Community MetaSteam | May 2023 - Bloody hell!

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Why not Factorio?




GT7 would probably be next year I guess. Roughly two years after its console release.

But I'm not sure Shadow of the Colossus is coming to pc. Never heard any rumors about it really.

Depends. They probably won't announce something solely pertaining to PC but a new PS5/PC project could be announced.

Yeah, it's a shame but SotC and The Last Guardian probably aren't coming. Same for Infamous, Killzone and The Order. They seem to be only porting the most popular games, games that are estimated to hit a certain sales target to justify the port, though with how things work on PC I'm sure all of them would be worth it eventually.
I think the Ueda games would be pretty popular.
Bloodborne is a weird case though, not sure what's up with that.
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Honestly if it was coming to PC we would have heard things by now.
With all respect, that's not how it works. There wasn't a single rumor about Spiderman and yet it released out of nowhere.
Nope. There was nothing on Spidey, no rumors, no leaks, nothing, but it happened.
Fuck, I just updated the page lmao
Why? They've done it prior

This is a showcase event, not a state of play. They haven't had one of these in about 2 years. It might sound like semantics but it is being assumed that this is going to be a bigger deal; a sort of soft relaunch of the PS5 now that supply chain issues have been resolved and a look at their vision of the Playstation brand going forward. So for example, we've known for a while now that Sony has something like 8-10 GAAS games in development. I expect this event is where they will officially reveal that these are the kinds of games they are working towards. Now one could say that the PC platform is also part of their vision for their brand but I have a feeling that they will be talking to Playstation customers only.

The only PC stuff you'll see from Sony at the showcase is MP stuff that's hitting PC same day so stuff like Factions.

Yup. If Bungie is working on some new GAAS thing and it gets revealed then it will release simultaneously on PS5 and PC. If they reveal that Naughty Dog is working on Uncharted 5 for example, then you can be sure that will also eventually land on PC but they're not going to talk about it. And I definitely don't think they're going to spend time talking about old games coming to PC.

spindoctor a confirmed Sith Lord

Yes, that is my day job :devilish:
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This is a showcase event, not a state of play. They haven't had one of these in about 2 years. It might sound like semantics but it is being assumed that this is going to be a bigger deal; a sort of soft relaunch of the PS5 now that supply chain issues have been resolved and a look at their vision of the Playstation brand going forward. So for example, we've known for a while now that Sony has something like 8-10 GAAS games in development. I expect this event is where they will officially reveal that these are the kinds of games they are working towards. Now one could say that the PC platform is also part of their vision for their brand but I have a feeling that they will be talking to Playstation customers only.

Yup. If Bungie is working on some new GAAS thing and it gets revealed then it will release simultaneously on PS5 and PC. If they reveal that Naughty Dog is working on Uncharted 5 for example, then you can be sure that will also eventually land on PC but they're not going to talk about it. And I definitely don't think they're going to spend time talking about old games coming to PC.

Yes, that is my day job :devilish:
You're probably right tbh, but I need some copium
  • Toucan
Reactions: lashman
With the showcase being over an hour long it wouldn't surprise me if Sony dedicates a 1 minute quick ad to show the upcoming PC ports. They keep talking about PC support so everyone knows its coming. And a lot of eyeballs will be on this show so it would be a wasted opportunity to not do it.

But assuming they do a Factions blowout that thing will basically be a good enough equivalent tbh. They'll do at least another State of Play before the end of the year so if nothing is announced this week we will get something later in the year for sure.
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Pripryat horror? So much 'nope' it could fill the sarcophagus over the power plant itself.

With the showcase being over an hour long it wouldn't surprise me if Sony dedicates a 1 minute quick ad to show the upcoming PC ports. They keep talking about PC support so everyone knows its coming. And a lot of eyeballs will be on this show so it would be a wasted opportunity to not do it.

But assuming they do a Factions blowout that thing will basically be a good enough equivalent tbh. They'll do at least another State of Play before the end of the year so if nothing is announced this week we will get something later in the year for sure.
My guess: if they discuss numbers, we'll hear how well most of their PC releases have been - a nice shiny graph or some sales numbers per year, but beyond that and 'also on PC' at the end of any trailers, it'll playstation consoles almost completely otherwise.
  • Toucan
Reactions: lashman
I like the open world GTA-style fused with some simple immersive sim gameplay.

I like playing with this mod

For its extra perks by completing missions in stealth.
Been really grinding in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. Finished Act 3.

I already talked about how I didn't mind the crusade system being a fan of the Heroes of Might and Magic series. Well I now just wish there was more of that part and less of the parts that are not that. It does grate and I can see why people would skip it.

The rest of the game has been great fun though. Love a crunchy rpg system where you can min max your way to the moon. Some truly overpowered stuff in here. And there are even some extremely overpowered enemies to match with if you want (optionally so far). But good Lord some of them are insane. Level drain on attack with like 4 attacks per round? Sheesh.
I really dislike games that do the whole multiple protagonists stuff and yakuza 5 after yakuza 4 is really trying my patience
In the last 2-3 years I played ALL the yakuza available on Steam (0, Y:LAD, kiwami 1, kiwami 2, 3,4,5,6, judgment 1, judgment 2). I'm kinda burned out so I've yet to play judgement 2's DLC and start Yakuza Ishin.

And I personally think that Y4 and Y5 were the series' lowest point, specifically because of the multiple characters (like you, I kinda had to force myself to keep playing). I mean, I loved Akiyama... but switching characters felt like starting the game over and over again. Having two characters like in Y0 is plenty enough. Y4 and Y5 are 75% bloat and if you really would like to see everything, I suggest you use a trainer. Man, I'd pay to see Saejima get clotheslined by a bear. Never again.
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My checklist other than the obvious thing about limited frame rate, refresh rate and resolution.

  • Skippable intros
  • Skippable Cinematics, but please don't flash the skip cinematic button for the entire cutscene, come on
  • Motion Blur, Chromatic Abomination, Grain Filter toggle in options menu
  • Hold button instead of mashing button option (I turn this on in every game now)
  • This!
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Reactions: LEANIJA and lashman
UK: Nvidia can't get Arm that is anticompetitive.

ARM 2 years later:

A new image from the Financial Times mentions ARM's current and future licensing policies, with Twitter user @korean_riceball having uploaded an image revealing how the British chip designer will make money moving forward. Instead of simply charging a licensing fee and royalty payments from companies like Qualcomm and MediaTek, ARM has added another condition to the mix; such entities cannot use their own GPU, NPU, modem, or ISP if granted a Cortex design.

For years now, we have seen companies like Apple not only use their own CPU designs, but custom GPUs, so does ARM’s latest licensing policy dictate that technology giants will not be able to use custom designs? No, because according to the image, firms like Apple and Samsung are unaffected by this decision because they have their own agreements with ARM, meaning that they are free to use their own ISP, GPU, NPU, modem, and other custom chips. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about other companies.

Same is happening with Xbox-ABK acquisition.
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Considering that apparently Virtuos is doing the remake, after seeing what happened with Aspyr and the KOTOR remake I can see Sony not being 100% willing to spend money
A warning for anyone playing the Battle Network games: Save. Save as often as you can.

It's kind of baffling they didn't include a basic auto save function when even SE managed to do that for the FF pixel remasters. Battle Network is a game where you can easily wander into an area that's too difficult for your current stats or find a copy of a boss you beat which makes them turn into semi random encounters (at low rates I imagine) and if you die you lose everything from last save. I lost over an hour of progress because while following the story I entered an optional thing you coudl log into and the enemies there decimated me in like 2 hits.
been disappointed by a couple critically acclaimed games lately:

Rollerdrome has pretty fun set of core mechanics that combine Tony Hawk-style extreme sports with Max Payne-esque bullet-time shooting, and with great art direction to boot. unfortunately, the actual game that Roll7 built around all that is rather lacking; it fails to significantly iterate or expand on its core mechanics much beyond the first few stages, even with a few new weapons, and levels are too long, with their repetitive level and encounter design getting stale awfully fast. I also found the most basic enemies to be the most fun to kill, which is kind of a problem for a shooter, and the game only intermittently lands the feeling of flow that should be so essential to such a combo- and score-driven game. Maybe it’s just that I suck at it, but it’s ultimately not for me; still worth checking out just to play around with the mechanics for a few stages, but I’d only recommend it on sale.

Killer7: I'm sorry, everyone, I really tried to get into this one, but I just couldn't get past the bizarre control scheme, poorly explained mechanics, questionable checkpointing, and infrequent save points. The art direction and weird atmosphere are great and this would be a much better game with some QOL tweaks and accessibility settings, but as is, I'd much rather watch a playthrough or a YouTube analysis video than attempt to struggle through this again.
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