Echoes of the Eye DLC for Outer Wilds finished (was on vacation last week or would have finished like 8 days ago). It's... a very mixed bag. There are a lot of the elements I love from OW in there, especially the first half is just great, but the second part is a big pile of boring / tedium really bogging down the last few big puzzles and learnings. I just truly don't understand why any of the gameplay there could be considered fun or interesting, it's just not. It also is extremely linear and discourages exploration and experimentation which is like, the antithesis of OW.
It sucks because like... there's a fair bit to like, if you love OW. But you have to put up with a LOT to get the full experience that is not only not like OW but not what I would consider "fun" or "interactive" for like 3 hours. OW is one of my top games of all time and while this delivers a few hours more of that experience it just does too much wrong to recommend. I think OW is better without it.