Speaking of Mass Effect Andromeda, I enjoyed it a decent bit.
Definitely the best gameplay in the franchise, your character is finally fast and don't run like an old person in cities, there's lots of vertical movement and the game really makes use of it with a non insignificant amount of jumping puzzle.
Combat is very decent for a game of its kind, and it has both by far the largest amount of skills available for every class, but also the most freeform system (you can take and use whatever! But you get less passive buffs if you spread too much, makes sense) and a good amount of customization for every single skill, both actives and passives (with some interesting combo applications).
Writing wise, it's not amazing, but at least they bothered making races much more eclectic and less
Ameri-Humanity fuck yeah, I actually enjoyed the banter between Cora the human heavily into Asari traditions and Peebee the Asari that really don't give a shit about it.
Plus the factions and even the villains are not as black and white as the evil Reapers.
However, it does suffer from the same repetitively that the others suffer from, even with planets having more different archetypes and the level design reflecting it (less wide open plains in particular)... and mountains of boring tasks (though the "main" quests on the planets are okay if uninspired, focusing on them is probably a good idea).
Game's fairly good?
Still got a bit bored, and the itemization is still bland +1 upgrades (though weapons are really different even in the same category, an "old" semi auto shotgun doesn't feel like a slow explosive plasma one), but eh, game really got hit for little reason.

Except bugs and instability. Now that sucks, and it's still here.