Community MetaSteam | May 2021 - Wallets Gone

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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Did you play it back in the day? It is difficult for me to rate the game objectively, having been a huge fan of the xbox 360 game. The pacing of the game is pretty great with the balance between returning to the story content, sidequests and emotions in the village, visiting the beautiful sea and desert cities, and exploring the genre busting dungeons. The music is obviously fantastic, the best that has even been in an RPG game. The core team of characters look great and have superb voice acting, especially Liam O'Brien Grimoire Weiss. The story is a bit complicated, but mostly good. I felt utterly relaxed when sitting down to play Replicant for a couple of hours, but I have not had the time to play through the remake yet. I prefer the design of the dad main character, but I guess it is interesting in a way to experience the game a bit differently with the brother main character.
Yeah, I agree with all of this. I just finished the first ending of Replicant sqrt(1.5) and I can't wait to get back to it.

The one thing that was annoying -- and I don't consider this an issue of not "holding up" as much as already a design issue in the original game -- is the amount of materials needed in quite a few of the sidequests. I think the game would be better overall if almost all the material requirements for sidequests were simply reduced to ~1/3rd of what they are.

Luckily, I'm playing on PC now, so rather than doing multiple farming runs like I did back on the 360 I can just run Cheat Engine.


Nov 4, 2018
Did you play it back in the day? It is difficult for me to rate the game objectively, having been a huge fan of the xbox 360 game. The pacing of the game is pretty great with the balance between returning to the story content, sidequests and emotions in the village, visiting the beautiful sea and desert cities, and exploring the genre busting dungeons. The music is obviously fantastic, the best that has even been in an RPG game. The core team of characters look great and have superb voice acting, especially Liam O'Brien Grimoire Weiss. The story is a bit complicated, but mostly good. I felt utterly relaxed when sitting down to play Replicant for a couple of hours, but I have not had the time to play through the remake yet. I prefer the design of the dad main character, but I guess it is interesting in a way to experience the game a bit differently with the brother main character.
I haven't played it before as I only play games on PC. There are just so many fetch quests in the game, grinding is necessary to get upgrade materials and combat is ok but nothing special. As for the characters, with what I've seen so far their relationships don't feel earned. It feels as if characters create lifetime bonds within minutes. I still had a fun enough time with it but I am kinda disappointed because, based on what I've been hearing about it, I expected a classic.


Jun 3, 2020
Hard to tell since Xbox has done some ridiculous early preloads before. I think Gears 5 did like 4 months b4 release or it may have been something else.

My guess would be shortly after E3 so July.
were those early preloads the full game or just placeholder files
Looks like preload is unavailable now. Maybe Microsoft did something wrong with their store, as always.
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Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019

This was an interesting read, I remember reading somewhere else about the lack of diversity in esports and a lot of it had to do with someone's social economic background. So if you were White or Asian you would have a higher chance of being able to access a PC compared to if you were black or brown. The grass routes thing is also one of the big reasons as to why FGC stuff is popular with those that come from a low income background since it's just a lot easier to get access to and even stuff like running a tournament is a lot simpler as well since you just need a console and a TV and everyone can join in. I've hosted a smash tournament before and I've also been to a small one hosted by my friend and there was a big diversity in terms of the competitors, you had people of different ages and or different ethnic backgrounds.

The cash payout is an interesting topic because FGC don't typically tend to have a high payout and outside of EVO I don't think they tend to get as high of a view count compared to some other games. I even remember seeing this one meme (posted by this one person who is a member of UYU) where it's taking about the cash prize of stuff like DOTA2,LOL, Fortnite and then it shows how FGC basically gets peanuts.

Even In Japan the FGC does have the same issues of not that large of a prize pool, despite the relative popularity of the genre in Japan compared to other stuff. Even Daigo (who is among the best in Japan) doesn't earn nearly as much as what others do. Luckily there are some programs by some devs like Capcom that help them out from what I recall.

Companies like Valve have a battle pass and that's helps fund stuff like the international but the thing with FGC games is that sort of system wouldn't really work.

Anyway the FGC is pretty cool especially the early years stuff that that the article talks about but sadly it may not get the same attention as some of these other games get.

Something I'm wondering about is what about the opposite? By which I mean what about the parts of the world where consoles (even old retro ones) cost an arm and a leg especially seeing how here on MC we have a diverse international community with potential some people that grew up in a place were console were just too expensive to import and instead had to rely on internet cafes to play games, in the US a system like an internet cafe is a store that is destined to fail since internet is a lot easier to get a hold of compared to other places and if you want to play games and getting a PC is too expensive that's where a console comes into places. From what I recall because of their niche nature in the US internet cafes are expensive but in places in other places it's dirt cheap. South Korea is a weird example because it cost ~$1USD per hour but I would assume that in other parts of Asia that it might be closer to something like $3 per hour? (There are some part of the world where it can be as expensive as $10USD per hour from my understanding)

Does this make my post shorter?


Mar 12, 2019
This was an interesting read, I remember reading somewhere else about the lack of diversity in esports and a lot of it had to do with someone's social economic background. So if you were White or Asian you would have a higher chance of being able to access a PC compared to if you were black or brown. The grass routes thing is also one of the big reasons as to why FGC stuff is popular with those that come from a low income background since it's just a lot easier to get access to and even stuff like running a tournament is a lot simpler as well since you just need a console and a TV and everyone can join in. I've hosted a smash tournament before and I've also been to a small one hosted by my friend and there was a big diversity in terms of the competitors, you had people of different ages and or different ethnic backgrounds.

The cash payout is an interesting topic because FGC don't typically tend to have a high payout and outside of EVO I don't think they tend to get as high of a view count compared to some other games. I even remember seeing this one meme (posted by this one person who is a member of UYU) where it's taking about the cash prize of stuff like DOTA2,LOL, Fortnite and then it shows how FGC basically gets peanuts.

Even In Japan the FGC does have the same issues of not that large of a prize pool, despite the relative popularity of the genre in Japan compared to other stuff. Even Daigo (who is among the best in Japan) doesn't earn nearly as much as what others do. Luckily there are some programs by some devs like Capcom that help them out from what I recall.

Companies like Valve have a battle pass and that's helps fund stuff like the international but the thing with FGC games is that sort of system wouldn't really work.

Anyway the FGC is pretty cool especially the early years stuff that that the article talks about but sadly it may not get the same attention as some of these other games get.

Something I'm wondering about is what about the opposite? By which I mean what about the parts of the world where consoles (even old retro ones) cost an arm and a leg especially seeing how here on MC we have a diverse international community with potential some people that grew up in a place were console were just too expensive to import and instead had to rely on internet cafes to play games, in the US a system like an internet cafe is a store that is destined to fail since internet is a lot easier to get a hold of compared to other places and if you want to play games and getting a PC is too expensive that's where a console comes into places. From what I recall because of their niche nature in the US internet cafes are expensive but in places in other places it's dirt cheap. South Korea is a weird example because it cost ~$1USD per hour but I would assume that in other parts of Asia that it might be closer to something like $3 per hour? (There are some part of the world where it can be as expensive as $10USD per hour from my understanding)

Does this make my post shorter?
It's why people are really looking forward to Riot's fighting game. They have the appeal and money to back those tournaments. If they can't make the genre explode then the genre will continue to be niche.

I also don't know why you don't think the battle pass to fund a tournament won't work since FGs already do that. It's just by virtue of how big the audience is, it won't reach those numbers. Or is that what you meant and it's not worth it because it can't reach those numbers?


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
It's why people are really looking forward to Riot's fighting game. They have the appeal and money to back those tournaments. If they can't make the genre explode then the genre will continue to be niche.

I also don't know why you don't think the battle pass to fund a tournament won't work since FGs already do that. It's just by virtue of how big the audience is, it won't reach those numbers. Or is that what you meant and it's not worth it because it can't reach those numbers?
No what I mean about the battle pass is how other games handle it. Like say Apex you have a hundred levels and you rank up get stuff and it helps keep the game alive and money can be used for other stuff to keep the game going. I don't think a lot of money from that battle pass goes into funding tournament and stuff.

So what I was wondering about is the nature of fighting games and how can you use a battle pass with it. I'm not talking about monetization but more about what does the end user get out of it type of thing.

I didn't look too much into it but I think the only fighting game that currently has a battle pass? Is GBvs and people don't seem to like that battle pass or something. There are the season pass and stuff, is that what Fighting games use? If so that would make a lot of sense, since they do in a way provide some of the same end user stuff such as skins.

So say I looked at Tekken 7 and was thinking about buying there "battle pass" what would I get out of it? Would it just be skins or would I also get something else as well that would encourage me to play the game and thus result in being able to do stuff like find games (pvp stuff) more easily or will we be left with empty lobbies type of stuff?

(Sorry if I made that sound more confusing than it needed to be)

As for the Riot fighting game that will be interesting to see what becomes of it, maybe it will either be huge and be the main fighting game that everyone flocks to or it will still do okay and get a decent amount of players. I don't see it flopping but there is the chance that it will be like the other riot games where they are doing well but in general you don't hear to much about them (so they are being played by their target audience but you don't see a huge "bleeding" (I can't think of a better word, maybe leakage?) Into other non Riot stuff. Like how some stuff manages to escape it's community and is able to find it's way into other communities.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
This was an interesting read, I remember reading somewhere else about the lack of diversity in esports and a lot of it had to do with someone's social economic background. So if you were White or Asian you would have a higher chance of being able to access a PC compared to if you were black or brown. The grass routes thing is also one of the big reasons as to why FGC stuff is popular with those that come from a low income background since it's just a lot easier to get access to and even stuff like running a tournament is a lot simpler as well since you just need a console and a TV and everyone can join in. I've hosted a smash tournament before and I've also been to a small one hosted by my friend and there was a big diversity in terms of the competitors, you had people of different ages and or different ethnic backgrounds.

The cash payout is an interesting topic because FGC don't typically tend to have a high payout and outside of EVO I don't think they tend to get as high of a view count compared to some other games. I even remember seeing this one meme (posted by this one person who is a member of UYU) where it's taking about the cash prize of stuff like DOTA2,LOL, Fortnite and then it shows how FGC basically gets peanuts.

Even In Japan the FGC does have the same issues of not that large of a prize pool, despite the relative popularity of the genre in Japan compared to other stuff. Even Daigo (who is among the best in Japan) doesn't earn nearly as much as what others do. Luckily there are some programs by some devs like Capcom that help them out from what I recall.

Companies like Valve have a battle pass and that's helps fund stuff like the international but the thing with FGC games is that sort of system wouldn't really work.

Anyway the FGC is pretty cool especially the early years stuff that that the article talks about but sadly it may not get the same attention as some of these other games get.

Something I'm wondering about is what about the opposite? By which I mean what about the parts of the world where consoles (even old retro ones) cost an arm and a leg especially seeing how here on MC we have a diverse international community with potential some people that grew up in a place were console were just too expensive to import and instead had to rely on internet cafes to play games, in the US a system like an internet cafe is a store that is destined to fail since internet is a lot easier to get a hold of compared to other places and if you want to play games and getting a PC is too expensive that's where a console comes into places. From what I recall because of their niche nature in the US internet cafes are expensive but in places in other places it's dirt cheap. South Korea is a weird example because it cost ~$1USD per hour but I would assume that in other parts of Asia that it might be closer to something like $3 per hour? (There are some part of the world where it can be as expensive as $10USD per hour from my understanding)

Does this make my post shorter?
Back in the day when internet cafe were popular here people could play a lot of CS 1.6 so it was my first contact with eSports.

There also were arcades with fighing games, specifically Street Fighter and KoF and it was really popukar though I never saw a local FGC community forming here.

Nowadays it seems the biggest and most popular eSport game here is Free Fire. It's a F2P mobile battle royale that seems to run even in weaker phones so almost everyone can play it.
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✵ Chaos! ✵
Mar 26, 2020
Pretty cool to see folks mod RT into such an old game, aside from Quake 2, that is. Makes the game look like those old silicon graphics rendered stuff in the 90s.

If anyone here wants to try out the public version of the RT mod, you can use this build here: (if asked to replace files upon extraction, click yes).
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It's a Windows 10 x64 build that I've complied myself along with analog camera support. RT GI is enabled by default, but in case it isn't, you can enable it through the in-game option. Press Start then the Right Shoulder button to access. The console menu can also be accessed using F1, if you want to play around with the RT values. Expect a lot of noise, though. Only tested on Windows 2004 with latest Nvidia drivers.

DF is using a build with the Render96 texture pack that was given to them by Dario. I've tried the texture pack, but it doesn't seem to be compatible with the public RT mod. The textures & models load, but some of the RT stuff gets disabled.

Mod Github: DarioSamo/sm64rt


Steam New Releases Warrior
Dec 8, 2018
Somewhere else
Are Origin games language locked? CDkeys has the Mass Effect LE for 43 Euro but it shows only EN as a language.

I own all ME games + DLC on Origin and no fucking discount for ME LE. :(


👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018
That moment when you have proof that Windows Store generates more net revenue than the EGS in 2020, that's the moment you know you are F***ed
And my guess would've been, everyone uses it only for gamepass :p (which wouldn't show here)
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Dec 17, 2018
The PS5 has made me look forward to putting SSDs in my next PC. The lack of loading in Demons and Astros Playroom is really nice. The controller is also nice, but nothing that makes me say "oh wow", though, I assume Astros Playroom will be the peak for the controller, but would be glad to be wrong.
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Dec 20, 2018
Finished Gears 5, that last Act was the worst for multiple reasons and i won't spoil it. Overall i kinda liked Gears 4 more. Adding those open areas only added tedium in my opinion. Story is ok so are characters. But i must say that some things really should change no matter what. You still need to get in cover and then jump over objects or climb to higher positions for example. Why? Why can't i just get over obstacles in one button press instead of two? Also game could have used more calm moments that are not traversing empty land, doing arena fight after arena fight gets annoying fast.
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Oct 30, 2018
And my guess would've been, everyone uses it only for gamepass :p (which wouldn't show here)
Yet the top PC-only apps are ranked 18 and 19 with less than $2 million sales.


So, how can these PC publishers sell so much?

By the way, these two PC-only games have to be listed here, right?

So, among these:

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Dec 17, 2018
If Kena reviews well Im getting it on PS5 and then double dipping on Steam when that is out.

The PS5 is gonna end up being for exclusives, timed console exclusives (case by case basis) and an EGS exclusive avoidance machine.
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Mar 12, 2019
I'm having trouble following if there's a specific point. Granblue does have a battle pass and I believe it works exactly like Apex with things to unlock and daily/weekly challenges to help you level up it. It's not popular because it's easier to buy a battle pass in a F2P game rather than a game that came out at $60 then having to buy two character passes and then a battle pass. Content purchases in FGs are usually just skins, characters, and stages. FGs don't sell you incentives to play online. You play online because you want to play. If your game isn't Street Fighter and Tekken then you'll run into the empty lobby issue. That's just popular game in a particular genre vs less popular game in said same genre.

What I replied to was about the battle passes Valve has to feed into tournaments which Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat do. SF does a premier pass which gives you skins and a stage for about $20 which isn't "value" but it's made to give money towards the prize pool for that year.


If anyone found any good game deals before the sale ends I would appreciate it. Any historical lows or stuff that doesn't go on sale often.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
To be fair to Bethesda, they usually don't charge 84 euros to beta test their games, or if they do you at least get some silly gadget or decorative object as well.
Microsoft even offered me the beta kinect.
Yeah, I know, I should have asked them to pay me :thinking-blob:


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Let them fight. None of it will end up benefiting us as they'll put clauses in to siphon the funds or prices will go up to pay the exec suite.
I'm gonna start stockpiling GOG games :smart-thinking-blob:

edit: Yeah, the only way Tim will go after Sony is if they stop making him shit-tons of money.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Are Origin games language locked? CDkeys has the Mass Effect LE for 43 Euro but it shows only EN as a language.

I own all ME games + DLC on Origin and no fucking discount for ME LE. :(
they used to be ... not anymore, though

Where is epic when you need them.
making sony look like heroes



Question everything, learn nothing
Sep 17, 2019
Epic won't .. if you look at what timmy said in their own apple suit, he was even kinda excusing sony for the crossplay thing
And the emails talk about EGS being present on all platforms once the metaverse thing starts going. I don't know how anyone can take what Tim says at face value anymore.
  • This!
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👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018
Yet the top PC-only apps are ranked 18 and 19 with less than $2 million sales.


So, how can these PC publishers sell so much?

By the way, these two PC-only games have to be listed here, right?

So, among these:

Apps likely mean non-games.
Even if it could have games, it doesn't:
They are all but 2 subscription based apps. The remaining is free, ad supported apps. Probably not games.
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