Community MetaSteam | March 2019 - The Core Values of One-Handed Fighting

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Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
You sure?

Removed AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGiftingfalse

So.... they removed the 'false' flag so it should be allowed?

Someone go over to ERA and ask JaseC.
Hmmm, I'm not sure anymore.
Im exclusive to Epic Meta, so I can't ask :p
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Deleted member 113

I thought Valve was going to crack down on developers abusing the release date info, to continuously appear in the "upcoming" tab.

Operencia: The Stolen Sun is only coming out on Steam in 2020, yet it has been near the top of the "Popular Upcoming" tab on Steam for weeks now.
And no, I don't have the game on my wishlist.

It's very likely that this developer is promoting their launch tomorrow on Epic by messing with the release date info, otherwise why would a 2020 game appear at the top of this tab for ages?


Dec 8, 2018

wish they would sell them not as a bundle... Id like the play 2 again... but 1 is just to clunky these days
Wish they would release them on


Sep 20, 2018
Just finished TACOMA , which I got via the Humble Bundle offer.

It's a nice evolution on the Gone Home model. This time instead of merely having audio recordings, it's full 3D scenes and you can even pause and move backwards and forwards to listen to different people and events. There's also a lots of added interactivity in the form of finding these "virtual smartphones" that people use and being able to get infos on what they were doing at the time, like chatting with friends, or reading articles.

On the other hand, I must say that the actual story really didn't interest me (as opposed to the one in Gone Home, which moved me a lot). It's about AI and their rights due to reaching full consciousness. And it barely engages with the topic. Mostly it's about big evil corporation being a big evil corporation. The actual human stories also feel so very trite and unoriginal. Nothing in this game really moved me. Now, this is probably very subjective, and I assume some of you might feel different about it. Just didn't speak to me at all.


Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
Just finished TACOMA , which I got via the Humble Bundle offer.

It's a nice evolution on the Gone Home model. This time instead of merely having audio recordings, it's full 3D scenes and you can even pause and move backwards and forwards to listen to different people and events. There's also a lots of added interactivity in the form of finding these "virtual smartphones" that people use and being able to get infos on what they were doing at the time, like chatting with friends, or reading articles.

On the other hand, I must say that the actual story really didn't interest me (as opposed to the one in Gone Home, which moved me a lot). It's about AI and their rights due to reaching full consciousness. And it barely engages with the topic. Mostly it's about big evil corporation being a big evil corporation. The actual human stories also feel so very trite and unoriginal. Nothing in this game really moved me. Now, this is probably very subjective, and I assume some of you might feel different about it. Just didn't speak to me at all.
It was exatcly the same for me. I have difficulty understanding why, but in the end Tacoma never really grabbed me. The gameplay upgrades are good, and the setting should attract me way more, but the story never clicked. Maybe is has something to do with expectations. I played Gone Home without reading much about it (aside from the "you should play this") and even though I have no personal... "proximity"... with themes it explored by the end I was very invested on the tale and didn't mind the little misdirection at all. It was a simple story, but very well told.

Maybe because of that I approached Tacoma expecting too much, but the conclusion of the story wasn't nearly as effective. There was some good little moments in the side stories, but mostly it fell flat. As you said it is very subjective and I still think it is a decent experience, but nowhere near as memorable as Gone Home.
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Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
Nothing like a nice and relaxing read before going to bed:

So we have nothing to worry about (specially people in China). They don't want to keep people away from the games! That's a relief.....


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Love to see the receipts on the half billion. Say games range from $20 to $60, make a basic average of $40 so that is 12.5million games. Metro sold 2.5 time Last light which is about 125k. Did Division 2 sell 12 million copies? Hadas? Sure.
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Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
Love to see the receipts on the half billion. Say games range from $20 to $60, make a basic average of $40 so that is 12.5million games. Metro sold 2.5 time Last light which is about 125k. Did Division 2 sell 12 million copies? Hadas? Sure.
Solid data from Epic? We can "dream". JaseC on Era said something about they including the free activations since they are revenue to the developers. Makes sense, and with Subnautica and Slime Rancher with 4.5 millions downloads each, it makes getting to that $500m a lot easier.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Too much bs under the guise of a supposed to be balanced article that discusses both sides or whatever but in the end is just another form of Epic PR with the opposing side only mentioned to downplay it. They completely dismiss arguments by having even the people pondering the lack of benefits for the gamers proclaim the only issue with another store is minor inconvenience at worst (never mind most of these people were piling on the likes of the Windows Store for being shit just fine up until what seems like weeks ago, never mind everyone rejoicing when Halo & Bethesda games were announced for Steam, but now a shit service is okay and just a minor inconvenience, while conveniently ignoring the rest scandals/debacles) and then doing shit like in almost the same sentence talk about all the other stores like gog, origin, uplay, resellers and so on, yet also present worry about Steam's monopoly prior to EGS. Lol?

Also a pretense that developer exclusives like Valve's own games or EA's own games or titles acquired/fixed up by gog when nobody else cared about bringing them back are the same as buying up the release of existing games that were gonna come out on other stores before EGS came along. There was no backlash on gog because they offered things Steam didn't, there was backlash for Origin when it really sucked but it has since improved its usability and is for most inoffensive though they still buy non-EA games elsewhere, the same goes for UPlay where people have come to terms with using it for Ubisoft games since they had to get it in anyway even for their Steam releases, there was no backlash over Blizzard having their own launcher rather than getting on Steam, there was backlash at Bethesda's shitty service and, again, most of them agreed with that, but somehow Epic has to be different and special and be approved by all as the one and only true form of Steam competition because they bought out some games and media mouthpieces?

How do they pretend to not realize Epic simply must be fucking up in some way to get this kind of backlash despite their history on PC despite still being the holders of beloved titles and IP, and pretend people are out to obsessively defend Steam or misunderstand the concept of competition or capitalism when they magically didn't do anything of the sort for most of the other storefronts referenced to reinforce their points and so they work against them as they didn't get such backlash or if they did they stopped getting it once they got to a certain level of quality? They both downplay EGS competition as nothing new because of this or that store also existing prior but ignore said store didn't get that backlash or if it did they agreed with it. What are they on?
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Ex-User (307)

Dec 11, 2018

I get that Epic is a lackluster storefront that has a long way to go, and them stealing games like Metro Exodus at the last second is a little gross, but also that's capitalism at work. It seems silly to be mad at a company for using its capital to expand its business. On the other hand, Steam's monopoly on PC gaming is worrisome to me, even if it provides a lot of great infrastructure for developers to build off of. There are a lot of nuances that are worth talking about, but I just don't think arguing over exclusivity is one of them. Especially when we've already spent the last decade merely grumbling about it (and even then, I can't remember the last time I was pissed just because I had to boot up Origin).
oh my Goooooood shut up you tools.

edit: excuse me, wtf is wrong with these people:

As long as a game is on PC, why is such a big deal if we can only get it on Epic or Steam, or Origin or I guess in the era of being able to buy anything we want from a single online storefront—cough, Amazon, cough—we've grown used to the convenience of accessing our digital library of games from a single launcher. (You know how we used to access all our games from a single place? We walked over to our bookshelves.)
Imagine being such a smug piece of garbage, you wrote that sentence and thought it was worth submitting to your editor.

Kill me now.


Nov 4, 2018
How do they pretend to not realize Epic simply must be fucking up in some way to get this kind of backlash despite their history on PC despite still being the holders of beloved titles and IP, and pretend people are out to obsessively defend Steam or misunderstand the concept of competition or capitalism when they magically didn't do anything of the sort for most of the other storefronts referenced to reinforce their points and so they work against them as they didn't get such backlash or if they did they stopped getting it once they got to a certain level of quality? They both downplay EGS competition as nothing new because of this or that store also existing prior but ignore said store didn't get that backlash or if it did they agreed with it. What are they on?
The entire games industry has become very proficient at attacking and deriding its audience. Every time platform holders, publishers and developers want to push some anti-consumer crap on us we always get online reactions like "gamers are the worst", "gamers rise up", "it's just a small minority" etc, as well as elaborate think pieces by 'journalists' attempting to explain to us, usually in a derogatory tone, why this obviously horribly anti-consumer thing is actually good for us. It's the same reaction, every single time. "I am a games journalist, let me explain to you, the unwashed masses, why it's no big deal that the company that spends a lot money running ads on my employer's site is screwing you ever". Go fuck yourself.

This reads like another PR advertisement for Epic. Some of these editors don't even seem to know the difference between 1st party exclusives and 3rd party moneyhats. What a sad, sad shitshow this is...
Shitshow is exactly the right word for it.

Deleted member 113

Conan Unconquered is now available to pre-order on Steam:

The price is not as bad as I thought it would be.

And Unheard is now out, and like other NEXT Studios games, at a very affordable price:

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Just nothing
Oct 19, 2018
You know what Steam needs?

A true family share feature, where you can share with how many you want and there are no limits on when other can play your shared games
Current Family share only allow other play your shared games when you aren't playing.

It's too much Epic talk and no Steam talk, so I am trying to find something nice to discuss about :D
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Nov 2, 2018
You know what Steam needs?

A true family share feature, where you can share with how many you want and there are no limits on when other can play your shared games
Current Family share only allow other play your shared games when you aren't playing.

It's too much Epic talk and no Steam talk, so I am trying to find something nice to discuss about :D
When it comes to family sharing, personally I wish it was possible to separate games into a private library and shared library.
Games in the private library wouldn't be shared through family sharing, the account owner would be able to play games from the private library without affecting users that are accessing the shared library (though if the account owner would start playing a game from the shared library, the current family sharing rules would apply).

I think I tried suggesting this in the community hub years ago, but wasn't met with positive responses from other users (mostly replies defending publishers, saying that publishers wouldn't like this and such). <-<
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
That stuff by sanatana is beautiful. Exactly what I've been trying to say. The few indies who get on and receive a moneybag and sing Epic's praises don't care that this is not something "for indies" in general but just for the select few chosen with whatever criteria (mindshare for Epic at the moment, clearly it has to be flashy and what not on some level or otherwise prove itself). And how Steam past its initial stages opening access to ALL indies (and in such a fair manner with the exact same deals big publishers get, no preferential treatment here based on how much Sweeney likes you folks) to such a huge platform was a blessing and continues to be a blessing for everyone, while its problems are all related to growth and hard to tackle but they still try and keep evolving to the right direction, when Epic doesn't tackle them at all. Rami just shills for epic in hopes of getting a moneybag and doesn't care at all for the implications for 90% of the indies who don't. I guess anyone who doesn't get on (except himself, he's sure he'll get on) to him is one of the shovelware devs that flood Steam and must be the reason he's not getting the money he feels he's owed. Maybe if he never makes a game that attracts an Epic deal he'll sing a different tune. Or keep hoping.

And some people already try to just paint him as being bitter because he didn't get a deal or preferential treatment or whatever, ignoring everyone else on EGS did get said treatment. He wasn't even trying to book an exclusivity moneybag, just get his existing game on another store, going by what he said there at least,
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
That stuff by sanatana is beautiful. Exactly what I've been trying to say. The few indies who get on and receive a moneybag and sing Epic's praises don't care that this is not something "for indies" in general but just for the select few chosen with whatever criteria (mindshare for Epic at the moment, clearly it has to be flashy and what not on some level or otherwise prove itself). And how Steam past its initial stages opening access to ALL indies (and in such a fair manner with the exact same deals big publishers get, no preferential treatment here based on how much Sweeney likes you folks) to such a huge platform was a blessing and continues to be a blessing for everyone, while its problems are all related to growth and hard to tackle but they still try and keep evolving to the right direction, when Epic doesn't tackle them at all. Rami just shills for epic in hopes of getting a moneybag and doesn't care at all for the implications for 90% of the indies who don't. I guess anyone who doesn't get on (except himself, he's sure he'll get on) to him is one of the shovelware devs that flood Steam and must be the reason he's not getting the money he feels he's owed. Maybe if he never makes a game that attracts an Epic deal he'll sing a different tune. Or keep hoping.

And people already try to just paint him as just bitter because he didn't get a deal. He wasn't even trying to book an exclusivity moneybag or anything likely, just getting his existing game on another storefront, going by what he said at least, he didn't go in detail about that.
so basically everything we've all been saying would happen since the store announcement happened (more or less)

and yet - we're the volvo stans/fanboys and we're salty just because "muh Gaben" and it's "just another icon" and no one should ever listen to us because we're OBVIOUSLY wrong about everything


wish i could know if i can get excited for this game .... unfortunately i can't (i don't get excited for games that could potentially be 1+ year away) .... can't even be bothered to make a thread tbh
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
wish i could know if i can get excited for this game .... unfortunately i can't (i don't get excited for games that could potentially be 1+ year away) .... can't even be bothered to make a thread tbh
I suggest you make a thread a soon as the game can be bought on a store that we want to support.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Same. I'd love to play 'em, but I really don't want another client.
i mostly mean - it would be nice if those games (including old games from EA [Saboteur] or Ubi [Rayman]) were on everything else as well ... not just gog


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
This has potential

One of the comments says "too high speed, can't see anything only UI. borring gameplay" wtf? He was shooting down gigantic aircraft in super close range throughout the video, how was that not visible enough so that the UI took over his whole screen? It's not like he was using long range missiles like a flight sim.
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