.
Some games just have these huge open world maps and then they bog down traversal in a lot of different ways so and in the end moving from point A to point B feels terrible and you just wish everything in the map had fasttravel.
Every time you get a terrible map that tells you where you wanna go but you can hardly see how, fall damage from the smallest slope that nearly kills you, characters that can't climb anything and devs that put impossible to climb rock formations everywhere, and to top it all off a vehicle / horse that due to a combination of simulated inertia and terrible controls feels like steering a jumbo jet and makes walking/running faster anyway.
So traversal just end up being a chore.
I reached my highest point of disgust with Witcher 3, I just kept running around because using Roach was so shit.
The only games in recent memory that were fine were Cold Steel series, the bikes were meh, but the horses just increased your speed and dsidn't feel like a chore to use, but those are not open world games anyway.
WoW and Lost Ark and some mmo in general with their mounts may not be realistic (a horse popping up from under your ass) but the good thing is the horse only increases the movement speed and it controls 100% like the character so it is practical and efficient.
It would be cool to have vehicles that were in the middle between those extremes (as you'll never get the options of turning off all the "realism"), but the best I'll hope for is an option to disable fall damage before I inevitably have to resort to using Cheat Engine for that