What's the deal with FF7 Rebirth being on two discs? What does it really mean? Bigger game? Larger world? More to play?
It just means it's more than 100gb which isn't a surprise considering part 1 was 90-100gb too. People are going wild thinking it automatically means it's 200gb...err no, it's anywhere from 110-200 most likely. A lot of games are like that now but most pubs are too cheap to pay for a 2nd disc so they will mandate a download to finish installing the rest of the game. Since this is from a japanese company who still operate in the old ways they're likely hesitant to ship anything requiring a download still, hence the 2nd disc. But it was kind of a genius marketing move to highlight 2 discs yesterday. For some reason that has a weird nostalgic effect on people from what I'm seeing lol.
However the game is expected to be pretty damn beefy. It needs to be to finish this up in the 3 parts they're planning. We have confirmation from the trailer that it at least goes up to cosmo canyon so that's kalm, chocobo ranch, mithril caves, junon (I'm assuming they're skipping fort condor for now), costa del sol, the mountain pass, corel, gold saucer, the prison, gongaga and then cosmo canyon. That's honestly already the majority of the game's locations and they were essentially confirmed yesterday, and they will probably go even further than that. I'm expecting this game to be upwards of 100 hours in content if you go the full completionist route but the story itself will probably be 50+ just to cover all the stuff they need to cover.
They've been working on part 2 since 2019 before part 1 came out and considering the core systems of the game are already in place that's gonna be roughly 5 years of doing nothing but churning out content and improving the systems that were already there. Switching to unreal engine for this project was a brilliant idea and it has helped smooth their historically messy development process into a finely honed project. Last year nomura said he's already working on part 3 too.