They dropped the ball so many ways it's hard to point to one thing. Going all in on Kinect? Sure. Always Online console debacle? Big one as well. Closing a lot of their longstanding studios and letting all that talent go? Yep. Focusing on bad, expensive deals with third parties instead of growing their own stuff? Also true. Never doing anything to grow the PC market where they literally have an OS monopoly? LOL. Focusing on a couple of the biggest territories and relegating Europe, Latam, Aisa, etc. to Tier 2 and Tier 3 territories? Of course.
There are just so many things they did wrong to list. And in a way, they are still doing it, throwing money at the problem buying "global" studios: $80B (what an insane number) on investments that somehow still don't cover tons their weaknesses, just doubles down on US centric, traditional popular franchises.
There are just so many things they did wrong to list. And in a way, they are still doing it, throwing money at the problem buying "global" studios: $80B (what an insane number) on investments that somehow still don't cover tons their weaknesses, just doubles down on US centric, traditional popular franchises.